Exemplo n.º 1
MResumePoint *
MResumePoint::New(MBasicBlock *block, jsbytecode *pc, MResumePoint *parent, Mode mode)
    MResumePoint *resume = new MResumePoint(block, pc, parent, mode);
    if (!resume->init(block))
        return NULL;
    return resume;
Exemplo n.º 2
MBasicBlock::NewSplitEdge(MIRGraph& graph, MBasicBlock* pred, size_t predEdgeIdx, MBasicBlock* succ)
    MBasicBlock* split = nullptr;
    if (!succ->pc()) {
        // The predecessor does not have a PC, this is a Wasm compilation.
        split = MBasicBlock::New(graph, succ->info(), pred, SPLIT_EDGE);
        if (!split)
            return nullptr;
    } else {
        // The predecessor has a PC, this is an IonBuilder compilation.
        MResumePoint* succEntry = succ->entryResumePoint();

        BytecodeSite* site = new(graph.alloc()) BytecodeSite(succ->trackedTree(), succEntry->pc());
        split = new(graph.alloc()) MBasicBlock(graph, succ->info(), site, SPLIT_EDGE);

        if (!split->init())
            return nullptr;

        // A split edge is used to simplify the graph to avoid having a
        // predecessor with multiple successors as well as a successor with
        // multiple predecessors.  As instructions can be moved in this
        // split-edge block, we need to give this block a resume point. To do
        // so, we copy the entry resume points of the successor and filter the
        // phis to keep inputs from the current edge.

        // Propagate the caller resume point from the inherited block.
        split->callerResumePoint_ = succ->callerResumePoint();

        // Split-edge are created after the interpreter stack emulation. Thus,
        // there is no need for creating slots.
        split->stackPosition_ = succEntry->stackDepth();

        // Create a resume point using our initial stack position.
        MResumePoint* splitEntry = new(graph.alloc()) MResumePoint(split, succEntry->pc(),
        if (!splitEntry->init(graph.alloc()))
            return nullptr;
        split->entryResumePoint_ = splitEntry;

        // The target entry resume point might have phi operands, keep the
        // operands of the phi coming from our edge.
        size_t succEdgeIdx = succ->indexForPredecessor(pred);

        for (size_t i = 0, e = splitEntry->numOperands(); i < e; i++) {
            MDefinition* def = succEntry->getOperand(i);
            // This early in the pipeline, we have no recover instructions in
            // any entry resume point.
            MOZ_ASSERT_IF(def->block() == succ, def->isPhi());
            if (def->block() == succ)
                def = def->toPhi()->getOperand(succEdgeIdx);

            splitEntry->initOperand(i, def);

        // This is done in the New variant for wasm, so we cannot keep this
        // line below, where the rest of the graph is modified.
        if (!split->predecessors_.append(pred))
            return nullptr;


    // Insert the split edge block in-between.
    split->end(MGoto::New(graph.alloc(), succ));

    graph.insertBlockAfter(pred, split);

    pred->replaceSuccessor(predEdgeIdx, split);
    succ->replacePredecessor(pred, split);
    return split;