Exemplo n.º 1
void JacobiSmoothFG( VT &sol, const MT &A, const VT &def )
// changes only the fine unknowns
// result in sol_vec; def_vec: correct defect before call, after call destroyed
	typename VT::Iterator viter(sol); 
	typename VT::VectorEntry ve; 
	const FAMGSparseVector *svsol  = sol.GetSparseVectorPtr();
	const FAMGSparseVector *svdef  = def.GetSparseVectorPtr();
	const FAMGSparseBlock *sb  = A.GetDiagSparseBlockPtr();
	double *solptr, *defptr, *matptr;

    short nr = sb->Get_nr();
    if(nr != sb->Get_nc()) assert(0);
    if(nr != svsol->Get_n()) assert(0);
    if(nr != svdef->Get_n()) assert(0);

    // todo: implement for more general vectors
    for(short i = 1; i < nr; i++)
        if(svsol->Get_comp(i) - svsol->Get_comp(i-1) != 1) assert(0);
        if(svdef->Get_comp(i) - svdef->Get_comp(i-1) != 1) assert(0);

    short sol_off = svsol->Get_comp(0);
    short def_off = svdef->Get_comp(0);

    double *decomp = new double[nr*nr]; 
    short *pivotmap = new short[nr]; 

		if( sol.IsFG(ve) )
            solptr = sol.GetValuePtr(ve)+sol_off;
            defptr = def.GetValuePtr(ve)+def_off;
            matptr = A.GetDiagValuePtr(ve);
            if(LR_Decomp(nr,decomp,pivotmap)) assert(0);
            if(LR_Solve(nr,decomp,pivotmap,solptr,defptr)) assert(0);
#ifdef USE_UG_DS
			// set coarse components to 0

    delete decomp;
    delete pivotmap;
Exemplo n.º 2
// split this M-tree into a list of trees having height level, which is used in the "splitting" phase of the BulkLoad algorithm
// nCreated is the number of created subtrees,
// level is the split level for the tree,
// children is the list of the parents of each subtree,
// name is the root for the subtrees names
// the return value is the list of splitted subtrees's names
GiSTlist<char *> *
MT::SplitTree (int *nCreated, int level, GiSTlist<MTentry *> *parentEntries, const char *name)
	GiSTlist<MTnode *> *oldList = new GiSTlist<MTnode *>;  // upper level nodes
	MTnode *node = new MTnode;  // this is because the first operation on node is a delete
	GiSTpath path;
	path.MakeRoot ();
	oldList->Append((MTnode *) ReadNode(path));  // insert the root
	do {  // build the roots list
		GiSTlist<MTnode *> *newList = new GiSTlist<MTnode *>;  // lower level nodes
		while (!oldList->IsEmpty()) {
			delete node;  // delete the old node created by ReadNode
			node = oldList->RemoveFront();  // retrieve next node to be examined
			path = node->Path();
			for (int i=0; i<node->NumEntries(); i++) {  // append all its children to the new list
				path.MakeChild ((*node)[i].Ptr()->Ptr());
				newList->Append((MTnode *)ReadNode(path));
				path.MakeParent ();
		delete oldList;
		oldList = newList;
	} while (node->Level() > level);  // stop if we're at the split level
	delete node;

	GiSTlist<char *> *newTreeNames = new GiSTlist<char *>;  // this is the results list
	while (!oldList->IsEmpty()) {  // now append each sub-tree to its root
		char newName[50];
		sprintf (newName, "%s.%i", name, ++(*nCreated));
		unlink (newName);  // if this M-tree already exists, delete it

		MT *newTree = new MT;
		newTree->Create(newName);  // create a new M-tree
		path.MakeRoot ();
		MTnode *rootNode = (MTnode *) newTree->ReadNode(path);  // read the root of the new tree

		node = oldList->RemoveFront();
		newTree->Append(rootNode, (MTnode *)node->Copy());  // append the current node to the root of new tree
		parentEntries->Append(node->ParentEntry());  // insert the original parent entry into the list
		newTreeNames->Append(strdup(newName));  // insert the new M-tree name into the list
		delete node;
		delete rootNode;
		delete newTree;
	delete oldList;
	return newTreeNames;
Exemplo n.º 3
void VecMinusMatVec( VT &d, const VT &f, const MT &M, const VT &u )
	typename VT::Iterator viter(d); 
	typename VT::VectorEntry row; 
	typename MT::MatrixEntry col; 
	double *dptr, *fptr, *uptr, *mptr;
	const FAMGSparseVector *svu  = u.GetSparseVectorPtr();
	const FAMGSparseVector *svf  = f.GetSparseVectorPtr();
	const FAMGSparseVector *svd  = d.GetSparseVectorPtr();
	const FAMGSparseBlock *sb  = M.GetSparseBlockPtr();
    const FAMGSparseBlock *sbd  = M.GetDiagSparseBlockPtr();
    FAMGSparseVector svsum_d, svsum_o;


    double *sum_d = new double[svsum_d.Get_maxcomp()+1];
    double *sum_o = new double[svsum_o.Get_maxcomp()+1];
		typename MT::Iterator miter(M,row);
        dptr = d.GetValuePtr(row);
        fptr = f.GetValuePtr(row);
        // diagonal 
        uptr = u.GetValuePtr(col.dest());
        mptr = M.GetValuePtr(col);
            uptr = u.GetValuePtr(col.dest());
            mptr = M.GetValuePtr(col);

    delete sum_d;
    delete sum_o;
Exemplo n.º 4
// append the subtree rooted at from to the node to, which is used in the "append" phase of the BulkLoad algorithm
MT::Append (MTnode *to, MTnode *from)
	GiSTlist<MTnode *> *oldList = new GiSTlist<MTnode *>;  // upper level nodes to append
	GiSTlist<GiSTpath> pathList;
	pathList.Append (to->Path());
	MTnode *node = new MTnode, *newNode = NULL;
	MT *fromTree = (MT *) from->Tree();
	do {
		GiSTlist<MTnode *> *newList = new GiSTlist<MTnode *>;  // lower level nodes to append
		while (!oldList->IsEmpty()) {
			delete node;
			node = oldList->RemoveFront();
			GiSTpath path = pathList.RemoveFront ();
			newNode = (MTnode *) ReadNode (path);  // node to be appended
			for (int i=0; i<node->NumEntries(); i++) {
				MTentry *entry = (MTentry *) (*node)[i].Ptr()->Copy();
				if (node->Level() > 0) {  // if node isn't a leaf, we've to allocate its children
					GiSTpath nodePath = node->Path();
					nodePath.MakeChild (entry->Ptr());
					newList->Append((MTnode *) fromTree->ReadNode(nodePath));
					entry->SetPtr(Store()->Allocate());  // allocate its child in the inserted tree
					path.MakeChild (entry->Ptr());
					MTnode *childNode = (MTnode *) CreateNode ();
					childNode->Path() = path;
					WriteNode (childNode);  // write the empty node
					delete childNode;
					pathList.Append (path);
					path.MakeParent ();
				delete entry;
			WriteNode (newNode);  // write the node
			delete newNode;
		delete oldList;
		oldList = newList;
	} while (node->Level() > 0);  // until we reach the leaves' level
	delete node;
	delete oldList;
Exemplo n.º 5
void SGSSmoother( VT &sol, const MT &M, VT &def )
// backward Gauss-Seidel
// result in sol_vec; def_vec: correct defect before call, after call destroyed
	typename VT::Iterator viter(def); 
	typename VT::RevIterator vReviter(def); 
	typename VT::VectorEntry row, col; 
	typename MT::MatrixEntry me; 
	register double sum, diag;
	int row_index;

    /* symmetric Gauss-Seidel */

		typename MT::Iterator miter(M,row);
		row_index = row.GetIndex();
		sum = def[row];
		diag = M[me];
			col = me.dest();
			if( col.GetIndex() < row_index )
				sum -= M[me] * def[col];
		def[row] = sum / diag;

		def[row] *= M.DiagValue(row);
		typename MT::Iterator miter(M,row);
		row_index = row.GetIndex();
		sum = def[row];
		diag = M[me];
			col = me.dest();
			if( col.GetIndex() > row_index )
				sum -= M[me] * def[col];
		def[row] = sum / diag;

	sol += def;	// update solution
Exemplo n.º 6
void JacobiSmoother( VT &sol, const MT &M, const VT &def )
// result in sol_vec; def_vec: correct defect before call, after call destroyed
	typename VT::Iterator viter(sol); 
	typename VT::VectorEntry ve; 

		sol[ve] += def[ve] / M.DiagValue(ve);

Exemplo n.º 7
void JacobiSmoothFG( VT &sol, const MT &M, const VT &def )
// changes only the fine unknowns
// result in sol_vec; def_vec: correct defect before call, after call destroyed
	typename VT::Iterator viter(sol); 
	typename VT::VectorEntry ve; 

#ifdef USE_UG_DS
		if( sol.IsFG(ve) )
			sol[ve] = def[ve] / M.DiagValue(ve);
			sol[ve] = 0;	// init other components
		if( sol.IsFG(ve) )
			sol[ve] += def[ve] / M.DiagValue(ve);

Exemplo n.º 8
void dampedJacobiSmoother( VT &sol, const MT &M, const VT &def )
// result in sol_vec; def_vec: correct defect before call, after call destroyed
    static const double omega = 2.0/3.0;

	typename VT::Iterator viter(sol); 
	typename VT::VectorEntry ve; 

		sol[ve] += omega * def[ve] / M.DiagValue(ve);

Exemplo n.º 9
void JacobiSmoothFGSimple( VT &sol, const MT &D, const VT &def )
// changes only the fine unknowns
// result in sol_vec; def_vec: correct defect before call, after call destroyed
	typename VT::Iterator viter(sol); 
	typename VT::VectorEntry ve; 
	const FAMGSparseVector *svsol  = sol.GetSparseVectorPtr();
	const FAMGSparseVector *svdef  = def.GetSparseVectorPtr();
	const FAMGSparseBlock *sb  = D.GetDiagSparseBlockPtr();
	double *solptr, *defptr, *matptr;

		if( sol.IsFG(ve) )
            solptr = sol.GetValuePtr(ve);
            defptr = def.GetValuePtr(ve);
            matptr = D.GetDiagValuePtr(ve);
Exemplo n.º 10
int ConstructGalerkinMatrix( MT &Mcg, const FAMGGrid &fg )
// this matrix lives on the coarse grid
// calculates Mcg := R * Mfg * P and with indices:
// Mcg_(i,j) := \sum_{s,t} R_(i,s) * Mfg_(s,t) * P_(t,j)
	typedef typename MT::Vector VT;
	const FAMGTransfer &transfer = *fg.GetTransfer();
	const typename MT::GridVector& fg_gridvec = (typename MT::GridVector&)fg.GetGridVector();
	const MT& Mfg = (MT&)*fg.GetConsMatrix();	// consistent matrix is essential here!
	const MT& Dfg = (MT&)*fg.GetDiagMatrix();
	const VT &tvA = *fg.GetVector(FAMGTVA);
	const VT &tvB = *fg.GetVector(FAMGTVB);
	typename MT::MatrixEntry mij, mis;
	typename VT::VectorEntry i_fg, i_cg, j_fg, j_cg, s_fg, s_cg, t_cg;
	FAMGTransferEntry *pjs, *pij, *pst;
	typename VT::Iterator viter(fg_gridvec);

#ifdef ModelP
	abort();// check the consistent mode of ALL occuring matrices!!! and remove this line then
    // cast because GetSparseBlockPtr returns a const FAMGSparseBlock * pointer
    FAMGSparseBlock *cmatsb_d = (FAMGSparseBlock *)Mcg.GetDiagSparseBlockPtr();
    FAMGSparseBlock *cmatsb_o = (FAMGSparseBlock *)Mcg.GetSparseBlockPtr();

    const FAMGSparseBlock *dmatsb = Dfg.GetDiagSparseBlockPtr();
    const FAMGSparseBlock *fmatsb_o = Mfg.GetSparseBlockPtr();
    const FAMGSparseBlock *fmatsb_d = Mfg.GetDiagSparseBlockPtr();
    const FAMGSparseVector *sp = transfer.Get_sp();
    const FAMGSparseVector *sr = transfer.Get_sr();
    const FAMGSparseVector *tvAsv = tvA.GetSparseVectorPtr();
    const FAMGSparseVector *tvBsv = tvB.GetSparseVectorPtr();
    double *tvAptr, *tvBptr; 

    FAMGSparseBlock sb_o_p, sb_r_o, sb_r_o_p, sb_r_d_p, sb_r_dmat_p; // only offdiagonal blocks

    // sb_r_dmat_p.Product(sr,dmatsb,sp);
    sb_r_dmat_p = (*fmatsb_o);

    // chech sparse block structure
    if(cmatsb_o->CheckStructureforAdd(fmatsb_o)) return 1;
    if(cmatsb_o->CheckStructureforAdd(&sb_o_p)) return 1;
    if(cmatsb_o->CheckStructureforAdd(&sb_r_o)) return 1;
    if(cmatsb_o->CheckStructureforAdd(&sb_r_o_p)) return 1;
    if(cmatsb_o->CheckStructureforAdd(&sb_r_dmat_p)) return 1;
    if(cmatsb_d->CheckStructureforAdd(fmatsb_d)) return 1;
    if(cmatsb_d->CheckStructureforAdd(&sb_r_d_p)) return 1;
    if(cmatsb_d->CheckStructureforAdd(&sb_o_p)) return 1;
    if(cmatsb_d->CheckStructureforAdd(&sb_r_o)) return 1;
    if(cmatsb_d->CheckStructureforAdd(&sb_r_o_p)) return 1;
    if(cmatsb_d->CheckStructureforAdd(&sb_r_dmat_p)) return 1;

    short maxoffset = sb_o_p.Get_maxoffset();
    maxoffset = Max(maxoffset,sb_r_o.Get_maxoffset());
    maxoffset = Max(maxoffset,sb_r_o_p.Get_maxoffset());
    maxoffset = Max(maxoffset,sb_r_dmat_p.Get_maxoffset());
    maxoffset = Max(maxoffset,sb_r_d_p.Get_maxoffset());

    double *val = new double[maxoffset+1];
    double *diaginv = new double[dmatsb->Get_maxoffset()+1];

	while (viter(i_fg) )
#ifdef ModelP
		if ( IS_FAMG_GHOST(((FAMGugVectorEntryRef*)(i_fg.GetPointer()))->myvector()) )
			// repair coarse grid matrix of border vector, if it has no diagonal matrix entry
			if (fg_gridvec.IsCG(i_fg) )

				typename MT::Iterator mijiter(Mcg,i_cg);

				if( mijiter(mij) )	// test first matrix entry of i_cg
					if( mij.dest() != i_cg )
						Mcg.AddEntry(0.0, i_cg, i_cg);	// has no diag entry yet
				else // i_cg has no matrix entry
					Mcg.AddEntry(0.0, i_cg, i_cg);

		// i is now in core partition

		if (fg_gridvec.IsCG(i_fg) )
			// i is coarse
			typename MT::Iterator mijiter(Mfg,i_fg);
			while( mijiter(mij) )
				j_fg = mij.dest();
				if( fg_gridvec.IsCG(j_fg) )
					// Mcg.AddEntry(Mfg[mij], i_cg, j_cg);               // Mcc
					if(i_cg == j_cg) Mcg.AddEntry(fmatsb_d,Mfg.GetValuePtr(mij), i_cg, j_cg);
                    else Mcg.AddEntry(fmatsb_o,Mfg.GetValuePtr(mij), i_cg, j_cg);    // Mcc
					for( pjs=transfer.GetFirstEntry(j_fg); pjs != NULL; pjs = pjs->GetNext())
                        Mcg.AddEntry(&sb_o_p,val,i_cg, s_cg);

						// Mcg.AddEntry(Mfg[mij]*pjs->GetProlongation(), i_cg, s_cg);      // Mcf*P
			// i is fine

			typename MT::Iterator misiter(Mfg,i_fg);
			while( misiter(mis) )
				s_fg = mis.dest();

				for( pij=transfer.GetFirstEntry(i_fg); pij != NULL; pij = pij->GetNext())

					if( fg_gridvec.IsCG(s_fg) )
						// pij is equivalent to rji 
						// Mcg.AddEntry(pij->GetRestriction()*Mfg[mis], j_cg, s_cg);          // R*Mfc
                         Mcg.AddEntry(&sb_r_o,val,j_cg, s_cg);
                        // s is fine 
                        if(s_fg == i_fg)
                            // special treatment for the A_{i,i} to keep block sparsity pattern  
                            for( pst=transfer.GetFirstEntry(s_fg); pst != NULL; pst = pst->GetNext())
                                // pij is equivalent to rji
                                // Mcg.AddEntry(pij->GetRestriction()*Mfg[mis]*pst->GetProlongation(), j_cg, t_cg);// R*Mff*P
                                //Mcg.AddEntry(&sb_r_d_p,val,j_cg, j_cg); // lump to diagonal
                                Mcg.AddEntry(&sb_r_d_p,val,t_cg, t_cg); // lump to diagonal
                                // todo: make sure lumping preserves filter condition
                                if(j_cg != t_cg)
                                    // SparseBlockMInvertDiag(dmatsb, diaginv, Dfg.GetValuePtr(mis));
                                    // SparseBlockMMProduct(&sb_r_dmat_p,sr,dmatsb,sp,val,pij->GetRestrictionPtr(),diaginv,pst->GetProlongationPtr());
                                    tvAptr = tvA.GetValuePtr(t_cg); tvBptr = tvB.GetValuePtr(t_cg);
                                    // SparseBlockGalDiagApproxT(&sb_r_dmat_p,sr,fmatsb_d,sp,tvBsv,val,pij->GetRestrictionPtr(),Mfg.GetValuePtr(mis),pst->GetProlongationPtr(),tvBptr);
                                    Mcg.AddEntry(&sb_r_dmat_p,val,j_cg, t_cg); 
                                    // Mcg.AddEntry(&sb_r_dmat_p,val,j_cg, j_cg,-1.0); 
                                    Mcg.AddEntry(&sb_r_dmat_p,val,t_cg, t_cg,-1.0); 
                            for( pst=transfer.GetFirstEntry(s_fg); pst != NULL; pst = pst->GetNext())
                                // pij is equivalent to rji
                                // Mcg.AddEntry(pij->GetRestriction()*Mfg[mis]*pst->GetProlongation(), j_cg, t_cg);// R*Mff*P
                                Mcg.AddEntry(&sb_r_o_p,val,j_cg, t_cg);

    delete val;
    delete diaginv;

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 11
void MarkStrongLinks(const MT &A, const FAMGGrid &grid)
	typedef typename MT::Vector VT;
	const typename MT::GridVector& gridvec = (typename MT::GridVector&)grid.GetGridVector();
	typename MT::MatrixEntry matij;
	typename VT::VectorEntry vi;
	typename VT::Iterator viter(gridvec);

    double rlist[20], llist[20], mij, mji, rmax, lmax;
    int z, y;
    const double sigma = FAMGGetParameter()->Getsigma();
    const int minsl = 2 - 1;

	while (viter(vi))
        for(z = 0; z <= minsl; z++)
            rlist[z] = llist[z] = 0.0;

        typename MT::Iterator mij_iter(A,vi);
        mij_iter(matij); // skip diagonal
        while( mij_iter(matij) )
            mij = Abs(A[matij]);
            mji = Abs(A.GetAdjData(matij));

            for(z = minsl; z >= 0; z--)
                if (mij < rlist[z]) break;
            for(y = minsl; y > z+1; y--)
                rlist[y] = rlist[y-1];
            if(z+1 <= minsl) rlist[z+1] = mij;

            for(z = minsl; z >= 0; z--)
                if (mji < llist[z]) break;
            for(y = minsl; y > z+1; y--)
                llist[y] = llist[y-1];
            if(z+1 <= minsl) llist[z+1] = mji;            

        rmax = rlist[minsl]*sigma; 
        lmax = llist[minsl]*sigma; 

        while( mij_iter(matij) )
            mij = Abs(A[matij]);
            mji = Abs(A.GetAdjData(matij));
            if((mij > rmax) || (mji > lmax)) 
            else matij.set_strong(0);

Exemplo n.º 12
int ConstructGalerkinMatrix( MT &Mcg, const FAMGGrid &fg )
// this matrix lives on the coarse grid
// calculates Mcg := R * Mfg * P and with indices:
// Mcg_(i,j) := \sum_{s,t} R_(i,s) * Mfg_(s,t) * P_(t,j)
	typedef typename MT::Vector VT;
	const FAMGTransfer &transfer = *fg.GetTransfer();
	const typename MT::GridVector& fg_gridvec = (typename MT::GridVector&)fg.GetGridVector();
	const MT& Mfg = (MT&)*fg.GetConsMatrix();	// consistent matrix is essential here!
	typename MT::MatrixEntry mij, mis;
	typename VT::VectorEntry i_fg, i_cg, j_fg, j_cg, s_fg, s_cg, t_cg;
	FAMGTransferEntry *pjs, *pij, *pst;

	typename VT::Iterator viter(fg_gridvec);

// the next lines are for debugging only:
//MATDATA_DESC *tmpA = ((FAMGugMatrix*)fg.GetConsMatrix())->GetMatDesc();
//GRID *tmpgrid = fg.GetugGrid();
//int tmpflevel = GLEVEL(tmpgrid);
//printf("%d: GalerkinAss finelevel = %d\n",me,tmpflevel); prvGeom(tmpflevel,0); primGeom(tmpflevel); prmGeom(tmpflevel,MD_SCALCMP(tmpA)); prvGeom(tmpflevel-1,0);

	while (viter(i_fg) )
#ifdef ModelP
		if ( IS_FAMG_GHOST(((FAMGugVectorEntryRef*)(i_fg.GetPointer()))->myvector()) )
			// repair coarse grid matrix of border vector, if it has no diagonal matrix entry
			if (fg_gridvec.IsCG(i_fg) )

				typename MT::Iterator mijiter(Mcg,i_cg);

				if( mijiter(mij) )	// test first matrix entry of i_cg
					if( mij.dest() != i_cg )
						Mcg.AddEntry(0.0, i_cg, i_cg);	// has no diag entry yet
				else // i_cg has no matrix entry
					Mcg.AddEntry(0.0, i_cg, i_cg);

		// i is now in core partition

		if (fg_gridvec.IsCG(i_fg) )
			// i is coarse
			typename MT::Iterator mijiter(Mfg,i_fg);
			while( mijiter(mij) )
				j_fg = mij.dest();
				if( fg_gridvec.IsCG(j_fg) )
					Mcg.AddEntry(Mfg[mij], i_cg, j_cg);               // Mcc
					//printf("%d: G%d[%d] Mcc i f%d[%d] c%d[%d] j f%d[%d] c%d[%d] Mfg[mij]=%g\n",me, prvec(i_cg),
					//	prvec(i_fg),prvec(i_cg),prvec(j_fg),prvec(j_cg),Mfg[mij]);
					for( pjs=transfer.GetFirstEntry(j_fg); pjs != NULL; pjs = pjs->GetNext())
						Mcg.AddEntry(Mfg[mij]*pjs->GetProlongation(), i_cg, s_cg);      // Mcf*P
						//printf("%d: G%d[%d] Mcf*P i f%d[%d] c%d[%d] j f%d[%d] s c%d[%d] Mfg[mij]=%g pjs=%g Mfg[mij]*pjs=%g\n",me, prvec(i_cg),
						//	prvec(i_fg),prvec(i_cg),prvec(j_fg),prvec(s_cg),Mfg[mij],pjs->GetProlongation(),Mfg[mij]*pjs->GetProlongation());

			// i is fine

			typename MT::Iterator misiter(Mfg,i_fg);
			while( misiter(mis) )
				s_fg = mis.dest();

				for( pij=transfer.GetFirstEntry(i_fg); pij != NULL; pij = pij->GetNext())

					if( fg_gridvec.IsCG(s_fg) )
						// pij is equivalent to rji 
						Mcg.AddEntry(pij->GetRestriction()*Mfg[mis], j_cg, s_cg);          // R*Mfc
						//printf("%d: G%d[%d] R*Mfc j c%d[%d] i f%d[%d] s f%d[%d] c%d[%d] rji=%g Mfg[mis]=%g rji*Mfg[mis]=%g\n",me, prvec(j_cg),
						//	prvec(j_cg),prvec(i_fg),prvec(s_fg),prvec(s_cg),pij->GetRestriction(), Mfg[mis], pij->GetRestriction()*Mfg[mis] );
					{	// s is fine 
						for( pst=transfer.GetFirstEntry(s_fg); pst != NULL; pst = pst->GetNext())
							// pij is equivalent to rji
							Mcg.AddEntry(pij->GetRestriction()*Mfg[mis]*pst->GetProlongation(), j_cg, t_cg);// R*Mff*P
							//printf("%d: G%d[%d] R*Mff*P j c%d[%d] i f%d[%d] s f%d[%d] t c%d[%d] rji=%g Mfg[mis]=%g pst=%g rji*Mfg[mis]*pst=%g\n",me, prvec(j_cg),
							//	prvec(j_cg),prvec(i_fg),prvec(s_fg),prvec(t_cg),pij->GetRestriction(),Mfg[mis],pst->GetProlongation(),pij->GetRestriction()*Mfg[mis]*pst->GetProlongation() );


	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 13
 // no need of special traversal
 template<typename MT> V_type fortran_view (MT const &x) { return (x.indexmap().memory_layout_is_c() ? x.transpose() : x);}
Exemplo n.º 14
// load this M-tree with n data using the BulkLoad algorithm [CP98]
// data is an array of n entries
// padFactor is the maximum node utilization (use 1)
// name is the name of the tree
MT::BulkLoad (MTentry **data, int n, double padFactor, const char *name)
	int size = 0;
	if (EntrySize()) {
		size = n * (sizeof(GiSTpage) + EntrySize());  // (only valid if we've fixed size entries)
	} else {
		for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
			size += sizeof(GiSTlte) + sizeof(GiSTpage) + data[i]->CompressedLength();
	int totSize = size + GIST_PAGE_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof(GiSTlte);

	if (totSize > Store()->PageSize()) {  // we need to split the entries into several sub-trees
		int numEntries = (int)(Store()->PageSize()*padFactor*n) / totSize;
		int s = (int) MAX (MIN (numEntries, ceil(((float)n)/numEntries)), numEntries*MIN_UTIL);  // initial number of samples
		int nSamples, *samples = new int[s], *sizes = NULL, *ns = NULL, iter = 0, MAXITER = s * s;
		GiSTlist<double *> *distm = (GiSTlist<double *> *) calloc (s, sizeof(GiSTlist<double *>));  // relative distances between samples
		int MINSIZE = (int) (Store()->PageSize()*MIN_UTIL), addEntrySize = EntrySize() ? sizeof(GiSTpage) : sizeof(GiSTlte)+sizeof(GiSTpage);
		GiSTlist<int> *lists = NULL;  // set for each sample set
		GiSTlist<double> *dists = NULL;  // set for distance between each sample and its members
		BOOL *bSampled = new BOOL[n];  // is this entry in the samples set?

		// sampling phase
		do {
			if (iter > 1) {  // this is a new sampling phase
				while (!lists[0].IsEmpty()) {
					lists[0].RemoveFront ();
					dists[0].RemoveFront ();
				delete []lists;
				delete []dists;
				delete []sizes;
				delete []ns;
				while (!distm[0].IsEmpty()) {
					delete []distm[0].RemoveFront();  // empty the distance list
				for (int i=1; i<s; i++) {
					distm[i].front = distm[i].rear = NULL;
			if (iter >= MAXITER) {
				cout << "Too many loops in BulkLoad!"<<endl<<"Please select a lower minimum node utilization or a bigger node size."<<endl;

			for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
				bSampled[i] = FALSE;
			nSamples = 0;
			// pick s samples to create parents
			while (nSamples < s) {
				int i;
				do {
					i = PickRandom (0, n);
				} while (bSampled[i]);
				bSampled[i] = TRUE;
				samples[nSamples++] = i;

			lists = new GiSTlist<int>[s];
			dists = new GiSTlist<double>[s];
			sizes = new int[s];
			ns = new int[s];
			for (int i=0; i<s; i++) {
				sizes[i] = GIST_PAGE_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof(GiSTlte);
				ns[i] = 1;
				distm[i].Prepend (new double[s]);

			// compute the relative distances between samples
			for (int i=0; i<s; i++) {
				for (int j=0; j<i; j++) {
					distm[j].front->entry[i] = distm[i].front->entry[j] = data[samples[j]]->object().distance(data[samples[i]]->object());
				distm[i].front->entry[i] = 0;

			// assign each entry to its nearest parent
			for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
				if (bSampled[i]) {
					int j = 0;
					for (; samples[j]!=i; j++);  // find this entry in the samples set and return position in it
					lists[j].Prepend (i);  // insert the entry in the right sample
					dists[j].Prepend (0);  // distance between sample and data[i]
					sizes[j] += addEntrySize + data[i]->CompressedLength();
				} else {  // here we optimize the distance computations (like we do in the insert algorithm)
					double *dist = new double[s];  // distance between this non-sample and samples
					dist[0] = data[samples[0]]->object().distance(data[i]->object());
					int minIndex = 0;
					for (int j=1; j<s; j++) {  // seek the nearest sample
						dist[j] = -MaxDist();
						if (fabs (data[samples[j]]->Key()->distance - data[i]->Key()->distance) >= dist[minIndex]) {  // pruning
						BOOL flag = TRUE;
						for (int k=0; k<j && flag; k++) {  // pruning (other samples)
							if (dist[k] < 0) {
							} else {
								flag = fabs (dist[k] - distm[j].front->entry[k]) < dist[minIndex];
						if (!flag) {
						dist[j] = data[samples[j]]->object().distance(data[i]->object());  // have to compute this distance
						if (dist[j] < dist[minIndex]) {
							minIndex = j;
					lists[minIndex].Append (i);  // insert the entry in the right sample
					dists[minIndex].Append (dist[minIndex]);  // distance between sample and data[i]
					sizes[minIndex] += addEntrySize + data[i]->CompressedLength();
					sizes[minIndex] >= MINSIZE ? delete []dist : distm[minIndex].Append (dist);  // correspond with lists

			// redistribute underfilled parents
			int i;
			while (sizes[i = FindMin (sizes, nSamples)] < MINSIZE) {
				GiSTlist<int> list = lists[i];  // each sample set
				while (!dists[i].IsEmpty()) {  // clear distance between each sample and its members
					dists[i].RemoveFront ();

				// substitute this set with last set
				for (int j=0; j<nSamples; j++) {
					for (GiSTlistnode<double *> *node=distm[j].front; node; node=node->next) {
						node->entry[i] = node->entry[nSamples-1];
				GiSTlist<double *> dlist = distm[i];  // relative distances between sample[i] and other samples, reposition by myself

				distm[i] = distm[nSamples-1];
				lists[i] = lists[nSamples-1];
				dists[i] = dists[nSamples-1];
				samples[i] = samples[nSamples-1];
				sizes[i] = sizes[nSamples-1];
				ns[i] = ns[nSamples-1];
				while (!list.IsEmpty()) {  // assign each entry to its nearest parent
					double *dist = dlist.RemoveFront ();  // relative distances between sample[i] (old) and other samples (old)
					int minIndex = -1;
					for (int j=0; j<nSamples && minIndex<0; j++) {  // search for a computed distance
						if (dist[j] > 0) {
							minIndex = j;
					int k = list.RemoveFront ();
					if (minIndex < 0) {  // no distance was computed (i.e. all distances were pruned)
						dist[0] = data[samples[0]]->object().distance(data[k]->object());
						minIndex = 0;
					for (int j=0; j<nSamples; j++) {
						if (j == minIndex) {
						if (dist[j] < 0) {  // distance wasn't computed
							if (fabs (data[samples[j]]->Key()->distance - data[k]->Key()->distance) >= dist[minIndex]) {
								continue;  // pruning
							BOOL flag = TRUE;
							for (int i=0; i<j && flag; i++) { // pruning (other samples)
								if (dist[i] < 0) {
								} else {
									flag = fabs (dist[i] - distm[j].front->entry[i]) < dist[minIndex];
							if (!flag) {
							dist[j] = data[samples[j]]->object().distance(data[k]->object());  // have to compute this distance
						if (dist[j] < dist[minIndex]) {
							minIndex = j;
					lists[minIndex].Append (k);
					dists[minIndex].Append (dist[minIndex]);
					sizes[minIndex] += addEntrySize + data[k]->CompressedLength();
					sizes[minIndex] >= MINSIZE ? delete []dist : distm[minIndex].Append (dist);  // correspond with lists
				assert (dlist.IsEmpty());  // so is the list
		} while (nSamples == 1);  // if there's only one child, repeat the sampling phase
		MTentry ***array = new MTentry **[nSamples];  // array of the entries for each sub-tree
		for (int i=0; i<nSamples; i++) {  // convert the lists into arrays
			array[i] = new MTentry *[ns[i]];
			for (int j=0; j<ns[i]; j++) {
				array[i][j] = (MTentry *) data[lists[i].RemoveFront ()]->Copy();
				array[i][j]->Key()->distance = dists[i].RemoveFront ();
			assert (lists[i].IsEmpty());
			assert (dists[i].IsEmpty());
		delete []lists;
		delete []dists;
		delete []sizes;
		delete []bSampled;
		for (int i=0; i<nSamples; i++) {
			while (!distm[i].IsEmpty()) {
				delete [](distm[i].RemoveFront());
		free (distm);

		// build an M-tree under each parent
		int nInit = nSamples;
		MT *subtree = new MT;
		GiSTlist<char *> subtreeNames;  // list of the subtrees names
		GiSTlist<MTentry *> topEntries;  // list of the parent entries of each subtree
		int nCreated = 0, minHeight = MAXINT;
		char newName[50];
		for (int i=0; i<nInit; i++) {
			sprintf (newName, "%s.%i", name, ++nCreated);
			unlink (newName);
			subtree->Create(newName);  // create the new subtree
			subtree->BulkLoad(array[i], ns[i], padFactor, newName);  // build the subtree

			GiSTpath path;
			path.MakeRoot ();
			MTnode *subtreeRoot = (MTnode *) subtree->ReadNode(path);
			if (subtreeRoot->IsUnderFull(*Store())) {  // if the subtree root node is underfilled, we have to split the tree
				GiSTlist<MTentry *> *parentEntries = new GiSTlist<MTentry *>;
				GiSTlist<char *> *newTreeNames = subtree->SplitTree(&nCreated, subtree->TreeHeight()-1, parentEntries, name);  // split the tree
				while (!newTreeNames->IsEmpty()) {  // insert all the new trees in the subtrees list
					subtreeNames.Append (newTreeNames->RemoveFront());
					MTentry *entry = parentEntries->RemoveFront();
					for (int j=0; j<n; j++) {
						if (data[j]->object() == entry->object()) {  // append the parent entry to the list
							topEntries.Append (data[j]);
					delete entry;
				delete newTreeNames;
				delete parentEntries;
				minHeight = MIN (minHeight, subtree->TreeHeight()-1);
			} else {
				subtreeNames.Append (strdup(newName));
				topEntries.Append (data[samples[i]]);
				minHeight = MIN (minHeight, subtree->TreeHeight());
			delete subtreeRoot;
			delete subtree->Store();  // it was created in subtree->Create()
		delete []samples;
		for (int i=0; i<nInit; i++)  {
			for (int j=0; j<ns[i]; j++) {
				delete array[i][j];
			delete []array[i];
		delete []array;
		delete []ns;

		// fix the subtree height
		GiSTlist<char *> subtreeNames2;  // list of the subtrees names
		GiSTlist<MTentry *> topEntries2;  // list of the parent entries of each subtree
		while (!topEntries.IsEmpty()) {  // insert the trees in the list (splitting trees if necessary)
			MTentry *parentEntry = topEntries.RemoveFront ();
			char *tmp = subtreeNames.RemoveFront ();
			strcpy (newName, tmp);
			delete []tmp;
			if (subtree->TreeHeight() > minHeight) {  // we have to split the tree to reduce its height
				GiSTlist<MTentry *> *parentEntries = new GiSTlist<MTentry *>;
				GiSTlist<char *> *newTreeNames = subtree->SplitTree(&nCreated, minHeight, parentEntries, name);  // split the tree
				while (!newTreeNames->IsEmpty()) {  // insert all the new trees in the subtrees list
					subtreeNames2.Append (newTreeNames->RemoveFront());
					MTentry *entry = parentEntries->RemoveFront();
					for (int j=0; j<n; j++) {
						if (data[j]->object() == entry->object()) {  // append the parent entry to the parents list
							topEntries2.Append (data[j]);
					delete entry;
				delete newTreeNames;
				delete parentEntries;
			} else {  // simply insert the tree and its parent entry to the lists
				subtreeNames2.Append (strdup(newName));
				topEntries2.Append (parentEntry);
			delete subtree->Store();  // it was created in tree->Open()

		// build the super tree upon the parents
		MTentry **topEntrArr = new MTentry *[nSamples];  // array of the parent entries for each subtree
		char **subNameArr = new char *[nSamples];  // array of the subtrees names
		for (int i=0; i<nSamples; i++) {  // convert the lists into arrays
			topEntrArr[i] = topEntries2.RemoveFront ();
			subNameArr[i] = subtreeNames2.RemoveFront ();
		assert (topEntries2.IsEmpty());
		assert (subtreeNames2.IsEmpty());
		sprintf (newName, "%s.0", name);
		BulkLoad (topEntrArr, nSamples, padFactor, newName);
		// attach each subtree to the leaves of the super tree
		GiSTpath path;
		path.MakeRoot ();
		MTnode *node = (MTnode *) ReadNode (path);
		GiSTlist<MTnode *> *oldList = new GiSTlist<MTnode *>;  // upper level nodes
		int level = node->Level();
		while (level > 0) {  // build the leaves list for super tree
			GiSTlist<MTnode *> *newList = new GiSTlist<MTnode *>;  // lower level nodes
			while (!oldList->IsEmpty()) {
				node = oldList->RemoveFront();
				path = node->Path();
				node->SetLevel(node->Level() + minHeight);  // update level of the upper nodes of the super tree
				WriteNode (node);
				for (int i=0; i<node->NumEntries(); i++) {
					MTentry *entry = (MTentry *) (*node)[i].Ptr();
					path.MakeChild (entry->Ptr());
					newList->Append((MTnode *)ReadNode(path));
					path.MakeParent ();
				delete node;
			delete oldList;
			oldList = newList;
		while (!oldList->IsEmpty()) {  // attach each subtree to its leaf
			node = oldList->RemoveFront();  // retrieve next leaf (root of subtree)
			node->SetLevel(minHeight);  // update level of the root of the subtree
			path = node->Path();
			for (int i=0; i<node->NumEntries(); i++) {
				MTentry *entry = (MTentry *) (*node)[i].Ptr();
				MTnode *newNode = (MTnode *) CreateNode ();
				newNode->Path() = path;
				path.MakeParent ();
				int j = 0;
				for (; entry->object() != topEntrArr[j]->object(); j++);  // search the position to append
				GiSTpath rootPath;
				rootPath.MakeRoot ();
				Append (newNode, (MTnode *)subtree->ReadNode(rootPath));  // append this subtree to the super tree
				delete subtree->Store();  // it was created in tree->Open()
				delete newNode;
			WriteNode (node);
			delete node;
		subtree->Open(subNameArr[0]);  // in order to destroy the object tree
		delete subtree;
		for (int i=0; i<nSamples; i++) {
			delete []subNameArr[i];
		delete []subNameArr;
		delete []topEntrArr;

		// update radii of the upper nodes of the result M-tree
		path.MakeRoot ();
		node = (MTnode *) ReadNode (path);
		level = node->Level();
		while (level >= minHeight) {  // build the list of the nodes which radii should be recomputed
			GiSTlist<MTnode *> *newList = new GiSTlist<MTnode *>;
			while (!oldList->IsEmpty()) {
				node = oldList->RemoveFront();
				path = node->Path();
				for (int i=0; i<node->NumEntries(); i++) {
					path.MakeChild ((*node)[i].Ptr()->Ptr());
					newList->Append((MTnode *)ReadNode(path));
					path.MakeParent ();
				delete node;
			delete oldList;
			oldList = newList;
		while (!oldList->IsEmpty()) {  // adjust the radii of the nodes
			MTnode *node = oldList->RemoveFront();
			AdjKeys (node);
			delete node;
		delete oldList;
		for (int i=0; i<=nCreated; i++) {  // delete all temporary subtrees
			sprintf (newName, "%s.%i", name, i);
			unlink (newName);
	} else {  // we can insert all the entries in a single node
		GiSTpath path;
		path.MakeRoot ();
		GiSTnode *node = ReadNode (path);
		for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
		assert (!node->IsOverFull(*Store()));
		WriteNode (node);
		delete node;
Exemplo n.º 15
 // no need of special traversal
 template <typename MT> V_type fortran_view(MT const &x) {
  if (x.indexmap().memory_layout_is_c())
   return x.transpose();
   return x;