Exemplo n.º 1
bool SysCADSystemHelper::SystemSolidsToSysCAD(MVector &SysCAD,RioTintoTS::PFlowStream1 &System)

// Copy System solids size data to SysCAD Size Data

	if (!IsNothing(PSD))
		const int NumComps = PSD.getPSDVectorCount();
		const int NumSizes = PSD.getSizeCount();

		// Get a reference to the System solids Matrices.
		// copy these feed size distributions to the SysCAD solids size data
		RioTintoTS::MatrixView &SystemSolids = System->AccessSolidsMatrix();

		// For each component
		for (int c=0; c<NumComps; c++)
			// Get the size data for component c
			// The size data is smallest to largest in units of kg/s

			// Index into SysCAD Component Masses
			const int SpId = PSD.getSpecieIndex(c);

			// Insert the resultant size data into the SysCAD Output Size Data
			RioTintoTS::VectorView iCompSize = SystemSolids.column(c);

			double m = 0.0;
			for (int s=0; s<NumSizes; s++)
				// Accumulate each size fraction to the total mass for the component
				m += iCompSize[s];
			SysCAD.putM(SpId, m*1000/3600);
			double f = 0.0;

			for (int s=0; s<NumSizes; s++)
				const double d = m>0.0 ? iCompSize[s]/m : 0.0;
				f += d;
				PSD.putFrac(c,NumSizes-s-1, d);

		return true;

	return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
bool SysCADSystemHelper::SystemLiquidToSysCAD(MVector &SysCAD,RioTintoTS::PFlowStream1 &System)

// Copy SysCAD liquid mass flow to System mass flow

	const int WaterIndex = gs_MVDefn.Lookup("H2O(l)");

	if ( WaterIndex >= 0 )
		double pdLiquid = System->GetLiquidMass();
		// t/h to kg/s
		SysCAD.putM(WaterIndex, pdLiquid/3.6);

		return true;

	return false;