Exemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    QApplication app(argc,argv);

    // Create a Marble QWidget without a parent
    MarbleWidget *mapWidget = new MarbleWidget();

    // Load the OpenStreetMap map

    mapWidget->setProjection( Mercator );

    // Enable the cloud cover and enable the country borders
    mapWidget->setShowClouds( true );
    mapWidget->setShowBorders( true );

    // Hide the FloatItems: Compass and StatusBar

    foreach ( AbstractFloatItem * floatItem, mapWidget->floatItems() )
        if ( floatItem && floatItem->nameId() == "compass" ) {

            // Put the compass onto the left hand side
            floatItem->setPosition( QPoint( 10, 10 ) );
            // Make the content size of the compass smaller
            floatItem->setContentSize( QSize( 50, 50 ) );

    mapWidget->resize( 400, 300 );

    return app.exec();
Exemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    QApplication app(argc,argv);
    MarbleWidget *mapWidget = new MarbleWidget;

    // Create and register our paint layer
    MyPaintLayer* layer = new MyPaintLayer(mapWidget);
    // Uncomment for older versions of Marble:
    // mapWidget->map()->model()->addLayer(layer);

    // Install an event handler: Pressing + will change the layer we paint at

    // Finish widget creation.

    // Update each second to give the clock second resolution
    QTimer seconds;
    QObject::connect(&seconds, SIGNAL(timeout()), mapWidget, SLOT(update()));

    return app.exec();
Exemplo n.º 3
PreviewDialog::PreviewDialog( QWidget* parent, const QString& mapThemeId ) : QDialog( parent ), m_mapThemeId( mapThemeId )
    QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout();
    MarbleWidget *widget = new MarbleWidget();
    MarbleNavigator *navigator = new MarbleNavigator();
    connect( navigator, SIGNAL(goHome()), widget, SLOT(goHome()) );
    connect( navigator, SIGNAL(moveUp()), widget, SLOT(moveUp()) );
    connect( navigator, SIGNAL(moveDown()), widget, SLOT(moveDown()) );
    connect( navigator, SIGNAL(moveLeft()), widget, SLOT(moveLeft()) );
    connect( navigator, SIGNAL(moveRight()), widget, SLOT(moveRight()) );
    connect( navigator, SIGNAL(zoomIn()), widget, SLOT(zoomIn()) );
    connect( navigator, SIGNAL(zoomOut()), widget, SLOT(zoomOut()) );
    connect( navigator, SIGNAL(zoomChanged(int)), widget, SLOT(setZoom(int)) );
    widget->setMapThemeId( m_mapThemeId );
    widget->setZoom( 1000 );
    layout->addWidget( navigator, 1, 1 );
    layout->addWidget( widget, 1, 2 );
    layout->setMargin( 0 );
    layout->setSpacing( 0 );
    this->setLayout( layout );
    this->setMinimumSize( 640, 480 );
    this->setWindowTitle( tr( "Preview Map" ) );
Exemplo n.º 4
void MarbleWidgetTest::mouseMove()
    MarbleWidget widget;

    QTest::mouseMove( &widget );

    QThreadPool::globalInstance()->waitForDone();  // wait for all runners to terminate
Exemplo n.º 5
void MarbleWidgetTest::setMapTheme()
    QFETCH( QString, mapThemeId );

    MarbleWidget widget;

    widget.setMapThemeId( mapThemeId );

    QCOMPARE( widget.mapThemeId(), mapThemeId );

    QThreadPool::globalInstance()->waitForDone();  // wait for all runners to terminate
Exemplo n.º 6
bool PopupItem::eventFilter( QObject *object, QEvent *e )
    MarbleWidget *widget = dynamic_cast<MarbleWidget*> ( object );
    if ( !widget ) {
        return BillboardGraphicsItem::eventFilter( object, e );

    if ( e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick
            || e->type() == QEvent::MouseMove
            || e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress
            || e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease )
        // Mouse events are forwarded to the underlying widget
        QMouseEvent *event = static_cast<QMouseEvent*> ( e );
        QPoint const shiftedPos = transform( event->pos() );
        bool const forcedMouseRelease = m_needMouseRelease && e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease;
        if ( !shiftedPos.isNull() || forcedMouseRelease ) {
            if ( !m_needMouseRelease && e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress ) {
                m_needMouseRelease = true;
            } else if ( forcedMouseRelease ) {
                m_needMouseRelease = false;
            widget->setCursor( Qt::ArrowCursor );
            // transform to children's coordinates
            QMouseEvent shiftedEvent = QMouseEvent( e->type(), shiftedPos,
                                                    event->globalPos(), event->button(), event->buttons(),
                                                    event->modifiers() );
            if ( QApplication::sendEvent( m_webView, &shiftedEvent ) ) {
                widget->setCursor( m_webView->cursor() );
                emit dirty();
                return true;
    } else if ( e->type() == QEvent::Wheel ) {
        // Wheel events are forwarded to the underlying widget
        QWheelEvent *event = static_cast<QWheelEvent*> ( e );
        QPoint const shiftedPos = transform( event->pos() );
        if ( !shiftedPos.isNull() ) {
            widget->setCursor( Qt::ArrowCursor );
            QWheelEvent shiftedEvent = QWheelEvent( shiftedPos,
                                                    event->globalPos(), event->delta(), event->buttons(),
                                                    event->modifiers() );
            if ( QApplication::sendEvent( m_webView, &shiftedEvent ) ) {
                widget->setCursor( m_webView->cursor() );
                emit dirty();
                return true;

    return BillboardGraphicsItem::eventFilter( object, e );
Exemplo n.º 7
void TourWidgetPrivate::captureTour()
    MarbleWidget* widget = new MarbleWidget;
    widget->setMapThemeId( m_widget->mapThemeId() );
    widget->resize( 1280, 720 );


    GeoDataTour* tour = findTour( m_document );
    TourPlayback* playback = new TourPlayback;
    playback->setMarbleWidget( widget );
    playback->setTour( tour );

    m_tourUi.m_listView->setModel( widget->model()->treeModel() );
    if( tour ){
        m_tourUi.m_listView->setRootIndex( widget->model()->treeModel()->index( tour->playlist() ) );

        TourCaptureDialog* tourCaptureDialog = new TourCaptureDialog( widget, m_widget );
        tourCaptureDialog->setDefaultFilename( tour->name() );
        tourCaptureDialog->setTourPlayback( playback );

    delete playback;
    delete widget;
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: main.cpp Projeto: KDE/marble
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    QApplication app(argc,argv);

    // Create a Marble QWidget without a parent
    MarbleWidget *mapWidget = new MarbleWidget();

    // Load the OpenStreetMap map
    mapWidget->setProjection( Mercator );

    // Access the shared route request (start, destination and parameters)
    RoutingManager* manager = mapWidget->model()->routingManager();
    RouteRequest* request = manager->routeRequest();

    // Use default routing settings for cars
    request->setRoutingProfile( manager->defaultProfile( RoutingProfile::Motorcar ) );

    // Set start and destination
    request->append( GeoDataCoordinates( 8.38942, 48.99738, 0.0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) );
    request->append( GeoDataCoordinates( 8.42002, 49.0058, 0.0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) );

    // Calculate the route

    // Center the map on the route start point and show it
    mapWidget->centerOn( request->at( 0 ) );
    mapWidget->setDistance( 0.75 );

    return app.exec();
Exemplo n.º 9
Marble::MarbleModel * NavigationPrivate::model() const
    if (m_marbleQuickItem !=  nullptr) {
        return m_marbleQuickItem->model();
    else if (m_marbleWidget != nullptr)
        return m_marbleWidget->model();
    return nullptr;
Exemplo n.º 10
bool License::eventFilter( QObject *object, QEvent *event )
    if ( !enabled() || !visible() )
        return false;

    MarbleWidget *widget = dynamic_cast<MarbleWidget*>( object );
    if ( !widget ) {
        return AbstractFloatItem::eventFilter( object,event );

    if( event->type() == QEvent::MouseMove ) {
        QMouseEvent *mouseEvent = static_cast<QMouseEvent*>( event );
        QRectF floatItemRect = QRectF( positivePosition(), size() );
        if ( floatItemRect.contains( mouseEvent->pos() ) ) {
            widget->setCursor( QCursor( Qt::ArrowCursor ) );
            return true;

    return AbstractFloatItem::eventFilter( object, event );
Exemplo n.º 11
void MarbleWidgetTest::switchMapThemes()
    MarbleWidget widget;

    widget.setMapThemeId( "earth/plain/plain.dgml" );
    QCOMPARE( widget.mapThemeId(), QString( "earth/plain/plain.dgml" ) );

    widget.setMapThemeId( "earth/srtm/srtm.dgml" );
    QCOMPARE( widget.mapThemeId(), QString( "earth/srtm/srtm.dgml" ) );

    widget.setMapThemeId( "earth/openstreetmap/openstreetmap.dgml" );
    QCOMPARE( widget.mapThemeId(), QString( "earth/openstreetmap/openstreetmap.dgml" ) );

    widget.setMapThemeId( "earth/plain/plain.dgml" );
    QCOMPARE( widget.mapThemeId(), QString( "earth/plain/plain.dgml" ) );

    QThreadPool::globalInstance()->waitForDone();  // wait for all runners to terminate
Exemplo n.º 12
int main(int argc, char** argv) {

    QApplication app(argc,argv);

    QFileInfo inputFile( app.arguments().last() );
    if ( app.arguments().size() < 2 || !inputFile.exists() ) {
        qWarning() << "Usage: " << app.arguments().first() << "file.png";
        return 1;

    // Create a Marble QWidget without a parent
    MarbleWidget *mapWidget = new MarbleWidget();

    // Load the Satellite map
    mapWidget->setMapThemeId( "earth/bluemarble/bluemarble.dgml" );

    // Create a bounding box from the given corner points
    GeoDataLatLonBox box( 55, 48, 14.5, 6, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );
    box.setRotation( 0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );

    // Create an overlay and assign the image to render and its bounding box to it
    GeoDataGroundOverlay *overlay = new GeoDataGroundOverlay;
    overlay->setLatLonBox( box );
    overlay->setIcon( QImage( inputFile.absoluteFilePath() ) );

    // Create a document as a container for the overlay
    GeoDataDocument *document = new GeoDataDocument();
    document->append( overlay );

    // Add the document to MarbleWidget's tree model
    mapWidget->model()->treeModel()->addDocument( document );


    return app.exec();
Exemplo n.º 13
bool MyPaintLayer::render( GeoPainter *painter, ViewportParams *viewport,
    const QString& renderPos, GeoSceneLayer * layer )
    // Have window title reflect the current paint layer
    GeoDataCoordinates home(8.4, 48.0, 0.0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree);
    QTime now = QTime::currentTime();

    painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true);

    // Large circle built by 60 small circles
    painter->setPen( QPen(QBrush(QColor::fromRgb(255,255,255,200)), 3.0, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap ) );
    for (int i=0; i<60; ++i)
        painter->drawEllipse(approximate(home, M_PI * i / 30.0, 1.0), 5, 5);

    // hour, minute, second hand
    painter->drawPolyline(GeoDataLineString() << home << approximate(home, M_PI * now.minute() / 30.0, 0.75));
    painter->drawPolyline(GeoDataLineString() << home << approximate(home, M_PI * now.hour() / 6.0, 0.5));
    painter->setPen(QPen(QBrush(Qt::red), 4.0, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap ));
    painter->drawPolyline(GeoDataLineString() << home << approximate(home, M_PI * now.second() / 30.0, 1.0));

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 14
bool ScreenGraphicsItem::eventFilter( QObject *object, QEvent *e )
    MarbleWidget *widget = dynamic_cast<MarbleWidget*>(object);
    if ( !widget ) {
        return MarbleGraphicsItem::eventFilter( object, e );
    if ( !p()->m_floatItemMoving ) {
        if ( MarbleGraphicsItem::eventFilter( object, e ) ) {
            return true;
        if ( !visible() || !p()->isMovable() ) {
            return false;
        if ( e->type() == QEvent::MouseMove ) {
            return false;
        // Move ScreenGraphicsItem
        if ( e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress )
            QMouseEvent *event = static_cast<QMouseEvent*>(e);

            // Click and move above a float item triggers moving the float item
            if ( contains( event->pos() ) ) {
                if ( event->button() == Qt::LeftButton ) {
                    p()->m_floatItemMoveStartPos = event->pos();
                    p()->m_floatItemMoving = true;
                    return true;
        return false;
    else {
        // Move ScreenGraphicsItem
        bool cursorAboveFloatItem = false;
        if ( e->type() == QEvent::MouseMove
            || e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress
            || e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease )
            QMouseEvent *event = static_cast<QMouseEvent*>( e );
            // The rect the item was painted on before. We add one pixel as antialiasing could
            // result into painting on these pixels to.
            QRectF floatItemRect = QRectF( positivePosition() - QPoint( 1, 1 ),
                                           size() + QSize( 2, 2 ) );

            // Click and move above a float item triggers moving the float item
            if ( contains( event->pos() ) ) {
                cursorAboveFloatItem = true;

                if ( e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress && event->button() == Qt::LeftButton ) {
                    p()->m_floatItemMoveStartPos = event->pos();
                    return true;

            if ( e->type() == QEvent::MouseMove && event->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton && p()->isMovable() )
                p()->m_floatItemMoving = true;
                const QPoint &point = event->pos();
                QPointF position = positivePosition();
                qreal newX = position.x()+point.x()-p()->m_floatItemMoveStartPos.x();
                qreal newY = position.y()+point.y()-p()->m_floatItemMoveStartPos.y();
                if ( newX >= 0 && newY >= 0 ) {
                    // docking behavior
                    const qreal dockArea = 60.0; // Alignment area width/height
                    const qreal dockJump = 30.0; // Alignment indicator jump size
                    if ( widget->width()-size().width()-newX < dockArea ) {
                        newX = qMin( qreal( -1.0 ), size().width() + newX-widget->width() );
                        if ( p()->m_floatItemMoveStartPos.x() < event->pos().x() ) {
                            // Indicate change to right alignment with a short jump
                            newX = qMax( newX, -(dockArea-dockJump) );
                    if ( widget->height()-size().height()-newY < dockArea ) {
                        newY = qMin( qreal( -1.0 ), size().height() + newY-widget->height() );
                        if (p()->m_floatItemMoveStartPos.y()<event->pos().y()) {
                        // Indicate change to bottom alignment with a short jump
                        newY = qMax( newY, -( dockArea - dockJump ) );

                    setPosition( QPointF( newX,newY ) );
                    // The rect the item will be painted on now. We add one pixel as
                    // antialiasing could result into painting on these pixels to.
                    QRect newFloatItemRect = QRectF( positivePosition() - QPoint( 1, 1 ),
                                                     size() + QSize( 2, 2 ) ).toRect();
                    p()->m_floatItemMoveStartPos = event->pos();
                    QRegion dirtyRegion( floatItemRect.toRect() );
                    dirtyRegion = dirtyRegion.united( newFloatItemRect );

                    widget->setAttribute( Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground,  false );
                    widget->setAttribute( Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground, widget->viewport()->mapCoversViewport() );
                    return true;

            if ( e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease ) {
                p()->m_floatItemMoving = false;

            // Adjusting Cursor shape
            if ( cursorAboveFloatItem || p()->m_floatItemMoving ) {
                return true;
        return MarbleGraphicsItem::eventFilter( object, e );
Exemplo n.º 15
EditPlacemarkDialog::EditPlacemarkDialog( GeoDataPlacemark *placemark,
                                          const QHash<qint64, OsmPlacemarkData> *relations,
                                          QWidget *parent ) :
    QDialog( parent ),
    d( new Private( placemark ) )
    d->setupUi( this );

    // Store initial style so that it can be restored if the 'Cancel' button is pressed.
    d->m_initialStyle = *placemark->style();

    d->m_initialVisualCategory = placemark->visualCategory();

    d->m_hadInitialOsmData = placemark->hasOsmData();
    if ( d->m_hadInitialOsmData ) {
        d->m_initialOsmData = placemark->osmData();

    // If the placemark has just been created, assign    it a default name.
    if ( placemark->name().isNull() ) {
        placemark->setName( tr("Untitled Placemark") );
    // Setup id, name, icon link and latitude/longitude values.
    d->m_header->setId( placemark->id() );
    d->m_initialId = placemark->id();
    d->m_header->setName( placemark->name() );
    d->m_initialName = placemark->name();
    d->m_isPlacemarkVisible->setChecked( placemark->isVisible() );
    d->m_initialIsPlacemarkVisible = placemark->isVisible();
    d->m_header->setIconLink( placemark->style()->iconStyle().iconPath() );
    d->m_header->setTargetId( placemark->targetId() );
    d->m_initialTargetId = placemark->targetId();
    MarbleWidget* marbleWidget = dynamic_cast<MarbleWidget*>( parent );
    if( marbleWidget != 0 ) {
        const AngleUnit defaultAngleUnit = marbleWidget->defaultAngleUnit();
        const GeoDataCoordinates::Notation notation =
            (defaultAngleUnit == DecimalDegree) ? GeoDataCoordinates::Decimal :
            (defaultAngleUnit == DMSDegree) ?     GeoDataCoordinates::DMS :
            /* else, UTM */                       GeoDataCoordinates::DMS;
        d->m_header->setNotation( notation );
    connect( d->m_header, SIGNAL(valueChanged()), this, SLOT(
                 updateTextAnnotation()) );

    d->m_formattedTextWidget->setText( placemark->description() );
    d->m_initialDescription = placemark->description();
    d->m_initialDescriptionIsCDATA = placemark->descriptionIsCDATA();
    d->m_isBalloonVisible->setChecked( placemark->isBalloonVisible() );
    d->m_initialIsBaloonVisible = placemark->isBalloonVisible();

    d->m_header->setLatitude( placemark->coordinate().latitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) );
    d->m_header->setLongitude( placemark->coordinate().longitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) );
    d->m_initialCoords = GeoDataCoordinates( d->m_header->longitude(),
                                             GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );

    // There's no point showing Relations and Tags tabs if the editor was not
    // loaded from the annotate plugin ( loaded from tourWidget.. )
    if ( relations ) {
        // Adding the osm tag editor widget tab
        d->m_osmTagEditorWidget = new OsmTagEditorWidget( placemark, this );
        d->tabWidget->addTab( d->m_osmTagEditorWidget, tr( "Tags" ) );
        QObject::connect( d->m_osmTagEditorWidget, SIGNAL( placemarkChanged( GeoDataFeature* ) ),
                          this, SLOT( updateTextAnnotation() ) );

        // Adding the osm relation editor widget tab
        d->m_osmRelationManagerWidget = new OsmRelationManagerWidget( placemark, relations, this );
        d->tabWidget->addTab( d->m_osmRelationManagerWidget, tr( "Relations" ) );
        QObject::connect( d->m_osmRelationManagerWidget, SIGNAL( relationCreated( const OsmPlacemarkData& ) ),
                          this, SIGNAL( relationCreated( const OsmPlacemarkData& ) ) );

    // Adding the elevation widget tab
    d->m_elevationWidget = new Ui::ElevationWidget;
    QWidget *elevationTab = new QWidget;
    d->m_elevationWidget->setupUi( elevationTab );
    d->tabWidget->addTab( elevationTab, tr("Elevation") );
    qreal altitude = d->m_placemark->coordinate().altitude();
    MarbleLocale *locale = MarbleGlobal::getInstance()->locale();
    if ( altitude == 0.0 ) {
        switch ( locale->measurementSystem() ) {
        case MarbleLocale::MetricSystem:
            d->m_elevationUnit = MarbleLocale::Meter;
        case MarbleLocale::ImperialSystem:
            d->m_elevationUnit = MarbleLocale::Foot;
        case MarbleLocale::NauticalSystem:
            d->m_elevationUnit = MarbleLocale::NauticalMile;

        d->m_elevationWidget->elevationSpinBox->setSuffix( locale->unitAbbreviation((d->m_elevationUnit)) );
    } else {
        qreal convertedAltitude;
        const MarbleLocale::MeasurementSystem currentSystem = locale->measurementSystem();
        locale->meterToTargetUnit( altitude, currentSystem, convertedAltitude, d->m_elevationUnit );
        d->m_elevationWidget->elevationSpinBox->setValue( convertedAltitude );
        d->m_elevationWidget->elevationSpinBox->setSuffix( locale->unitAbbreviation(d->m_elevationUnit) );

    // Adjust icon and label scales.
    d->m_iconScale->setValue( placemark->style()->iconStyle().scale() );
    connect( d->m_iconScale, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(updateTextAnnotation()) );

    d->m_labelScale->setValue( placemark->style()->labelStyle().scale() );
    connect( d->m_labelScale, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(updateTextAnnotation()) );

    // Adjust the current color of the two push buttons' pixmap to resemble the label and icon colors.
    const GeoDataLabelStyle labelStyle = placemark->style()->labelStyle();
    const GeoDataIconStyle iconStyle = placemark->style()->iconStyle();

    QPixmap labelPixmap( d->m_labelButton->iconSize().width(),
                         d->m_labelButton->iconSize().height() );
    labelPixmap.fill( labelStyle.color() );
    d->m_labelButton->setIcon( QIcon( labelPixmap ) );

    QPixmap iconPixmap( d->m_iconButton->iconSize().width(),
                        d->m_iconButton->iconSize().height() );
    iconPixmap.fill( iconStyle.color() );
    d->m_iconButton->setIcon( QIcon( iconPixmap ) );

    // Setup the color dialogs.
    d->m_labelColorDialog = new QColorDialog( this );
    d->m_labelColorDialog->setOption( QColorDialog::ShowAlphaChannel );
    d->m_labelColorDialog->setCurrentColor( labelStyle.color() );
    connect( d->m_labelButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), d->m_labelColorDialog, SLOT(exec()) );
    connect( d->m_labelColorDialog, SIGNAL(colorSelected(QColor)), this, SLOT(updateLabelDialog(QColor)) );
    connect( d->m_labelColorDialog, SIGNAL(colorSelected(QColor)), this, SLOT(updateTextAnnotation()) );

    d->m_iconColorDialog = new QColorDialog( this );
    d->m_iconColorDialog->setOption( QColorDialog::ShowAlphaChannel );
    d->m_iconColorDialog->setCurrentColor( iconStyle.color() );
    connect( d->m_iconButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), d->m_iconColorDialog, SLOT(exec()) );
    connect( d->m_iconColorDialog, SIGNAL(colorSelected(QColor)), this, SLOT(updateIconDialog(QColor)) );
    connect( d->m_iconColorDialog, SIGNAL(colorSelected(QColor)), this, SLOT(updateTextAnnotation()) );

    connect( d->m_isBalloonVisible, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(updateTextAnnotation()) );

    // Promote "Ok" button to default button.
    d->buttonBox->button( QDialogButtonBox::Ok )->setDefault( true );

    connect( d->buttonBox->button( QDialogButtonBox::Ok ), SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(checkFields()) );
    connect( this, SIGNAL(accepted()), SLOT(updateTextAnnotation()) );
    connect( this, SIGNAL(accepted()), SLOT(updatePlacemarkAltitude()) );
    connect( this, SIGNAL(finished(int)), SLOT(restoreInitial(int)) );

    // Ensure that the dialog gets deleted when closing it (either when clicking OK or
    // Close).
    connect( this, SIGNAL(finished(int)), SLOT(deleteLater()) );
Exemplo n.º 16
bool ElevationProfileFloatItem::eventFilter( QObject *object, QEvent *e )
    if ( !enabled() || !visible() ) {
        return false;

    MarbleWidget *widget = dynamic_cast<MarbleWidget*>( object );
    if ( !widget ) {
        return AbstractFloatItem::eventFilter(object,e);

    if ( widget && !m_marbleWidget ) {
        m_marbleWidget = widget;
        connect( this, SIGNAL(dataUpdated()), this, SLOT(updateVisiblePoints()) );
        connect( m_marbleWidget, SIGNAL(visibleLatLonAltBoxChanged(GeoDataLatLonAltBox)),
                 this, SLOT(updateVisiblePoints()) );
        connect( this, SIGNAL(settingsChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(updateVisiblePoints()) );

    if ( e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick || e->type() == QEvent::MouseMove ) {
        GeoDataTreeModel *const treeModel = const_cast<MarbleModel *>( marbleModel() )->treeModel();

        QMouseEvent *event = static_cast<QMouseEvent*>( e  );
        QRectF plotRect = QRectF ( m_leftGraphMargin, 0, m_eleGraphWidth, contentSize().height() );
        plotRect.translate( positivePosition() );
        plotRect.translate( padding(), padding() );

        // for antialiasing: increase size by 1 px to each side
        plotRect.translate(-1, -1);
        plotRect.setSize(plotRect.size() + QSize(2, 2) );

        const bool cursorAboveFloatItem = plotRect.contains(event->pos());

        if ( cursorAboveFloatItem ) {
            const int start = m_zoomToViewport ? m_firstVisiblePoint : 0;
            const int end = m_zoomToViewport ? m_lastVisiblePoint : m_eleData.size();

            // Double click triggers recentering the map at the specified position
            if ( e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick ) {
                const QPointF mousePosition = event->pos() - plotRect.topLeft();
                const int xPos = mousePosition.x();
                for ( int i = start; i < end; ++i) {
                    const int plotPos = ( m_eleData.value(i).x() - m_axisX.minValue() ) * m_eleGraphWidth / m_axisX.range();
                    if ( plotPos >= xPos ) {
                        widget->centerOn( m_points[i], true );
                return true;

            if ( e->type() == QEvent::MouseMove && !(event->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) ) {
                // Cross hair cursor when moving above the float item
                // and mark the position on the graph
                if ( m_cursorPositionX != event->pos().x() - plotRect.left() ) {
                    m_cursorPositionX = event->pos().x() - plotRect.left();
                    const qreal xpos = m_axisX.minValue() + ( m_cursorPositionX / m_eleGraphWidth ) * m_axisX.range();
                    GeoDataCoordinates currentPoint; // invalid coordinates
                    for ( int i = start; i < end; ++i) {
                        if ( m_eleData.value(i).x() >= xpos ) {
                            currentPoint = m_points[i];
                            currentPoint.setAltitude( m_eleData.value(i).y() );
                    m_markerPlacemark->setCoordinate( currentPoint );
                    if ( m_documentIndex < 0 ) {
                        m_documentIndex = treeModel->addDocument( &m_markerDocument );
                    emit repaintNeeded();

                return true;
        else {
            if ( m_documentIndex >= 0 ) {
                m_markerPlacemark->setCoordinate( GeoDataCoordinates() ); // set to invalid
                treeModel->removeDocument( &m_markerDocument );
                m_documentIndex = -1;
                emit repaintNeeded();

    return AbstractFloatItem::eventFilter(object,e);