Exemplo n.º 1
void testMMFFO3AConstraintsAndLocalOnly() {
  std::string rdbase = getenv("RDBASE");
  std::string sdf = rdbase + "/Code/GraphMol/MolAlign/test_data/ref_e2.sdf";
  SDMolSupplier supplier(sdf, true, false);
  const int refNum = 23;
  const int prbNum = 32;
  ROMol *refMol = supplier[refNum];
  ROMol *prbMol = supplier[prbNum];
  unsigned int refNAtoms = refMol->getNumAtoms();
  std::vector<double> refLogpContribs(refNAtoms);
  std::vector<double> refMRContribs(refNAtoms);
  std::vector<unsigned int> refAtomTypes(refNAtoms);
  std::vector<std::string> refAtomTypeLabels(refNAtoms);
  Descriptors::getCrippenAtomContribs(*refMol, refLogpContribs,
    refMRContribs, true, &refAtomTypes, &refAtomTypeLabels);
  unsigned int prbNAtoms = prbMol->getNumAtoms();
  std::vector<double> prbLogpContribs(prbNAtoms);
  std::vector<double> prbMRContribs(prbNAtoms);
  std::vector<unsigned int> prbAtomTypes(prbNAtoms);
  std::vector<std::string> prbAtomTypeLabels(prbNAtoms);
  Descriptors::getCrippenAtomContribs(*prbMol, prbLogpContribs,
    prbMRContribs, true, &prbAtomTypes, &prbAtomTypeLabels);
  RWMol *patt = SmartsToMol("S");
  MatchVectType matchVect;
  TEST_ASSERT(SubstructMatch(*refMol, (ROMol &)*patt, matchVect));
  delete patt;
  unsigned int refSIdx = matchVect[0].second;
  patt = SmartsToMol("O");
  TEST_ASSERT(SubstructMatch(*prbMol, (ROMol &)*patt, matchVect));
  delete patt;
  unsigned int prbOIdx = matchVect[0].second;
  std::vector<double> distOS(2);
  distOS[0] = 2.7;
  distOS[1] = 0.4;
  std::vector<double> weights(2);
  weights[0] = 0.1;
  weights[1] = 100.0;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
    MatchVectType constraintMap;
    constraintMap.push_back(std::make_pair(prbOIdx, refSIdx));
    RDNumeric::DoubleVector constraintWeights(1);
    constraintWeights[0] = weights[i];
    MolAlign::O3A *o3a = new MolAlign::O3A(*prbMol, *refMol,
      &prbLogpContribs, &refLogpContribs, MolAlign::O3A::CRIPPEN,
      -1, -1, false, 50, 0, &constraintMap, &constraintWeights);
    delete o3a;
    o3a = new MolAlign::O3A(*prbMol, *refMol, &prbLogpContribs,
      &refLogpContribs, MolAlign::O3A::CRIPPEN, -1, -1,
      false, 50, MolAlign::O3_LOCAL_ONLY);
    delete o3a;
    double d = (prbMol->getConformer().getAtomPos(prbOIdx)
      - refMol->getConformer().getAtomPos(refSIdx)).length();
    TEST_ASSERT(feq(d, distOS[i], 0.1));
Exemplo n.º 2
void testCrippenO3AConstraintsAndLocalOnly() {
  std::string rdbase = getenv("RDBASE");
  std::string sdf = rdbase + "/Code/GraphMol/MolAlign/test_data/ref_e2.sdf";
  SDMolSupplier supplier(sdf, true, false);
  const int refNum = 23;
  const int prbNum = 32;
  ROMol *refMol = supplier[refNum];
  ROMol *prbMol = supplier[prbNum];
  MMFF::MMFFMolProperties refMP(*refMol);
  MMFF::MMFFMolProperties prbMP(*prbMol);
  RWMol *patt = SmartsToMol("S");
  MatchVectType matchVect;
  TEST_ASSERT(SubstructMatch(*refMol, (ROMol &)*patt, matchVect));
  delete patt;
  unsigned int refSIdx = matchVect[0].second;
  patt = SmartsToMol("O");
  TEST_ASSERT(SubstructMatch(*prbMol, (ROMol &)*patt, matchVect));
  delete patt;
  unsigned int prbOIdx = matchVect[0].second;
  std::vector<double> distOS(2);
  distOS[0] = 3.2;
  distOS[1] = 0.3;
  std::vector<double> weights(2);
  weights[0] = 10.0;
  weights[1] = 100.0;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
    MatchVectType constraintMap;
    constraintMap.push_back(std::make_pair(prbOIdx, refSIdx));
    RDNumeric::DoubleVector constraintWeights(1);
    constraintWeights[0] = weights[i];
    MolAlign::O3A *o3a = new MolAlign::O3A(*prbMol, *refMol, &prbMP, &refMP,
      MolAlign::O3A::MMFF94, -1, -1, false, 50, 0, &constraintMap, &constraintWeights);
    delete o3a;
    o3a = new MolAlign::O3A(*prbMol, *refMol, &prbMP, &refMP,
      MolAlign::O3A::MMFF94, -1, -1, false, 50, MolAlign::O3_LOCAL_ONLY);
    delete o3a;
    double d = (prbMol->getConformer().getAtomPos(prbOIdx)
      - refMol->getConformer().getAtomPos(refSIdx)).length();
    TEST_ASSERT(feq(d, distOS[i], 0.1));
Exemplo n.º 3
  MatchVectType findFuncGroupsOnMol(const ROMol &mol, 
				    const FragCatParams *params,
				    INT_VECT &fgBonds) {
    PRECONDITION(params,"bad params");

    std::pair<int, int> amat;
    MatchVectType aidFgrps;
    std::vector<MatchVectType> fgpMatches;
    std::vector<MatchVectType>::const_iterator mati;
    MatchVectType::const_iterator mi;
    int aid;
    //const ROMol *fgrp;

    INT_VECT_CI bi;
    int fid = 0;
    const MOL_SPTR_VECT &fgrps = params->getFuncGroups();
    MOL_SPTR_VECT::const_iterator fgci;
    for (fgci = fgrps.begin(); fgci != fgrps.end(); fgci++) {
      const ROMol *fgrp = fgci->get();
      std::string fname;
      (*fgci)->getProp(common_properties::_Name, fname);
      //std::cout << "Groups number: " << fname << "\n";
      // match this functional group onto the molecule
      SubstructMatch(mol, *fgrp, fgpMatches);

      // loop over all the matches we get for this fgroup
      for (mati = fgpMatches.begin(); mati != fgpMatches.end(); mati++) {
	//FIX: we will assume that the first atom in fgrp is always the connection
	// atom
	amat = mati->front();
	aid = amat.second; //FIX: is this correct - the second entry in the pair is the atom ID from mol

	// grab the list of atom Ids from mol that match the functional group 
	INT_VECT bondIds, maids;
	for (mi = mati->begin(); mi != mati->end(); mi++) {

	// create a list of bond IDs from these atom ID 
	// these are the bond in mol that are part of portion that matches the 
	// functional group
	bondIds = Subgraphs::bondListFromAtomList(mol, maids);
	// now check if all these bonds have been covered as part of larger 
	// functional group that was dealt with earlier
	// FIX: obviously we assume here that the function groups in params 
	// come in decreasing order of size.
	bool allDone = true;
	for (bi = bondIds.begin(); bi != bondIds.end(); bi++) {
	  if (std::find(fgBonds.begin(), fgBonds.end(), (*bi)) == fgBonds.end()) {
	    allDone = false;
	if (!allDone) {
	  // this functional group mapping onto mol is not part of a larger func
	  // group mapping so record it
	  aidFgrps.push_back(std::pair<int, int>(aid, fid));


    return aidFgrps;