Exemplo n.º 1
* Draws the face normals on the weapon model
void GLWidget::drawWeaponFaceNormals()
    glColor3f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
    for(int i = 0; i < weaponReader_.numberOfTriangles(); i++)
        int indexOne = 0;
        int indexTwo = 0;
        int indexThree = 0;
        weaponReader_.retrieveTriangleVertexIndicies(i, &indexOne,
                &indexTwo, &indexThree);

        MathVector* faceNormals = weaponReader_.faceNormals()->at(i);

        VertexCoordinate vertexOne = weaponReader_.retrieveVertexCoordinatesAt(indexOne);
        VertexCoordinate vertexTwo = weaponReader_.retrieveVertexCoordinatesAt(indexTwo);
        VertexCoordinate vertexThree = weaponReader_.retrieveVertexCoordinatesAt(indexThree);

        VertexCoordinate middleOfTriangle;
        middleOfTriangle.x = ((vertexOne.x + vertexTwo.x + vertexThree.x)/3);
        middleOfTriangle.y = ((vertexOne.y + vertexTwo.y + vertexThree.y)/3);
        middleOfTriangle.z = ((vertexOne.z + vertexTwo.z + vertexThree.z)/3);

        glVertex3f(middleOfTriangle.x, middleOfTriangle.y,
        glVertex3f((faceNormals->x()*2)+middleOfTriangle.x, (faceNormals->y()*2)+middleOfTriangle.y,
Exemplo n.º 2
MathVector tripleProduct(MathVector a, MathVector b, MathVector c)
	MathVector U = b.multiply(c.dotProduct(a));
	MathVector V = a.multiply(c.dotProduct(b));

	return U.subtractVectors(V);
Exemplo n.º 3
void CBaseBrushDraw::UpdateControlPoints()
	GetBrushGridIndexs(m_vecBrushGridIndices, m_vecBrushVertexs);
	if ( m_lastBrushVertexs == m_vecBrushVertexs )

	m_lastBrushVertexs = m_vecBrushVertexs;

	int nWidth = m_nOuterWidth  * 2;
	MathVector<CVector3f> temp;
	CVector3f leftbottom, rightbottom, righttop, lefttop;
	leftbottom  = m_vecBrushVertexs[0];
	rightbottom = m_vecBrushVertexs[0+nWidth];
	righttop    = m_vecBrushVertexs[m_vecBrushVertexs.size()-1];
	lefttop     = m_vecBrushVertexs[m_vecBrushVertexs.size()-1-nWidth];

	leftbottom.y += 1.0f;
	rightbottom.y += 1.0f;
	righttop.y += 1.0f;
	leftbottom.y += 1.0f;


	m_curveSampler.SetControlPoint(temp, true);
Exemplo n.º 4
MathVector Math::normal(MathVector a, MathVector b, MathVector c)
MathVector r1;
MathVector r2;
MathVector output;
	output = r1.cross(r2);
	return output;
Exemplo n.º 5
void change_route( MathVector mSource, MathVector mDestination )
    printf( "Now Showing Route : \n" );
    map2D.map_route         ( multiRoute, mSource, mDestination );
    //robot.m_route.create_from_multi( multiRoute );
    //robot.plan_steps        ( 2.0*12 );
    robot.gl_register       ( );
    robot.m_glide_index = 0;
Exemplo n.º 6
	const MathVector<T, dimension> reflected(const MathVector<T, dimension>& other) const {
		MathVector<T, dimension> output;

		output = (*this) - other * T(2.0) * other.dot(*this);

		return output;
Exemplo n.º 7
void Particle::updateVelocity()
	if (parameters.fips)
		MathVector influence;
		influence.fillValues(v.size(), 0.0);
		for(auto n: neighbours)
			influence = influence + randDouble(0.0, parameters.c) * (n->p - x);
		influence = (1.0 / neighbours.size()) * influence;
		v = parameters.w * v + influence;
		v = parameters.w * v + randDouble(0.0, parameters.c) * (p - x) + randDouble(0.0, parameters.c) * (best->p - x);
Exemplo n.º 8
bool containsOrigin(std::vector<MathVector> &simplex, MathVector &direction)
	MathVector a = simplex.back();
	MathVector b, c, ab, ac, abPerp, acPerp;
	MathVector ao = a.negate();

	if(simplex.size() == 3)
		b = simplex[0];
		c = simplex[1];

		ab = b.subtractVectors(a);
		ac = c.subtractVectors(a);

		abPerp = tripleProduct(ac, ab, ab);
		acPerp = tripleProduct(ab, ac, ac);

		if(abPerp.dotProduct(ao) > 0)
			simplex.erase(simplex.begin() + 1);
			direction = abPerp;
		} else if (acPerp.dotProduct(ao) > 0)
			direction = acPerp;
		} else
			return true;
	} else
		b = simplex[0];
		ab = b.subtractVectors(a);
		abPerp = tripleProduct(ab, ao, ab);

		if(abPerp.getX() == 0 || abPerp.getY() == 0)
			direction = ab.perpendicular();
		} else
			direction = abPerp;
	return false;
Exemplo n.º 9
* Draws the vertex normals on the weapon model
void GLWidget::drawWeaponVertexNormals()
    glColor3f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    for(int i = 0; i < weaponReader_.numberOfVertices(); i++)
        MathVector* vertexNormal = weaponReader_.vertexNormals()->at(i);
        VertexCoordinate vertexCoordinate = weaponReader_.retrieveVertexCoordinatesAt(i);

        glVertex3f(vertexCoordinate.x, vertexCoordinate.y,
        glVertex3f((vertexNormal->x()*2)+vertexCoordinate.x, (vertexNormal->y()*2)+vertexCoordinate.y,
Exemplo n.º 10
minkowskiDifference_t buildMinkowskiDifference(std::vector<MathVector> a, std::vector<MathVector> b)
	MathVector direction = MathVector(1,1);
	std::vector<MathVector> simplex;
	simplex.push_back(getSupportVertex(a, b, direction));
	minkowskiDifference_t difference;

	direction = direction.negate();

		simplex.push_back(getSupportVertex(a, b, direction));
		if(simplex.back().dotProduct(direction) <= 0)
			difference.colliding = false;
			difference.collisionNormal = MathVector(0,0);
			difference.collisionDepth = 0;
			return difference;
		} else if(containsOrigin(simplex, direction) && simplex.size() == 3)
				//Perform EPA to get collision normal and penetration distance
				Edge_t e = findClosestEdge(simplex);

				MathVector p = getSupportVertex(a, b, direction);
				double d = p.dotProduct(e.normal);
//				std::cout << d - e.distance << std::endl;
//				std::cout << "Simplex size: " << simplex.size() << std::endl;
				if(d - e.distance < TOLERANCE)
					difference.collisionNormal = e.normal;
					difference.collisionDepth = d;
					difference.colliding = true;
					return difference;
				} else
//					std::cout << "Closest edge not found in this iteration, adding point to simplex and continuing." << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 11
void move_sideways( float mAmount )
    MathVector forward(3);
    forward[0] = centerX - eyeX;
    forward[1] = centerY - eyeY;
    forward[2] = centerZ - eyeZ;
    MathVector perp = forward.get_perp_xz();
    perp *= mAmount;

    eyeX    += perp[0];
    eyeZ    += perp[2];
    centerX += perp[0];
    centerZ += perp[2];
	theWorld.look_at( eyeX,    eyeY,    eyeZ,
					 centerX, centerY, centerZ,
					 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );					
Exemplo n.º 12
// overloaded multiplication of matrix by a vector 
MathVector MathMatrix::operator*(const MathVector& v) const
	if (n != v.size()) { throw "Matrix and Vector do not"; }
	//Create matrix object of the correct size to hold the resulting matrix from multiplication
	MathVector temp(v.size());
	//Go across the rows of the matrix the method was called on
	for (int i=0; i<nrows; i++)
		//Declare empty variable to hold the multiplication result
		double sum = 0;
		//Go across the columns on the matrix that was passed as a parameter
		for (int j=0; j<ncols; j++)
			sum+=(*this)(i, j) * v[0];
		//Set element in temp at the corresponding loop iteration index to the result
		temp[i] = sum;
	return temp;
Exemplo n.º 13
MathVector getFurthestPoint(MathVector direction, std::vector<MathVector> polygon)
		double greatestDotProduct = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
		double currentDotProduct;
		MathVector currentVertex;
		MathVector bestVertex;
		for(int i = 0; i < polygon.size(); i++)
			currentVertex = polygon[i];
			currentDotProduct = currentVertex.dotProduct(direction);
			if(currentDotProduct > greatestDotProduct)
				greatestDotProduct = currentDotProduct;
				bestVertex = currentVertex;

		return bestVertex;

Exemplo n.º 14
Quat Math::rot2Quat( MathVector in)
	MathVector inv = in;
	Quat nq;
	double invs;
	double phi;
	MathVector unitV;
	invs = inv.size();
		if(invs != 0)
			unitV = 1/invs * inv ;
			unitV = MathVector(1,0,0);
	phi = invs * 3.14159265/180;
	nq.v = sin(phi/2) * unitV;
	nq.scale = cos(phi/2);
	return nq;
Exemplo n.º 15
void sim_read_robot_angles( long& mRobot_id, MathVector& mNewAngles )
    if (ipc_memory_valid_pointer()==false)
        throw IPC_Error;
    if (ipc_memory_sim->Command == COMMAND_ROBOT_ANGLES)
        mRobot_id     =   ipc_memory_sim->robot_id;

        // Dimension the new MathVector:
        int dimension =   (ipc_memory_sim->object_datum1 & 0xFF);
        if (dimension> MAX_SERVOS) dimension = MAX_SERVOS;

        // EXTRACT the angles:
        for (int i=0; i<dimension; i++)
            mNewAngles[i] = ipc_memory_sim->servo_angles[i];
typename MathVector<T>::value_type operator*(const MathVector<T>& lhs, const MathVector<T>& rhs)
  return lhs.dotProduct(rhs);
Exemplo n.º 17
bool Bezier::intersectsQuadrilateral(const MathVector<float, 3>& orig, const MathVector<float, 3>& dir,
									 const MathVector<float, 3>& v_00, const MathVector<float, 3>& v_10,
									 const MathVector<float, 3>& v_11, const MathVector<float, 3>& v_01,
									 float &t, float &u, float &v) const {
	const float EPSILON = 0.000001;

	// Reject rays that are parallel to Q, and rays that intersect the plane
	// of Q either on the left of the line V00V01 or below the line V00V10.
	MathVector<float, 3> E_01 = v_10 - v_00;
	MathVector<float, 3> E_03 = v_01 - v_00;
	MathVector<float, 3> P = dir.cross(E_03);
	float det = E_01.dot(P);

	if (std::abs(det) < EPSILON) return false;

	MathVector<float, 3> T = orig - v_00;
	float alpha = T.dot(P) / det;

	if (alpha < 0.0) return false;

	MathVector<float, 3> Q = T.cross(E_01);
	float beta = dir.dot(Q) / det;

	if (beta < 0.0) return false;

	if (alpha + beta > 1.0) {
		// Reject rays that that intersect the plane of Q either on
		// the right of the line V11V10 or above the line V11V00.
		MathVector<float, 3> E_23 = v_01 - v_11;
		MathVector<float, 3> E_21 = v_10 - v_11;
		MathVector<float, 3> P_prime = dir.cross(E_21);
		float det_prime = E_23.dot(P_prime);

		if (std::abs(det_prime) < EPSILON) return false;

		MathVector<float, 3> T_prime = orig - v_11;
		float alpha_prime = T_prime.dot(P_prime) / det_prime;

		if (alpha_prime < 0.0) return false;

		MathVector<float, 3> Q_prime = T_prime.cross(E_23);
		float beta_prime = dir.dot(Q_prime) / det_prime;

		if (beta_prime < 0.0) return false;

	// Compute the ray parameter of the intersection point, and
	// reject the ray if it does not hit Q.
	t = E_03.dot(Q) / det;

	if (t < 0.0) return false;

	// Compute the barycentric coordinates of the fourth vertex.
	// These do not depend on the ray, and can be precomputed
	// and stored with the quadrilateral.
	float alpha_11, beta_11;
	MathVector<float, 3> E_02 = v_11 - v_00;
	MathVector<float, 3> n = E_01.cross(E_03);

	if ((std::abs(n[0]) >= std::abs(n[1])) && (std::abs(n[0]) >= std::abs(n[2]))) {
		alpha_11 = ((E_02[1] * E_03[2]) - (E_02[2] * E_03[1])) / n[0];
		beta_11 = ((E_01[1] * E_02[2]) - (E_01[2]  * E_02[1])) / n[0];
	} else if ((std::abs(n[1]) >= std::abs(n[0])) && (std::abs(n[1]) >= std::abs(n[2]))) {
		alpha_11 = ((E_02[2] * E_03[0]) - (E_02[0] * E_03[2])) / n[1];
		beta_11 = ((E_01[2] * E_02[0]) - (E_01[0]  * E_02[2])) / n[1];
	} else {
		alpha_11 = ((E_02[0] * E_03[1]) - (E_02[1] * E_03[0])) / n[2];
		beta_11 = ((E_01[0] * E_02[1]) - (E_01[1]  * E_02[0])) / n[2];

	// Compute the bilinear coordinates of the intersection point.
	if (std::abs(alpha_11 - (1.0)) < EPSILON) {
		// Q is a trapezium.
		u = alpha;
		if (std::abs(beta_11 - (1.0)) < EPSILON) v = beta; // Q is a parallelogram.
		else v = beta / ((u * (beta_11 - (1.f))) + (1.f)); // Q is a trapezium.
	} else if (std::abs(beta_11 - (1.0)) < EPSILON) {
		// Q is a trapezium.
		v = beta;
		if ( ((v * (alpha_11 - (1.0))) + (1.0)) == 0 ) return false;
		u = alpha / ((v * (alpha_11 - (1.f))) + (1.f));
	} else {
		float A = (1.f) - beta_11;
		float B = (alpha * (beta_11 - (1.f)))
				- (beta * (alpha_11 - (1.f))) - (1.f);
		float C = alpha;
		float D = (B * B) - ((4.f) * A * C);
		if (D < 0) return false;
		float Q = (-0.5) * (B + ((B < (0.0) ? (-1.0) : (1.0))
				* std::sqrt(D)));
		u = Q / A;
		if ((u < (0.0)) || (u > (1.0))) u = C / Q;
		v = beta / ((u * (beta_11 - (1.f))) + (1.f));

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 18
*  Draws the model based on the opened MD2 model file
void GLWidget::drawModel()
    case DrawingDefines::WIREFRAME:
        glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE);
    case DrawingDefines::FLAT_SHADING:
        glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);
    case DrawingDefines::SMOOTH_SHADING:
        glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);

        glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, modelTexture_);
        glColor3f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);


    for(int currentTriangle = 0;
            currentTriangle < modelReader_.numberOfTriangles(); currentTriangle++)
        int indexOne = 0;
        int indexTwo = 0;
        int indexThree = 0;
        modelReader_.retrieveTriangleVertexIndicies(currentTriangle, &indexOne,
                &indexTwo, &indexThree);

        int texOne = 0;
        int texTwo = 0;
        int texThree = 0;
        modelReader_.retrieveTriangleTextureIndicies(currentTriangle, &texOne,
                &texTwo, &texThree);

        VertexCoordinate vertexOne = modelReader_.retrieveVertexCoordinatesAt(indexOne);
        VertexCoordinate vertexTwo = modelReader_.retrieveVertexCoordinatesAt(indexTwo);
        VertexCoordinate vertexThree = modelReader_.retrieveVertexCoordinatesAt(indexThree);

        TextureCoordinate textureOne = modelReader_.retrieveTextureCoordinateAt(texOne);
        TextureCoordinate textureTwo = modelReader_.retrieveTextureCoordinateAt(texTwo);
        TextureCoordinate textureThree = modelReader_.retrieveTextureCoordinateAt(texThree);

        //Point One.
        MathVector* vector;
        if(displayMode_== DrawingDefines::FLAT_SHADING)
            vector = modelReader_.faceNormals()->at(currentTriangle);
            vector = modelReader_.vertexNormals()->at(indexOne);
        glNormal3f(vector->x(), vector->y(), vector->z());
        glTexCoord2f((float) textureOne.u/modelReader_.skinWidth(),
                     (float) textureOne.v/modelReader_.skinHeight());
        glVertex3f(vertexOne.x, vertexOne.y, vertexOne.z);

        //Point Two
        if(displayMode_== DrawingDefines::FLAT_SHADING)
            vector = modelReader_.faceNormals()->at(currentTriangle);
            vector = modelReader_.vertexNormals()->at(indexTwo);
        glNormal3f(vector->x(), vector->y(), vector->z());
        glTexCoord2f((float) textureTwo.u/modelReader_.skinWidth(),
                     (float) textureTwo.v/modelReader_.skinHeight());
        glVertex3f(vertexTwo.x, vertexTwo.y, vertexTwo.z);

        //Point Three
        if(displayMode_== DrawingDefines::FLAT_SHADING)
            vector = modelReader_.faceNormals()->at(currentTriangle);
            vector = modelReader_.vertexNormals()->at(indexThree);
        glNormal3f(vector->x(), vector->y(), vector->z());
        glTexCoord2f((float) textureThree.u/modelReader_.skinWidth(),
                     (float) textureThree.v/modelReader_.skinHeight());
        glVertex3f(vertexThree.x, vertexThree.y, vertexThree.z);


Exemplo n.º 19
MathVector MathVector::rotate(double angle, MathVector around) {
	MathVector me = *this;
	return me * cos(angle) + around * ((1 - cos(angle)) * me.scalarP(around)) + around.vectP(me) * sin(angle);
Exemplo n.º 20
void Bezier::setFromCorners(const MathVector<float, 3>& fl, const MathVector<float, 3>& fr,
							const MathVector<float, 3>& bl, const MathVector<float, 3>& br) {
	MathVector<float, 3> temp;

	center = fl + fr + bl + br; center = center * 0.25;

	radius = 0;
	if ((fl - center).magnitude() > radius) radius = (fl - center).magnitude();
	if ((fr - center).magnitude() > radius) radius = (fr - center).magnitude();
	if ((bl - center).magnitude() > radius) radius = (bl - center).magnitude();
	if ((br - center).magnitude() > radius) radius = (br - center).magnitude();

	// Assign corners
	points[0][0] = fl;
	points[0][3] = fr;
	points[3][3] = br;
	points[3][0] = bl;

	// Calculate intermediate front and back points
	temp = fr - fl;
	if (temp.magnitude() < 0.0001) {
		points[0][1] = fl;
		points[0][2] = fl;
	} else {
		points[0][1] = fl + temp.normalized() * (temp.magnitude() / 3.0);
		points[0][2] = fl + temp.normalized() * (2.0 * temp.magnitude() / 3.0);

	temp = br - bl;
	if (temp.magnitude() < 0.0001) {
		points[3][1] = bl;
		points[3][2] = bl;
	} else {
		points[3][1] = bl + temp.normalized() * (temp.magnitude() / 3.0);
		points[3][2] = bl + temp.normalized() * (2.0 * temp.magnitude() / 3.0);

	// Calculate intermediate left and right points
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
		temp = points[3][i] - points[0][i];
		if (temp.magnitude() > 0.0001) {
			points[1][i] = points[0][i] + temp.normalized() * (temp.magnitude() / 3.0);
			points[2][i] = points[0][i] + temp.normalized() * (2.0 * temp.magnitude() / 3.0);
		} else {
			points[1][i] = points[0][i];
			points[2][i] = points[0][i];
Exemplo n.º 21
double Math::size(MathVector in)
	return in.size();
Exemplo n.º 22
	// Project this vector onto the vector 'vec'
	MathVector<T,3> project(const MathVector<T,3>& vec) const {
		T scalarProj = dot(vec.normalized());
		return vec.normalized() * scalarProj;
Exemplo n.º 23
	// Return the reflection of this vector around the given normal (must be unit length)
	const MathVector<T,3> reflect(const MathVector<T,3> & other) const {
		return (*this) - other * T(2.0) *other.dot(*this);
Exemplo n.º 24
double Math::distance(MathVector a, MathVector b)
	MathVector delta = a - b;
	return delta.size();
Exemplo n.º 25
MathVector getSupportVertex(std::vector<MathVector> a, std::vector<MathVector> b, MathVector direction)
	MathVector point0 = getFurthestPoint(direction,a);
	MathVector point1 = getFurthestPoint(direction.negate(),b);
	return point0.subtractVectors(point1);
Exemplo n.º 26
*  Draws the weapon model that is currently opened in the weaponReader_
void GLWidget::drawWeapon()
        glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, weaponTexture_);
        glColor3f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);


    for(int currentTriangle = 0;
            currentTriangle < weaponReader_.numberOfTriangles(); currentTriangle++)
        int indexOne = 0;
        int indexTwo = 0;
        int indexThree = 0;
        weaponReader_.retrieveTriangleVertexIndicies(currentTriangle, &indexOne,
                &indexTwo, &indexThree);

        int texOne = 0;
        int texTwo = 0;
        int texThree = 0;
        weaponReader_.retrieveTriangleTextureIndicies(currentTriangle, &texOne,
                &texTwo, &texThree);

        VertexCoordinate vertexOne = weaponReader_.retrieveVertexCoordinatesAt(indexOne);
        VertexCoordinate vertexTwo = weaponReader_.retrieveVertexCoordinatesAt(indexTwo);
        VertexCoordinate vertexThree = weaponReader_.retrieveVertexCoordinatesAt(indexThree);

        TextureCoordinate textureOne = weaponReader_.retrieveTextureCoordinateAt(texOne);
        TextureCoordinate textureTwo = weaponReader_.retrieveTextureCoordinateAt(texTwo);
        TextureCoordinate textureThree = weaponReader_.retrieveTextureCoordinateAt(texThree);

        //Point One.
        MathVector* vector;
        if(displayMode_== DrawingDefines::FLAT_SHADING)
            vector = weaponReader_.faceNormals()->at(currentTriangle);
            vector = weaponReader_.vertexNormals()->at(indexOne);
        glNormal3f(vector->x(), vector->y(), vector->z());
        glTexCoord2f((float) textureOne.u/weaponReader_.skinWidth(),
                     (float) textureOne.v/weaponReader_.skinHeight());
        glVertex3f(vertexOne.x, vertexOne.y, vertexOne.z);

        //Point Two
        if(displayMode_== DrawingDefines::FLAT_SHADING)
            vector = weaponReader_.faceNormals()->at(currentTriangle);
            vector = weaponReader_.vertexNormals()->at(indexTwo);
        glNormal3f(vector->x(), vector->y(), vector->z());
        glTexCoord2f((float) textureTwo.u/weaponReader_.skinWidth(),
                     (float) textureTwo.v/weaponReader_.skinHeight());
        glVertex3f(vertexTwo.x, vertexTwo.y, vertexTwo.z);

        //Point Three
        if(displayMode_== DrawingDefines::FLAT_SHADING)
            vector = weaponReader_.faceNormals()->at(currentTriangle);
            vector = weaponReader_.vertexNormals()->at(indexThree);
        vector = weaponReader_.vertexNormals()->at(indexThree);
        glNormal3f(vector->x(), vector->y(), vector->z());
        glTexCoord2f((float) textureThree.u/weaponReader_.skinWidth(),
                     (float) textureThree.v/weaponReader_.skinHeight());
        glVertex3f(vertexThree.x, vertexThree.y, vertexThree.z);

Exemplo n.º 27
//	TriangleBoxIntersection()
//		Determine if a bounding box and triangle intersect
bool TriangleBoxIntersection(const MathVector<3>& p0, const MathVector<3>& p1,
							 const MathVector<3>& p2,
							 const MathVector<3>& boxMin, const MathVector<3>& boxMax)
	vector3 Trans;
	vector3 Scale(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	vector3 TransMax;
	TRI		TestTri;

	//	Compute the scale and transform required to make BBox
	//	a voxel
	Trans.x() = (boxMax.x() + boxMin.x()) / 2;
	Trans.y() = (boxMax.y() + boxMin.y()) / 2;
	Trans.z() = (boxMax.z() + boxMin.z()) / 2;

	VecSubtract(TransMax, boxMax, Trans);
	if(TransMax.x() != 0)
		Scale.x() = 0.5f / TransMax.x();
	if(TransMax.y() != 0)
		Scale.y() = 0.5f / TransMax.y();
	if(TransMax.z() != 0)
		Scale.z() = 0.5f / TransMax.z();

	//	Put the triangle in voxel space
	TestTri.m_P[0].x() = (p0.x() - Trans.x()) * Scale.x();
	TestTri.m_P[0].y() = (p0.y() - Trans.y()) * Scale.y();
	TestTri.m_P[0].z() = (p0.z() - Trans.z()) * Scale.z();

	TestTri.m_P[1].x() = (p1.x() - Trans.x()) * Scale.x();
	TestTri.m_P[1].y() = (p1.y() - Trans.y()) * Scale.y();
	TestTri.m_P[1].z() = (p1.z() - Trans.z()) * Scale.z();
	TestTri.m_P[2].x() = (p2.x() - Trans.x()) * Scale.x();
	TestTri.m_P[2].y() = (p2.y() - Trans.y()) * Scale.y();
	TestTri.m_P[2].z() = (p2.z() - Trans.z()) * Scale.z();

	//	Test against the voxel
	return(TriCubeIntersection(TestTri) == INSIDE);	
Exemplo n.º 28
MathVector Math::cross(MathVector a, MathVector b)
	return a.cross(b);