Exemplo n.º 1
void R004PseudoTexture::Render()
	MatrixStack mstackvertices;
	MatrixStack mstacknormals;

	// TODO: sort meshes


	for (int i=0 ; i<m_scene->m_meshCount ; i++)
		Mesh *mesh = m_scene->m_meshes[i];

		// Transforming vertices into screen coords
		Vec3f *vertices = new Vec3f[mesh->m_vertexcount];
		for (unsigned int v=0 ; v<mesh->m_vertexcount ; v++)
			Vec3f vec = mesh->m_vertexbuffer[v];			
			vec = vec * mstackvertices.GetTopMatrix();
			vec.x = vec.x / ( (vec.z>0) ? (vec.z) : (-vec.z) );
			vec.y = vec.y / ( (vec.z>0) ? (vec.z) : (-vec.z) );
			vec = vec * m_viewport->m_viewportmatrix;
			vertices[v] = vec;

		// Reading index buffer and drawing lines
		for (unsigned int s=0 ; s<mesh->m_stripcount ; s++)
			Strip *strip = mesh->m_strips[s];
			Vec3f v0,v1,v2;
			v0 = vertices[strip->m_indexbuffer[0]];
			v1 = vertices[strip->m_indexbuffer[1]];
			for (unsigned i=2 ; i<strip->m_indexcount ; i++)
				v2 = vertices[strip->m_indexbuffer[i]];
				// backface culling
				Vec3f cullingnormal = ((v1-v0).Cross((v2-v0)));
				if (cullingnormal.z < 0) // TODO dotproduct with camera ?
					// Calculate flat shading
					Vec3f normal = (mesh->m_vertexbuffer[strip->m_indexbuffer[i]]-mesh->m_vertexbuffer[strip->m_indexbuffer[0]])
					normal = normal.Mul3x3(mstacknormals.GetTopMatrix());
					Vec3f frontvec;
					frontvec.z = 1;
					float normaldotproduct = normal.Dot(frontvec);
					if (normaldotproduct > 0) normaldotproduct = 0;
					unsigned char shade = (unsigned char) ((normaldotproduct * (-200.0f)) + 55.0f);

					// Fill poly
					FillPoly(v0, v1, v2, shade);

				v1 = v2;
		//mstack.PopMatrix(); // Remove world matrix (the mesh one)
		delete vertices;