Exemplo n.º 1
void MemoryBlockAllocator::FreeMemory(void* pAddress)
	if (!pAddress)
		MessagedAssert(pAddress != NULL, "You cannot free empty memory.");
		TDEBUG_PRINT_FL("Hey, don't free the empty address.\n", Debugger::VerbosityDebugger::LEVEL1);
	if (!this->Contains(pAddress))
		MessagedAssert(this->Contains(pAddress), "The address is not contained by this allocator.");
		TDEBUG_PRINT_FL("Hey, this memory is not owned by me.\n", Debugger::VerbosityDebugger::LEVEL1);
	//get the memory block which contains the pAddress.
	size_t memoryOffset = (size_t)pAddress - (size_t)this->_pMemoryAddress;
	size_t startBit = memoryOffset / this->_blockSize;// index of the memory block
	size_t align_offset = align_get_boundry_offset(sizeof(MemoryBlock), _alignment);
	MemoryBlock* pBlock = reinterpret_cast<MemoryBlock*>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(_pBlocks) + startBit * align_offset);
	//read how much of blocks we alloced
	size_t numOfSequence = pBlock->GetNumOfAllocBlocks();
	if (numOfSequence != UINT_MAX)
		//clear the bitfield
		this->_pBitfield->EraseBits(startBit, numOfSequence);
		//free the memory blocks, just set memory 0
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numOfSequence; i++)
			pBlock = align_get_next<MemoryBlock>(pBlock, _alignment);
		TDEBUG_PRINT_FL("%d bytes = %d blocks of memory has been freed\n", Debugger::VerbosityDebugger::LEVEL1, numOfSequence*_blockSize, numOfSequence);
		MessagedAssert(numOfSequence != UINT_MAX, "Memory free failed!");
		TDEBUG_PRINT_FL("Free failed!\n", Debugger::VerbosityDebugger::LEVEL1);