Exemplo n.º 1
MidiController* MidiPort::drumController(int ctl)
	if (!_instrument)
		return 0;

	MidiControllerList* cl = _instrument->controller();

	// If it's an RPN, NRPN, RPN14, or NRPN14 controller...
	if (((ctl - CTRL_RPN_OFFSET >= 0) && (ctl - CTRL_RPN_OFFSET <= 0xffff)) ||
			((ctl - CTRL_NRPN_OFFSET >= 0) && (ctl - CTRL_NRPN_OFFSET <= 0xffff)) ||
			((ctl - CTRL_RPN14_OFFSET >= 0) && (ctl - CTRL_RPN14_OFFSET <= 0xffff)) ||
			((ctl - CTRL_NRPN14_OFFSET >= 0) && (ctl - CTRL_NRPN14_OFFSET <= 0xffff)))
		// Does the instrument have a drum controller to match this controller's number?
		iMidiController imc = cl->find(ctl | 0xff);
		if (imc != cl->end())
			// Yes, it's a drum controller. Return a pointer to it.
			return imc->second;

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
void MidiPort::tryCtrlInitVal(int chan, int ctl, int val)
	//printf("Entering: MidiPort::tryCtrlInitVal\n");
	if (_instrument)
		MidiControllerList* cl = _instrument->controller();
		ciMidiController imc = cl->find(ctl);
		if (imc != cl->end())
			MidiController* mc = imc->second;
			int initval = mc->initVal();

			// Initialize from either the instrument controller's initial value, or the supplied value.
			if (initval != CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
				if (_device)
					MidiPlayEvent ev(0, portno(), chan, ME_CONTROLLER, ctl, initval + mc->bias());
				setHwCtrlStates(chan, ctl, CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN, initval + mc->bias());


	if (_device)
		//MidiPlayEvent ev(song->cpos(), portno(), chan, ME_CONTROLLER, ctl, val);
		MidiPlayEvent ev(0, portno(), chan, ME_CONTROLLER, ctl, val);
	// Set it once so the 'last HW value' is set, and control knobs are positioned at the value...
	//setHwCtrlState(chan, ctl, val);
	// Set it again so that control labels show 'off'...
	//setHwCtrlState(chan, ctl, CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN);
	setHwCtrlStates(chan, ctl, CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN, val);
Exemplo n.º 3
int MidiPort::limitValToInstrCtlRange(int ctl, int val)
	if (!_instrument || val == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
		return val;

	MidiControllerList* cl = _instrument->controller();

	// Is it a drum controller?
	MidiController *mc = drumController(ctl);
	if (!mc)
		// It's not a drum controller. Find it as a regular controller instead.
		iMidiController imc = cl->find(ctl);
		if (imc != cl->end())
			mc = imc->second;

	// If it's a valid controller, limit the value to the instrument controller range.
	if (mc)
		return limitValToInstrCtlRange(mc, val);

	return val;
Exemplo n.º 4
void MidiDevice::handleSeek()
  // If the device is not in use by a port, don't bother it.
  if(_port == -1)
  MidiPort* mp = &MusEGlobal::midiPorts[_port];
  MidiInstrument* instr = mp->instrument();
  MidiCtrlValListList* cll = mp->controller();
  unsigned pos = MusEGlobal::audio->tickPos();
  //    Send STOP 
  // Don't send if external sync is on. The master, and our sync routing system will take care of that.  
      // Shall we check for device write open flag to see if it's ok to send?...
      //if(!(rwFlags() & 0x1) || !(openFlags() & 1))
      //if(!(openFlags() & 1))
      //  continue;

  //    If playing, clear all notes and flush out any
  //     stuck notes which were put directly to the device
    for(iMPEvent i = _stuckNotes.begin(); i != _stuckNotes.end(); ++i) 
      MidiPlayEvent ev(*i);
      putEvent(ev);  // For immediate playback try putEvent, putMidiEvent, or sendEvent (for the optimizations).
  //    Send new controller values
  // Find channels on this port used in the song...
  bool usedChans[MIDI_CHANNELS];
  int usedChanCount = 0;
  for(int i = 0; i < MIDI_CHANNELS; ++i)
    usedChans[i] = false;
  if(MusEGlobal::song->click() && MusEGlobal::clickPort == _port)
    usedChans[MusEGlobal::clickChan] = true;
  bool drum_found = false;
  for(ciMidiTrack imt = MusEGlobal::song->midis()->begin(); imt != MusEGlobal::song->midis()->end(); ++imt)
    //    While we are at it, flush out any track-related playback stuck notes
    //     (NOT 'live' notes) which were not put directly to the device
    MPEventList& mel = (*imt)->stuckNotes;
    for(iMPEvent i = mel.begin(), i_next = i; i != mel.end(); i = i_next)

      if((*i).port() != _port)
      MidiPlayEvent ev(*i);
      putEvent(ev); // For immediate playback try putEvent, putMidiEvent, or sendEvent (for the optimizations).
    if((*imt)->type() == MusECore::Track::DRUM)
        drum_found = true; 
        for(int i = 0; i < DRUM_MAPSIZE; ++i)
          // Default to track port if -1 and track channel if -1.
          int mport = MusEGlobal::drumMap[i].port;
          if(mport == -1)
            mport = (*imt)->outPort();
          int mchan = MusEGlobal::drumMap[i].channel;
          if(mchan == -1)
            mchan = (*imt)->outChannel();
          if(mport != _port || usedChans[mchan])
          usedChans[mchan] = true;
          if(usedChanCount >= MIDI_CHANNELS)
            break;  // All are used, done searching.
      if((*imt)->outPort() != _port || usedChans[(*imt)->outChannel()])
      usedChans[(*imt)->outChannel()] = true;

    if(usedChanCount >= MIDI_CHANNELS)
      break;    // All are used. Done searching.
  for(iMidiCtrlValList ivl = cll->begin(); ivl != cll->end(); ++ivl) 
    MidiCtrlValList* vl = ivl->second;
    int chan = ivl->first >> 24;
    if(!usedChans[chan])  // Channel not used in song?
    int ctlnum = vl->num();

    // Find the first non-muted value at the given tick...
    bool values_found = false;
    bool found_value = false;
    iMidiCtrlVal imcv = vl->lower_bound(pos);
    if(imcv != vl->end() && imcv->first == (int)pos)
      for( ; imcv != vl->end() && imcv->first == (int)pos; ++imcv)
        const Part* p = imcv->second.part;
        // Ignore values that are outside of the part.
        if(pos < p->tick() || pos >= (p->tick() + p->lenTick()))
        values_found = true;
        // Ignore if part or track is muted or off.
        const Track* track = p->track();
        if(track && (track->isMute() || track->off()))
        found_value = true;
      while(imcv != vl->begin())
        const Part* p = imcv->second.part;
        // Ignore values that are outside of the part.
        unsigned t = imcv->first;
        if(t < p->tick() || t >= (p->tick() + p->lenTick()))
        values_found = true;
        // Ignore if part or track is muted or off.
        const Track* track = p->track();
        if(track && (track->isMute() || track->off()))
        found_value = true;

      // Don't bother sending any sustain values if not playing. Just set the hw state.
      if(ctlnum == CTRL_SUSTAIN && !MusEGlobal::audio->isPlaying())
        mp->setHwCtrlState(chan, CTRL_SUSTAIN, imcv->second.val);
        // Use sendEvent to get the optimizations and limiting. But force if there's a value at this exact position.
        // NOTE: Why again was this forced? There was a reason. Think it was RJ in response to bug rep, then I modded.
        // A reason not to force: If a straight line is drawn on graph, multiple identical events are stored
        //  (which must be allowed). So seeking through them here sends them all redundantly, not good. // REMOVE Tim.
        mp->sendEvent(MidiPlayEvent(0, _port, chan, ME_CONTROLLER, ctlnum, imcv->second.val), false); //, imcv->first == pos);
        //mp->sendEvent(MidiPlayEvent(0, _port, chan, ME_CONTROLLER, ctlnum, imcv->second.val), pos == 0 || imcv->first == pos);

    // Either no value was found, or they were outside parts, or pos is in the unknown area before the first value.
    // Send instrument default initial values.  NOT for syntis. Use midiState and/or initParams for that. 
    //if((imcv == vl->end() || !done) && !MusEGlobal::song->record() && instr && !isSynti()) 
    // Hmm, without refinement we can only do this at position 0, due to possible 'skipped' values outside parts, above.
    if(!values_found && MusEGlobal::config.midiSendCtlDefaults && !MusEGlobal::song->record() && pos == 0 && instr && !isSynti())
      MidiControllerList* mcl = instr->controller();
      ciMidiController imc = mcl->find(vl->num());
      if(imc != mcl->end())
        MidiController* mc = imc->second;
        if(mc->initVal() != CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
          // Use sendEvent to get the optimizations and limiting. No force sending. Note the addition of bias.
          mp->sendEvent(MidiPlayEvent(0, _port, chan, ME_CONTROLLER, ctlnum, mc->initVal() + mc->bias()), false);
  //    reset sustain
  for(int ch = 0; ch < MIDI_CHANNELS; ++ch) 
    if(mp->hwCtrlState(ch, CTRL_SUSTAIN) == 127) 
      const MidiPlayEvent ev(0, _port, ch, ME_CONTROLLER, CTRL_SUSTAIN, 0);
  //    Send STOP and "set song position pointer"
  // Don't send if external sync is on. The master, and our sync routing system will take care of that.  
      //mp->sendStop();   // Moved above
      int beat = (pos * 4) / MusEGlobal::config.division;