Exemplo n.º 1
void MyMoneyQifWriter::writeTransactionEntry(QTextStream &s, const MyMoneyTransaction& t, const QString& accountId)
  MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();
  MyMoneySplit split = t.splitByAccount(accountId);

  s << "D" << m_qifProfile.date(t.postDate()) << endl;

  switch(split.reconcileFlag()) {
    case MyMoneySplit::Cleared:
      s << "C*" << endl;

    case MyMoneySplit::Reconciled:
    case MyMoneySplit::Frozen:
      s << "CX" << endl;


  if(split.memo().length() > 0) {
    QString m = split.memo();
    m.replace('\n', "\\n");
    s << "M" << m << endl;

  s << "T" << m_qifProfile.value('T', split.value()) << endl;

  if(split.number().length() > 0)
    s << "N" << split.number() << endl;

  if(!split.payeeId().isEmpty()) {
    MyMoneyPayee payee = file->payee(split.payeeId());
    s << "P" << payee.name() << endl;

  QValueList<MyMoneySplit> list = t.splits();
  if(list.count() > 1) {
    MyMoneySplit sp = t.splitByAccount(accountId, false);
    MyMoneyAccount acc = file->account(sp.accountId());
    if(acc.accountGroup() != MyMoneyAccount::Income
    && acc.accountGroup() != MyMoneyAccount::Expense) {
      s << "L" << m_qifProfile.accountDelimiter()[0]
              << MyMoneyFile::instance()->accountToCategory(sp.accountId())
              << m_qifProfile.accountDelimiter()[1] << endl;
    } else {
      s << "L" << file->accountToCategory(sp.accountId()) << endl;
    if(list.count() > 2) {
      QValueList<MyMoneySplit>::ConstIterator it;
      for(it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) {
        if(!((*it) == split)) {
          writeSplitEntry(s, *it);
  s << "^" << endl;
Exemplo n.º 2
void MyMoneyQifWriter::writeSplitEntry(QTextStream& s, const MyMoneySplit& split)
  MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();

  s << "S";
  MyMoneyAccount acc = file->account(split.accountId());
  if(acc.accountGroup() != MyMoneyAccount::Income
  && acc.accountGroup() != MyMoneyAccount::Expense) {
    s << m_qifProfile.accountDelimiter()[0]
      << file->accountToCategory(split.accountId())
      << m_qifProfile.accountDelimiter()[1];
  } else {
    s << file->accountToCategory(split.accountId());
  s << endl;

  if(split.memo().length() > 0) {
    QString m = split.memo();
    m.replace('\n', "\\n");
    s << "E" << m << endl;

  s << "$" << m_qifProfile.value('$', -split.value()) << endl;
void KAccountTemplateSelector::Private::loadHierarchy(void)
  QListViewItemIterator it(m_parent->m_groupList, QListViewItemIterator::Selected);
  QListViewItem* it_v;
  while((it_v = it.current()) != 0) {

  // I need to think about this some more. The code works and shows
  // the current account hierarchy. It might be usefull, to show
  // existing accounts dimmed and the new ones in bold or so.
#if 0

  // add the hierarchy from the MyMoneyFile object
  QValueList<MyMoneyAccount> aList;
  QValueList<MyMoneyAccount>::const_iterator it_a;
  MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();
  if(aList.count() > 0) {
    m_templateHierarchy[file->accountToCategory(file->asset().id(), true)] = 0;
    m_templateHierarchy[file->accountToCategory(file->liability().id(), true)] = 0;
    m_templateHierarchy[file->accountToCategory(file->income().id(), true)] = 0;
    m_templateHierarchy[file->accountToCategory(file->expense().id(), true)] = 0;
    m_templateHierarchy[file->accountToCategory(file->equity().id(), true)] = 0;

  for(it_a = aList.begin(); it_a != aList.end(); ++it_a) {
    m_templateHierarchy[file->accountToCategory((*it_a).id(), true)] = 0;

  QMap<QString, QListViewItem*>::iterator it_m;

  QRegExp exp("(.*):(.*)");
  for(it_m = m_templateHierarchy.begin(); it_m != m_templateHierarchy.end(); ++it_m) {
    if(exp.search(it_m.key()) == -1) {
      (*it_m) = new KListViewItem(m_parent->m_accountList, it_m.key());
    } else {
      (*it_m) = hierarchyItem(exp.cap(1), exp.cap(2));

  if(m_parent->m_groupList->currentItem()) {