Exemplo n.º 1
eavlNetCDFImporter::GetField(const string &name, const string &mesh, int)
    for (unsigned int v=0; v<vars.size(); v++)
        NcVar *var = vars[v];
        if (name != var->name())

        if (debugoutput) cerr << "reading var "<<v+1<<" / "<<vars.size()<<endl;
        eavlFloatArray *arr = new eavlFloatArray(var->name(), 1);
        NcValues *vals = var->values();
        int n = var->num_vals();
        for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
            arr->SetComponentFromDouble(i,0, vals->as_double(i));

        eavlField *field = new eavlField(1, arr, eavlField::ASSOC_POINTS);
        return field;

    return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 2
char* NcTypedComponent::as_string( long n ) const
    NcValues* tmp = values();
    char* rval = tmp->as_string(n);
    delete tmp;
    return rval;
Exemplo n.º 3
NcValues* NcVar::values( void ) const
    int ndims = num_dims();
    size_t crnr[NC_MAX_DIMS];
    size_t edgs[NC_MAX_DIMS];
    for (int i = 0; i < ndims; i++) {
	crnr[i] = 0;
	edgs[i] = get_dim(i)->size();
    NcValues* valp = get_space();
    int status;
    switch (type()) {
    case ncFloat:
	status = NcError::set_err(
				  nc_get_vara_float(the_file->id(), the_id, crnr, edgs, 
				   (float *)valp->base())
    case ncDouble:
	status = NcError::set_err(
				  nc_get_vara_double(the_file->id(), the_id, crnr, edgs, 
				    (double *)valp->base())
    case ncInt:
	status = NcError::set_err(
				  nc_get_vara_int(the_file->id(), the_id, crnr, edgs, 
				 (int *)valp->base())
    case ncShort:
	status = NcError::set_err(
				  nc_get_vara_short(the_file->id(), the_id, crnr, edgs, 
				   (short *)valp->base())
    case ncByte:
	status = NcError::set_err(
				  nc_get_vara_schar(the_file->id(), the_id, crnr, edgs, 
				   (signed char *)valp->base())
    case ncChar:
	status = NcError::set_err(
				  nc_get_vara_text(the_file->id(), the_id, crnr, edgs, 
				   (char *)valp->base())
    case ncNoType:
	return 0;
    if (status != NC_NOERR)
	return 0;
    return valp;
Exemplo n.º 4
NcValues* NcAtt::values( void ) const
    NcValues* valp = get_space();
    int status;
    switch (type()) {
    case ncFloat:
	status = NcError::set_err(
				  nc_get_att_float(the_file->id(), the_variable->id(), the_name,
				   (float *)valp->base())
    case ncDouble:
	status = NcError::set_err(
				  nc_get_att_double(the_file->id(), the_variable->id(), the_name,
				   (double *)valp->base())
    case ncInt:
	status = NcError::set_err(
				  nc_get_att_int(the_file->id(), the_variable->id(), the_name,
				(int *)valp->base())
    case ncShort:
	status = NcError::set_err(
				  nc_get_att_short(the_file->id(), the_variable->id(), the_name,
				  (short *)valp->base())
    case ncByte:
	status = NcError::set_err(
				  nc_get_att_schar(the_file->id(), the_variable->id(), the_name,
				  (signed char *)valp->base())
    case ncChar:
	status = NcError::set_err(
				  nc_get_att_text(the_file->id(), the_variable->id(), the_name,
				  (char *)valp->base())
    case ncNoType:
	return 0;
    if (status != NC_NOERR) {
	delete valp;
	return 0;
    return valp;
void CopyNcVarAttributes(
	NcVar * varIn,
	NcVar * varOut
) {
	for (int a = 0; a < varIn->num_atts(); a++) {
		NcAtt * att = varIn->get_att(a);
		long num_vals = att->num_vals();

		NcValues * pValues = att->values();

		if (att->type() == ncByte) {
			varOut->add_att(att->name(), num_vals,
				(const ncbyte*)(pValues->base()));

		} else if (att->type() == ncChar) {
			varOut->add_att(att->name(), num_vals,
				(const char*)(pValues->base()));

		} else if (att->type() == ncShort) {
			varOut->add_att(att->name(), num_vals,
				(const short*)(pValues->base()));

		} else if (att->type() == ncInt) {
			varOut->add_att(att->name(), num_vals,
				(const int*)(pValues->base()));

		} else if (att->type() == ncFloat) {
			varOut->add_att(att->name(), num_vals,
				(const float*)(pValues->base()));

		} else if (att->type() == ncDouble) {
			varOut->add_att(att->name(), num_vals,
				(const double*)(pValues->base()));

		} else {
			_EXCEPTIONT("Invalid attribute type");

		delete pValues;
Exemplo n.º 6
NcValues* NcVar::get_rec(NcDim* rdim, long slice)
    int idx = dim_to_index(rdim);
    long size = num_dims();
    size_t* start = new size_t[size];
    long* startl = new long[size];
    for (int i=1; i < size ; i++) {
	start[i] = 0;
	startl[i] = 0;
    start[idx] = slice;
    startl[idx] = slice;
    NcBool result = set_cur(startl);
    if (! result ) {
	delete [] start;
	delete [] startl;
	return 0;

    long* edgel = edges();
    size_t* edge = new size_t[size];
    for (int i=1; i < size ; i++) {
	edge[i] = edgel[i];
    edge[idx] = 1;
    edgel[idx] = 1;
    NcValues* valp = get_space(rec_size(rdim));
    int status;
    switch (type()) {
    case ncFloat:
	status = NcError::set_err(
				  nc_get_vara_float(the_file->id(), the_id, start, edge, 
				   (float *)valp->base())
    case ncDouble:
	status = NcError::set_err(
				  nc_get_vara_double(the_file->id(), the_id, start, edge, 
				    (double *)valp->base())
    case ncInt:
	status = NcError::set_err(
				  nc_get_vara_int(the_file->id(), the_id, start, edge, 
				 (int *)valp->base())
    case ncShort:
	status = NcError::set_err(
				  nc_get_vara_short(the_file->id(), the_id, start, edge, 
				   (short *)valp->base())
    case ncByte:
	status = NcError::set_err(
				  nc_get_vara_schar(the_file->id(), the_id, start, edge, 
				   (signed char *)valp->base())
    case ncChar:
	status = NcError::set_err(
				  nc_get_vara_text(the_file->id(), the_id, start, edge, 
				   (char *)valp->base())
    case ncNoType:
	return 0;
    delete [] start;
    delete [] startl;
    delete [] edge;
    delete [] edgel;
    if (status != NC_NOERR) {
	delete valp;
	return 0;
    return valp;
Exemplo n.º 7
int TestSuite::testVar()


      string FILE_NAME = "tst_vars.nc";
      int NDIMS = 4;
      int NLAT = 6;
      int NLON = 12;

      // Names of things. 
      string LAT_NAME = "latitude";
      string LON_NAME = "longitude";

      int  MAX_ATT_LEN = 80;
      // These are used to construct some example data. 
      float START_LAT = 25.0;
      float START_LON = -125.0;

      string  UNITS = "units";
      string  DEGREES_EAST =  "degrees_east";
      string  DEGREES_NORTH = "degrees_north";

      // For the units attributes. 
      string LAT_UNITS = "degrees_north";
      string LON_UNITS = "degrees_east";

      // Return this code to the OS in case of failure.
#define NC_ERR 2

      // We will write latitude and longitude fields. 
      float lats[NLAT],lons[NLON];

      // create some pretend data. If this wasn't an example program, we
      // would have some real data to write for example, model output.
      for (int lat = 0; lat < NLAT; lat++)
	 lats[lat] = START_LAT + 5. * lat;
      for (int lon = 0; lon < NLON; lon++)
	 lons[lon] = START_LON + 5. * lon;

      // Create the file.
      NcFile test(FILE_NAME, NcFile::Replace);

      // Define the dimensions. NetCDF will hand back an ncDim object for
      // each.
      NcDim* latDim = test.addDim(LAT_NAME, NLAT);
      NcDim* lonDim = test.addDim(LON_NAME, NLON);

      // Define the coordinate variables.
      NcVar* latVar = test.addVar(LAT_NAME, ncFloat, latDim);
      NcVar* lonVar = test.addVar(LON_NAME, ncFloat, lonDim);
      // Define units attributes for coordinate vars. This attaches a
      // text attribute to each of the coordinate variables, containing
      // the units.
      latVar->addAtt(UNITS,ncString, DEGREES_NORTH);
      lonVar->addAtt(UNITS,ncString, DEGREES_EAST);

      // Write the coordinate variable data to the file.
      latVar->put(lats, NLAT);
      lonVar->put(lons, NLON);

      NcValues *latVals = latVar->getValues();
      cout<<"toString returns lats: "<<latVals->toString()<<endl;
      cout<<"toChar returns "<<latVals->toChar(1)<<endl;
      cout<<"toShort returns "<<latVals->toShort(1)<<endl;
      cout<<"toInt returns "<<latVals->toInt(1)<<endl;
      cout<<"toLong returns "<<latVals->toLong(1)<<endl;

      NcValues *lonVals = lonVar->getValues();
      cout<<"toString returns lats: "<<lonVals->toString()<<endl;
      cout<<"no segmentation fault thus far"<<endl;

      //test varaibles here
   catch(NcException e)
      return 1;
      cout<<"should test adding a variable with more than 5 dimensions here"<<endl;
      // test creating a variable with more than 5 dimensions
   catch (NcException e)
      return 1;

   try  //write the file with float's b/c that's all NcValues can handle at the moment
       int NX = 6;
      int NY = 12;
       float dataOut[NX][NY];
  // Create some pretend data. If this wasn't an example program, we
  // would have some real data to write, for example, model output.
  for(int i = 0; i < NX; i++)
    for(int j = 0; j < NY; j++)
       dataOut[i][j] = i * NY + j;
  // The default behavior of the C++ API is to throw an exception i
  // an error occurs. A try catch block in necessary.
      // Create the file. The Replace parameter tells netCDF to overwrite
      // this file, if it already exists.
      string filename ="simples_xy.nc"; 
      NcFile dataFile(filename, NcFile::Replace);
      // When we create netCDF dimensions, we get back a pointer to an
      // NcDim for each one.
      NcDim* xDim = dataFile.addDim("x", NX);
      NcDim* yDim = dataFile.addDim("y", NY);
      // Define the variable. The type of the variable in this case is
      // ncInt (32-bit integer).
   NcVar *data = dataFile.addVar("data", ncFloat, xDim, yDim);
   // Write the pretend data to the file. Although netCDF supports
   // reading and writing subsets of data, in this case we write all
   // the data in one operation.
   data->put(&dataOut[0][0], NX, NY,0,0,0);
   // The file will be automatically close when the NcFile object goes
   // out of scope. This frees up any internal netCDF resources
   // associated with the file, and flushes any buffers.
   cout << "*** SUCCESS writing example file simples_xy.nc!" << endl;
  catch(std::exception e)

      int NX = 6;
      int NY = 12;

// Return this in event of a problem.
      // int NC_ERR = 2;
      // This is the array we will read.
      float dataIn[NX][NY]; 

      // Open the file. The ReadOnly parameter tells netCDF we want
      // read-only access to the file.
      NcFile dataFile("simples_xy.nc", NcFile::ReadOnly);

      // Retrieve the variable named "data"
      NcVar *data = dataFile.getVar("data");
      //call getType on data

      // Read all the values from the "data" variable into memory. 
      data->get(&dataIn[0][0], NX, NY);
      // Check the values. 
      for (int i = 0; i < NX; i++)
	 for (int j = 0; j < NY; j++)
	    if (dataIn[i][j] != i * NY + j)
	       return 1;
      NcValues* dataVar= data->getValues();
   catch(NcException e)
      return 1;
      cout<<"***************** Testing Variables was successful *****************"<<endl;
      return 0;
Exemplo n.º 8
int NetcdfSource::readField(double *v, const QString& field, int s, int n) {
  NcType dataType = ncNoType; /* netCDF data type */
  /* Values for one record */
  NcValues *record = 0;// = new NcValues(dataType,numFrameVals);

  KST_DBG qDebug() << "Entering NetcdfSource::readField with params: " << field << ", from " << s << " for " << n << " frames" << endl;

  /* For INDEX field */
  if (field.toLower() == "index") {
    if (n < 0) {
      v[0] = double(s);
      return 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      v[i] = double(s + i);
    return n;

  /* For a variable from the netCDF file */
  QByteArray bytes = field.toLatin1();
  NcVar *var = _ncfile->get_var(bytes.constData());  // var is owned by _ncfile
  if (!var) {
    KST_DBG qDebug() << "Queried field " << field << " which can't be read" << endl;
    return -1;

  dataType = var->type();

  if (s >= var->num_vals() / var->rec_size()) {
    return 0;

  bool oneSample = n < 0;
  int recSize = var->rec_size();

  switch (dataType) {
    case ncShort:
        if (oneSample) {
          record = var->get_rec(s);
          v[0] = record->as_short(0);
          delete record;
        } else {
          for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            record = var->get_rec(i+s);
            for (int j = 0; j < recSize; j++) {
              v[i*recSize + j] = record->as_short(j);
            delete record;

    case ncInt:
        if (oneSample) {
          record = var->get_rec(s);
          v[0] = record->as_int(0);
          delete record;
        } else {
          for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            record = var->get_rec(i+s);
            KST_DBG qDebug() << "Read record " << i+s << endl;
            for (int j = 0; j < recSize; j++) {
              v[i*recSize + j] = record->as_int(j);
            delete record;

    case ncFloat:
        if (oneSample) {
          record = var->get_rec(s);
          v[0] = record->as_float(0);
          delete record;
        } else {
          for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            record = var->get_rec(i+s);
            for (int j = 0; j < recSize; j++) {
              v[i*recSize + j] = record->as_float(j);
            delete record;

    case ncDouble:
        if (oneSample) {
          record = var->get_rec(s);
          v[0] = record->as_double(0);
          delete record;
        } else {
          for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            record = var->get_rec(i+s);
            for (int j = 0; j < recSize; j++) {
              v[i*recSize + j] = record->as_double(j);
            delete record;

      KST_DBG qDebug() << field << ": wrong datatype for kst, no values read" << endl;
      return -1;


  KST_DBG qDebug() << "Finished reading " << field << endl;

  return oneSample ? 1 : n * recSize;
vtkDataArray *
avtS3DFileFormat::GetVar(int timeState, int domain, const char *varname)
    debug5 << "avtS3DFileFormat::GetVar( timeState=" << timeState << ", domain="
        << domain << ", varname=" << varname << ")" << endl;

    // Calculate the timestep directory that the data lives in.
    char *pathcopy = strdup(mainFilename);
    string dir = parse_dirname(pathcopy);
    string timestepDir = CreateStringFromDouble(fileTimes[timeState]);
    debug4 << "Timestep directory is <" << timestepDir <<  ">" << endl;
    // Figure out how big this piece is.

    // Open up the NetCDF file.
    char path[256];
    SNPRINTF(path,256,"%s%s%s%sfield.%05d",dir.c_str(),VISIT_SLASH_STRING, timestepDir.c_str(), VISIT_SLASH_STRING, domain);
    debug5 << "avtS3DFileFormat::GetVar: Full path to data file is " << path << endl;

    NcFile nf(path);
    if (!nf.is_valid())
        debug1 << nc_strerror(NcError().get_err()) << endl;
        EXCEPTION1(InvalidFilesException, path);
    debug5 << "avtS3DFileFormat::GetVar: Got valid file." << endl;

    // Pull out the appropriate variable.
    NcVar *v = nf.get_var(varname);
    if (!v)
        debug1 << nc_strerror(NcError().get_err()) << endl;
        EXCEPTION1(InvalidVariableException, varname);

    // Check if it fits the size of the mesh.  Always node-centered, remember.
    int ntuples = localDims[0] * localDims[1] * localDims[2];
    debug5 << "ntuples:" << ntuples << endl;
    int nvals = v->num_vals();
    if (ntuples != nvals)
        debug1 << "The variable " << v->name() <<
                  " does not conform to its mesh (" << nvals << " != " << 
                  ntuples << ")" << endl;
        EXCEPTION1(InvalidVariableException, v->name());

    // Set up the VTK dataset.
    vtkFloatArray *rv = vtkFloatArray::New();
    float *p = (float*)rv->GetVoidPointer(0);
    NcValues *input = v->values();
    if (!input)
        debug1 << nc_strerror(NcError().get_err()) << endl;
        EXCEPTION1(InvalidVariableException, v->name());

    // Get the scaling factor.
    NcAtt *scaling = v->get_att(NcToken("scale_factor"));
    float scaling_factor = 1;
    if (scaling)
        scaling_factor = scaling->as_float(0);
        debug5 << "avtS3DFileFormat::GetVar: Set the scaling factor as " << scaling_factor << endl;

    // Process the variable into the returned data.
    float *base = (float*)input->base();
    for(int i=0;i<ntuples;i++)
        p[i] = *(base + i) * scaling_factor;

    return rv;