Exemplo n.º 1
void Bullet::go(int id, double sync, Net &net, Server &server)
  // call after clear

  if (y < 0 || y > out->getHeight() || dead) {
    // transmit here cos this covers dead and out of screen
    Unit unit;
    unit.bullet.flag = UNIT_BULLET;
    unit.bullet.id = id;
    unit.bullet.active = 0;
    unit.bullet.x = 0;
    unit.bullet.y = 0;
    unit.bullet.z = 0;
    unit.bullet.dirY = 0;
    unit.bullet.speedY = 0;
    unit.bullet.owner = 0;

    net.addUnitAll(unit, server, -1);

    dead = false;
    active = false;

Exemplo n.º 2
void Badcontrol::spawn(Timer &timer, Net &net, Server &server)
    timeval elapsed = timer.elapsed(lastSpawn);

    if (elapsed.tv_sec > spawnDelay.tv_sec
            || (elapsed.tv_sec == spawnDelay.tv_sec && elapsed.tv_usec > spawnDelay.tv_usec))
        lastSpawn = timer.getCurrent();

        spawnDelay.tv_sec = std::rand() % 10 + 1;
        spawnDelay.tv_usec = std::rand() % 100 * 10000;

        Unit unit;

        for (int i = 0; i < badlen; i++) {
            if (!bad[i].getActive()) {
                makeBad(i, spawnOffsetX + formationX, spawnOffsetY + formationY, spawnOffsetX, spawnOffsetY, BAD_SHIP, timer.getCurrent());

                unit.position.flag = UNIT_POSITION;
                unit.position.id = i + ID_BAD_MIN;
                unit.position.x = bad[i].getX();
                unit.position.y = bad[i].getY();
                unit.position.z = 0;
                net.addUnitAll(unit, server, -1);

                unit.bad.flag = UNIT_BAD;
                unit.bad.id = i;
                unit.bad.type = bad[i].getType();
                unit.bad.status = 1;
                net.addUnitAll(unit, server, -1);

                if (std::rand() % 2 == 0) bad[i].setPowerup(true);
                else bad[i].setPowerup(false);

                if (std::rand() % 2 == 0) bad[i].setPowerupType(POWERUP_SPEED);
                else bad[i].setPowerupType(POWERUP_BULLET);

Exemplo n.º 3
void Badcontrol::go(float playerX, float playerY, double sync, Bulletcontrol &bulletcontrol, Powerupcontrol &powerupcontrol, Timer &timer, bool &gameover, Net &net, Server &server)
    // s = ut + 0.5 * att
    // a = 0
    formationX += speedX * sync;

    // check if any baddie has hit the edge of the screen, using their place in formation
    // If they have, change formation direction
    for (int i = 0; i < badlen; i++) {
        if (bad[i].getActive() && !bad[i].getDying()) {
            if ((formationX + bad[i].getOffsetX() + bad[i].getWidth() / 2.0 > out->getWidth() && speedX > 0.0)
                    || (formationX + bad[i].getOffsetX() - bad[i].getWidth() / 2.0 < 0 && speedX < 0.0))
                speedX = -speedX;
                if (moveDown) {
                    speedX = (speedX < 0) ? speedX - speedInc : speedX + speedInc;
                    for (int i = 0; i < badlen; i++) {
                        if (bad[i].getActive() && !bad[i].getDying()) {
                            if (formationY + bad[i].getOffsetY() + bad[i].getHeight() / 2.0 > out->getHeight()) {
                                gameover = true;

    if (spawning) spawn(timer, net, server);

    int dead = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < badlen; i++) {
        if (bad[i].getActive()) bad[i].go(i, formationX, formationY, playerX, playerY, sync, bulletcontrol, powerupcontrol, timer, net, server);
        else dead++;

    if (dead == badlen) {
        makeAttack(attackWave, timer.getCurrent());

        Unit unit;
        unit.attack.flag = UNIT_ATTACK;
        unit.attack.wave = attackWave;

        net.addUnitAll(unit, server, -1);

        if (attackWave > attacklen) attackWave = 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
void Picturecontrol::input(int keys, Net& net, Server &server)
// called by server, transmit picnum to clients
  if (clientnum > -1 && clientnum < MAX_CLIENTS && picnum > -1 && picnum < piclen[clientnum]) {
    //&& pic[clientnum][picnum].getAngleY() > -20 && pic[clientnum][picnum].getAngleY() < 20) {
    int oldpicnum = picnum;

    if (keys & KEYS_NEXT) picnum++;
    if (keys & KEYS_BACK) picnum--;

    if (picnum < 0) {
      picnum = 0; // default (no pics found)

      bool found = false;

      // go to end of last client that has something
      for (int c = clientnum - 1; c >= 0; c--) {
        if (piclen[c] > 0) {
          picnum = piclen[c] - 1;
          clientnum = c;
          found = true;

      if (!found) {
        // count back from end, up until and including current client
        for (int c = MAX_CLIENTS - 1; c >= clientnum; c--) {
          if (piclen[c] > 0) {
            picnum = piclen[c] - 1;
            clientnum = c;

    if (picnum > piclen[clientnum] - 1) {
      bool found = false;

      for (int c = clientnum + 1; c < MAX_CLIENTS; c++) {
        if (piclen[c] > 0) {
          clientnum = c;
          found = true;

      if (!found) {
        // go through from start
        for (int c = 0; c < clientnum + 1; c++) {
          if (piclen[c] > 0) {
            clientnum = c;

      picnum = 0;

    if (oldpicnum != picnum) {
      int direction = (keys & KEYS_NEXT) ? 1 : 0;
      setPicnum(clientnum, picnum, direction); // set up positions

      // transmit picnum
      Unit unit;
      unit.picselect.flag = UNIT_PICSELECT;
      unit.picselect.clientnum = clientnum;
      unit.picselect.picnum = picnum;
      unit.picselect.direction = direction;

      net.addUnitAll(unit, server, -1);

      *out << VERBOSE_LOUD << "Picselect clientnum: " << unit.picselect.clientnum << ", picnum: " << unit.picselect.picnum
      << ", direction: " << unit.picselect.direction << '\n';