Exemplo n.º 1
polynomial operator -(const polynomial &p1)
    polynomial negated;

    Iterator<polyterm> P = p1.Begin();

    while(P.GetNode() != NULL)
        Node<polyterm> negTerm = -(*P.GetNode());

    return negated;
Exemplo n.º 2
// This would typically be used during an upgrade of a tree.
Node::CopyValueError Node::CopyValueToTree( Node* root, Context& context ) const
	List nodeList;
	if( !root->Find( nodeList, name, true ) )
		return CVE_NOT_FOUND;
	if( nodeList.size() > 1 )
		context.IssueError( "A value cannot be copied to a tree where its associated name cannot be uniquely identified." );
		return CVE_NOT_UNIQUE;

	Node* node = *nodeList.begin();
	CopyParameters copyParameters( COPY_NODE_AND_LEAVE_CHILDREN_UNTOUCHED, false, false );
	if( !node->Copy( this, context, copyParameters ) )
		return CVE_COPY_ERROR;

	return CVE_NO_ERROR;
Exemplo n.º 3
Node* Node::Clone( Context& context, const CopyParameters& copyParameters ) const
	bool success = false;
	Node* node = 0;


		// Grab the registered creator for this node's type.
		Context::NodeCreatorFunc nodeCreatorFunc = context.LookupNodeCreator( GetType() );
		if( !nodeCreatorFunc )
			throw new Error( "Failed to clone node \"%s\" of type \"%s\", because its creator function is not found in the creation registry.", name.c_str(), GetType().c_str() );

		// Create a node of our type.
		node = ( *nodeCreatorFunc )();
		if( !node )
			throw new Error( "Failed to clone node \"%s\" of type \"%s\", because its creator function failed to allocate a new node of that type.", name.c_str(), GetType().c_str() );

		// Populate the newly created node with our contents.
		if( !node->Copy( this, context, copyParameters ) )
			throw new Error( "Failed to clone node \"%s\" of type \"%s\", because a failure occured while trying to copy the source node's contents into the destination node.", name.c_str(), GetType().c_str() );

		success = true;
	catch( Error* error )
		context.IssueError( error );

	if( !success )
		// Don't return a partial result on failure.
		if( node )
			delete node;
			node = 0;

	return node;
Exemplo n.º 4
polynomial& polynomial::operator +=(const Node<polyterm> &a)
    //cout << "+= " << a << endl;

    Iterator<polyterm> P = this->Search(a.Copy());

    if(P.GetNode() != NULL)
        Node<polyterm>* oldTerm = this->Remove(P);
        //cout << "oldTerm " << *oldTerm << endl;
        Node<polyterm> newTerm = *oldTerm + a;
       //cout << "newTerm " << newTerm << endl;
        //cout << "newPoly = " << *this << endl;
    return *this;