Exemplo n.º 1
std::vector<NodeAnimPtr > AnimationModule::getChildrenNodes(const NodeAnimPtr& node) const
    std::vector<NodeAnimPtr > children;
    AnimatedItemTypeEnum nodeType = node->getItemType();
    if (nodeType == eAnimatedItemTypeGroup) {

        // If the node is a group, make all its children to be a child in the tree view
        NodeGroupPtr nodeGroup = node->getInternalNode()->isEffectNodeGroup();

        NodesList nodes = nodeGroup->getNodes();
        for (NodesList::const_iterator it = nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); ++it) {
            NodePtr childNode = (*it);
            NodeAnimPtr isInDopeSheet = findNodeAnim( childNode );
            if (isInDopeSheet) {

    } else if ( node->isTimeNode() ) {
        // If the node is a time node, all input nodes recursively are considered to be a child
        std::list<NodePtr> markedNodes;
        _imp->getInputs_recursive(node->getInternalNode(), markedNodes, &children);

    return children;
Exemplo n.º 2
PickKnobDialog::PickKnobDialog(DockablePanel* panel,
                               QWidget* parent)
    : QDialog(parent)
    , _imp( new PickKnobDialogPrivate(panel) )
    NodeSettingsPanel* nodePanel = dynamic_cast<NodeSettingsPanel*>(panel);

    if (!nodePanel) {
        throw std::logic_error("PickKnobDialog::PickKnobDialog()");
    NodeGuiPtr nodeGui = nodePanel->getNodeGui();
    NodePtr node = nodeGui->getNode();
    NodeGroupPtr isGroup = node->isEffectNodeGroup();
    NodeCollectionPtr collec = node->getGroup();
    NodeGroupPtr isCollecGroup = toNodeGroup(collec);
    NodesList collectNodes = collec->getNodes();
    for (NodesList::iterator it = collectNodes.begin(); it != collectNodes.end(); ++it) {
        if ((*it)->isActivated() && (*it)->getNodeGui() && ( (*it)->getKnobs().size() > 0 ) ) {
    if (isCollecGroup) {
        _imp->allNodes.push_back( isCollecGroup->getNode() );
    if (isGroup) {
        NodesList groupnodes = isGroup->getNodes();
        for (NodesList::iterator it = groupnodes.begin(); it != groupnodes.end(); ++it) {
            if ( (*it)->getNodeGui() &&
                (*it)->isActivated() &&
                ( (*it)->getKnobs().size() > 0 ) ) {
    QStringList nodeNames;
    for (NodesList::iterator it = _imp->allNodes.begin(); it != _imp->allNodes.end(); ++it) {
        QString name = QString::fromUtf8( (*it)->getLabel().c_str() );

    _imp->mainLayout = new QGridLayout(this);
    _imp->selectNodeLabel = new Label( tr("Node:") );
    _imp->nodeSelectionCombo = new CompleterLineEdit(nodeNames, nodeNames, false, this);
    _imp->nodeSelectionCombo->setToolTip( NATRON_NAMESPACE::convertFromPlainText(tr("Input the name of a node in the current project."), NATRON_NAMESPACE::WhiteSpaceNormal) );

    _imp->knobSelectionCombo = new ComboBox(this);
    QObject::connect( _imp->knobSelectionCombo, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onKnobComboIndexChanged(int)) );
    QString useAliasTt = NATRON_NAMESPACE::convertFromPlainText(tr("If checked, an alias of the selected parameter will be created, coyping entirely its state. "
                                                           "Only the script-name, label and tooltip will be editable.\n"
                                                           "For choice parameters this will also "
                                                           "dynamically refresh the menu entries when the original parameter's menu is changed.\n"
                                                           "When unchecked, a simple expression will be set linking the two parameters, but things such as dynamic menus "
                                                           "will be disabled."), NATRON_NAMESPACE::WhiteSpaceNormal);
    _imp->useAliasLabel = new Label(tr("Make Alias:"), this);
    _imp->useAliasCheckBox = new QCheckBox(this);

    QObject::connect( _imp->nodeSelectionCombo, SIGNAL(itemCompletionChosen()), this, SLOT(onNodeComboEditingFinished()) );

    _imp->destPageLabel = new Label(tr("Page:"), this);
    QString pagett = NATRON_NAMESPACE::convertFromPlainText(tr("Select the page into which the parameter will be created."), NATRON_NAMESPACE::WhiteSpaceNormal);
    _imp->destPageCombo = new ComboBox(this);
    QObject::connect( _imp->destPageCombo, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onPageComboIndexChanged(int)) );
    const KnobsVec& knobs = node->getKnobs();
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < knobs.size(); ++i) {
        if ( knobs[i]->isUserKnob() ) {
            KnobPagePtr isPage = toKnobPage(knobs[i]);
            if (isPage) {
                _imp->destPageCombo->addItem( QString::fromUtf8( isPage->getName().c_str() ) );
            } else {
                KnobGroupPtr isGrp = toKnobGroup(knobs[i]);
                if (isGrp) {
    if (_imp->destPageCombo->count() == 0) {

    _imp->groupLabel = new Label(tr("Group:"), this);
    QString grouptt = NATRON_NAMESPACE::convertFromPlainText(tr("Select the group into which the parameter will be created."), NATRON_NAMESPACE::WhiteSpaceNormal);
    _imp->groupCombo = new ComboBox(this);

    _imp->buttons = new DialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::StandardButtons(QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel),
                                         Qt::Horizontal, this);
    QObject::connect( _imp->buttons, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(accept()) );
    QObject::connect( _imp->buttons, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(reject()) );

    _imp->mainLayout->addWidget(_imp->selectNodeLabel, 0, 0, 1, 1);
    _imp->mainLayout->addWidget(_imp->nodeSelectionCombo, 0, 1, 1, 1);
    _imp->mainLayout->addWidget(_imp->knobSelectionCombo, 0, 2, 1, 1);
    _imp->mainLayout->addWidget(_imp->useAliasLabel, 1, 0, 1, 1);
    _imp->mainLayout->addWidget(_imp->useAliasCheckBox, 1, 1, 1, 1);
    _imp->mainLayout->addWidget(_imp->destPageLabel, 2, 0, 1, 1);
    _imp->mainLayout->addWidget(_imp->destPageCombo, 2, 1, 1, 1);
    _imp->mainLayout->addWidget(_imp->groupLabel, 2, 2, 1, 1);
    _imp->mainLayout->addWidget(_imp->groupCombo, 2, 3, 1, 1);
    _imp->mainLayout->addWidget(_imp->buttons, 3, 0, 1, 3);

    QTimer::singleShot( 25, _imp->nodeSelectionCombo, SLOT(showCompleter()) );
Exemplo n.º 3

    NodeGuiPtr nodeUI = nodeGui.lock();
    NodePtr node = nodeUI->getNode();
    if (!node) {

    AnimationModulePtr isAnimModel = toAnimationModule(model.lock());
    if (!isAnimModel) {
    NodeGroupPtr nodegroup = node->isEffectNodeGroup();
    if (!nodegroup) {

    AnimationModuleTreeView* treeView = isAnimModel->getEditor()->getTreeView();

    NodesList nodes = nodegroup->getNodes();

    std::set<double> times;

    for (NodesList::const_iterator it = nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); ++it) {
        NodeAnimPtr childAnim = isAnimModel->findNodeAnim(*it);

        if (!childAnim) {

        if (!treeView->isItemVisibleRecursive(childAnim->getTreeItem())) {

        RangeD childRange = childAnim->getFrameRange();

        // Also check the child knobs keyframes
        NodeGuiPtr childGui = childAnim->getNodeGui();
        const KnobsVec &knobs = childGui->getNode()->getKnobs();

        for (KnobsVec::const_iterator it2 = knobs.begin(); it2 != knobs.end(); ++it2) {

            if ( !(*it2)->isAnimationEnabled() || !(*it2)->hasAnimation() ) {
            } else {
                // For each dimension and for each split view get the first/last keyframe (if any)
                int nDims = (*it2)->getNDimensions();
                std::list<ViewIdx> views = (*it2)->getViewsList();
                for (std::list<ViewIdx>::const_iterator it3 = views.begin(); it3 != views.end(); ++it3) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < nDims; ++i) {
                        CurvePtr curve = (*it2)->getCurve(*it3, DimIdx(i));
                        if (!curve) {
                        int nKeys = curve->getKeyFramesCount();
                        if (nKeys > 0) {
                            KeyFrame k;
                            if (curve->getKeyFrameWithIndex(0, &k)) {
                                times.insert( k.getTime() );
                            if (curve->getKeyFrameWithIndex(nKeys - 1, &k)) {
                                times.insert( k.getTime() );
        } // for all knobs
    } // for all children nodes

    if (times.size() <= 1) {
        frameRange.min = 0;
        frameRange.max = 0;
    } else {
        frameRange.min = *times.begin();
        frameRange.max = *times.rbegin();

} // computeGroupRange