Exemplo n.º 1
  void BayesBall::requisiteNodes( const DAG& dag,
                                  const NodeSet& query,
                                  const NodeSet& hardEvidence,
                                  const NodeSet& softEvidence,
                                  NodeSet& requisite ) {
    // for the moment, no node is requisite
    requisite.clear ();
    // create the marks (top = first and bottom = second )
    NodeProperty<std::pair<bool, bool>> marks ( dag.size() );
    const std::pair<bool, bool> empty_mark( false, false );

    // indicate that we will send the ball to all the query nodes (as children):
    // in list nodes_to_visit, the first element is the next node to send the
    // ball to and the Boolean indicates whether we shall reach it from one of
    // its children (true) or from one parent (false)
    List<std::pair<NodeId, bool>> nodes_to_visit;
    for ( const auto node : query ) {
      nodes_to_visit.insert( std::pair<NodeId, bool>( node, true ) );

    // perform the bouncing ball until there is no node in the graph to send
    // the ball to
    while ( ! nodes_to_visit.empty() ) {
      // get the next node to visit
      NodeId node = nodes_to_visit.front().first;

      // if the marks of the node do not exist, create them
      if ( ! marks.exists( node ) )
        marks.insert( node, empty_mark );

      // bounce the ball toward the neighbors
      if ( nodes_to_visit.front().second ) {  // visit from a child
        requisite.insert ( node );

        if ( hardEvidence.exists( node ) ) {

        if ( not marks[node].first ) {
          marks[node].first = true;  // top marked
          for ( const auto par : dag.parents( node ) ) {
            nodes_to_visit.insert( std::pair<NodeId, bool>( par, true ) );

        if ( not marks[node].second ) {
          marks[node].second = true;  // bottom marked
          for ( const auto chi : dag.children( node ) ) {
            nodes_to_visit.insert( std::pair<NodeId, bool>( chi, false ) );
      else {  // visit from a parent

        const bool is_hard_evidence = hardEvidence.exists( node );
        const bool is_evidence = is_hard_evidence or softEvidence.exists( node );

        if ( is_evidence && ! marks[node].first ) {
          marks[node].first = true;
          requisite.insert ( node );

          for ( const auto par : dag.parents( node ) ) {
            nodes_to_visit.insert( std::pair<NodeId, bool>( par, true ) );

        if ( ! is_hard_evidence && ! marks[node].second ) {
          marks[node].second = true;

          for ( const auto chi : dag.children( node ) ) {
            nodes_to_visit.insert( std::pair<NodeId, bool>( chi, false ) );
  /// returns the set of barren nodes in the messages sent in a junction tree
  ArcProperty<NodeSet> BarrenNodesFinder::barrenNodes
  ( const CliqueGraph& junction_tree ) {
    // assign a mark to all the nodes
    // and mark all the observed nodes and their ancestors as non-barren
    NodeProperty<unsigned int> mark ( __dag->size () );
      for ( const auto node : *__dag )
        mark.insert ( node, 0 ); // for the moment, 0 = possibly barren

      // mark all the observed nodes and their ancestors as non barren
      // std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max () will be necessarily non barren
      // later on
      Sequence<NodeId> observed_anc ( __dag->size () );
      const unsigned int non_barren = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max ();
      for ( const auto node : __observed_nodes )
        observed_anc.insert ( node );
      for (unsigned int i = 0;  i < observed_anc.size (); ++i ) {
        const NodeId node = observed_anc[i];
        if ( ! mark[node] ) {
          mark[node] = non_barren;
          for ( const auto par : __dag->parents ( node ) ) {
            if ( ! mark[par] && ! observed_anc.exists ( par ) ) {
              observed_anc.insert ( par );

    // create the data structure that will contain the result of the
    // method. By default, we assume that, for each pair of adjacent cliques, all
    // the nodes that do not belong to their separator are possibly barren and,
    // by sweeping the dag, we will remove the nodes that were determined
    // above as non-barren. Structure result will assign to each (ordered) pair
    // of adjacent cliques its set of barren nodes.
    ArcProperty<NodeSet> result;
    for ( const auto& edge : junction_tree.edges () ) {
      NodeSet separator = junction_tree.separator ( edge );
      NodeSet non_barren1 = junction_tree.clique ( edge.first () );
      for ( auto iter = non_barren1.beginSafe ();
            iter != non_barren1.endSafe (); ++iter ) {
        if ( mark[*iter] || separator.exists ( *iter ) ) {
          non_barren1.erase ( iter );
      result.insert ( Arc ( edge.first (), edge.second () ),
                      std::move ( non_barren1 ) );

      NodeSet non_barren2 = junction_tree.clique ( edge.second () );
      for ( auto iter = non_barren2.beginSafe ();
            iter != non_barren2.endSafe (); ++iter ) {
        if ( mark[*iter] || separator.exists ( *iter ) ) {
          non_barren2.erase ( iter );
      result.insert ( Arc ( edge.second (), edge.first () ),
                      std::move ( non_barren2 ) );

    // for each node in the DAG, indicate which are the arcs in the result
    // structure whose separator contain it: the separators are actually the
    // targets of the queries.
    NodeProperty<ArcSet> node2arc;
    for ( const auto node : *__dag )
      node2arc.insert ( node, ArcSet () );
    for ( const auto& elt : result ) {
      const Arc& arc = elt.first;
      if ( ! result[arc].empty () ) { // no need to further process cliques
        const NodeSet& separator =    // with no barren nodes
          junction_tree.separator ( Edge ( arc.tail (), arc.head () ) );

        for ( const auto node : separator ) {
          node2arc[node].insert ( arc );

    // To determine the set of non-barren nodes w.r.t. a given single node
    // query, we rely on the fact that those are precisely all the ancestors of
    // this single node. To mutualize the computations, we will thus sweep the
    // DAG from top to bottom and exploit the fact that the set of ancestors of
    // the child of a given node A contain the ancestors of A. Therefore, we will
    // determine sets of paths in the DAG and, for each path, compute the set of
    // its barren nodes from the source to the destination of the path. The
    // optimal set of paths, i.e., that which will minimize computations, is
    // obtained by solving a "minimum path cover in directed acyclic graphs". But
    // such an algorithm is too costly for the gain we can get from it, so we will
    // rely on a simple heuristics.

    // To compute the heuristics, we proceed as follows:
    // 1/ we mark to 1 all the nodes that are ancestors of at least one (key) node
    //     with a non-empty arcset in node2arc and we extract from those the
    //     roots, i.e., those nodes whose set of parents, if any, have all been
    //     identified as non-barren by being marked as
    //     std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max (). Such nodes are
    //     thus the top of the graph to sweep.
    // 2/ create a copy of the subgraph of the DAG w.r.t. the 1-marked nodes
    //     and, for each node, if the node has several parents and children,
    //     keep only one arc from one of the parents to the child with the smallest
    //     number of parents, and try to create a matching between parents and
    //     children and add one arc for each edge of this matching. This will allow
    //     us to create distinct paths in the DAG. Whenever a child has no more
    //     parents, it becomes the root of a new path.
    // 3/ the sweeping will be performed from the roots of all these paths.

    // perform step 1/
    NodeSet path_roots;
      List<NodeId> nodes_to_mark;
      for ( const auto& elt : node2arc ) {
        if ( ! elt.second.empty () ) { // only process nodes with assigned arcs
          nodes_to_mark.insert ( elt.first );
      while ( ! nodes_to_mark.empty () ) {
        NodeId node = nodes_to_mark.front ();
        nodes_to_mark.popFront ();

        if ( ! mark[node] ) { // mark the node and all its ancestors
          mark[node] = 1;
          unsigned int nb_par = 0;
          for ( auto par : __dag->parents ( node ) ) {
            const unsigned int parent_mark = mark[par];
            if ( parent_mark != std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max () ) {
              if ( parent_mark == 0 ) {
                nodes_to_mark.insert ( par );

          if ( nb_par == 0 ) {
            path_roots.insert ( node );

    // perform step 2/
    DAG sweep_dag = *__dag;
    for ( const auto node : *__dag ) { // keep only nodes marked with 1
      if ( mark[node] != 1 ) {
        sweep_dag.eraseNode ( node );
    for ( const auto node : sweep_dag ) {
      const unsigned int nb_parents  = sweep_dag.parents ( node ).size ();     
      const unsigned int nb_children = sweep_dag.children( node ).size ();
      if ( ( nb_parents > 1 ) || ( nb_children > 1 ) ) {
        // perform the matching
        const auto& parents  = sweep_dag.parents ( node );

        // if there is no child, remove all the parents except the first one
        if ( nb_children == 0 ) {
          auto iter_par = parents.beginSafe ();
          for ( ++iter_par; iter_par != parents.endSafe (); ++iter_par ) {
            sweep_dag.eraseArc ( Arc ( *iter_par, node ) );
        else { 
          // find the child with the smallest number of parents
          const auto& children = sweep_dag.children( node );
          NodeId smallest_child = 0;
          unsigned int smallest_nb_par = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max ();
          for ( const auto child : children ) {
            const auto new_nb = sweep_dag.parents ( child ).size ();
            if ( new_nb < smallest_nb_par ) {
              smallest_nb_par = new_nb;
              smallest_child = child;

          // if there is no parent, just keep the link with the smallest child
          // and remove all the other arcs
          if ( nb_parents == 0 ) {
            for ( auto iter = children.beginSafe ();
                  iter != children.endSafe (); ++iter ) {
              if ( *iter != smallest_child ) {
                if ( sweep_dag.parents ( *iter ).size () == 1 ) {
                  path_roots.insert ( *iter );
                sweep_dag.eraseArc ( Arc ( node, *iter ) );
          else {
            const int nb_match = std::min ( nb_parents, nb_children ) - 1;
            auto iter_par = parents.beginSafe ();
            ++iter_par; // skip the first parent, whose arc with node will remain
            auto iter_child = children.beginSafe ();
            for ( int i = 0; i < nb_match; ++i, ++iter_par, ++iter_child ) {
              if ( *iter_child == smallest_child ) {
              sweep_dag.addArc ( *iter_par, *iter_child );
              sweep_dag.eraseArc ( Arc ( *iter_par, node ) );
              sweep_dag.eraseArc ( Arc ( node, *iter_child ) );
            for ( ; iter_par != parents.endSafe (); ++iter_par ) {
              sweep_dag.eraseArc ( Arc ( *iter_par, node ) );
            for ( ; iter_child != children.endSafe (); ++iter_child ) {
              if ( *iter_child != smallest_child ) {
                if ( sweep_dag.parents ( *iter_child ).size () == 1 ) {
                  path_roots.insert ( *iter_child );
                sweep_dag.eraseArc ( Arc ( node, *iter_child ) );

    // step 3: sweep the paths from the roots of sweep_dag
    // here, the idea is that, for each path of sweep_dag, the mark we put
    // to the ancestors is a given number, say N, that increases from path
    // to path. Hence, for a given path, all the nodes that are marked with a
    // number at least as high as N are non-barren, the others being barren.
    unsigned int mark_id = 2;
    for ( NodeId path : path_roots ) {
      // perform the sweeping from the path
      while ( true ) {
        // mark all the ancestors of the node
        List<NodeId> to_mark { path };
        while ( ! to_mark.empty () ) {
          NodeId node = to_mark.front ();
          to_mark.popFront ();
          if ( mark[node] < mark_id ) {
            mark[node] = mark_id;
            for ( const auto par : __dag->parents ( node ) ) {
              if ( mark[par] < mark_id ) {
                to_mark.insert ( par );

        // now, get all the arcs that contained node "path" in their separator.
        // this node acts as a query target and, therefore, its ancestors
        // shall be non-barren.
        const ArcSet& arcs = node2arc[path];
        for ( const auto& arc : arcs ) {
          NodeSet& barren = result[arc];
          for ( auto iter = barren.beginSafe ();
                iter != barren.endSafe (); ++iter ) {
            if ( mark[*iter] >= mark_id ) {
              // this indicates a non-barren node
              barren.erase ( iter );

        // go to the next sweeping node
        const NodeSet& sweep_children = sweep_dag.children ( path );
        if ( sweep_children.size () ) {
          path = *( sweep_children.begin() );
        else {
          // here, the path has ended, so we shall go to the next path

    return result;