Exemplo n.º 1
unsigned WaveTrackVRulerControls::HandleWheelRotation
(const TrackPanelMouseEvent &evt, AudacityProject *pProject)
   using namespace RefreshCode;
   const wxMouseEvent &event = evt.event;

   if (!(event.ShiftDown() || event.CmdDown()))
      return RefreshNone;

   // Always stop propagation even if the ruler didn't change.  The ruler
   // is a narrow enough target.

   const auto pTrack = FindTrack();
   if (!pTrack)
      return RefreshNone;
   wxASSERT(pTrack->GetKind() == Track::Wave);
   auto steps = evt.steps;

   const auto wt = static_cast<WaveTrack*>(pTrack.get());
   // Assume linked track is wave or null
   const auto partner = static_cast<WaveTrack*>(wt->GetLink());
   const bool isDB =
      wt->GetDisplay() == WaveTrack::Waveform &&
      wt->GetWaveformSettings().scaleType == WaveformSettings::stLogarithmic;
   // Special cases for Waveform dB only.
   // Set the bottom of the dB scale but only if it's visible
   if (isDB && event.ShiftDown() && event.CmdDown()) {
      float min, max;
      wt->GetDisplayBounds(&min, &max);
      if (!(min < 0.0 && max > 0.0))
         return RefreshNone;

      WaveformSettings &settings = wt->GetIndependentWaveformSettings();
      float olddBRange = settings.dBRange;
      if (steps < 0)
         // Zoom out
      float newdBRange = settings.dBRange;

      if (partner) {
         WaveformSettings &settings = partner->GetIndependentWaveformSettings();
         if (steps < 0)
            // Zoom out

      // Is y coordinate within the rectangle half-height centered about
      // the zero level?
      const auto &rect = evt.rect;
      const auto zeroLevel = wt->ZeroLevelYCoordinate(rect);
      const bool fixedMagnification =
      (4 * std::abs(event.GetY() - zeroLevel) < rect.GetHeight());

      if (fixedMagnification) {
         // Vary the db limit without changing
         // magnification; that is, peaks and troughs move up and down
         // rigidly, as parts of the wave near zero are exposed or hidden.
         const float extreme = (LINEAR_TO_DB(2) + newdBRange) / newdBRange;
         max = std::min(extreme, max * olddBRange / newdBRange);
         min = std::max(-extreme, min * olddBRange / newdBRange);
         wt->SetDisplayBounds(min, max);
         if (partner) {
            partner->SetDisplayBounds(min, max);
   else if (event.CmdDown() && !event.ShiftDown()) {
      const int yy = event.m_y;
      const auto partner = static_cast<WaveTrack *>(wt);
         pProject, wt, partner, (steps < 0)?kZoomOut:kZoomIn,
         evt.rect, yy, yy, true);
   else if (!event.CmdDown() && event.ShiftDown()) {
      // Scroll some fixed number of pixels, independent of zoom level or track height:
      static const float movement = 10.0f;
      const int height = evt.rect.GetHeight();
      const bool spectral = (wt->GetDisplay() == WaveTrack::Spectrum);
      if (spectral) {
         const float delta = steps * movement / height;
         SpectrogramSettings &settings = wt->GetIndependentSpectrogramSettings();
         const bool isLinear = settings.scaleType == SpectrogramSettings::stLinear;
         float bottom, top;
         wt->GetSpectrumBounds(&bottom, &top);
         const double rate = wt->GetRate();
         const float bound = rate / 2;
         const NumberScale numberScale(settings.GetScale(bottom, top));
         float newTop =
            std::min(bound, numberScale.PositionToValue(1.0f + delta));
         const float newBottom =
            std::max((isLinear ? 0.0f : 1.0f),
                     numberScale.PositionToValue(numberScale.ValueToPosition(newTop) - 1.0f));
         newTop =
                     numberScale.PositionToValue(numberScale.ValueToPosition(newBottom) + 1.0f));

         wt->SetSpectrumBounds(newBottom, newTop);
         if (partner)
            partner->SetSpectrumBounds(newBottom, newTop);
      else {
         float topLimit = 2.0;
         if (isDB) {
            const float dBRange = wt->GetWaveformSettings().dBRange;
            topLimit = (LINEAR_TO_DB(topLimit) + dBRange) / dBRange;
         const float bottomLimit = -topLimit;
         float top, bottom;
         wt->GetDisplayBounds(&bottom, &top);
         const float range = top - bottom;
         const float delta = range * steps * movement / height;
         float newTop = std::min(topLimit, top + delta);
         const float newBottom = std::max(bottomLimit, newTop - range);
         newTop = std::min(topLimit, newBottom + range);
         wt->SetDisplayBounds(newBottom, newTop);
         if (partner)
            partner->SetDisplayBounds(newBottom, newTop);
      return RefreshNone;


   return RefreshCell | UpdateVRuler;
Exemplo n.º 2
// ZoomKind says how to zoom.
// If ZoomStart and ZoomEnd are not equal, this may override
// the zoomKind and cause a drag-zoom-in.
void WaveTrackVZoomHandle::DoZoom
   (AudacityProject *pProject,
    WaveTrack *pTrack, int ZoomKind,
    const wxRect &rect, int zoomStart, int zoomEnd,
    bool fixedMousePoint)
   static const float ZOOMLIMIT = 0.001f;
   // Assume linked track is wave or null
   const auto partner = static_cast<WaveTrack *>(pTrack->GetLink());
   int height = rect.height;
   int ypos = rect.y;

   // Ensure start and end are in order (swap if not).
   if (zoomEnd < zoomStart)
      std::swap( zoomStart, zoomEnd );

   float min, max, c, minBand = 0;
   const double rate = pTrack->GetRate();
   const float halfrate = rate / 2;
   float maxFreq = 8000.0;
   const SpectrogramSettings &settings = pTrack->GetSpectrogramSettings();
   NumberScale scale;
   const bool spectral = (pTrack->GetDisplay() == WaveTrack::Spectrum);
   const bool spectrumLinear = spectral &&
      (pTrack->GetSpectrogramSettings().scaleType == SpectrogramSettings::stLinear);

   bool bDragZoom = IsDragZooming(zoomStart, zoomEnd);
   // Add 100 if spectral to separate the kinds of zoom.
   const int kSpectral = 100;

   // Possibly override the zoom kind.
   if( bDragZoom )
      ZoomKind = kZoomInByDrag;

   // If we are actually zooming a spectrum rather than a wave.
   ZoomKind += spectral ? kSpectral:0;

   float top=2.0;
   float half=0.5;

   if (spectral) {
      pTrack->GetSpectrumBounds(&min, &max);
      scale = (settings.GetScale(min, max));
      const auto fftLength = settings.GetFFTLength();
      const float binSize = rate / fftLength;
      maxFreq = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Spectrum/MaxFreq"), 8000L);
      // JKC:  Following discussions of Bug 1208 I'm allowing zooming in
      // down to one bin.
      //      const int minBins =
      //         std::min(10, fftLength / 2); //minimum 10 freq bins, unless there are less
      const int minBins = 1;
      minBand = minBins * binSize;
      pTrack->GetDisplayBounds(&min, &max);
      const WaveformSettings &settings = pTrack->GetWaveformSettings();
      const bool linear = settings.isLinear();
      if( !linear ){
         top = (LINEAR_TO_DB(2.0) + settings.dBRange) / settings.dBRange;
         half = (LINEAR_TO_DB(0.5) + settings.dBRange) / settings.dBRange;

   // Compute min and max.
      // If we have covered all the cases, this won't happen.
      // In release builds Audacity will ignore the zoom.
      wxFAIL_MSG("Zooming Case not implemented by Audacity");
   case kZoomReset:
   case kZoom1to1:
         // Zoom out full
         min = -1.0;
         max = 1.0;
   case kZoomDiv2:
         // Zoom out even more than full :-)
         // -2.0..+2.0 (or logarithmic equivalent)
         min = -top;
         max = top;
   case kZoomTimes2:
         // Zoom in to -0.5..+0.5
         min = -half;
         max = half;
   case kZoomHalfWave:
         // Zoom to show fractionally more than the top half of the wave.
         min = -0.01f;
         max = 1.0;
   case kZoomInByDrag:
         const float tmin = min, tmax = max;
         const float p1 = (zoomStart - ypos) / (float)height;
         const float p2 = (zoomEnd - ypos) / (float)height;
         max = (tmax * (1.0 - p1) + tmin * p1);
         min = (tmax * (1.0 - p2) + tmin * p2);

         // Waveform view - allow zooming down to a range of ZOOMLIMIT
         if (max - min < ZOOMLIMIT) {     // if user attempts to go smaller...
            c = (min + max) / 2;           // ...set centre of view to centre of dragged area and top/bottom to ZOOMLIMIT/2 above/below
            min = c - ZOOMLIMIT / 2.0;
            max = c + ZOOMLIMIT / 2.0;
   case kZoomIn:
         // Zoom in centered on cursor
         if (min < -1.0 || max > 1.0) {
            min = -1.0;
            max = 1.0;
         else {
            // Enforce maximum vertical zoom
            const float oldRange = max - min;
            const float l = std::max(ZOOMLIMIT, 0.5f * oldRange);
            const float ratio = l / (max - min);

            const float p1 = (zoomStart - ypos) / (float)height;
            const float c = (max * (1.0 - p1) + min * p1);
            if (fixedMousePoint)
               min = c - ratio * (1.0f - p1) * oldRange,
               max = c + ratio * p1 * oldRange;
               min = c - 0.5 * l,
               max = c + 0.5 * l;
   case kZoomOut:
         // Zoom out
         if (min <= -1.0 && max >= 1.0) {
            min = -top;
            max = top;
         else {
            // limit to +/- 1 range unless already outside that range...
            float minRange = (min < -1) ? -top : -1.0;
            float maxRange = (max > 1) ? top : 1.0;
            // and enforce vertical zoom limits.
            const float p1 = (zoomStart - ypos) / (float)height;
            if (fixedMousePoint) {
               const float oldRange = max - min;
               const float c = (max * (1.0 - p1) + min * p1);
               min = std::min(maxRange - ZOOMLIMIT,
                  std::max(minRange, c - 2 * (1.0f - p1) * oldRange));
               max = std::max(minRange + ZOOMLIMIT,
                  std::min(maxRange, c + 2 * p1 * oldRange));
            else {
               const float c = p1 * min + (1 - p1) * max;
               const float l = (max - min);
               min = std::min(maxRange - ZOOMLIMIT,
                              std::max(minRange, c - l));
               max = std::max(minRange + ZOOMLIMIT,
                              std::min(maxRange, c + l));

   // VZooming on spectral we don't implement the other zoom presets.
   // They are also not in the menu.
   case kZoomReset + kSpectral:
         // Zoom out to normal level.
         min = spectrumLinear ? 0.0f : 1.0f;
         max = maxFreq;
   case kZoom1to1 + kSpectral:
   case kZoomDiv2 + kSpectral:
   case kZoomTimes2 + kSpectral:
   case kZoomHalfWave + kSpectral:
         // Zoom out full
         min = spectrumLinear ? 0.0f : 1.0f;
         max = halfrate;
   case kZoomInByDrag + kSpectral:
         double xmin = 1 - (zoomEnd - ypos) / (float)height;
         double xmax = 1 - (zoomStart - ypos) / (float)height;
         const float middle = (xmin + xmax) / 2;
         const float middleValue = scale.PositionToValue(middle);

         min = std::max(spectrumLinear ? 0.0f : 1.0f,
            std::min(middleValue - minBand / 2,
         max = std::min(halfrate,
            std::max(middleValue + minBand / 2,
   case kZoomIn + kSpectral:
         // Center the zoom-in at the click
         const float p1 = (zoomStart - ypos) / (float)height;
         const float middle = 1.0f - p1;
         const float middleValue = scale.PositionToValue(middle);

         if (fixedMousePoint) {
            min = std::max(spectrumLinear ? 0.0f : 1.0f,
               std::min(middleValue - minBand * middle,
               scale.PositionToValue(0.5f * middle)
            max = std::min(halfrate,
               std::max(middleValue + minBand * p1,
               scale.PositionToValue(middle + 0.5f * p1)
         else {
            min = std::max(spectrumLinear ? 0.0f : 1.0f,
               std::min(middleValue - minBand / 2,
               scale.PositionToValue(middle - 0.25f)
            max = std::min(halfrate,
               std::max(middleValue + minBand / 2,
               scale.PositionToValue(middle + 0.25f)
   case kZoomOut + kSpectral:
         // Zoom out
         const float p1 = (zoomStart - ypos) / (float)height;
         // (Used to zoom out centered at midline, ignoring the click, if linear view.
         //  I think it is better to be consistent.  PRL)
         // Center zoom-out at the midline
         const float middle = // spectrumLinear ? 0.5f :
            1.0f - p1;

         if (fixedMousePoint) {
            min = std::max(spectrumLinear ? 0.0f : 1.0f, scale.PositionToValue(-middle));
            max = std::min(halfrate, scale.PositionToValue(1.0f + p1));
         else {
            min = std::max(spectrumLinear ? 0.0f : 1.0f, scale.PositionToValue(middle - 1.0f));
            max = std::min(halfrate, scale.PositionToValue(middle + 1.0f));

   // Now actually apply the zoom.
   if (spectral) {
      pTrack->SetSpectrumBounds(min, max);
      if (partner)
         partner->SetSpectrumBounds(min, max);
   else {
      pTrack->SetDisplayBounds(min, max);
      if (partner)
         partner->SetDisplayBounds(min, max);

   zoomEnd = zoomStart = 0;
   if( pProject )