Exemplo n.º 1
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector fstatsC(NumericMatrix pairMat, NumericMatrix mod, NumericMatrix mod0, NumericVector outcome) {
	int nrow = pairMat.nrow(); int ncol = pairMat.ncol();
	double ss, ss0;
	int df0 = mod0.ncol(); int df = df0+1; // alternative model always has +1 column
	arma::mat modc(mod.begin(), mod.nrow(), mod.ncol(), false);
	arma::mat mod0c(mod0.begin(), mod0.nrow(), mod0.ncol(), false);
	arma::colvec outcomec(outcome.begin(), outcome.size(), false);
	arma::vec fstats(nrow);
	arma::vec res = arma::zeros<arma::vec>(outcome.size());
	arma::vec res0 = arma::zeros<arma::vec>(outcome.size());
		res0 = outcomec - mod0c*arma::solve(mod0c, outcomec); // The residual for the null model remains the same
		ss0 = arma::as_scalar(arma::trans(res0)*res0);
	} catch(std::exception &ex) {
	for(int i=0; i < nrow; i++){ // loop through all rows in pairMat
		//modc.insert_cols(mod.ncol(), pairMat(i,_)); can try this later, it's not working
		for(int j=0; j < pairMat.ncol(); j++){ // this loop is for copying the ith row of pairMat into the last column of modc
			modc(j,modc.n_cols-1) = pairMat(i,j); // Here we add the current row to the model
			res = outcomec - modc*arma::solve(modc, outcomec); // Calculate the residual
			ss = arma::as_scalar(arma::trans(res)*res);
			fstats(i) = ((ss0 - ss)/(df-df0))/(ss/(ncol-df));
		} catch(std::exception &ex) {
			fstats(i) = NA_REAL;
	return Rcpp::wrap(fstats);
Exemplo n.º 2
// [[Rcpp::export("multiKernel_cpp")]]
SEXP multiKernel(NumericMatrix Yr, NumericMatrix Zr, NumericMatrix Kr, double tau) {
    int n = Yr.nrow(), p = Yr.ncol(), q = Zr.ncol();

    arma::mat K(Kr.begin(), n, n, false);       // reuses memory and avoids extra copy
    arma::mat Y(Yr.begin(), n, p, false);
    arma::mat Z(Zr.begin(), n, q, false);

    // Initialize matrices
    arma::vec tuning_vect(n);
    arma::mat tuning_mat(n, n, fill::zeros);
    tuning_mat.diag() = tuning_vect;
    arma::mat weight_mat = inv(K + tuning_mat);

    arma::mat B = inv(trans(Z) * weight_mat * Z) * trans(Z) * weight_mat * Y;
    arma::mat alpha_mat = weight_mat * (Y - Z * B);

    double newLS = computeLeastSq(Y, K, alpha_mat, Z, B);
    double BIC = 2 * newLS + log(n) * as_scalar(accu(B > 0) + accu(alpha_mat > 0));

    return Rcpp::List::create(
               Rcpp::Named("alpha") = alpha_mat,
               Rcpp::Named("B") = B,
               Rcpp::Named("LS") = newLS,
               Rcpp::Named("BIC") = BIC);
Exemplo n.º 3
NumericVector logLikMixHMM(NumericVector transitionMatrix, NumericVector emissionArray, 
  NumericVector initialProbs, IntegerVector obsArray, NumericMatrix coefs, 
  NumericMatrix X_, IntegerVector numberOfStates) {  
  IntegerVector eDims = emissionArray.attr("dim"); //m,p,r
  IntegerVector oDims = obsArray.attr("dim"); //k,n,r
  int q = coefs.nrow();
  arma::mat coef(coefs.begin(),q,coefs.ncol());
  arma::mat X(X_.begin(),oDims[0],q);
  arma::mat lweights = exp(X*coef).t();
    return wrap(-std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
  lweights.each_row() /= sum(lweights,0);
  arma::colvec init(initialProbs.begin(),eDims[0], true);
  arma::mat transition(transitionMatrix.begin(),eDims[0],eDims[0], true);
  arma::cube emission(emissionArray.begin(), eDims[0], eDims[1], eDims[2], true);
  arma::icube obs(obsArray.begin(), oDims[0], oDims[1], oDims[2], false);
  arma::vec alpha(eDims[0]);
  NumericVector ll(oDims[0]);  
  double tmp;
  arma::vec initk(eDims[0]);
  for(int k = 0; k < oDims[0]; k++){    
    initk = init % reparma(lweights.col(k),numberOfStates);
    for(int i=0; i < eDims[0]; i++){      
      alpha(i) = initk(i);
      for(int r = 0; r < oDims[2]; r++){
        alpha(i) *= emission(i,obs(k,0,r),r);
    tmp = sum(alpha);
    ll(k) = log(tmp);
    alpha /= tmp;
    arma::vec alphatmp(eDims[0]);
    for(int t = 1; t < oDims[1]; t++){  
      for(int i = 0; i < eDims[0]; i++){
        alphatmp(i) = arma::dot(transition.col(i), alpha);
        for(int r = 0; r < oDims[2]; r++){
          alphatmp(i) *= emission(i,obs(k,t,r),r);
      tmp = sum(alphatmp);
      ll(k) += log(tmp);
      alpha = alphatmp/tmp;
  return ll;
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: trace.cpp Projeto: cran/MESS
//' Fast computation of trace of matrix product
//' @description Fast computation of the trace of the matrix product trace(t(A) %*% B)
//' @param A A matrix with dimensions n*k.
//' @param B A matrix with dimenions n*k.
//' @return The trace of the matrix product
//' @author Claus Ekstrom <claus@@rprimer.dk>
//' @examples
//' A <- matrix(1:12, ncol=3)
//' tracemp(A, A)
//' @export
// [[Rcpp::export]]
double tracemp(NumericMatrix A, NumericMatrix B) {

  if ((A.nrow() != B.nrow()) || (A.ncol() != B.ncol()))
    Rcpp::stop("the two matrices must have the same dimensions");

  arma::mat X(A.begin(), A.nrow(), A.ncol(), false);
  arma::mat Y(B.begin(), B.nrow(), B.ncol(), false);
  double res = arma::as_scalar(accu(X % Y));
  return res;
Exemplo n.º 5
//' Apply crossprod and colSums 
//' @description Fast computation of crossprod(colSums(X),Y) 
//' @param X A matrix with dimensions k*n. Hence the result of \code{colSums(X)} has length n.
//' @param Y A matrix with dimenions n*m. Can be a matrix with dimension m*n but then \code{transposeY} should be \code{TRUE}.
//' @param transposeY Logical. If \code{TRUE} transpose Y before matrix multiplication.
//' @return A vector of length m.
//' @author Thomas Alexander Gerds <tag@@biostat.ku.dk>
//' @examples
//' x <- matrix(1:8,ncol=2)
//' y <- matrix(1:16,ncol=8)
//' colSumsCrossprod(x,y,0)
//' x <- matrix(1:8,ncol=2)
//' y <- matrix(1:16,ncol=2)
//' colSumsCrossprod(x,y,1)
//' @export
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericMatrix colSumsCrossprod(NumericMatrix X, NumericMatrix Y, bool transposeY){
  arma::mat A(X.begin(), X.nrow(), X.ncol(), false);
  arma::mat B(Y.begin(), Y.nrow(), Y.ncol(), false);
  arma::rowvec result;
  // result of colSums(A) has to be a matrix
  // with one row and as many columns as B has rows
  if (transposeY)
    result = arma::sum(A,0)*B.t();
    result = arma::sum(A,0)*B;
  return wrap(result); 
Exemplo n.º 6
// [[Rcpp::export]]
void numerator_trick(NumericMatrix A, NumericMatrix B) {
  arma::mat aA(A.begin(), A.nrow(), A.ncol(), false);
  arma::mat aB(B.begin(), B.nrow(), B.ncol(), false);
  arma::mat numerator_mat = arma::conv2(aA,arma::fliplr(arma::flipud((aB))));
  arma::cx_mat res = arma::ifft2(arma::fft2(aA) % arma::fft2(arma::fliplr(arma::flipud(aB))));
  //return numerator_mat;
Exemplo n.º 7
//' Apply crossprod and rowSums
//' @description Fast computation of crossprod(rowSums(X),Y)
//' @param X A matrix with dimensions n*k. Hence the result of \code{rowSums(X)} has length n.
//' @param Y A matrix with dimenions n*m. Can be a matrix with dimension m*n but then \code{transposeY} should be \code{TRUE}.
//' @param transposeY Logical. If \code{TRUE} transpose Y before matrix multiplication.
//' @return A vector of length m.
//' @author Thomas Alexander Gerds <tag@@biostat.ku.dk>
//' @examples
//' x <- matrix(1:10,nrow=5)
//' y <- matrix(1:20,ncol=4)
//' rowSumsCrossprod(x,y,0)
//' x <- matrix(1:10,nrow=5)
//' y <- matrix(1:20,ncol=5)
//' rowSumsCrossprod(x,y,1)
//' @export
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericMatrix rowSumsCrossprod(NumericMatrix X, NumericMatrix Y, bool transposeY){
  arma::mat A(X.begin(), X.nrow(), X.ncol(), false);
  arma::mat B(Y.begin(), Y.nrow(), Y.ncol(), false);
  arma::rowvec result;
  // result of colSums(A) has to be a matrix
  // with one row and as many columns as B has rows
  // since sum(A,1) is a matrix with one column
  // we transpose before multiplication
  if (transposeY)
    result = arma::sum(A,1).t()*B.t();
    result = arma::sum(A,1).t()*B;
  return wrap(result); 
Exemplo n.º 8
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericMatrix residLm(NumericMatrix Yr, NumericMatrix Xr) {
   int nX = Xr.nrow(), nY = Yr.nrow();
   arma::mat Y(Yr.begin(), nY, nX, false); // reuses memory and avoids extra copy
   arma::mat X(Xr.begin(), nX, 2, false);
   arma::mat resid(nX,nY);
   arma::colvec y;
   for(int i = 0; i < nY; i++){     
     y = Y.row(i).t();
     resid.col(i) = y - X*arma::solve(X, y);    
   return wrap(resid.t());
Exemplo n.º 9
// [[Rcpp::export("multiKernel_noCon_cpp")]]
SEXP multiKernel_noCon(NumericMatrix Yr, NumericMatrix Kr, double tau) {
    int n = Yr.nrow(), p = Yr.ncol();

    arma::mat K(Kr.begin(), n, n, false);       // reuses memory and avoids extra copy
    arma::mat Y(Yr.begin(), n, p, false);

    // Initialize matrices
    arma::vec tuning_vect(n);
    arma::mat tuning_mat(n, n, fill::zeros);
    tuning_mat.diag() = tuning_vect;

    arma::mat alpha_mat = inv(K + tuning_mat) * Y;

    return Rcpp::List::create(Rcpp::Named("alpha") = alpha_mat);
Exemplo n.º 10
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericMatrix CPP_similarity_to_distance(NumericMatrix M, int opcode, double tol, bool duplicate = true) {
  if (!R_FINITE(opcode) || opcode < 0 || opcode > 0)
    stop("internal error -- invalid transformation method code");

  unsigned int n_items = M.length();
  NumericMatrix res = M;
  if (duplicate)
    res = clone(M);
  NumericMatrix::iterator _res = res.begin();

  unsigned int n_clamped = 0;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_items; i++) {
    double x = _res[i];
    switch (opcode) {
      case 0:
        if (x < -(1-tol)) {
          if (x < -(1+tol)) n_clamped++;
          x = -1;
        else if (x > (1-tol)) {
          if (x > (1+tol)) n_clamped++;
          x = 1;
        x = acos(x) * 180 / M_PI; 
    _res[i] = x;
  if (n_clamped > 0)
    Rf_warning("angular distance may be inaccurate (some cosine values out of range)");

  return res;
Exemplo n.º 11
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericMatrix CPP_dsm_score_dense(NumericMatrix f, NumericVector f1, NumericVector f2, double N, int am_code, int sparse, int transform_code) {
  if (am_code < 0 || am_code >= am_table_entries)
    stop("internal error -- invalid AM code");
  am_func AM = am_table[am_code]; /* selected association measure */

  int nr = f.nrow(), nc = f.ncol();
  if (am_code != 0 && (nr != f1.size() || nc != f2.size()))
    stop("internal error -- marginal vectors f1 and f2 not conformable with matrix f");

  NumericMatrix scores(nr, nc);

  NumericMatrix::iterator _f = f.begin();
  NumericVector::iterator _f1 = f1.begin();
  NumericVector::iterator _f2 = f2.begin();
  NumericMatrix::iterator _scores = scores.begin();

  int i = 0;
  for (int col = 0; col < nc; col++) {
    for (int row = 0; row < nr; row++) {
      /* frequeny measure (am_code == 0) is a special case, since marginals may not be available (in "reweight" mode) */
      double score = (am_code == 0) ? _f[i] : AM(_f[i], _f1[row], _f2[col], N, sparse);
      _scores[i] = (transform_code) ? transform(score, transform_code) : score;

  return scores;
Exemplo n.º 12
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector CPP_row_norms_dense(NumericMatrix x, int norm_code, double p_norm = 2.0) {
  check_norm(norm_code, p_norm);

  int nr = x.nrow(), nc = x.ncol();
  NumericVector norms(nr, 0.0);

  NumericMatrix::iterator _x = x.begin();
  NumericVector::iterator _norms = norms.begin();
  int i = 0;
  for (int col = 0; col < nc; col++) {
    for (int row = 0; row < nr; row++) {
      if      (norm_code == 0) _norms[row] += _x[i] * _x[i];
      else if (norm_code == 1) { if (fabs(_x[i]) > _norms[row]) _norms[row] = fabs(_x[i]); }
      else if (norm_code == 2) _norms[row] += fabs(_x[i]);
      else if (norm_code == 3) {
        if (p_norm > 0)
          _norms[row] += pow(fabs(_x[i]), p_norm);
          _norms[row] += (_x[i] != 0);
  if      (norm_code == 0)                 norms = sqrt(norms);
  else if (norm_code == 3 && p_norm > 1.0) norms = pow(norms, 1.0 / p_norm);
  /* no adjustment needed for Maximum and Manhattan norms */
  return norms;
Exemplo n.º 13
 void sapply_master(Function infun, bool realloc, bool cppfun) {
 // apply user-supplied function infun to each vector, update in place
 // realloc=true: allow function input and return dim to differ
 // cppfun=false: infun is regular R function 
 // cppfun=true: infun returns XPtr to C++ function,
 //      infun takes arma::vec&, returns void
     std::size_t icol, thisLen;
     funcPtr fun;
     if (cppfun) {
         SEXP funPtrfun = infun();
         XPtr<funcPtr> xpfun(funPtrfun);
         fun = *xpfun;
     for ( icol = 0; icol < nvec; icol++){
         thisLen = lengths[icol];
         NumericMatrix::iterator colStart = data.begin() + (icol * this->allocLen);
         // copy_aux_mem=false: reuse existing memory, modify data in-place
         // strict=true, arma enforces dim match, no size change allowed
         arma::vec dataVec(colStart, thisLen, false, !realloc);
         if(cppfun) {
         } else {
             FunFromR(infun, dataVec);
         if ( dataVec.size() != thisLen) {
             // won't make it here unless realloc=true
             // change dimension of data matrix, reset colStart
             grow_assign_sapply(icol, thisLen, dataVec, colStart);
Exemplo n.º 14
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::List   setlogP(NumericMatrix logP,NumericVector NegLL,NumericMatrix cbars,NumericMatrix G3) {

    int n = logP.nrow(), k = logP.ncol();
    int l1 =cbars.ncol();
//    int l2=cbars.nrow();
    arma::mat logP2(logP.begin(), n, k, false); 
    NumericVector cbartemp=cbars(0,_);  
    NumericVector G3temp=G3(0,_);  
    Rcpp::NumericMatrix LLconst(n,1);
    arma::colvec cbarrow(cbartemp.begin(),l1,false);
    arma::colvec G3row(G3temp.begin(),l1,false);
//    double v = arma::as_scalar(cbarrow.t() * cbarrow);
//    LLconst[j]<--t(as.matrix(cbars[j,1:l1]))%*%t(as.matrix(G3[j,1:l1]))+NegLL[j]    
    for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
      logP(i,1)=logP(i,0)-NegLL(i)+0.5*arma::as_scalar(cbarrow.t() * cbarrow)+arma::as_scalar(G3row.t() * cbarrow);
      LLconst(i,0)=NegLL(i)-arma::as_scalar(G3row.t() * cbarrow);
//    return logP;
    return Rcpp::List::create(Rcpp::Named("logP")=logP,Rcpp::Named("LLconst")=LLconst);
Exemplo n.º 15
Rcpp::List   setlogP_C(NumericMatrix logP,NumericVector NegLL,NumericMatrix cbars,NumericMatrix G3,NumericMatrix LLconst) {

    int n = logP.nrow(), k = logP.ncol();
    int l1 =cbars.ncol();
      arma::mat logP2(logP.begin(), n, k, false); 
      NumericVector cbartemp=cbars(0,_);  
      NumericVector G3temp=G3(0,_);  
      arma::colvec cbarrow(cbartemp.begin(),l1,false);
      arma::colvec G3row(G3temp.begin(),l1,false);
      for(int i=0;i<n;i++){

        logP(i,1)=logP(i,0)-NegLL(i)+0.5*arma::as_scalar(cbarrow.t() * cbarrow)+arma::as_scalar(G3row.t() * cbarrow);

      LLconst(i,0)=NegLL(i)-arma::as_scalar(G3row.t() * cbarrow);
    return Rcpp::List::create(Rcpp::Named("logP")=logP,Rcpp::Named("LLconst")=LLconst);
Exemplo n.º 16
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericMatrix samplehouseholds_format2(NumericMatrix phi, NumericMatrix w, NumericVector pi,
                               NumericVector d, List lambda,
                               int currrentbatch, int nHouseholds,  int householdsize) {

  int K = w.nrow();
  int L = w.ncol();
  int p = d.length();
  int n_lambdas = lambda.length();
  int *lambda_columns = new int[n_lambdas];
  double **lambdas = new double*[n_lambdas];
  int maxDDtp = phi.nrow();
  int maxdd = maxDDtp / p;

  //int ncol = householdsize * DIM + 1 + householdsize;
  //output data: zero-based
  //column 0: household unique index
  //column 1: member index within the household (pernum:person number?)
  //column 2 to 2+p-1: individual data
  //column 2+p: 2+p+n_lambdas-2: household level data
  //column 2+p+n_lambdas-1: household group indicator
  //column last hh_size: individual group indicator
  int DIM = 2 + p + n_lambdas - 1; //not output the household size
  int ncol = DIM * householdsize + householdsize  + 1;
  NumericMatrix data(nHouseholds, ncol);

  //copy data from list of matrices to C++
  for (int i = 0; i < n_lambdas; i++) {
    NumericMatrix l = lambda[i];
    lambda_columns[i] = l.ncol();
    lambdas[i] = new double[l.length()];
    std::copy(l.begin(), l.end(), lambdas[i]);
  //printf("in samplehouseholds\n");
  NumericVector rand = runif(nHouseholds * ncol); //at most this many
  sampleHouseholds_imp_format2(data.begin(), rand.begin(), lambdas, lambda_columns, w.begin(),
                       phi.begin(), pi.begin(),d.begin(),
                       nHouseholds, householdsize, K, L,maxdd,p, currrentbatch,n_lambdas);

  //clean up
  delete [] lambda_columns;
  for (int i = 0; i < n_lambdas; i++) {
    delete [] lambdas[i];
  delete [] lambdas;
  //printf("done samplehouseholds\n");
  return data;
Exemplo n.º 17
//R -> openCV  Like an as. Try to minimize copying?? NOTE: Does not convert 
//NumericMatrix from 64bit. Do that yourself with convertTo on the Mat object
void NumericMatrix2openCVMat(NumericMatrix dmat, Mat &odmat) {
  //NumericMatrix stored row-wise, but openCV Mat stored column wise?? This seems to work combind with the transpose below.
  Mat otmp(Size(dmat.nrow(), dmat.ncol()), CV_64F, dmat.begin(), Mat::AUTO_STEP);
  odmat = otmp.t(); //COULD THERE BE A PROBLEM HERE????? WHY DO WE HAVE TO DO THIS????
Exemplo n.º 18
//Test function: mMc (without PSO)
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericMatrix kmeansreg(NumericMatrix& Rcpp_point, NumericMatrix& Rcpp_cluster_center,
            double p, double pw, int it_max, double inn_tol, int num_proc)
  // Description of Inputs:
  // Rcpp_point          - Clustering data for minimax clustering
  // Rcpp_cluster_center - Initial cluster centers
  // p                   - q in paper; approximation coefficient for minimax criterion
  // it_max              - Maximum number of iterations for minimax clustering
  // num_proc            - Number of processors to use in parallel computing

  int dim_num = Rcpp_point.ncol(); //dimension of cluster data points
  int point_num = Rcpp_point.nrow(); //number of cluster data points
	int cluster_num = Rcpp_cluster_center.nrow(); //number of desired clusters
  int inn_itmax = 1e4; //maximum number of agd iteration

  //cluster energy matrix
  arma::rowvec cluster_energy(cluster_num);
  cluster_energy.zeros(); //fill with zeros
  //keeps track of cluster assignment (each row for a particle)
  arma::rowvec cluster(point_num);
  cluster.ones(); //fill with -1
  cluster = -1*cluster;

  //clustering points
  arma::mat point(Rcpp_point.begin(),point_num,dim_num,false);
  //current cluster centers (or design points)
  arma::mat cluster_center(Rcpp_cluster_center.begin(),cluster_num,dim_num,false);

//  omp_set_num_threads(num_proc);

  //PSO iterations
  Rcout << "-------------------------------------------------" << endl;
  Rcout << "Minimax clustering ... " << endl;
  Rcout << "-------------------------------------------------" << endl;

  kmeansreg(point,cluster_center,cluster,cluster_energy,p, pw,it_max,inn_tol,inn_itmax);

  //wrap to Rcpp classes for output
  NumericMatrix ret_cluster_center(cluster_num,dim_num);

  ret_cluster_center = armamatToRmat(cluster_center);

  return (ret_cluster_center);

Exemplo n.º 19
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector  f1_gamma(NumericMatrix b,NumericVector y,NumericMatrix x,NumericVector alpha,NumericVector wt)
    // Get dimensions of x - Note: should match dimensions of
    //  y, b, alpha, and wt (may add error checking)
    // May want to add method for dealing with alpha and wt when 
    // constants instead of vectors
    int l1 = x.nrow(), l2 = x.ncol();
    int m1 = b.ncol();
//    int lalpha=alpha.nrow();
//    int lwt=wt.nrow();

    Rcpp::NumericMatrix b2temp(l2,1);

    arma::mat x2(x.begin(), l1, l2, false); 
    arma::mat alpha2(alpha.begin(), l1, 1, false); 
    arma::mat wt2(wt.begin(), l1, 1, false);
    Rcpp::NumericVector xb(l1);
    arma::colvec xb2(xb.begin(),l1,false); // Reuse memory - update both below
    // Moving Loop inside the function is key for speed

    NumericVector yy(l1);
    NumericVector res(m1);

    for(int i=0;i<m1;i++){
    arma::mat b2(b2temp.begin(), l2, 1, false); 

//  mu<-t(exp(alpha+x%*%b))
//  disp2<-1/wt

//  -sum(dgamma(y,shape=1/disp2,scale=mu*disp2,log=TRUE))

    xb2=exp(alpha2+ x2 * b2);
    for(int j=0;j<l1;j++){


    res(i) =std::accumulate(yy.begin(), yy.end(), 0.0);

    return res;      
Exemplo n.º 20
void LinearGaussian::init_and_weight(NumericMatrix & xparticles, NumericVector & logweights){
  RNGScope scope;
  int nparticles = xparticles.nrow();
  std::fill(xparticles.begin(), xparticles.end(), 0);
  xparticles(_,0) = rnorm(nparticles, 0, sigma / sqrt(1 - rho*rho));
  for (int iparticle = 0; iparticle < nparticles; iparticle++){
    logweights(iparticle) = Minus1Div2SdMeasurSquared * (xparticles(iparticle,0) - observations(0, 0)) *
      (xparticles(iparticle,0) - observations(0, 0));
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericMatrix matrixSqrt(NumericMatrix orig) {

  // allocate the matrix we will return
  NumericMatrix mat(orig.nrow(), orig.ncol());

  // transform it
  std::transform(orig.begin(), orig.end(), mat.begin(), ::sqrt);

  // return the new matrix
  return mat;
Exemplo n.º 22
// remove rows with missing data from a matrix
// using arma functions
mat cleanmat(NumericMatrix Xr) {
    // get dimensions
    int n = Xr.nrow(),k = Xr.ncol();
    mat X(Xr.begin(), n, k, false );
        // create keep vector
    vec keep = ones<vec>(n);
    for (int j = 0; j < k; j++) 
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) 
            if (keep[i] && !is_finite(X(i,j))) keep[i] = 0;
    return X.rows(find(keep==1));
Exemplo n.º 23
//' Birkhoff-Fan clustering
//' This function computes a solution sequence of the Birkhoff-Fan clustering. 
//' It takes a symmetric matrix \code{S} as input and returns a object 
//' containing a list of normalized clustering matrices estimated by 
//' Birkhoff-Fan clustering over a sequence of the number of clusters.
//' @param S            input pairwise similarity matrix
//'                     (assumed to be symmetric)
//' @param nclust       a vector of the number of clusters
//' @param maxiter      max number of iterations for each solution
//' @param tolerance    convergence threshold 
//' @param admm_penalty penalty parameter of ADMM algorithm
//' @param verbose      level of verbosity
//' @return An S3 object of class \code{bfcluster} which is a list with 
//'         the following components:
//'  \item{nclust}{a vector containing the number of clusters of each estimate}
//'  \item{clustmat}{a list containing the normalized clustering matrix 
//'                  estimates}
//'  \item{maxval}{a vector of optimal objective function values 
//'                for each value of the number of clusters}
//'  \item{niter}{a vector containing the number of ADMM iterations for each 
//'               estimate}
//' @export
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List bfcluster(NumericMatrix S, IntegerVector nclust = IntegerVector::create(),
               int maxiter = 100, double tolerance = 1e-2,
               double admm_penalty = 100, int verbose = 0) {
  // Sanity checks
  if(S.nrow() < 2) stop("Expected S to be a matrix");
  if(maxiter < 1) stop("Expected maxiter > 0");
  if(tolerance <= 0.0) stop("Expected tolerance > 0");

  int ndim = S.nrow(), nsol;
  if(nclust.size() > 0) {
    if(Rcpp::min(nclust) < 2 || Rcpp::max(nclust) > ndim) {
      stop("Expected nclust to be a vector of integers between 2 and the number of rows/columns of S");
    nsol = nclust.size();
  } else {
    stop("Expected length of nclust > 0");

  // Wrap the input matrix with an arma mat
  const mat _S(S.begin(), ndim, ndim, false);
  // Placeholders for solutions
  List clustmat(nsol);
  IntegerVector niter(nsol);
  NumericVector maxval(nsol);
  // ADMM variables, passing by reference to the ADMM algorithm
  // Use a worm start, the results of the previous case is the initial values of the latter case
  // z keeps track of the solution matrix
  mat z = zeros<mat>(ndim, ndim),
      y = zeros<mat>(ndim, ndim),
      u = zeros<mat>(ndim, ndim),
      v = zeros<mat>(ndim, ndim);

  // Outer loop to compute the solution path
  for(int i = 0; i < nsol; i++) {
    if(verbose > 0) Rcout << ".";
    // ADMM
    niter[i] = bfadmm(_S, z, y, u, v, ndim, nclust[i], admm_penalty, maxiter, tolerance);
    // Store solution
    clustmat[i] = z;
    maxval[i] = dot(_S, z);
    if(verbose > 1) Rcout << niter[i];

  if(verbose > 0) Rcout << std::endl;
  // Return
  List out = List::create(
    Named("nclust") = nclust,
    Named("clustmat") = clustmat,
    Named("maxval") = maxval,
    Named("niter") = niter
  out.attr("class") = "bfcluster";
  return out;
Exemplo n.º 24
// [[Rcpp::export("pcevKernel")]]
SEXP pcevKernelRcpp(NumericMatrix Yr, NumericMatrix Zr, NumericVector eiValuer) {
   int n = Yr.nrow(), p = Yr.ncol(), q = Zr.ncol();

   arma::mat Y(Yr.begin(), n, p, false);       // reuses memory and avoids extra copy
   arma::mat Z(Zr.begin(), n, q, false);
   arma::colvec eiValue(eiValuer.begin(), n, false);

   // Initialize parameters
   arma::mat F(n, p, fill::zeros);
   arma::mat E(n, p, fill::zeros);
   theta param_new(fastLm(Y, Z), F, E);

   // Make copy and update
   theta param_old = param_new;
   param_new.update(Y, Z, eiValue);
   return Rcpp::List::create(
   Rcpp::Named("LogLik") = param_new.logLL(eiValue),
   Rcpp::Named("tau") = param_new.getTau(),
   Rcpp::Named("Sigma") = param_new.getSigma());
Exemplo n.º 25
// [[Rcpp::export]]
arma::mat Reverse_Mat(NumericMatrix dmat) {
  arma::mat admat(dmat.begin(), dmat.nrow(), dmat.ncol(), false);
  //arma::mat admat = Rcpp::as<arma::mat>(dmat);
  arma::mat reversed_amat = fliplr(flipud(admat));
  //arma::mat reversed_amat(3,3);
  return reversed_amat;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericMatrix parallelMatrixSqrt(NumericMatrix x) {
  // allocate the output matrix
  NumericMatrix output(x.nrow(), x.ncol());
  // SquareRoot instance that takes a pointer to the input & output data
  SquareRoot squareRoot(x.begin(), output.begin());
  // call parallelFor to do the work
  parallelFor(0, x.length(), squareRoot);
  // return the output matrix
  return output;
Exemplo n.º 27
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector  f1_binomial_cloglog(NumericMatrix b,NumericVector y,NumericMatrix x,NumericVector alpha,NumericVector wt)
    // Get dimensions of x - Note: should match dimensions of
    //  y, b, alpha, and wt (may add error checking)
    // May want to add method for dealing with alpha and wt when 
    // constants instead of vectors
    int l1 = x.nrow(), l2 = x.ncol();
    int m1 = b.ncol();
//    int lalpha=alpha.nrow();
//    int lwt=wt.nrow();

    Rcpp::NumericMatrix b2temp(l2,1);

    arma::mat x2(x.begin(), l1, l2, false); 
    arma::mat alpha2(alpha.begin(), l1, 1, false); 

    Rcpp::NumericVector xb(l1);
    arma::colvec xb2(xb.begin(),l1,false); // Reuse memory - update both below
    // Moving Loop inside the function is key for speed

    NumericVector yy(l1);
    NumericVector res(m1);

    for(int i=0;i<m1;i++){
    arma::mat b2(b2temp.begin(), l2, 1, false); 
    xb2=alpha2+ x2 * b2;   
    for(int j=0;j<l1;i++){


    res(i) =std::accumulate(yy.begin(), yy.end(), 0.0);

    return res;      
Exemplo n.º 28
void update_marginal_distr(ListOf<NumericMatrix> Q, NumericMatrix res, int k, int n){
  arma::mat out(res.begin(), k, n, false);
  for(int t=1; t<=n-1; t++){
    // calculate rowsums of Q[t]
    arma::mat B(Q[t].begin(), k, k, false);
    arma::colvec rowsums = sum(B, 1);
    // assign rowsums to res(_, t-1)
    out.col(t-1) += rowsums;
  // calculate colsums of Q[n-1]
  arma::mat B(Q[n-1].begin(), k, k, false);
  arma::rowvec colsums = sum(B, 0);
  arma::colvec temp = arma::vec(colsums.begin(), k, false, false);
  out.col(n-1) += temp;
Exemplo n.º 29
// fast linear model using RcppArmadillo functions
// it does not include intercept by default, so I have to cbind(1,x)
List fastLm1(NumericVector yr, NumericMatrix Xr) {
	int n = Xr.nrow(), k = Xr.ncol();
        int df = n - k;
	mat X(Xr.begin(), n, k, false );
	colvec y(yr.begin(), yr.size(), false );
	colvec coef = solve(X, y);
	colvec resid = y - X*coef;
	double sig2 = as_scalar(trans(resid)*resid/(n-k));
	colvec stderrest = sqrt(
		sig2 * diagvec( inv(trans(X)*X)) );
	return List::create(Named("coefficients") = coef,
                Named("stderr") = stderrest,
                Named("df.residual") = df
Exemplo n.º 30
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List MatrixExample(NumericMatrix orig) {
    NumericMatrix mat(orig.nrow(), orig.ncol());	

    // we could query size via
    //   int n = mat.nrow(), k=mat.ncol();
    // and loop over the elements, but using the STL is so much nicer
    // so we use a STL transform() algorithm on each element
    std::transform(orig.begin(), orig.end(), mat.begin(), sqrt_double );

    List result = List::create(
        Named( "result" ) = mat, 
        Named( "original" ) = orig
    return result ;