Exemplo n.º 1
void Foam::functionObjects::histogram::writeGraph
    const coordSet& coords,
    const word& fieldName,
    const scalarField& values
) const
    const wordList fieldNames(1, fieldName);

    fileName outputPath = baseTimeDir();
    OFstream graphFile
        outputPath/formatterPtr_().getFileName(coords, fieldNames)

    Info<< "Writing histogram of " << fieldName
        << " to " << graphFile.name() << endl;

    List<const scalarField*> yPtrs(1);
    yPtrs[0] = &values;
    formatterPtr_().write(coords, fieldNames, yPtrs, graphFile);
Exemplo n.º 2
// Call scotch with options from dictionary.
Foam::label Foam::ptscotchDecomp::decompose
    const fileName& meshPath,
    const label adjncySize,
    const label adjncy[],
    const label xadjSize,
    const label xadj[],
    const scalarField& cWeights,

    List<label>& finalDecomp
) const
    if (debug)
        Pout<< "ptscotchDecomp : entering with xadj:" << xadjSize << endl;

    // Dump graph
    if (decompositionDict_.found("scotchCoeffs"))
        const dictionary& scotchCoeffs =

        if (scotchCoeffs.lookupOrDefault("writeGraph", false))
            OFstream str
               meshPath + "_" + Foam::name(Pstream::myProcNo()) + ".dgr"

            Pout<< "Dumping Scotch graph file to " << str.name() << endl
                << "Use this in combination with dgpart." << endl;

            globalIndex globalCells(xadjSize-1);

            // Distributed graph file (.grf)
            label version = 2;
            str << version << nl;
            // Number of files (procglbnbr)
            str << Pstream::nProcs();
            // My file number (procloc)
            str << ' ' << Pstream::myProcNo() << nl;

            // Total number of vertices (vertglbnbr)
            str << globalCells.size();
            // Total number of connections (edgeglbnbr)
            str << ' ' << returnReduce(xadj[xadjSize-1], sumOp<label>())
                << nl;
            // Local number of vertices (vertlocnbr)
            str << xadjSize-1;
            // Local number of connections (edgelocnbr)
            str << ' ' << xadj[xadjSize-1] << nl;
            // Numbering starts from 0
            label baseval = 0;
            // 100*hasVertlabels+10*hasEdgeWeights+1*hasVertWeighs
            str << baseval << ' ' << "000" << nl;
            for (label celli = 0; celli < xadjSize-1; celli++)
                label start = xadj[celli];
                label end = xadj[celli+1];
                str << end-start;

                for (label i = start; i < end; i++)
                    str << ' ' << adjncy[i];
                str << nl;

    // Strategy
    // ~~~~~~~~

    // Default.
    SCOTCH_Strat stradat;
    check(SCOTCH_stratInit(&stradat), "SCOTCH_stratInit");

    if (decompositionDict_.found("scotchCoeffs"))
        const dictionary& scotchCoeffs =

        string strategy;
        if (scotchCoeffs.readIfPresent("strategy", strategy))
            if (debug)
                Info<< "ptscotchDecomp : Using strategy " << strategy << endl;
            SCOTCH_stratDgraphMap(&stradat, strategy.c_str());
            //fprintf(stdout, "S\tStrat=");
            //SCOTCH_stratSave(&stradat, stdout);
            //fprintf(stdout, "\n");

    // Graph
    // ~~~~~

    List<label> velotab;

    // Check for externally provided cellweights and if so initialise weights

    scalar minWeights = gMin(cWeights);
    scalar maxWeights = gMax(cWeights);

    if (maxWeights > minWeights)
        if (minWeights <= 0)
                << "Illegal minimum weight " << minWeights
                << endl;

        if (cWeights.size() != xadjSize-1)
                << "Number of cell weights " << cWeights.size()
                << " does not equal number of cells " << xadjSize-1
                << exit(FatalError);

    scalar velotabSum = gSum(cWeights)/minWeights;

    scalar rangeScale(1.0);

    if (Pstream::master())
        if (velotabSum > scalar(labelMax - 1))
            // 0.9 factor of safety to avoid floating point round-off in
            // rangeScale tipping the subsequent sum over the integer limit.
            rangeScale = 0.9*scalar(labelMax - 1)/velotabSum;

                << "Sum of weights has overflowed integer: " << velotabSum
                << ", compressing weight scale by a factor of " << rangeScale
                << endl;


    if (maxWeights > minWeights)
        if (cWeights.size())
            // Convert to integers.

            forAll(velotab, i)
                velotab[i] = int((cWeights[i]/minWeights - 1)*rangeScale) + 1;
void Foam::externalCoupledTemperatureMixedFvPatchScalarField::transferData
    OFstream& os
) const
    if (log())
        Info<< type() << ": " << this->patch().name()
            << ": writing data to " << os.name()
            << endl;

    const label patchi = patch().index();

    // heat flux [W/m2]
    scalarField qDot(this->patch().size(), 0.0);

    typedef compressible::turbulenceModel cmpTurbModelType;

    static word turbName

    static word thermoName(basicThermo::dictName);

    if (db().foundObject<cmpTurbModelType>(turbName))
        const cmpTurbModelType& turbModel =

        const basicThermo& thermo = turbModel.transport();

        const fvPatchScalarField& hep = thermo.he().boundaryField()[patchi];

        qDot = turbModel.alphaEff(patchi)*hep.snGrad();
    else if (db().foundObject<basicThermo>(thermoName))
        const basicThermo& thermo = db().lookupObject<basicThermo>(thermoName);

        const fvPatchScalarField& hep = thermo.he().boundaryField()[patchi];

        qDot = thermo.alpha().boundaryField()[patchi]*hep.snGrad();
            << "Condition requires either compressible turbulence and/or "
            << "thermo model to be available" << exit(FatalError);

    // patch temperature [K]
    const scalarField Tp(*this);

    // near wall cell temperature [K]
    const scalarField Tc(patchInternalField());

    // heat transfer coefficient [W/m2/K]
    const scalarField htc(qDot/(Tp - Tc + ROOTVSMALL));

    if (Pstream::parRun())
        int tag = Pstream::msgType() + 1;

        List<Field<scalar>> magSfs(Pstream::nProcs());
        magSfs[Pstream::myProcNo()] = this->patch().magSf();
        Pstream::gatherList(magSfs, tag);

        List<Field<scalar>> values(Pstream::nProcs());
        values[Pstream::myProcNo()] = Tp;
        Pstream::gatherList(values, tag);

        List<Field<scalar>> qDots(Pstream::nProcs());
        qDots[Pstream::myProcNo()] = qDot;
        Pstream::gatherList(qDots, tag);

        List<Field<scalar>> htcs(Pstream::nProcs());
        htcs[Pstream::myProcNo()] = htc;
        Pstream::gatherList(htcs, tag);

        if (Pstream::master())
            forAll(values, proci)
                const Field<scalar>& magSf = magSfs[proci];
                const Field<scalar>& value = values[proci];
                const Field<scalar>& qDot = qDots[proci];
                const Field<scalar>& htc = htcs[proci];

                forAll(magSf, facei)
                    os  << magSf[facei] << token::SPACE
                        << value[facei] << token::SPACE
                        << qDot[facei] << token::SPACE
                        << htc[facei] << token::SPACE
                        << nl;

Exemplo n.º 4
void Foam::processorPolyPatch::calcGeometry(PstreamBuffers& pBufs)
    if (Pstream::parRun())
            UIPstream fromNeighbProc(neighbProcNo(), pBufs);

                >> neighbFaceCentres_
                >> neighbFaceAreas_
                >> neighbFaceCellCentres_;

        // My normals
        vectorField faceNormals(size());

        // Neighbour normals
        vectorField nbrFaceNormals(neighbFaceAreas_.size());

        // Face match tolerances
        scalarField tols =
            calcFaceTol(*this, points(), faceCentres());

        // Calculate normals from areas and check
        forAll(faceNormals, facei)
            scalar magSf = mag(faceAreas()[facei]);
            scalar nbrMagSf = mag(neighbFaceAreas_[facei]);
            scalar avSf = (magSf + nbrMagSf)/2.0;

            if (magSf < ROOTVSMALL && nbrMagSf < ROOTVSMALL)
                // Undetermined normal. Use dummy normal to force separation
                // check. (note use of sqrt(VSMALL) since that is how mag
                // scales)
                faceNormals[facei] = point(1, 0, 0);
                nbrFaceNormals[facei] = faceNormals[facei];
            else if (mag(magSf - nbrMagSf) > matchTolerance()*sqr(tols[facei]))
                fileName nm

                Pout<< "processorPolyPatch::calcGeometry : Writing my "
                    << size()
                    << " faces to OBJ file " << nm << endl;

                writeOBJ(nm, *this, points());

                OFstream ccStr
                    /name() + "_faceCentresConnections.obj"

                Pout<< "processorPolyPatch::calcGeometry :"
                    << " Dumping cell centre lines between"
                    << " corresponding face centres to OBJ file" << ccStr.name()
                    << endl;

                label vertI = 0;

                forAll(faceCentres(), faceI)
                    const point& c0 = neighbFaceCentres_[faceI];
                    const point& c1 = faceCentres()[faceI];

                    writeOBJ(ccStr, c0, c1, vertI);

                )   << "face " << facei << " area does not match neighbour by "
                    << 100*mag(magSf - nbrMagSf)/avSf
                    << "% -- possible face ordering problem." << endl
                    << "patch:" << name()
                    << " my area:" << magSf
                    << " neighbour area:" << nbrMagSf
                    << " matching tolerance:"
                    << matchTolerance()*sqr(tols[facei])
                    << endl
                    << "Mesh face:" << start()+facei
                    << " vertices:"
                    << UIndirectList<point>(points(), operator[](facei))()
                    << endl
                    << "If you are certain your matching is correct"
                    << " you can increase the 'matchTolerance' setting"
                    << " in the patch dictionary in the boundary file."
                    << endl
                    << "Rerun with processor debug flag set for"
                    << " more information." << exit(FatalError);
Exemplo n.º 5
// Call scotch with options from dictionary.
Foam::label Foam::ptscotchDecomp::decompose
    const fileName& meshPath,
    const List<int>& adjncy,
    const List<int>& xadj,
    const scalarField& cWeights,

    List<int>& finalDecomp
) const
    if (debug)
        Pout<< "ptscotchDecomp : entering with xadj:" << xadj.size() << endl;

    // Dump graph
    if (decompositionDict_.found("ptscotchCoeffs"))
        const dictionary& scotchCoeffs =

        if (scotchCoeffs.lookupOrDefault("writeGraph", false))
            OFstream str
               meshPath + "_" + Foam::name(Pstream::myProcNo()) + ".dgr"

            Pout<< "Dumping Scotch graph file to " << str.name() << endl
                << "Use this in combination with dgpart." << endl;

            globalIndex globalCells(xadj.size()-1);

            // Distributed graph file (.grf)
            label version = 2;
            str << version << nl;
            // Number of files (procglbnbr)
            str << Pstream::nProcs();
            // My file number (procloc)
            str << ' ' << Pstream::myProcNo() << nl;

            // Total number of vertices (vertglbnbr)
            str << globalCells.size();
            // Total number of connections (edgeglbnbr)
            str << ' ' << returnReduce(xadj[xadj.size()-1], sumOp<label>())
                << nl;
            // Local number of vertices (vertlocnbr)
            str << xadj.size()-1;
            // Local number of connections (edgelocnbr)
            str << ' ' << xadj[xadj.size()-1] << nl;
            // Numbering starts from 0
            label baseval = 0;
            // 100*hasVertlabels+10*hasEdgeWeights+1*hasVertWeighs
            str << baseval << ' ' << "000" << nl;
            for (label cellI = 0; cellI < xadj.size()-1; cellI++)
                label start = xadj[cellI];
                label end = xadj[cellI+1];
                str << end-start;

                for (label i = start; i < end; i++)
                    str << ' ' << adjncy[i];
                str << nl;

    // Strategy
    // ~~~~~~~~

    // Default.
    SCOTCH_Strat stradat;
    check(SCOTCH_stratInit(&stradat), "SCOTCH_stratInit");

    if (decompositionDict_.found("scotchCoeffs"))
        const dictionary& scotchCoeffs =

        string strategy;
        if (scotchCoeffs.readIfPresent("strategy", strategy))
            if (debug)
                Info<< "ptscotchDecomp : Using strategy " << strategy << endl;
            SCOTCH_stratDgraphMap(&stradat, strategy.c_str());
            //fprintf(stdout, "S\tStrat=");
            //SCOTCH_stratSave(&stradat, stdout);
            //fprintf(stdout, "\n");

    // Graph
    // ~~~~~

    List<int> velotab;

    // Check for externally provided cellweights and if so initialise weights
    scalar minWeights = gMin(cWeights);
    if (cWeights.size() > 0)
        if (minWeights <= 0)
            )   << "Illegal minimum weight " << minWeights
                << endl;

        if (cWeights.size() != xadj.size()-1)
            )   << "Number of cell weights " << cWeights.size()
                << " does not equal number of cells " << xadj.size()-1
                << exit(FatalError);

        // Convert to integers.
        forAll(velotab, i)
            velotab[i] = int(cWeights[i]/minWeights);

    if (debug)
        Pout<< "SCOTCH_dgraphInit" << endl;
    SCOTCH_Dgraph grafdat;
    check(SCOTCH_dgraphInit(&grafdat, MPI_COMM_WORLD), "SCOTCH_dgraphInit");

    if (debug)
        Pout<< "SCOTCH_dgraphBuild with:" << nl
            << "xadj.size()-1   : " << xadj.size()-1 << nl
            << "xadj            : " << long(xadj.begin()) << nl
            << "velotab         : " << long(velotab.begin()) << nl
            << "adjncy.size()   : " << adjncy.size() << nl
            << "adjncy          : " << long(adjncy.begin()) << nl
            << endl;

            &grafdat,               // grafdat
            0,                      // baseval, c-style numbering
            xadj.size()-1,          // vertlocnbr, nCells
            xadj.size()-1,          // vertlocmax
                                    // vertloctab, start index per cell into
                                    // adjncy
            const_cast<SCOTCH_Num*>(&xadj[1]),// vendloctab, end index  ,,

            const_cast<SCOTCH_Num*>(velotab.begin()),// veloloctab, vtx weights
            NULL,                   // vlblloctab

            adjncy.size(),          // edgelocnbr, number of arcs
            adjncy.size(),          // edgelocsiz
            const_cast<SCOTCH_Num*>(adjncy.begin()),         // edgeloctab
            NULL,                   // edgegsttab
            NULL                    // edlotab, edge weights

    if (debug)
        Pout<< "SCOTCH_dgraphCheck" << endl;
    check(SCOTCH_dgraphCheck(&grafdat), "SCOTCH_dgraphCheck");

    // Architecture
    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~
    // (fully connected network topology since using switch)

    if (debug)
        Pout<< "SCOTCH_archInit" << endl;
    SCOTCH_Arch archdat;
    check(SCOTCH_archInit(&archdat), "SCOTCH_archInit");

    List<label> processorWeights;
    if (decompositionDict_.found("scotchCoeffs"))
        const dictionary& scotchCoeffs =

        scotchCoeffs.readIfPresent("processorWeights", processorWeights);
    if (processorWeights.size())
        if (debug)
            Info<< "ptscotchDecomp : Using procesor weights "
                << processorWeights
                << endl;
            SCOTCH_archCmpltw(&archdat, nProcessors_, processorWeights.begin()),
        if (debug)
            Pout<< "SCOTCH_archCmplt" << endl;
            SCOTCH_archCmplt(&archdat, nProcessors_),

    //SCOTCH_Mapping mapdat;
    //SCOTCH_dgraphMapInit(&grafdat, &mapdat, &archdat, NULL);
    //SCOTCH_dgraphMapCompute(&grafdat, &mapdat, &stradat); /*Perform mapping*/
    //SCOTCHdgraphMapExit(&grafdat, &mapdat);

    // Hack:switch off fpu error trapping
#   ifdef LINUX_GNUC
    int oldExcepts = fedisableexcept
      | FE_INVALID
#   endif

    if (debug)
        Pout<< "SCOTCH_dgraphMap" << endl;
    finalDecomp = 0;
            &stradat,           // const SCOTCH_Strat *
            finalDecomp.begin() // parttab

#   ifdef LINUX_GNUC
#   endif

    //    SCOTCH_dgraphPart
    //    (
    //        &grafdat,
    //        nProcessors_,       // partnbr
    //        &stradat,           // const SCOTCH_Strat *
    //        finalDecomp.begin() // parttab
    //    ),
    //    "SCOTCH_graphPart"

    if (debug)
        Pout<< "SCOTCH_dgraphExit" << endl;
    // Release storage for graph
    // Release storage for strategy
    // Release storage for network topology

    return 0;