OGRErr OGRPGDumpLayer::CreateFeatureViaCopy( OGRFeature *poFeature )
    int                  i;
    CPLString            osCommand;

    /* First process geometry */
    for( i = 0; i < poFeature->GetGeomFieldCount(); i++ )
        OGRGeometry *poGeometry = poFeature->GetGeomFieldRef(i);
        char *pszGeom = NULL;
        if ( NULL != poGeometry /* && (bHasWkb || bHasPostGISGeometry || bHasPostGISGeography) */)
            OGRPGDumpGeomFieldDefn* poGFldDefn =
                (OGRPGDumpGeomFieldDefn*) poFeature->GetGeomFieldDefnRef(i);

            poGeometry->setCoordinateDimension( poGFldDefn->nCoordDimension );


            /*if (bHasWkb)
                pszGeom = GeometryToBYTEA( poGeometry );
            pszGeom = OGRGeometryToHexEWKB( poGeometry, poGFldDefn->nSRSId );

        if (osCommand.size() > 0)
            osCommand += "\t";
        if ( pszGeom )
            osCommand += pszGeom,
                         CPLFree( pszGeom );
            osCommand += "\\N";

    /* Next process the field id column */
    int nFIDIndex = -1;
    if( bFIDColumnInCopyFields )
        if (osCommand.size() > 0)
            osCommand += "\t";

        nFIDIndex = poFeatureDefn->GetFieldIndex( pszFIDColumn );

        /* Set the FID */
        if( poFeature->GetFID() != OGRNullFID )
            osCommand += CPLString().Printf("%ld ", poFeature->GetFID());
            osCommand += "\\N" ;

    /* Now process the remaining fields */

    int nFieldCount = poFeatureDefn->GetFieldCount();
    int bAddTab = osCommand.size() > 0;

    for( i = 0; i < nFieldCount;  i++ )
        if (i == nFIDIndex)

        const char *pszStrValue = poFeature->GetFieldAsString(i);
        char *pszNeedToFree = NULL;

        if (bAddTab)
            osCommand += "\t";
        bAddTab = TRUE;

        if( !poFeature->IsFieldSet( i ) )
            osCommand += "\\N" ;


        int nOGRFieldType = poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(i)->GetType();

        // We need special formatting for integer list values.
        if( nOGRFieldType == OFTIntegerList )
            int nCount, nOff = 0, j;
            const int *panItems = poFeature->GetFieldAsIntegerList(i,&nCount);

            pszNeedToFree = (char *) CPLMalloc(nCount * 13 + 10);
            strcpy( pszNeedToFree, "{" );
            for( j = 0; j < nCount; j++ )
                if( j != 0 )
                    strcat( pszNeedToFree+nOff, "," );

                nOff += strlen(pszNeedToFree+nOff);
                sprintf( pszNeedToFree+nOff, "%d", panItems[j] );
            strcat( pszNeedToFree+nOff, "}" );
            pszStrValue = pszNeedToFree;

        // We need special formatting for real list values.
        else if( nOGRFieldType == OFTRealList )
            int nCount, nOff = 0, j;
            const double *padfItems =poFeature->GetFieldAsDoubleList(i,&nCount);

            pszNeedToFree = (char *) CPLMalloc(nCount * 40 + 10);
            strcpy( pszNeedToFree, "{" );
            for( j = 0; j < nCount; j++ )
                if( j != 0 )
                    strcat( pszNeedToFree+nOff, "," );

                nOff += strlen(pszNeedToFree+nOff);
                //Check for special values. They need to be quoted.
                if( CPLIsNan(padfItems[j]) )
                    sprintf( pszNeedToFree+nOff, "NaN" );
                else if( CPLIsInf(padfItems[j]) )
                    sprintf( pszNeedToFree+nOff, (padfItems[j] > 0) ? "Infinity" : "-Infinity" );
                    sprintf( pszNeedToFree+nOff, "%.16g", padfItems[j] );

            strcat( pszNeedToFree+nOff, "}" );
            pszStrValue = pszNeedToFree;

        // We need special formatting for string list values.
        else if( nOGRFieldType == OFTStringList )
            CPLString osStr;
            char **papszItems = poFeature->GetFieldAsStringList(i);

            pszStrValue = pszNeedToFree = CPLStrdup(OGRPGDumpEscapeStringList(papszItems, FALSE));

        // Binary formatting
        else if( nOGRFieldType == OFTBinary )
            int nLen = 0;
            GByte* pabyData = poFeature->GetFieldAsBinary( i, &nLen );
            char* pszBytea = GByteArrayToBYTEA( pabyData, nLen);

            pszStrValue = pszNeedToFree = pszBytea;

        else if( nOGRFieldType == OFTReal )
            char* pszComma = strchr((char*)pszStrValue, ',');
            if (pszComma)
                *pszComma = '.';
            //Check for special values. They need to be quoted.
            double dfVal = poFeature->GetFieldAsDouble(i);
            if( CPLIsNan(dfVal) )
                pszStrValue = "NaN";
            else if( CPLIsInf(dfVal) )
                pszStrValue = (dfVal > 0) ? "Infinity" : "-Infinity";

        if( nOGRFieldType != OFTIntegerList &&
                nOGRFieldType != OFTRealList &&
                nOGRFieldType != OFTInteger &&
                nOGRFieldType != OFTReal &&
                nOGRFieldType != OFTBinary )
            int         iChar;
            int         iUTFChar = 0;
            int         nMaxWidth = poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(i)->GetWidth();

            for( iChar = 0; pszStrValue[iChar] != '\0'; iChar++ )
                //count of utf chars
                if ((pszStrValue[iChar] & 0xc0) != 0x80)
                    if( nMaxWidth > 0 && iUTFChar == nMaxWidth )
                        CPLDebug( "PG",
                                  "Truncated %s field value, it was too long.",
                                  poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(i)->GetNameRef() );

                /* Escape embedded \, \t, \n, \r since they will cause COPY
                   to misinterpret a line of text and thus abort */
                if( pszStrValue[iChar] == '\\' ||
                        pszStrValue[iChar] == '\t' ||
                        pszStrValue[iChar] == '\r' ||
                        pszStrValue[iChar] == '\n'   )
                    osCommand += '\\';

                osCommand += pszStrValue[iChar];
            osCommand += pszStrValue;

        if( pszNeedToFree )
            CPLFree( pszNeedToFree );

    /* Add end of line marker */
    //osCommand += "\n";

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
    /*      Execute the copy.                                       */
    /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */

    OGRErr result = OGRERR_NONE;

    poDS->Log(osCommand, FALSE);

    return result;
OGRErr OGRMySQLTableLayer::CreateFeature( OGRFeature *poFeature )

    MYSQL_RES           *hResult=NULL;
    CPLString           osCommand;
    int                 i, bNeedComma = FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Form the INSERT command.                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    osCommand.Printf( "INSERT INTO `%s` (", poFeatureDefn->GetName() );

    if( poFeature->GetGeometryRef() != NULL )
        osCommand = osCommand + "`" + pszGeomColumn + "` ";
        bNeedComma = TRUE;

    if( poFeature->GetFID() != OGRNullFID && pszFIDColumn != NULL )
        if( bNeedComma )
            osCommand += ", ";
        osCommand = osCommand + "`" + pszFIDColumn + "` ";
        bNeedComma = TRUE;

    for( i = 0; i < poFeatureDefn->GetFieldCount(); i++ )
        if( !poFeature->IsFieldSet( i ) )

        if( !bNeedComma )
            bNeedComma = TRUE;
            osCommand += ", ";

        osCommand = osCommand + "`"
             + poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(i)->GetNameRef() + "`";

    osCommand += ") VALUES (";

    // Set the geometry 
    bNeedComma = poFeature->GetGeometryRef() != NULL;
    if( poFeature->GetGeometryRef() != NULL)
        char    *pszWKT = NULL;

        if( poFeature->GetGeometryRef() != NULL )
            OGRGeometry *poGeom = (OGRGeometry *) poFeature->GetGeometryRef();
            poGeom->exportToWkt( &pszWKT );

        if( pszWKT != NULL )

            osCommand += 
                    "GeometryFromText('%s',%d) ", pszWKT, nSRSId );

            OGRFree( pszWKT );
            osCommand += "''";

    // Set the FID 
    if( poFeature->GetFID() != OGRNullFID && pszFIDColumn != NULL )
        if( bNeedComma )
            osCommand += ", ";
        osCommand += CPLString().Printf( "%ld ", poFeature->GetFID() );
        bNeedComma = TRUE;

    for( i = 0; i < poFeatureDefn->GetFieldCount(); i++ )
        if( !poFeature->IsFieldSet( i ) )

        if( bNeedComma )
            osCommand += ", ";
            bNeedComma = TRUE;

        const char *pszStrValue = poFeature->GetFieldAsString(i);

        if( poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(i)->GetType() != OFTInteger
                 && poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(i)->GetType() != OFTReal
                 && poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(i)->GetType() != OFTBinary )
            int         iChar;

            //We need to quote and escape string fields. 
            osCommand += "'";

            for( iChar = 0; pszStrValue[iChar] != '\0'; iChar++ )
                if( poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(i)->GetType() != OFTIntegerList
                    && poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(i)->GetType() != OFTRealList
                    && poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(i)->GetWidth() > 0
                    && iChar == poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(i)->GetWidth() )
                    CPLDebug( "MYSQL",
                              "Truncated %s field value, it was too long.",
                              poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(i)->GetNameRef() );

                if( pszStrValue[iChar] == '\\'
                    || pszStrValue[iChar] == '\'' )
                    osCommand += '\\';
                    osCommand += pszStrValue[iChar];
                    osCommand += pszStrValue[iChar];

            osCommand += "'";
        else if( poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(i)->GetType() == OFTBinary )
            int binaryCount = 0;
            GByte* binaryData = poFeature->GetFieldAsBinary(i, &binaryCount);
            char* pszHexValue = CPLBinaryToHex( binaryCount, binaryData );

            osCommand += "x'";
            osCommand += pszHexValue;
            osCommand += "'";

            CPLFree( pszHexValue );
            osCommand += pszStrValue;


    osCommand += ")";
    int nQueryResult = mysql_query(poDS->GetConn(), osCommand.c_str() );
    const my_ulonglong nFID = mysql_insert_id( poDS->GetConn() );
    if( nQueryResult ){   
        int eErrorCode = mysql_errno(poDS->GetConn());
        if (eErrorCode == 1153) {//ER_NET_PACKET_TOO_LARGE)
            poDS->ReportError("CreateFeature failed because the MySQL server " \
                              "cannot read the entire query statement.  Increase " \
                              "the size of statements your server will allow by " \
                              "altering the 'max_allowed_packet' parameter in "\
                              "your MySQL server configuration.");
        CPLDebug("MYSQL","Error number %d", eErrorCode);
            poDS->ReportError(  osCommand.c_str() );

        // make sure to attempt to free results
        hResult = mysql_store_result( poDS->GetConn() );
        if( hResult != NULL )
            mysql_free_result( hResult );
        hResult = NULL;
        return OGRERR_FAILURE;   

    if( nFID > 0 ) {
        poFeature->SetFID( nFID );

    // make sure to attempt to free results of successful queries
    hResult = mysql_store_result( poDS->GetConn() );
    if( hResult != NULL )
        mysql_free_result( hResult );
    hResult = NULL;
    return OGRERR_NONE;

OGRErr OGRPGDumpLayer::CreateFeatureViaInsert( OGRFeature *poFeature )

    CPLString           osCommand;
    int                 i = 0;
    int                 bNeedComma = FALSE;
    OGRErr              eErr = OGRERR_FAILURE;
    int bEmptyInsert = FALSE;

    if( NULL == poFeature )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                  "NULL pointer to OGRFeature passed to CreateFeatureViaInsert()." );
        return eErr;

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Form the INSERT command.                                        */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    osCommand.Printf( "INSERT INTO %s (", pszSqlTableName );

    for(i = 0; i < poFeatureDefn->GetGeomFieldCount(); i++ )
        OGRGeometry *poGeom = poFeature->GetGeomFieldRef(i);
        if( poGeom != NULL )
            if( bNeedComma )
                osCommand += ", ";

            OGRGeomFieldDefn* poGFldDefn = poFeature->GetGeomFieldDefnRef(i);
            osCommand = osCommand + OGRPGDumpEscapeColumnName(poGFldDefn->GetNameRef()) + " ";
            bNeedComma = TRUE;

    if( poFeature->GetFID() != OGRNullFID && pszFIDColumn != NULL )
        if( bNeedComma )
            osCommand += ", ";

        osCommand = osCommand + OGRPGDumpEscapeColumnName(pszFIDColumn) + " ";
        bNeedComma = TRUE;

    for( i = 0; i < poFeatureDefn->GetFieldCount(); i++ )
        if( !poFeature->IsFieldSet( i ) )

        if( !bNeedComma )
            bNeedComma = TRUE;
            osCommand += ", ";

        osCommand = osCommand
                    + OGRPGDumpEscapeColumnName(poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(i)->GetNameRef());

    if (!bNeedComma)
        bEmptyInsert = TRUE;

    osCommand += ") VALUES (";

    /* Set the geometry */
    bNeedComma = FALSE;
    for(i = 0; i < poFeatureDefn->GetGeomFieldCount(); i++ )
        OGRGeometry *poGeom = poFeature->GetGeomFieldRef(i);
        if( poGeom != NULL )
            char    *pszWKT = NULL;

            OGRPGDumpGeomFieldDefn* poGFldDefn =
                (OGRPGDumpGeomFieldDefn*) poFeature->GetGeomFieldDefnRef(i);

            poGeom->setCoordinateDimension( poGFldDefn->nCoordDimension );

            if( bNeedComma )
                osCommand += ", ";

            if( bWriteAsHex )
                char* pszHex = OGRGeometryToHexEWKB( poGeom, poGFldDefn->nSRSId );
                osCommand += "'";
                if (pszHex)
                    osCommand += pszHex;
                osCommand += "'";
                poGeom->exportToWkt( &pszWKT );

                if( pszWKT != NULL )
                    osCommand +=
                            "GeomFromEWKT('SRID=%d;%s'::TEXT) ", poGFldDefn->nSRSId, pszWKT );
                    OGRFree( pszWKT );
                    osCommand += "''";

            bNeedComma = TRUE;

    /* Set the FID */
    if( poFeature->GetFID() != OGRNullFID && pszFIDColumn != NULL )
        if( bNeedComma )
            osCommand += ", ";
        osCommand += CPLString().Printf( "%ld ", poFeature->GetFID() );
        bNeedComma = TRUE;

    for( i = 0; i < poFeatureDefn->GetFieldCount(); i++ )
        if( !poFeature->IsFieldSet( i ) )

        if( bNeedComma )
            osCommand += ", ";
            bNeedComma = TRUE;

        AppendFieldValue(osCommand, poFeature, i);

    osCommand += ")";

    if (bEmptyInsert)
        osCommand.Printf( "INSERT INTO %s DEFAULT VALUES", pszSqlTableName );

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Execute the insert.                                             */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    return OGRERR_NONE;
Exemplo n.º 4
OGRErr OGRMySQLTableLayer::ICreateFeature( OGRFeature *poFeature )

    int bNeedComma = FALSE;
    CPLString osCommand;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Form the INSERT command.                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    osCommand.Printf( "INSERT INTO `%s` (", poFeatureDefn->GetName() );

    if( poFeature->GetGeometryRef() != nullptr )
        osCommand = osCommand + "`" + pszGeomColumn + "` ";
        bNeedComma = TRUE;

    if( poFeature->GetFID() != OGRNullFID && pszFIDColumn != nullptr )
        if( bNeedComma )
            osCommand += ", ";

        osCommand = osCommand + "`" + pszFIDColumn + "` ";
        bNeedComma = TRUE;

    for( int i = 0; i < poFeatureDefn->GetFieldCount(); i++ )
        if( !poFeature->IsFieldSet( i ) )

        if( !bNeedComma )
            bNeedComma = TRUE;
            osCommand += ", ";

        osCommand = osCommand + "`"
             + poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(i)->GetNameRef() + "`";

    osCommand += ") VALUES (";

    // Set the geometry
    bNeedComma = poFeature->GetGeometryRef() != nullptr;
    if( poFeature->GetGeometryRef() != nullptr)
        char    *pszWKT = nullptr;

        if( poFeature->GetGeometryRef() != nullptr )
            OGRGeometry *poGeom = (OGRGeometry *) poFeature->GetGeometryRef();

            poGeom->exportToWkt( &pszWKT );

        if( pszWKT != nullptr )
            const char* pszAxisOrder = "";
            OGRSpatialReference* l_poSRS = GetSpatialRef();
            if( poDS->GetMajorVersion() >= 8 && !poDS->IsMariaDB() &&
                l_poSRS && l_poSRS->IsGeographic() )
                pszAxisOrder = ", 'axis-order=long-lat'";

            osCommand +=
                    "%s('%s',%d%s) ",
                    poDS->GetMajorVersion() >= 8 ? "ST_GeomFromText" : "GeometryFromText",
                    pszWKT, nSRSId, pszAxisOrder );

            CPLFree( pszWKT );
            osCommand += "''";

    // Set the FID
    if( poFeature->GetFID() != OGRNullFID && pszFIDColumn != nullptr )
        GIntBig nFID = poFeature->GetFID();
        if( !CPL_INT64_FITS_ON_INT32(nFID) &&
            GetMetadataItem(OLMD_FID64) == nullptr )
            CPLString osCommand2;
                     poFeatureDefn->GetName(), pszFIDColumn );

            if( mysql_query(poDS->GetConn(), osCommand2 ) )
                poDS->ReportError( osCommand2 );
                return OGRERR_FAILURE;

            // make sure to attempt to free results of successful queries
            MYSQL_RES *hResult = mysql_store_result( poDS->GetConn() );
            if( hResult != nullptr )
                mysql_free_result( hResult );
            hResult = nullptr;

            SetMetadataItem(OLMD_FID64, "YES");

        if( bNeedComma )
            osCommand += ", ";
        osCommand += CPLString().Printf( CPL_FRMT_GIB, nFID );
        bNeedComma = TRUE;

    for( int i = 0; i < poFeatureDefn->GetFieldCount(); i++ )
        if( !poFeature->IsFieldSet( i ) )

        if( bNeedComma )
            osCommand += ", ";
            bNeedComma = TRUE;

        const char *pszStrValue = poFeature->GetFieldAsString(i);

        if( poFeature->IsFieldNull(i) )
            osCommand += "NULL";
        else if( poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(i)->GetType() != OFTInteger
                 && poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(i)->GetType() != OFTInteger64
                 && poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(i)->GetType() != OFTReal
                 && poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(i)->GetType() != OFTBinary )
            // We need to quote and escape string fields.
            osCommand += "'";

            for( int iChar = 0; pszStrValue[iChar] != '\0'; iChar++ )
                if( poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(i)->GetType() != OFTIntegerList
                    && poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(i)->GetType() != OFTInteger64List
                    && poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(i)->GetType() != OFTRealList
                    && poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(i)->GetWidth() > 0
                    && iChar == poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(i)->GetWidth() )
                    CPLDebug( "MYSQL",
                              "Truncated %s field value, it was too long.",
                              poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(i)->GetNameRef() );

                if( pszStrValue[iChar] == '\\'
                    || pszStrValue[iChar] == '\'' )
                    osCommand += '\\';
                    osCommand += pszStrValue[iChar];
                    osCommand += pszStrValue[iChar];

            osCommand += "'";
        else if( poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(i)->GetType() == OFTBinary )
            int binaryCount = 0;
            GByte* binaryData = poFeature->GetFieldAsBinary(i, &binaryCount);
            char* pszHexValue = CPLBinaryToHex( binaryCount, binaryData );

            osCommand += "x'";
            osCommand += pszHexValue;
            osCommand += "'";

            CPLFree( pszHexValue );
            osCommand += pszStrValue;

    osCommand += ")";

    //CPLDebug("MYSQL", "%s", osCommand.c_str());
    int nQueryResult = mysql_query(poDS->GetConn(), osCommand.c_str() );
    const my_ulonglong nFID = mysql_insert_id( poDS->GetConn() );

    if( nQueryResult ){
        int eErrorCode = mysql_errno(poDS->GetConn());
        if (eErrorCode == 1153) {//ER_NET_PACKET_TOO_LARGE)
            poDS->ReportError("CreateFeature failed because the MySQL server " \
                              "cannot read the entire query statement.  Increase " \
                              "the size of statements your server will allow by " \
                              "altering the 'max_allowed_packet' parameter in "\
                              "your MySQL server configuration.");
        CPLDebug("MYSQL","Error number %d", eErrorCode);
            poDS->ReportError(  osCommand.c_str() );

        // make sure to attempt to free results
        MYSQL_RES *hResult = mysql_store_result( poDS->GetConn() );
        if( hResult != nullptr )
            mysql_free_result( hResult );
        hResult = nullptr;

        return OGRERR_FAILURE;

    if( nFID > 0 ) {
        poFeature->SetFID( nFID );

    // make sure to attempt to free results of successful queries
    MYSQL_RES *hResult = mysql_store_result( poDS->GetConn() );
    if( hResult != nullptr )
        mysql_free_result( hResult );
    hResult = nullptr;

    return OGRERR_NONE;