/// True/False, based on whether OTNumLists MATCH in COUNT and CONTENT (NOT ORDER.)
bool OTNumList::Verify(const OTNumList & rhs) const
    // Verify they have the same number of elements.
    if (this->Count() != rhs.Count())
        return false;
    // -------------------

    // Verify each value on *this is also found on rhs.
    FOR_EACH(std::set<int64_t>, m_setData)
        const int64_t lValue = *it;
        // ----------
        if (false == rhs.Verify(lValue))
            return false;

    return true;
OTMessage * OTMessageOutbuffer::GetSentMessage(const int64_t & lRequestNum, const OTString & strServerID, const OTString & strNymID)
    mapOfMessages::iterator it = m_mapMessages.begin();
    for ( ; it != m_mapMessages.end(); ++it)
        // -----------------------------
        const int64_t  & lTempReqNum   = it->first;
        // -----------------------
        if (lTempReqNum != lRequestNum)
        // -----------------------
        OTMessage   * pMsg          = it->second;
        OT_ASSERT(NULL != pMsg);
        // -----------------------------
        // If a server ID was passed in, but doesn't match the server ID on this message,
        // Then skip this one. (Same with the NymID.)
        if (!strServerID.Compare(pMsg->m_strServerID) ||
            !strNymID.   Compare(pMsg->m_strNymID))
        // --------
            return pMsg;
    // ----------------------------------
    // Didn't find it? Okay let's load it from local storage, if it's there...
    OTString strFolder, strFile;
                     OTFolders::Nym().Get(),         OTLog::PathSeparator(),
                     strServerID.Get(),          OTLog::PathSeparator(),
                     "sent", /*todo hardcoding*/ OTLog::PathSeparator(),
    strFile.Format("%lld.msg", lRequestNum);
    // -----------------------------------
    // Check the existing list, if it exists.
    OTNumList theNumList;
    std::string str_data_filename("sent.dat");
    if (OTDB::Exists(strFolder.Get(), str_data_filename)) // todo hardcoding.
        OTString strNumList(OTDB::QueryPlainString(strFolder.Get(), str_data_filename));
        if (strNumList.Exists())
        if (theNumList.Verify(lRequestNum))
            // Even if the outgoing message was stored, we still act like it
            // "doesn't exist" if it doesn't appear on the official list.
            // The list is what matters -- the message is just the contents referenced
            // by that list.
            // -----------------------------------
            OTMessage * pMsg = new OTMessage;
            OT_ASSERT(NULL != pMsg);
            OTCleanup<OTMessage> theMsgAngel(pMsg);
            if (OTDB::Exists(strFolder.Get(), strFile.Get()) && pMsg->LoadContract(strFolder.Get(), strFile.Get()))
                // Since we had to load it from local storage, let's add it to
                // the list in RAM.
                m_mapMessages.insert(std::pair<int64_t, OTMessage *>(lRequestNum, pMsg));
                return pMsg;
            // ----------------------------------
    // ----------------------------------
    // STILL didn't find it? (Failure.)
	return NULL;