Exemplo n.º 1
// Use a local variable for theToken, do NOT allocate it on the heap
// unless you are going to delete it yourself.
// Repeat: OTPurse is NOT responsible to delete it. We create our OWN internal
// variable here, new that, and add it to the stack. We do not add the one passed in.
bool OTPurse::Push(const OTPseudonym & theOwner, const OTToken & theToken)
    if (theToken.GetAssetID() == m_AssetID)
        OTString strToken(theToken);

//		OTLog::vError("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$  PUSHING token to Purse:\n---------->%s<-------------\n", strToken.Get());

        OTEnvelope theEnvelope;
        theEnvelope.Seal(theOwner, strToken);

        OTASCIIArmor * pArmor = new OTASCIIArmor(theEnvelope);
//		OTLog::vError("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$  PUSHING token to Purse in armored form:\n---------->%s<-------------\n",
//				pArmor->Get());


        // We keep track of the purse's total value.
        m_lTotalValue += theToken.GetDenomination();

        return true;
    else {
        OTString strPurseAssetType(m_AssetID), strTokenAssetType(theToken.GetAssetID());
        OTLog::vError("ERROR: Tried to push token with wrong asset type in OTPurse::Push\nPurse Asset Type:\n%s\n"
                      "Token Asset Type:\n%s\n", strPurseAssetType.Get(), strTokenAssetType.Get());

        return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
// Hypocritically (compared to Push) in the case of Pop(), we DO
// allocate a OTToken and return the pointer. The caller IS
// responsible to delete it when he's done with it.
// The apparent discrepancy is due to the fact that internally,
// we aren't storing the token object but an encrypted string of it.
// But this is hidden from the user of the purse, who perceives only
// that he is passing tokens in and getting them back out again.
OTToken * OTPurse::Pop(const OTPseudonym & theOwner)
    if (m_dequeTokens.empty())
        return NULL;

    // Grab a copy of the pointer and remove it from the deque
    OTASCIIArmor * pArmor =  m_dequeTokens.front();

//	OTLog::vError("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ARMORED TEXT in PURSE POP:\n--------->%s<-----------\n", pArmor->Get());

    // Copy the token contents into an Envelope, and delete the pointer.
    OTEnvelope theEnvelope(*pArmor);
    delete pArmor;
    pArmor = NULL;

    // Open the envelope into a string.
    OTString strToken;
    theEnvelope.Open(theOwner, strToken);

//	OTLog::vError("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ OPENED ENVELOPE TEXT in PURSE POP:\n--------->%s<-----------\n", strToken.Get());

    // Create a new token with the same server and asset IDs as this purse.
    OTToken * pToken =  new OTToken(*this);

    OT_ASSERT(NULL != pToken);

    // Load the token from the string we got out of the envelope.

    if (pToken->GetAssetID() != m_AssetID ||
            pToken->GetServerID() != m_ServerID)
        delete pToken;
        pToken = NULL;

        OTLog::Error("ERROR: Token with wrong asset type in OTPurse::Pop\n");
        // We keep track of the purse's total value.
        m_lTotalValue -= pToken->GetDenomination();

    // CALLER is responsible to delete this token.
    return pToken;