Exemplo n.º 1
boost::shared_ptr<GDALDataset> OgrUtilities::openDataSource(const QString url, bool readonly)
  /* Check for the correct driver name, if unknown try all drivers.
   * This can be an issue because drivers are tried in the order that they are
   * loaded which has been known to cause issues.
  OgrDriverInfo driverInfo = getDriverInfo(url, readonly);

  // With GDALOpenEx, we need to specify the GDAL_OF_UPDATE option or the dataset will get opened
  // Read Only.
  if (! readonly)
    driverInfo._driverType = driverInfo._driverType | GDAL_OF_UPDATE;

  const char* drivers[2] = { driverInfo._driverName, NULL };

  // Setup read options for various file types
  OgrOptions options;
  if (QString(driverInfo._driverName) == "CSV")
    options["X_POSSIBLE_NAMES"] = ConfigOptions().getOgrReaderCsvLonfield();
    options["Y_POSSIBLE_NAMES"] = ConfigOptions().getOgrReaderCsvLatfield();
//    options["Z_POSSIBLE_NAMES"] = ConfigOptions().getOgrReaderCsvZfield();
    options["KEEP_GEOM_COLUMNS"] = ConfigOptions().getOgrReaderCsvKeepGeomFields();
  if (QString(driverInfo._driverName) == "OGR_OGDI")
    // From the GDAL docs:
    // From GDAL/OGR 1.8.0, setting the OGR_OGDI_LAUNDER_LAYER_NAMES configuration option
    // (or environment variable) to YES causes the layer names to be simplified.
    // For example : watrcrsl_hydro instead of 'watrcrsl@hydro(*)_line'
    options["OGR_OGDI_LAUNDER_LAYER_NAMES"] = ConfigOptions().getOgrReaderOgdiLaunderLayerNames();

  boost::shared_ptr<GDALDataset> result(static_cast<GDALDataset*>(GDALOpenEx(url.toUtf8().data(),
    driverInfo._driverType, (driverInfo._driverName != NULL ? drivers : NULL), options.getCrypticOptions(), NULL)));

  if (!result)
    throw HootException("Unable to open: " + url);

  return result;
Exemplo n.º 2
void ShapefileWriter::writePolygons(shared_ptr<const OsmMap> map, const QString& path)


  const char *pszDriverName = "ESRI Shapefile";
  OGRSFDriver *poDriver = OGRSFDriverRegistrar::GetRegistrar()->GetDriverByName(pszDriverName);
  if( poDriver == NULL )
    throw HootException(QString("%1 driver not available.").arg(pszDriverName));

  OGRDataSource* poDS = poDriver->CreateDataSource(path.toAscii(), NULL );
  if( poDS == NULL )
    throw HootException(QString("Data source creation failed. %1").arg(path));

  OgrOptions options;
  options["ENCODING"] = "UTF-8";

  OGRLayer *poLayer;

  QString layerName;
  layerName = QFileInfo(path).baseName();
  poLayer = poDS->CreateLayer(layerName.toAscii(),
                              map->getProjection().get(), wkbMultiPolygon,
  if( poLayer == NULL )
    throw HootException(QString("Layer creation failed. %1").arg(path));

  QStringList shpColumns;
  QStringList columns = getColumns(map, ElementType::Unknown);

  for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++)
    OGRFieldDefn oField(columns[i].toAscii(), OFTString);


    if( poLayer->CreateField( &oField ) != OGRERR_NONE )
      throw HootException(QString("Error creating field (%1).").arg(columns[i]));


  if (_includeInfo)
    OGRFieldDefn oField("error_circ", OFTReal);
    if( poLayer->CreateField( &oField ) != OGRERR_NONE )
      throw HootException(QString("Error creating field (error:circular)."));
    _circularErrorIndex = poLayer->GetLayerDefn()->GetFieldCount() - 1;

  const WayMap& ways = map->getWays();
  for (WayMap::const_iterator it = ways.begin(); it != ways.end(); it++)
    shared_ptr<Way> way = it->second;

    if (OsmSchema::getInstance().isArea(way))
      _writeWayPolygon(map, way, poLayer, columns, shpColumns);

  const RelationMap& relations = map->getRelationMap();
  for (RelationMap::const_iterator it = relations.begin(); it != relations.end(); it++)
    shared_ptr<Relation> relation = it->second;

    if (relation->isMultiPolygon())
      _writeRelationPolygon(map, relation, poLayer, columns, shpColumns);

Exemplo n.º 3
void ShapefileWriter::writeLines(shared_ptr<const OsmMap> map, const QString& path)


  const char *pszDriverName = "ESRI Shapefile";
  OGRSFDriver *poDriver = OGRSFDriverRegistrar::GetRegistrar()->GetDriverByName(pszDriverName);
  if( poDriver == NULL )
    throw HootException(QString("%1 driver not available.").arg(pszDriverName));

  OGRDataSource* poDS = poDriver->CreateDataSource(path.toAscii(), NULL );
  if( poDS == NULL )
    throw HootException(QString("Data source creation failed. %1").arg(path));

  OGRLayer *poLayer;

  OgrOptions options;
  options["ENCODING"] = "UTF-8";

  QString layerName;
  layerName = QFileInfo(path).baseName();
  poLayer = poDS->CreateLayer(layerName.toAscii(),
                              map->getProjection().get(), wkbLineString,
  if( poLayer == NULL )
    throw HootException(QString("Layer creation failed. %1").arg(path));

  QStringList shpColumns;
  QStringList columns = getColumns(map, ElementType::Way);

  for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++)
    OGRFieldDefn oField(columns[i].toAscii(), OFTString);


    if( poLayer->CreateField( &oField ) != OGRERR_NONE )
      throw HootException(QString("Error creating field (%1).").arg(columns[i]));


  if (_includeInfo)
    OGRFieldDefn oField("error_circ", OFTReal);
    if( poLayer->CreateField( &oField ) != OGRERR_NONE )
      throw HootException(QString("Error creating field (error:circular)."));
    _circularErrorIndex = poLayer->GetLayerDefn()->GetFieldCount() - 1;

  const WayMap& ways = map->getWays();
  for (WayMap::const_iterator it = ways.begin(); it != ways.end(); it++)
    shared_ptr<Way> way = it->second;

    if (OsmSchema::getInstance().isArea(way) == false)
      OGRFeature* poFeature = OGRFeature::CreateFeature( poLayer->GetLayerDefn() );
      // set all the column values.
      for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++)
        if (way->getTags().contains(columns[i]))
          QByteArray c = shpColumns[i].toAscii();
          QByteArray v = way->getTags()[columns[i]].toUtf8();
          poFeature->SetField(c.constData(), v.constData());

      if (_includeInfo)
        poFeature->SetField(_circularErrorIndex, way->getCircularError());

      // convert the geometry.
      std::string wkt = ElementConverter(map).convertToLineString(way)->toString();
      char* t = (char*)wkt.data();
      OGRGeometry* geom;
      if (OGRGeometryFactory::createFromWkt(&t, poLayer->GetSpatialRef(), &geom) != OGRERR_NONE)
        throw HootException(QString("Error parsing WKT (%1)").arg(QString::fromStdString(wkt)));

      if (poFeature->SetGeometryDirectly(geom) != OGRERR_NONE)
        throw HootException(QString("Error setting geometry"));

      if (poLayer->CreateFeature(poFeature) != OGRERR_NONE)
        throw HootException(QString("Error creating feature"));


Exemplo n.º 4
void ShapefileWriter::writePoints(shared_ptr<const OsmMap> map, const QString& path)


  const char *pszDriverName = "ESRI Shapefile";
  OGRSFDriver *poDriver = OGRSFDriverRegistrar::GetRegistrar()->GetDriverByName(pszDriverName);
  if( poDriver == NULL )
    throw HootException(QString("%1 driver not available.").arg(pszDriverName));

  OGRDataSource* poDS = poDriver->CreateDataSource(path.toAscii(), NULL );
  if( poDS == NULL )
    throw HootException(QString("Data source creation failed. %1").arg(path));

  OgrOptions options;
  options["ENCODING"] = "UTF-8";

  OGRLayer *poLayer;

  QString layerName;
  layerName = QFileInfo(path).baseName();
  poLayer = poDS->CreateLayer(layerName.toAscii(),
                              map->getProjection().get(), wkbPoint, options.getCrypticOptions());
  if( poLayer == NULL )
    throw HootException(QString("Layer creation failed. %1").arg(path));

  QStringList shpColumns;
  QStringList columns = getColumns(map, ElementType::Node);

  for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++)
    OGRFieldDefn oField(columns[i].toAscii(), OFTString);


    if( poLayer->CreateField( &oField ) != OGRERR_NONE )
      throw HootException(QString("Error creating field (%1).").arg(columns[i]));


  if (_includeInfo)
    OGRFieldDefn oField("error_circ", OFTReal);
    if( poLayer->CreateField( &oField ) != OGRERR_NONE )
      throw HootException(QString("Error creating field (error:circular)."));
    _circularErrorIndex = poLayer->GetLayerDefn()->GetFieldCount() - 1;

  const NodeMap& nodes = map->getNodeMap();
  for (NodeMap::const_iterator it = nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); ++it)
    const shared_ptr<Node>& node = it->second;

    if (node->getTags().getNonDebugCount() > 0)
      OGRFeature* poFeature = OGRFeature::CreateFeature( poLayer->GetLayerDefn() );
      // set all the column values.
      for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++)
        if (node->getTags().contains(columns[i]))
          QByteArray c = shpColumns[i].toAscii();
          QByteArray v = node->getTags()[columns[i]].toUtf8();
          poFeature->SetField(c.constData(), v.constData());

      if (_includeInfo)
        poFeature->SetField(_circularErrorIndex, node->getCircularError());

      // convert the geometry.
      OGRGeometry* geom = new OGRPoint(node->getX(), node->getY());

      if (poFeature->SetGeometryDirectly(geom) != OGRERR_NONE)
        throw HootException(QString("Error setting geometry"));

      if (poLayer->CreateFeature(poFeature) != OGRERR_NONE)
        throw HootException(QString("Error creating feature"));


Exemplo n.º 5
void OgrWriter::_createLayer(shared_ptr<const Layer> layer)
  OGRLayer *poLayer;

  OGRwkbGeometryType gtype;
  case GEOS_POINT:
    gtype = wkbPoint;
    gtype = wkbLineString;
    gtype = wkbPolygon;
    throw HootException("Unexpected geometry type.");

  OgrOptions options;
  if (_ds->GetDriver())
    // if this is a CSV file
    if (_ds->GetDriver()->GetName() == QString("CSV"))
      // if we're exporting point data, then export with x/y at the front
      if (gtype == wkbPoint)
        options["GEOMETRY"] = "AS_XY";
      // if we're exporting other geometries then export w/ WKT at the front.
        options["GEOMETRY"] = "AS_WKT";
      options["CREATE_CSVT"] = "YES";

    if (_ds->GetDriver()->GetName() == QString("ESRI Shapefile"))
      options["ENCODING"] = "UTF-8";

    // Add a Feature Dataset to a ESRI File GeoDatabase if requested
    if (_ds->GetDriver()->GetName() == QString("FileGDB"))
      if (layer->getFdName() != "")
        options["FEATURE_DATASET"] = layer->getFdName();
        // speed up bulk inserts.
        options["FGDB_BULK_LOAD"] = "YES";

  QString layerName = _prependLayerName + layer->getName();

  // Check if the layer exists in the output.
  poLayer = _ds->GetLayerByName(layerName.toAscii());

  // We only want to add to a layer IFF the config option "ogr.append.data" set
  if (poLayer != NULL && _appendData)
    // Layer exists
    _layers[layer->getName()] = poLayer;
    // Loop through the fields making sure that they exist in the output. Print a warning if
    // they don't exist
    OGRFeatureDefn *poFDefn = poLayer->GetLayerDefn();

    shared_ptr<const FeatureDefinition> fd = layer->getFeatureDefinition();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < fd->getFieldCount(); i++)
      shared_ptr<const FieldDefinition> f = fd->getFieldDefinition(i);

      if (poFDefn->GetFieldIndex(f->getName().toAscii()) == -1)
        //        throw HootException(QString("Error: Unable to find output field: %1 in layer %2.").arg(f->getName()).arg(layerName));
        LOG_WARN("Unable to find field: " << QString(f->getName()) << " in layer " << layerName);
    // Layer does not exist
    poLayer = _ds->CreateLayer(layerName.toAscii(),
                  MapReprojector::createWgs84Projection()->Clone(), gtype, options.getCrypticOptions());

    if( poLayer == NULL )
      throw HootException(QString("Layer creation failed. %1").arg(layerName));
    _layers[layer->getName()] = poLayer;

    shared_ptr<const FeatureDefinition> fd = layer->getFeatureDefinition();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < fd->getFieldCount(); i++)
      shared_ptr<const FieldDefinition> f = fd->getFieldDefinition(i);
      OGRFieldDefn oField(f->getName().toAscii(), toOgrFieldType(f->getType()));
      if (f->getWidth() > 0)

      int errCode = poLayer->CreateField(&oField);
      if (errCode != OGRERR_NONE)
        throw HootException(
          QString("Error creating field (%1)  OGR Error Code: (%2).").arg(f->getName()).arg(QString::number(errCode)));
  } // End layer does not exist