Exemplo n.º 1
 * \brief OiMat::operator *
 * Multiply v by this matrix
 * \param v
 * \return
OiVec OiMat::operator*(const OiVec &v) const{
    if( this->getColCount() == v.getSize() && v.getSize() > 0 ){
        OiVec result(this->getRowCount());
        OiVec::myLinearAlgebra->multiply(result, *this, v);
        return result;
        throw logic_error("Cannot multiply a vector by a matrix with incompatible size");
        return OiVec();
Exemplo n.º 2
 * \brief OiMat::getRotationMatrix
 * Get the rotation matrix corresponding to a rotation around an arbitrary rotation axis by the given amount
 * \param angle
 * \param axis
 * \return
OiMat OiMat::getRotationMatrix(double angle, OiVec axis){
    if(axis.getSize() == 3){
        OiMat result(3, 3);

        axis = axis.normalize();

        double w = qCos(angle / 2.0);
        OiVec x = qSin(angle / 2.0) * axis;

        result.setAt(0, 0, 1.0 - 2.0 * (x.getAt(1)*x.getAt(1) + x.getAt(2)*x.getAt(2)));
        result.setAt(0, 1, 2.0 * (x.getAt(0)*x.getAt(1) - w * x.getAt(2)));
        result.setAt(0, 2, 2.0 * (x.getAt(0)*x.getAt(2) + w * x.getAt(1)));
        result.setAt(1, 0, 2.0 * (x.getAt(0)*x.getAt(1) + w * x.getAt(2)));
        result.setAt(1, 1, 1.0 - 2.0 * (x.getAt(0)*x.getAt(0) + x.getAt(2)*x.getAt(2)));
        result.setAt(1, 2, 2.0 * (x.getAt(1)*x.getAt(2) - w * x.getAt(0)));
        result.setAt(2, 0, 2.0 * (x.getAt(0)*x.getAt(2) - w * x.getAt(1)));
        result.setAt(2, 1, 2.0 * (x.getAt(1)*x.getAt(2) + w * x.getAt(0)));
        result.setAt(2, 2, 1.0 - 2.0 * (x.getAt(0)*x.getAt(0) + x.getAt(1)*x.getAt(1)));

        return result;
        throw logic_error("To set up the rotation matrix the given axis has to be of size 3");
        return OiMat();
Exemplo n.º 3
 * \brief LAArmadillo::multiply
 * Multiply v by s
 * \param result
 * \param s
 * \param v
void LAArmadillo::multiply(OiVec &result, const double &s, const OiVec &v){
    arma::vec va(v.getSize());

    this->oiVec2Arma(va, v);

    this->arma2OiVec(result, (s * va));
Exemplo n.º 4
 * \brief OiMat::setCol
 * Replace the column at index by the given column
 * \param index
 * \param col
void OiMat::setCol(const int index, const OiVec &col){
    if(this->getColCount() > index){ //if there is a column at index

        if(this->getRowCount() == col.getSize()){ //if the given column has the right number of elements

            for(unsigned int i = 0; i < col.getSize(); i++){
                this->values.at(i).at(index) = col.getAt(i);

            throw logic_error("Cannot replace a column of a matrix by a given column with incompatible size");

        throw logic_error("Cannot replace a column of a matrix by a given column because of an invalid index");
Exemplo n.º 5
 * \brief LAArmadillo::substract
 * Substract v2 from v1
 * \param result
 * \param v1
 * \param v2
void LAArmadillo::substract(OiVec &result, const OiVec &v1, const OiVec &v2){
    int vecSize = v1.getSize();
    arma::vec v1a(vecSize), v2a(vecSize);

    this->oiVec2Arma(v1a, v1);
    this->oiVec2Arma(v2a, v2);

    this->arma2OiVec(result, (v1a - v2a));
Exemplo n.º 6
 * \brief LAArmadillo::dot
 * Calculate scalar product of a and b
 * \param result
 * \param a
 * \param b
void LAArmadillo::dot(double &result, const OiVec &a, const OiVec &b){
    int vecSize = b.getSize();
    arma::vec aa(vecSize), ba(vecSize);

    this->oiVec2Arma(aa, a);
    this->oiVec2Arma(ba, b);

    result = arma::dot(aa, ba);
Exemplo n.º 7
 * \brief LAArmadillo::cross
 * Calculate cross product of a and b
 * \param result
 * \param a
 * \param b
void LAArmadillo::cross(OiVec &result, const OiVec &a, const OiVec &b){
    int vecSize = b.getSize();
    arma::vec aa(vecSize), ba(vecSize);

    this->oiVec2Arma(aa, a);
    this->oiVec2Arma(ba, b);

    this->arma2OiVec(result, arma::cross(aa, ba));
Exemplo n.º 8
 * \brief LAArmadillo::multiply
 * Multiply v by m
 * \param result
 * \param m
 * \param v
void LAArmadillo::multiply(OiVec &result, const OiMat &m, const OiVec &v){
    int vecSize = v.getSize();
    arma::vec va(vecSize);
    arma::mat ma(m.getRowCount(), vecSize);

    this->oiVec2Arma(va, v);
    this->oiMat2Arma(ma, m);

    this->arma2OiVec(result, (ma * va));
Exemplo n.º 9
 * \brief OiMat::setRow
 * Replace the row at index by the given row
 * \param index
 * \param row
void OiMat::setRow(const int index, const OiVec &row){
    if(this->getRowCount() > index){ //if there is a row at index

        if(this->getColCount() == row.getSize()){ //if the given row has the right number of elements

            //fill vector with the given values...
            vector<double> rowVec;
            for(unsigned int i = 0; i < row.getSize(); i++){

            //...and replace the row of the matrix at index
            this->values.at(index) = rowVec;

            throw logic_error("Cannot replace a row of a matrix by a given row with incompatible size");

        throw logic_error("Cannot replace a row of a matrix by a given row because of an invalid index");
Exemplo n.º 10
 * \brief LAArmadillo::oiVec2Arma
 * \param result
 * \param v
void LAArmadillo::oiVec2Arma(arma::vec &result, const OiVec &v){
    for(int i = 0; i < v.getSize(); i++){
        result[i] = v.getAt(i);