Exemplo n.º 1
bool SelectElement::appendFormData(SelectElementData& data, Element* element, FormDataList& list)
    const AtomicString& name = element->formControlName();
    if (name.isEmpty())
        return false;

    bool successful = false;
    const Vector<Element*>& items = data.listItems(element);

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < items.size(); ++i) {
        OptionElement* optionElement = toOptionElement(items[i]);
        if (optionElement && optionElement->selected()) {
            list.appendData(name, optionElement->value());
            successful = true;

    // FIXME: This case should not happen. Make sure that we select the first option
    // in any case, otherwise we have no consistency with the DOM interface.
    // We return the first one if it was a combobox select
    if (!successful && !data.multiple() && data.size() <= 1 && items.size()) {
        OptionElement* optionElement = toOptionElement(items[0]);
        const AtomicString& value = optionElement->value();
        if (value.isNull())
            list.appendData(name, optionElement->text().stripWhiteSpace());
            list.appendData(name, value);
        successful = true;

    return successful;
Exemplo n.º 2
void SelectElement::listBoxOnChange(SelectElementData& data, Element* element)

    Vector<bool>& lastOnChangeSelection = data.lastOnChangeSelection(); 
    const Vector<Element*>& items = data.listItems(element);

    // If the cached selection list is empty, or the size has changed, then fire dispatchFormControlChangeEvent, and return early.
    if (lastOnChangeSelection.isEmpty() || lastOnChangeSelection.size() != items.size()) {

    // Update lastOnChangeSelection and fire dispatchFormControlChangeEvent
    bool fireOnChange = false;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < items.size(); ++i) {
        OptionElement* optionElement = toOptionElement(items[i]);
        bool selected = optionElement &&  optionElement->selected();
        if (selected != lastOnChangeSelection[i])
            fireOnChange = true;
        lastOnChangeSelection[i] = selected;

    if (fireOnChange)
Exemplo n.º 3
void SelectElement::setActiveSelectionAnchorIndex(SelectElementData& data, Element* element, int index)

    // Cache the selection state so we can restore the old selection as the new selection pivots around this anchor index
    Vector<bool>& cachedStateForActiveSelection = data.cachedStateForActiveSelection(); 

    const Vector<Element*>& items = data.listItems(element);
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < items.size(); ++i) {
        OptionElement* optionElement = toOptionElement(items[i]);
        cachedStateForActiveSelection.append(optionElement && optionElement->selected());
Exemplo n.º 4
void RenderListBox::paintItemForeground(PaintInfo& paintInfo, int tx, int ty, int listIndex)
    SelectElement* select = toSelectElement(static_cast<Element*>(node()));
    const Vector<Element*>& listItems = select->listItems();
    Element* element = listItems[listIndex];
    OptionElement* optionElement = toOptionElement(element);

    String itemText;
    if (optionElement)
        itemText = optionElement->textIndentedToRespectGroupLabel();
    else if (OptionGroupElement* optionGroupElement = toOptionGroupElement(element))
        itemText = optionGroupElement->groupLabelText();      

    // Determine where the item text should be placed
    IntRect r = itemBoundingBoxRect(tx, ty, listIndex);
    r.move(optionsSpacingHorizontal, style()->font().ascent());

    RenderStyle* itemStyle = element->renderStyle();
    if (!itemStyle)
        itemStyle = style();
    Color textColor = element->renderStyle() ? element->renderStyle()->color() : style()->color();
    if (optionElement && optionElement->selected()) {
        if (document()->frame()->selection()->isFocusedAndActive() && document()->focusedNode() == node())
            textColor = theme()->activeListBoxSelectionForegroundColor();
        // Honor the foreground color for disabled items
        else if (!element->disabled())
            textColor = theme()->inactiveListBoxSelectionForegroundColor();

    ColorSpace colorSpace = itemStyle->colorSpace();
    paintInfo.context->setFillColor(textColor, colorSpace);

    Font itemFont = style()->font();
    if (isOptionGroupElement(element)) {
        FontDescription d = itemFont.fontDescription();
        itemFont = Font(d, itemFont.letterSpacing(), itemFont.wordSpacing());

    unsigned length = itemText.length();
    const UChar* string = itemText.characters();
    TextRun textRun(string, length, 0, 0, 0, itemStyle->direction() == RTL, itemStyle->unicodeBidi() == Override, false, false);

    // Draw the item text
    if (itemStyle->visibility() != HIDDEN)
        paintInfo.context->drawBidiText(itemFont, textRun, r.location());
Exemplo n.º 5
void SelectElement::saveLastSelection(SelectElementData& data, Element* element)
    if (data.usesMenuList()) {
        data.setLastOnChangeIndex(selectedIndex(data, element));

    Vector<bool>& lastOnChangeSelection = data.lastOnChangeSelection(); 

    const Vector<Element*>& items = data.listItems(element);
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < items.size(); ++i) {
        OptionElement* optionElement = toOptionElement(items[i]);
        lastOnChangeSelection.append(optionElement && optionElement->selected());
Exemplo n.º 6
bool SelectElement::saveFormControlState(const SelectElementData& data, const Element* element, String& value)
    const Vector<Element*>& items = data.listItems(element);
    int length = items.size();

    // FIXME: Change this code to use the new StringImpl::createUninitialized code path.
    Vector<char, 1024> characters(length);
    for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
        OptionElement* optionElement = toOptionElement(items[i]);
        bool selected = optionElement && optionElement->selected();
        characters[i] = selected ? 'X' : '.';

    value = String(characters.data(), length);
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 7
void WMLSelectElement::updateVariables()
    WMLPageState* pageState = wmlPageStateForDocument(document());
    if (!pageState)

    String name = this->name();
    String iname = this->iname();
    if (iname.isEmpty() && name.isEmpty())

    String nameString;
    String inameString;

    unsigned optionIndex = 0;
    const Vector<Element*>& items = m_data.listItems(this);

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < items.size(); ++i) {
        OptionElement* optionElement = toOptionElement(items[i]);
        if (!optionElement)

        if (!optionElement->selected())

        if (!nameString.isEmpty())
            nameString += ";";

        if (!inameString.isEmpty())
            inameString += ";";

        nameString += optionElement->value();
        inameString += String::number(optionIndex);

    if (!name.isEmpty())
        pageState->storeVariable(name, nameString);

    if (!iname.isEmpty())
        pageState->storeVariable(iname, inameString);
Exemplo n.º 8
void RenderListBox::paintItemBackground(PaintInfo& paintInfo, int tx, int ty, int listIndex)
    SelectElement* select = toSelectElement(static_cast<Element*>(node()));
    const Vector<Element*>& listItems = select->listItems();
    Element* element = listItems[listIndex];
    OptionElement* optionElement = toOptionElement(element);

    Color backColor;
    if (optionElement && optionElement->selected()) {
        if (document()->frame()->selection()->isFocusedAndActive() && document()->focusedNode() == node())
            backColor = theme()->activeListBoxSelectionBackgroundColor();
            backColor = theme()->inactiveListBoxSelectionBackgroundColor();
    } else
        backColor = element->renderStyle() ? element->renderStyle()->backgroundColor() : style()->backgroundColor();

    // Draw the background for this list box item
    if (!element->renderStyle() || element->renderStyle()->visibility() != HIDDEN) {
        IntRect itemRect = itemBoundingBoxRect(tx, ty, listIndex);
        itemRect.intersect(controlClipRect(tx, ty));
        paintInfo.context->fillRect(itemRect, backColor);
Exemplo n.º 9
void SelectElement::listBoxDefaultEventHandler(SelectElementData& data, Element* element, Event* event, HTMLFormElement* htmlForm)
    const Vector<Element*>& listItems = data.listItems(element);

    if (event->type() == eventNames().mousedownEvent && event->isMouseEvent() && static_cast<MouseEvent*>(event)->button() == LeftButton) {

        // Convert to coords relative to the list box if needed.
        MouseEvent* mouseEvent = static_cast<MouseEvent*>(event);
        IntPoint localOffset = roundedIntPoint(element->renderer()->absoluteToLocal(mouseEvent->absoluteLocation(), false, true));
        int listIndex = static_cast<RenderListBox*>(element->renderer())->listIndexAtOffset(localOffset.x(), localOffset.y());
        if (listIndex >= 0) {
            // Save the selection so it can be compared to the new selection when dispatching change events during mouseup, or after autoscroll finishes.
            saveLastSelection(data, element);

            bool multiSelectKeyPressed = false;
            multiSelectKeyPressed = mouseEvent->metaKey();
            multiSelectKeyPressed = mouseEvent->ctrlKey();

            bool shiftSelect = data.multiple() && mouseEvent->shiftKey();
            bool multiSelect = data.multiple() && multiSelectKeyPressed && !mouseEvent->shiftKey();

            Element* clickedElement = listItems[listIndex];            
            OptionElement* option = toOptionElement(clickedElement);
            if (option) {
                // Keep track of whether an active selection (like during drag selection), should select or deselect
                if (option->selected() && multiSelectKeyPressed)

                if (!data.activeSelectionState())
            // If we're not in any special multiple selection mode, then deselect all other items, excluding the clicked option.
            // If no option was clicked, then this will deselect all items in the list.
            if (!shiftSelect && !multiSelect)
                deselectItems(data, element, clickedElement);

            // If the anchor hasn't been set, and we're doing a single selection or a shift selection, then initialize the anchor to the first selected index.
            if (data.activeSelectionAnchorIndex() < 0 && !multiSelect)
                setActiveSelectionAnchorIndex(data, element, selectedIndex(data, element));

            // Set the selection state of the clicked option
            if (option && !clickedElement->disabled())
            // If there was no selectedIndex() for the previous initialization, or
            // If we're doing a single selection, or a multiple selection (using cmd or ctrl), then initialize the anchor index to the listIndex that just got clicked.
            if (listIndex >= 0 && (data.activeSelectionAnchorIndex() < 0 || !shiftSelect))
                setActiveSelectionAnchorIndex(data, element, listIndex);
            setActiveSelectionEndIndex(data, listIndex);
            updateListBoxSelection(data, element, !multiSelect);

            if (Frame* frame = element->document()->frame())

    } else if (event->type() == eventNames().mouseupEvent && event->isMouseEvent() && static_cast<MouseEvent*>(event)->button() == LeftButton && element->document()->frame()->eventHandler()->autoscrollRenderer() != element->renderer())
        // This makes sure we fire dispatchFormControlChangeEvent for a single click.  For drag selection, onChange will fire when the autoscroll timer stops.
        listBoxOnChange(data, element);
    else if (event->type() == eventNames().keydownEvent) {
        if (!event->isKeyboardEvent())
        String keyIdentifier = static_cast<KeyboardEvent*>(event)->keyIdentifier();

        int endIndex = 0;        
        if (data.activeSelectionEndIndex() < 0) {
            // Initialize the end index
            if (keyIdentifier == "Down")
                endIndex = nextSelectableListIndex(data, element, lastSelectedListIndex(data, element));
            else if (keyIdentifier == "Up")
                endIndex = previousSelectableListIndex(data, element, optionToListIndex(data, element, selectedIndex(data, element)));
        } else {
            // Set the end index based on the current end index
            if (keyIdentifier == "Down")
                endIndex = nextSelectableListIndex(data, element, data.activeSelectionEndIndex());
            else if (keyIdentifier == "Up")
                endIndex = previousSelectableListIndex(data, element, data.activeSelectionEndIndex());    
        if (keyIdentifier == "Down" || keyIdentifier == "Up") {
            // Save the selection so it can be compared to the new selection when dispatching change events immediately after making the new selection.
            saveLastSelection(data, element);

            ASSERT(endIndex >= 0 && (unsigned) endIndex < listItems.size()); 
            setActiveSelectionEndIndex(data, endIndex);
            // If the anchor is unitialized, or if we're going to deselect all other options, then set the anchor index equal to the end index.
            bool deselectOthers = !data.multiple() || !static_cast<KeyboardEvent*>(event)->shiftKey();
            if (data.activeSelectionAnchorIndex() < 0 || deselectOthers) {
                if (deselectOthers)
                    deselectItems(data, element);
                setActiveSelectionAnchorIndex(data, element, data.activeSelectionEndIndex());

            updateListBoxSelection(data, element, deselectOthers);
            listBoxOnChange(data, element);
    } else if (event->type() == eventNames().keypressEvent) {
        if (!event->isKeyboardEvent())
        int keyCode = static_cast<KeyboardEvent*>(event)->keyCode();

        if (keyCode == '\r') {
            if (htmlForm)