Exemplo n.º 1
const STG_PAIRS * STG_CLIENT::Authorize(const std::string & login, const std::string & svc)
/*RAD_PACKET packet;

userPassword = "";

if (Request(&packet, login, svc, RAD_AUTZ_PACKET))
    return -1;

if (packet.packetType != RAD_ACCEPT_PACKET)
    return -1;

userPassword = (char *)packet.password;*/

PAIRS pairs;
pairs.push_back(std::make_pair("Cleartext-Password", userPassword));

return ToSTGPairs(pairs);
Exemplo n.º 2
const STG_PAIRS * STG_CLIENT::PostAuth(const std::string & login, const std::string & svc)
/*RAD_PACKET packet;

userPassword = "";

if (Request(&packet, login, svc, RAD_POST_AUTH_PACKET))
    return -1;

if (packet.packetType != RAD_ACCEPT_PACKET)
    return -1;

if (svc == "Framed-User")
    framedIP = packet.ip;
    framedIP = 0;*/

PAIRS pairs;
pairs.push_back(std::make_pair("Framed-IP-Address", inet_ntostring(framedIP)));

return ToSTGPairs(pairs);
  // return the LCS as a linked list of matched index pairs
  uint64_t LCS::Pairs(MATCHES& matches, shared_ptr<Pair> *pairs) {
    auto trace = pairs != nullptr;
    PAIRS traces;
    THRESHOLD threshold;

    //[Assert]After each index1 iteration threshold[index3] is the least index2
    // such that the LCS of s1[0:index1] and s2[0:index2] has length index3 + 1
    uint32_t index1 = 0;
    for (const auto& it1 : matches) {
      if (!it1->empty()) {
        auto dq2 = *it1;
        auto limit = threshold.end();
        for (auto it2 = dq2.begin(); it2 != dq2.end(); it2++)
          // Each of the index1, index2 pairs considered here correspond to a match
          auto index2 = *it2;
          // Note: The index2 values are monotonically decreasing, which allows the
          // thresholds to be updated in place.  Montonicity allows a binary search,
          // implemented here by std::lower_bound()
          limit = lower_bound(threshold.begin(), limit, index2);
          auto index3 = distance(threshold.begin(), limit);

          // Look ahead to the next index2 value to optimize space used in the Hunt
          // and Szymanski algorithm.  If the next index2 is also an improvement on
          // the value currently held in threshold[index3], a new Pair will only be
          // superseded on the next index2 iteration.
          // Depending on match redundancy, the number of Pair constructions may be
          // divided by factors ranging from 2 up to 10 or more.
          auto skip = it2 + 1 != dq2.end() &&
            (limit == threshold.begin() || *(limit - 1) < *(it2 + 1));

          if (skip) continue;

          if (limit == threshold.end()) {
            // insert case
            if (trace) {
              auto prefix = index3 > 0 ? traces[index3 - 1] : nullptr;
              auto last = make_shared<Pair>(index1, index2, prefix);
          else if (index2 < *limit) {
            // replacement case
            *limit = index2;
            if (trace) {
              auto prefix = index3 > 0 ? traces[index3 - 1] : nullptr;
              auto last = make_shared<Pair>(index1, index2, prefix);
              traces[index3] = last;
        }                                 // next index2

    }                                     // next index1

    if (trace) {
      auto last = traces.size() > 0 ? traces.back() : nullptr;
      // Reverse longest back-trace
      *pairs = Pair::Reverse(last);

    auto length = threshold.size();
    return length;