Exemplo n.º 1
/* Updates the different parameters for the component being edited
void TARGET_PROPERTIES_DIALOG_EDITOR::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
    if( m_DC )
        m_Target->Draw( m_Parent->GetCanvas(), m_DC, GR_XOR );

    // Save old item in undo list, if is is not currently edited (will be later if so)
    if( m_Target->GetFlags() == 0 )
        m_Parent->SaveCopyInUndoList( m_Target, UR_CHANGED );

    if( m_Target->GetFlags() != 0 )         // other edition in progress (MOVE, NEW ..)
        m_Target->SetFlags( IN_EDIT );      // set flag in edit to force
                                            // undo/redo/abort proper operation

    int tmp = ValueFromString( g_UserUnit, m_TargetThicknessCtrl->GetValue() );
    m_Target->SetWidth( tmp );

    MireDefaultSize = ValueFromString( g_UserUnit, m_TargetSizeCtrl->GetValue() );
    m_Target->SetSize( MireDefaultSize );

    m_Target->SetShape( m_TargetShape->GetSelection() ? 1 : 0 );

    if( m_DC )
        m_Target->Draw( m_Parent->GetCanvas(), m_DC, ( m_Target->IsMoving() ) ? GR_XOR : GR_OR );

    EndModal( 1 );
Exemplo n.º 2
static void AbortMoveAndEditTarget( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* Panel, wxDC* DC )
    BASE_SCREEN* screen  = Panel->GetScreen();
    PCB_TARGET*  target = (PCB_TARGET*) screen->GetCurItem();

    ( (PCB_EDIT_FRAME*) Panel->GetParent() )->SetCurItem( NULL );

    Panel->SetMouseCapture( NULL, NULL );

    if( target == NULL )

    target->Draw( Panel, DC, GR_XOR );

    if( target->IsNew() )     // If it is new, delete it
        target->Draw( Panel, DC, GR_XOR );
        target = NULL;
    else    // it is an existing item: retrieve initial values of parameters
        if( ( target->GetFlags() & (IN_EDIT | IS_MOVED) ) )
            target->SetPosition( s_TargetCopy.GetPosition() );
            target->SetWidth( s_TargetCopy.GetWidth() );
            target->SetSize( s_TargetCopy.GetSize() );
            target->SetShape( s_TargetCopy.GetShape() );

        target->Draw( Panel, DC, GR_OR );
Exemplo n.º 3
bool DIALOG_TARGET_PROPERTIES::TransferDataFromWindow()
    // Zero-size targets are hard to see/select.
    if( !m_Size.Validate( Mils2iu( 1 ), INT_MAX ) )
        return false;

    BOARD_COMMIT commit( m_Parent );
    commit.Modify( m_Target );

    if( m_DC )
        m_Target->Draw( m_Parent->GetCanvas(), m_DC, GR_XOR );

    // Save old item in undo list, if is is not currently edited (will be later if so)
    bool pushCommit = ( m_Target->GetFlags() == 0 );

    if( m_Target->GetFlags() != 0 )         // other edit in progress (MOVE, NEW ..)
        m_Target->SetFlags( IN_EDIT );      // set flag in edit to force
    // undo/redo/abort proper operation

    m_Target->SetWidth( m_Thickness.GetValue() );
    m_Target->SetSize( m_Size.GetValue() );
    m_Target->SetShape( m_TargetShape->GetSelection() ? 1 : 0 );

    if( m_DC )
        m_Target->Draw( m_Parent->GetCanvas(), m_DC, ( m_Target->IsMoving() ) ? GR_XOR : GR_OR );

    if( pushCommit )
        commit.Push( _( "Modified alignment target" ) );

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
// Redraw the contour of the track while moving the mouse
static void ShowTargetShapeWhileMovingMouse( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC,
                                             const wxPoint& aPosition, bool aErase )
    BASE_SCREEN* screen  = aPanel->GetScreen();
    PCB_TARGET*  target = (PCB_TARGET*) screen->GetCurItem();

    if( target == NULL )

    if( aErase )
        target->Draw( aPanel, aDC, GR_XOR );

    target->SetPosition( aPanel->GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition() );

    target->Draw( aPanel, aDC, GR_XOR );