PCLoaderArcView::load(const std::string& file, OptionsCont& oc, PCPolyContainer& toFill,
                      PCTypeMap&) {
#ifdef HAVE_GDAL
    GeoConvHelper& geoConvHelper = GeoConvHelper::getProcessing();
    // get defaults
    std::string prefix = oc.getString("prefix");
    std::string type = oc.getString("type");
    RGBColor color = RGBColor::parseColor(oc.getString("color"));
    int layer = oc.getInt("layer");
    std::string idField = oc.getString("shapefile.id-column");
    bool useRunningID = oc.getBool("shapefile.use-running-id");
    // start parsing
    std::string shpName = file + ".shp";
    OGRDataSource* poDS = OGRSFDriverRegistrar::Open(shpName.c_str(), FALSE);
    if (poDS == NULL) {
        throw ProcessError("Could not open shape description '" + shpName + "'.");

    // begin file parsing
    OGRLayer*  poLayer = poDS->GetLayer(0);

    // build coordinate transformation
    OGRSpatialReference* origTransf = poLayer->GetSpatialRef();
    OGRSpatialReference destTransf;
    // use wgs84 as destination
    OGRCoordinateTransformation* poCT = OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation(origTransf, &destTransf);
    if (poCT == NULL) {
        if (oc.isSet("shapefile.guess-projection")) {
            OGRSpatialReference origTransf2;
            poCT = OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation(&origTransf2, &destTransf);
        if (poCT == 0) {
            WRITE_WARNING("Could not create geocoordinates converter; check whether proj.4 is installed.");

    OGRFeature* poFeature;
    unsigned int runningID = 0;
    while ((poFeature = poLayer->GetNextFeature()) != NULL) {
        // read in edge attributes
        std::string id = useRunningID ? toString(runningID) : poFeature->GetFieldAsString(idField.c_str());
        id = StringUtils::prune(id);
        if (id == "") {
            throw ProcessError("Missing id under '" + idField + "'");
        id = prefix + id;
        // read in the geometry
        OGRGeometry* poGeometry = poFeature->GetGeometryRef();
        if (poGeometry == 0) {
        // try transform to wgs84
        OGRwkbGeometryType gtype = poGeometry->getGeometryType();
        switch (gtype) {
            case wkbPoint: {
                OGRPoint* cgeom = (OGRPoint*) poGeometry;
                Position pos((SUMOReal) cgeom->getX(), (SUMOReal) cgeom->getY());
                if (!geoConvHelper.x2cartesian(pos)) {
                    WRITE_ERROR("Unable to project coordinates for POI '" + id + "'.");
                PointOfInterest* poi = new PointOfInterest(id, type, color, pos, (SUMOReal)layer);
                if (!toFill.insert(id, poi, layer)) {
                    WRITE_ERROR("POI '" + id + "' could not be added.");
                    delete poi;
            case wkbLineString: {
                OGRLineString* cgeom = (OGRLineString*) poGeometry;
                PositionVector shape;
                for (int j = 0; j < cgeom->getNumPoints(); j++) {
                    Position pos((SUMOReal) cgeom->getX(j), (SUMOReal) cgeom->getY(j));
                    if (!geoConvHelper.x2cartesian(pos)) {
                        WRITE_ERROR("Unable to project coordinates for polygon '" + id + "'.");
                Polygon* poly = new Polygon(id, type, color, shape, false, (SUMOReal)layer);
                if (!toFill.insert(id, poly, layer)) {
                    WRITE_ERROR("Polygon '" + id + "' could not be added.");
                    delete poly;
            case wkbPolygon: {
                OGRLinearRing* cgeom = ((OGRPolygon*) poGeometry)->getExteriorRing();
                PositionVector shape;
                for (int j = 0; j < cgeom->getNumPoints(); j++) {
                    Position pos((SUMOReal) cgeom->getX(j), (SUMOReal) cgeom->getY(j));
                    if (!geoConvHelper.x2cartesian(pos)) {
                        WRITE_ERROR("Unable to project coordinates for polygon '" + id + "'.");
                Polygon* poly = new Polygon(id, type, color, shape, true, (SUMOReal)layer);
                if (!toFill.insert(id, poly, layer)) {
                    WRITE_ERROR("Polygon '" + id + "' could not be added.");
                    delete poly;
            case wkbMultiPoint: {
                OGRMultiPoint* cgeom = (OGRMultiPoint*) poGeometry;
                for (int i = 0; i < cgeom->getNumGeometries(); ++i) {
                    OGRPoint* cgeom2 = (OGRPoint*) cgeom->getGeometryRef(i);
                    Position pos((SUMOReal) cgeom2->getX(), (SUMOReal) cgeom2->getY());
                    std::string tid = id + "#" + toString(i);
                    if (!geoConvHelper.x2cartesian(pos)) {
                        WRITE_ERROR("Unable to project coordinates for POI '" + tid + "'.");
                    PointOfInterest* poi = new PointOfInterest(tid, type, color, pos, (SUMOReal)layer);
                    if (!toFill.insert(tid, poi, layer)) {
                        WRITE_ERROR("POI '" + tid + "' could not be added.");
                        delete poi;
            case wkbMultiLineString: {
                OGRMultiLineString* cgeom = (OGRMultiLineString*) poGeometry;
                for (int i = 0; i < cgeom->getNumGeometries(); ++i) {
                    OGRLineString* cgeom2 = (OGRLineString*) cgeom->getGeometryRef(i);
                    PositionVector shape;
                    std::string tid = id + "#" + toString(i);
                    for (int j = 0; j < cgeom2->getNumPoints(); j++) {
                        Position pos((SUMOReal) cgeom2->getX(j), (SUMOReal) cgeom2->getY(j));
                        if (!geoConvHelper.x2cartesian(pos)) {
                            WRITE_ERROR("Unable to project coordinates for polygon '" + tid + "'.");
                    Polygon* poly = new Polygon(tid, type, color, shape, false, (SUMOReal)layer);
                    if (!toFill.insert(tid, poly, layer)) {
                        WRITE_ERROR("Polygon '" + tid + "' could not be added.");
                        delete poly;
            case wkbMultiPolygon: {
                OGRMultiPolygon* cgeom = (OGRMultiPolygon*) poGeometry;
                for (int i = 0; i < cgeom->getNumGeometries(); ++i) {
                    OGRLinearRing* cgeom2 = ((OGRPolygon*) cgeom->getGeometryRef(i))->getExteriorRing();
                    PositionVector shape;
                    std::string tid = id + "#" + toString(i);
                    for (int j = 0; j < cgeom2->getNumPoints(); j++) {
                        Position pos((SUMOReal) cgeom2->getX(j), (SUMOReal) cgeom2->getY(j));
                        if (!geoConvHelper.x2cartesian(pos)) {
                            WRITE_ERROR("Unable to project coordinates for polygon '" + tid + "'.");
                    Polygon* poly = new Polygon(tid, type, color, shape, true, (SUMOReal)layer);
                    if (!toFill.insert(tid, poly, layer)) {
                        WRITE_ERROR("Polygon '" + tid + "' could not be added.");
                        delete poly;
                WRITE_WARNING("Unsupported shape type occured (id='" + id + "').");
    WRITE_ERROR("SUMO was compiled without GDAL support.");
Exemplo n.º 2
PCLoaderDlrNavteq::loadPOIFile(const std::string& file,
                               OptionsCont& oc, PCPolyContainer& toFill,
                               PCTypeMap& tm) {
    // get the defaults
    RGBColor c = RGBColor::parseColor(oc.getString("color"));
    // parse
    int l = 0;
    LineReader lr(file);
    while (lr.hasMore()) {
        std::string line = lr.readLine();
        // skip invalid/empty lines
        if (line.length() == 0 || line.find("#") != std::string::npos) {
        if (StringUtils::prune(line) == "") {
        // parse the poi
        std::istringstream stream(line);
        // attributes of the poi
        std::string name, skip, type, desc;
        std::getline(stream, name, '\t');
        std::getline(stream, skip, '\t');
        std::getline(stream, type, '\t');
        std::getline(stream, desc, '\t');
        if (stream.fail()) {
            throw ProcessError("Invalid dlr-navteq-poi in line " + toString(l) + ":\n" + line);
        double x, y;
        stream >> x;
        if (stream.fail()) {
            throw ProcessError("Invalid x coordinate for POI '" + name + "'.");
        stream >> y;
        if (stream.fail()) {
            throw ProcessError("Invalid y coordinate for POI '" + name + "'.");
        Position pos(x, y);
        // check the poi
        if (name == "") {
            throw ProcessError("The name of a POI is missing.");
        if (!GeoConvHelper::getProcessing().x2cartesian(pos, true)) {
            throw ProcessError("Unable to project coordinates for POI '" + name + "'.");

        // patch the values
        bool discard = oc.getBool("discard");
        int layer = oc.getInt("layer");
        RGBColor color;
        if (tm.has(type)) {
            const PCTypeMap::TypeDef& def = tm.get(type);
            name = def.prefix + name;
            type = def.id;
            color = def.color;
            discard = def.discard;
            layer = def.layer;
        } else {
            name = oc.getString("prefix") + name;
            type = oc.getString("type");
            color = c;
        if (!discard) {
            bool ignorePrunning = false;
            if (OptionsCont::getOptions().isInStringVector("prune.keep-list", name)) {
                ignorePrunning = true;
            PointOfInterest* poi = new PointOfInterest(name, type, color, pos, (SUMOReal)layer);
            toFill.insert(name, poi, layer, ignorePrunning);
Exemplo n.º 3
PCLoaderDlrNavteq::loadPolyFile(const std::string& file,
                                OptionsCont& oc, PCPolyContainer& toFill,
                                PCTypeMap& tm) {
    // get the defaults
    RGBColor c = RGBColor::parseColor(oc.getString("color"));
    // attributes of the poly
    // parse
    int l = 0;
    LineReader lr(file);
    while (lr.hasMore()) {
        std::string line = lr.readLine();
        // skip invalid/empty lines
        if (line.length() == 0 || line.find("#") != std::string::npos) {
        if (StringUtils::prune(line) == "") {
        // parse the poi
        StringTokenizer st(line, "\t");
        std::vector<std::string> values = st.getVector();
        if (values.size() < 6 || values.size() % 2 != 0) {
            throw ProcessError("Invalid dlr-navteq-polygon - line: '" + line + "'.");
        std::string id = values[0];
        std::string ort = values[1];
        std::string type = values[2];
        std::string name = values[3];
        PositionVector vec;
        size_t index = 4;
        // now collect the positions
        while (values.size() > index) {
            std::string xpos = values[index];
            std::string ypos = values[index + 1];
            index += 2;
            SUMOReal x = TplConvert::_2SUMOReal(xpos.c_str());
            SUMOReal y = TplConvert::_2SUMOReal(ypos.c_str());
            Position pos(x, y);
            if (!GeoConvHelper::getProcessing().x2cartesian(pos)) {
                WRITE_WARNING("Unable to project coordinates for polygon '" + id + "'.");

        name = StringUtils::convertUmlaute(name);
        if (name == "noname" || toFill.containsPolygon(name)) {
            name = name + "#" + toString(toFill.getEnumIDFor(name));

        // check the polygon
        if (vec.size() == 0) {
            WRITE_WARNING("The polygon '" + id + "' is empty.");
        if (id == "") {
            WRITE_WARNING("The name of a polygon is missing; it will be discarded.");

        // patch the values
        bool fill = vec.front() == vec.back();
        bool discard = oc.getBool("discard");
        int layer = oc.getInt("layer");
        RGBColor color;
        if (tm.has(type)) {
            const PCTypeMap::TypeDef& def = tm.get(type);
            name = def.prefix + name;
            type = def.id;
            color = def.color;
            fill = fill && def.allowFill;
            discard = def.discard;
            layer = def.layer;
        } else {
            name = oc.getString("prefix") + name;
            type = oc.getString("type");
            color = c;
        if (!discard) {
            Polygon* poly = new Polygon(name, type, color, vec, fill, (SUMOReal)layer);
            toFill.insert(name, poly, layer);
Exemplo n.º 4
PCLoaderVisum::load(const std::string& file, OptionsCont& oc, PCPolyContainer& toFill,
                    PCTypeMap& tm) {
    GeoConvHelper& geoConvHelper = GeoConvHelper::getProcessing();
    std::string what;
    std::map<long, Position> punkte;
    std::map<long, PositionVector> kanten;
    std::map<long, PositionVector> teilflaechen;
    std::map<long, long> flaechenelemente;
    NamedColumnsParser lineParser;
    LineReader lr(file);
    while (lr.hasMore()) {
        std::string line = lr.readLine();
        // reset if current is over
        if (line.length() == 0 || line[0] == '*' || line[0] == '$') {
            what = "";
        // read items
        if (what == "$PUNKT") {
            long id = TplConvert<char>::_2long(lineParser.get("ID").c_str());
            SUMOReal x = TplConvert<char>::_2SUMOReal(lineParser.get("XKOORD").c_str());
            SUMOReal y = TplConvert<char>::_2SUMOReal(lineParser.get("YKOORD").c_str());
            Position pos(x, y);
            if (!geoConvHelper.x2cartesian(pos)) {
                WRITE_WARNING("Unable to project coordinates for point '" + toString(id) + "'.");
            punkte[id] = pos;
        } else if (what == "$KANTE") {
            long id = TplConvert<char>::_2long(lineParser.get("ID").c_str());
            long fromID = TplConvert<char>::_2long(lineParser.get("VONPUNKTID").c_str());
            long toID = TplConvert<char>::_2long(lineParser.get("NACHPUNKTID").c_str());
            PositionVector vec;
            kanten[id] = vec;
        } else if (what == "$ZWISCHENPUNKT") {
            long id = TplConvert<char>::_2long(lineParser.get("KANTEID").c_str());
            int index = TplConvert<char>::_2int(lineParser.get("INDEX").c_str());
            SUMOReal x = TplConvert<char>::_2SUMOReal(lineParser.get("XKOORD").c_str());
            SUMOReal y = TplConvert<char>::_2SUMOReal(lineParser.get("YKOORD").c_str());
            Position pos(x, y);
            if (!geoConvHelper.x2cartesian(pos)) {
                WRITE_WARNING("Unable to project coordinates for edge '" + toString(id) + "'.");
            kanten[id].insertAt(index, pos);
        } else if (what == "$TEILFLAECHENELEMENT") {
            long id = TplConvert<char>::_2long(lineParser.get("TFLAECHEID").c_str());
            int index = TplConvert<char>::_2int(lineParser.get("INDEX").c_str());
            index = 0; /// hmmmm - assume it's sorted...
            long kid = TplConvert<char>::_2long(lineParser.get("KANTEID").c_str());
            int dir = TplConvert<char>::_2int(lineParser.get("RICHTUNG").c_str());
            if (teilflaechen.find(id) == teilflaechen.end()) {
                teilflaechen[id] = PositionVector();
            if (dir == 0) {
                for (int i = 0; i < (int) kanten[kid].size(); ++i) {
            } else {
                for (int i = (int) kanten[kid].size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
        } else if (what == "$FLAECHENELEMENT") {
            long id = TplConvert<char>::_2long(lineParser.get("FLAECHEID").c_str());
            long tid = TplConvert<char>::_2long(lineParser.get("TFLAECHEID").c_str());
            int enklave = TplConvert<char>::_2int(lineParser.get("ENKLAVE").c_str()); // !!! unused
            enklave = 0;
            flaechenelemente[id] = tid;
        // set if read
        if (line[0] == '$') {
            what = "";
            if (line.find("$PUNKT") == 0) {
                what = "$PUNKT";
            } else if (line.find("$KANTE") == 0) {
                what = "$KANTE";
            } else if (line.find("$ZWISCHENPUNKT") == 0) {
                what = "$ZWISCHENPUNKT";
            } else if (line.find("$TEILFLAECHENELEMENT") == 0) {
                what = "$TEILFLAECHENELEMENT";
            } else if (line.find("$FLAECHENELEMENT") == 0) {
                what = "$FLAECHENELEMENT";
            if (what != "") {
                lineParser.reinit(line.substr(what.length() + 1));

    // do some more sane job...
    RGBColor c = RGBColor::parseColor(oc.getString("color"));
    std::map<std::string, std::string> typemap;
    // load the pois/polys
    bool parsingCategories = false;
    bool parsingPOIs = false;
    bool parsingDistrictsDirectly = false;
    PositionVector vec;
    std::string polyType, lastID;
    bool first = true;
    while (lr.hasMore()) {
        std::string line = lr.readLine();
        // do not parse empty lines
        if (line.length() == 0) {
        // do not parse comment lines
        if (line[0] == '*') {

        if (line[0] == '$') {
            // reset parsing on new entry type
            parsingCategories = false;
            parsingPOIs = false;
            parsingDistrictsDirectly = false;
            polyType = "";

        if (parsingCategories) {
            // parse the category
            StringTokenizer st(line, ";");
            std::string catid = st.next();
            std::string catname = st.next();
            typemap[catid] = catname;
        if (parsingPOIs) {
            // parse the poi
            // $POI:Nr;CATID;CODE;NAME;Kommentar;XKoord;YKoord;
            StringTokenizer st(line, ";");
            std::string num = st.next();
            std::string catid = st.next();
            std::string code = st.next();
            std::string name = st.next();
            std::string comment = st.next();
            std::string xpos = st.next();
            std::string ypos = st.next();
            // process read values
            SUMOReal x = TplConvert<char>::_2SUMOReal(xpos.c_str());
            SUMOReal y = TplConvert<char>::_2SUMOReal(ypos.c_str());
            Position pos(x, y);
            if (!geoConvHelper.x2cartesian(pos)) {
                WRITE_WARNING("Unable to project coordinates for POI '" + num + "'.");
            std::string type = typemap[catid];
            // check the poi
            name = num;
            // patch the values
            bool discard = oc.getBool("discard");
            int layer = oc.getInt("layer");
            RGBColor color;
            if (tm.has(type)) {
                const PCTypeMap::TypeDef& def = tm.get(type);
                name = def.prefix + name;
                type = def.id;
                color = RGBColor::parseColor(def.color);
                discard = def.discard;
                layer = def.layer;
            } else {
                name = oc.getString("prefix") + name;
                type = oc.getString("type");
                color = c;
            if (!discard) {
                PointOfInterest* poi = new PointOfInterest(name, type, pos, color);
                if (!toFill.insert(name, poi, layer)) {
                    WRITE_ERROR("POI '" + name + "' could not been added.");
                    delete poi;

        // poly
        if (polyType != "") {
            StringTokenizer st(line, ";");
            std::string id = st.next();
            std::string type;
            if (!first && lastID != id) {
                // we have parsed a polygon completely
                RGBColor color;
                int layer = oc.getInt("layer");
                bool discard = oc.getBool("discard");
                if (tm.has(polyType)) {
                    const PCTypeMap::TypeDef& def = tm.get(polyType);
                    id = def.prefix + id;
                    type = def.id;
                    color = RGBColor::parseColor(def.color);
                    discard = def.discard;
                    layer = def.layer;
                } else {
                    id = oc.getString("prefix") + id;
                    type = oc.getString("type");
                    color = c;
                if (!discard) {
                    Polygon* poly = new Polygon(id, type, color, vec, false);
                    if (!toFill.insert(id, poly, 1)) {
                        WRITE_ERROR("Polygon '" + id + "' could not been added.");
                        delete poly;
            lastID = id;
            first = false;
            // parse current poly
            std::string index = st.next();
            std::string xpos = st.next();
            std::string ypos = st.next();
            Position pos2D((SUMOReal) atof(xpos.c_str()), (SUMOReal) atof(ypos.c_str()));
            if (!geoConvHelper.x2cartesian(pos2D)) {
                WRITE_WARNING("Unable to project coordinates for polygon '" + id + "'.");

        // district refering a shape
        if (parsingDistrictsDirectly) {
            StringTokenizer st(line, ";");
            std::string num = st.next();
            std::string code = st.next();
            std::string name = st.next();
            st.next(); // typntr
            std::string xpos = st.next();
            std::string ypos = st.next();
            long id = TplConvert<char>::_2long(st.next().c_str());
            // patch the values
            std::string type = "district";
            name = num;
            bool discard = oc.getBool("discard");
            int layer = oc.getInt("layer");
            RGBColor color;
            if (tm.has(type)) {
                const PCTypeMap::TypeDef& def = tm.get(type);
                name = def.prefix + name;
                type = def.id;
                color = RGBColor::parseColor(def.color);
                discard = def.discard;
                layer = def.layer;
            } else {
                name = oc.getString("prefix") + name;
                type = oc.getString("type");
                color = c;
            if (!discard) {
                if (teilflaechen[flaechenelemente[id]].size() > 0) {
                    Polygon* poly = new Polygon(name, type, color, teilflaechen[flaechenelemente[id]], false);
                    if (!toFill.insert(name, poly, layer)) {
                        WRITE_ERROR("Polygon '" + name + "' could not been added.");
                        delete poly;
                } else {
                    SUMOReal x = TplConvert<char>::_2SUMOReal(xpos.c_str());
                    SUMOReal y = TplConvert<char>::_2SUMOReal(ypos.c_str());
                    Position pos(x, y);
                    if (!geoConvHelper.x2cartesian(pos)) {
                        WRITE_WARNING("Unable to project coordinates for POI '" + name + "'.");
                    PointOfInterest* poi = new PointOfInterest(name, type, pos, color);
                    if (!toFill.insert(name, poi, layer)) {
                        WRITE_ERROR("POI '" + name + "' could not been added.");
                        delete poi;

        if (line.find("$POIKATEGORIEDEF:") == 0 || line.find("$POIKATEGORIE:") == 0) {
            // ok, got categories, begin parsing from next line
            parsingCategories = true;
        if (line.find("$POI:") == 0) {
            // ok, got pois, begin parsing from next line
            parsingPOIs = true;
        if (line.find("$BEZIRK") == 0 && line.find("FLAECHEID") != std::string::npos) {
            // ok, have a district header, and it seems like districts would reference shapes...
            parsingDistrictsDirectly = true;

        if (line.find("$BEZIRKPOLY") != std::string::npos) {
            polyType = "district";
        if (line.find("$GEBIETPOLY") != std::string::npos) {
            polyType = "area";
