void Octree::_findNodes(const PlaneBoundedVolume &t, 
                            PCZSceneNodeList &list, 
                            PCZSceneNode *exclude, 
							bool includeVisitors,
                            bool full )
	    if ( !full )
		    AxisAlignedBox obox;
		    _getCullBounds( &obox );

		    Intersection isect = intersect( t, obox );

		    if ( isect == OUTSIDE )
			    return ;

		    full = ( isect == INSIDE );

	    PCZSceneNodeList::iterator it = mNodes.begin();

	    while ( it != mNodes.end() )
		    PCZSceneNode * on = ( *it );

		    if ( on != exclude && (on->getHomeZone() == mZone || includeVisitors ))
			    if ( full )
					// make sure the node isn't already on the list
					list.insert( on );

				    Intersection nsect = intersect( t, on -> _getWorldAABB() );

				    if ( nsect != OUTSIDE )
						// make sure the node isn't already on the list
						list.insert( on );


	    Octree* child;

	    if ( (child=mChildren[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]) != 0 )
		    child->_findNodes( t, list, exclude, includeVisitors, full );

	    if ( (child=mChildren[ 1 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]) != 0 )
		    child->_findNodes( t, list, exclude, includeVisitors, full );

	    if ( (child=mChildren[ 0 ][ 1 ][ 0 ]) != 0 )
		    child->_findNodes( t, list, exclude, includeVisitors, full );

	    if ( (child=mChildren[ 1 ][ 1 ][ 0 ]) != 0 )
		    child->_findNodes( t, list, exclude, includeVisitors, full );

	    if ( (child=mChildren[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 1 ]) != 0 )
		    child->_findNodes( t, list, exclude, includeVisitors, full );

	    if ( (child=mChildren[ 1 ][ 0 ][ 1 ]) != 0 )
		    child->_findNodes( t, list, exclude, includeVisitors, full );

	    if ( (child=mChildren[ 0 ][ 1 ][ 1 ]) != 0 )
		    child->_findNodes( t, list, exclude, includeVisitors, full );

	    if ( (child=mChildren[ 1 ][ 1 ][ 1 ]) != 0 )
		    child->_findNodes( t, list, exclude, includeVisitors, full );

Exemplo n.º 2
    void DefaultZone::_findNodes( const Ray &t, 
							      PCZSceneNodeList &list, 
                                  PortalList &visitedPortals,
						 	      bool includeVisitors,
							      bool recurseThruPortals,
							      PCZSceneNode *exclude )
		// if this zone has an enclosure, check against the enclosure AABB first
		if (mEnclosureNode)
			std::pair<bool, Real> nsect = t.intersects(mEnclosureNode->_getWorldAABB());
			if (!nsect.first)
				// AABB of zone does not intersect t, just return.

		// check nodes at home in this zone
	    PCZSceneNodeList::iterator it = mHomeNodeList.begin();
	    while ( it != mHomeNodeList.end() )
			PCZSceneNode * pczsn = *it;
			if ( pczsn != exclude )
				// make sure node is not already in the list (might have been added in another
				// zone it was visiting)
				PCZSceneNodeList::iterator it2 = list.find(pczsn);
				if (it2 == list.end())
					std::pair<bool, Real> nsect = t.intersects( pczsn -> _getWorldAABB() );
					if ( nsect.first )
						list.insert( pczsn );

		if (includeVisitors)
			// check visitor nodes
			PCZSceneNodeList::iterator iter = mVisitorNodeList.begin();
			while ( iter != mVisitorNodeList.end() )
				PCZSceneNode * pczsn = *iter;
				if ( pczsn != exclude )
					// make sure node is not already in the list (might have been added in another
					// zone it was visiting)
					PCZSceneNodeList::iterator it2 = list.find(pczsn);
					if (it2 == list.end())
						std::pair<bool, Real> nsect = t.intersects( pczsn -> _getWorldAABB() );
						if ( nsect.first )
							list.insert( pczsn );

		// if asked to, recurse through portals
		if (recurseThruPortals)
			PortalList::iterator pit = mPortals.begin();
			while ( pit != mPortals.end() )
				Portal * portal = *pit;
				// check portal versus bounding box
				if (portal->intersects(t))
					// make sure portal hasn't already been recursed through
					PortalList::iterator pit2 = std::find(visitedPortals.begin(), visitedPortals.end(), portal);
					if (pit2 == visitedPortals.end())
						// save portal to the visitedPortals list
						// recurse into the connected zone 
