Exemplo n.º 1
static int UnitDefNewIndex(lua_State* L)
	// not a default value, set it
	if (!lua_isstring(L, 2)) {
		lua_rawset(L, 1);
		return 0;

	const char* name = lua_tostring(L, 2);
	ParamMap::const_iterator it = paramMap.find(name);

	// not a default value, set it
	if (paramMap.find(name) == paramMap.end()) {
		lua_rawset(L, 1);
		return 0;

	const void* userData = lua_touserdata(L, lua_upvalueindex(1));
	const UnitDef* ud = (const UnitDef*)userData;

	// write-protected
	if (!gs->editDefsEnabled) {
		luaL_error(L, "Attempt to write UnitDefs[%d].%s", ud->id, name);
		return 0;

	// Definition editing
	const DataElement& elem = it->second;
	const char* p = ((const char*)ud) + elem.offset;

	switch (elem.type) {
			luaL_error(L, "Can not write to %s", name);
			return 0;
		case INT_TYPE: {
			*((int*)p) = (int)lua_tonumber(L, -1);
			return 0;
		case BOOL_TYPE: {
			*((bool*)p) = lua_toboolean(L, -1);
			return 0;
		case FLOAT_TYPE: {
			*((float*)p) = (float)lua_tonumber(L, -1);
			return 0;
		case STRING_TYPE: {
			*((string*)p) = lua_tostring(L, -1);
			return 0;
		case ERROR_TYPE:{
			luaL_error(L, "ERROR_TYPE in UnitDefs __newindex");

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
static int UnitDefIndex(lua_State* L)
	// not a default value
	if (!lua_isstring(L, 2)) {
		lua_rawget(L, 1);
		return 1;

	const char* name = lua_tostring(L, 2);
	ParamMap::const_iterator it = paramMap.find(name);

	// not a default value
	if (paramMap.find(name) == paramMap.end()) {
	  lua_rawget(L, 1);
	  return 1;

	const void* userData = lua_touserdata(L, lua_upvalueindex(1));
	const UnitDef* ud = (const UnitDef*)userData;
	const DataElement& elem = it->second;
	const char* p = ((const char*)ud) + elem.offset;
	switch (elem.type) {
			lua_rawget(L, 1);
			return 1;
		case INT_TYPE: {
			lua_pushnumber(L, *((int*)p));
			return 1;
		case BOOL_TYPE: {
			lua_pushboolean(L, *((bool*)p));
			return 1;
		case FLOAT_TYPE: {
			lua_pushnumber(L, *((float*)p));
			return 1;
		case STRING_TYPE: {
			lua_pushstring(L, ((string*)p)->c_str());
			return 1;
			return elem.func(L, p);
		case ERROR_TYPE:{
			luaL_error(L, "ERROR_TYPE in UnitDefs __index");
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
bool LuaFeatureDefs::IsDefaultParam(const string& word)
	if (paramMap.empty()) {
	return (paramMap.find(word) != paramMap.end());
Exemplo n.º 4
static int UnitDefIndex(lua_State* L)
	// not a default value
	if (!lua_isstring(L, 2)) {
		lua_rawget(L, 1);
		return 1;

	const char* name = lua_tostring(L, 2);
	ParamMap::const_iterator it = paramMap.find(name);

	// not a default value
	if (it == paramMap.end()) {
	  lua_rawget(L, 1);
	  return 1;

	const void* userData = lua_touserdata(L, lua_upvalueindex(1));
	const UnitDef* ud = static_cast<const UnitDef*>(userData);
	const DataElement& elem = it->second;
	const char* p = ((const char*)ud) + elem.offset;
	switch (elem.type) {
			lua_rawget(L, 1);
			return 1;
		case INT_TYPE: {
			lua_pushnumber(L, *((int*)p));
			return 1;
		case BOOL_TYPE: {
			lua_pushboolean(L, *((bool*)p));
			return 1;
		case FLOAT_TYPE: {
			lua_pushnumber(L, *((float*)p));
			return 1;
		case STRING_TYPE: {
			lua_pushsstring(L, *((string*)p));
			return 1;
			return elem.func(L, p);
		case ERROR_TYPE: {
			LOG_L(L_ERROR, "[%s] ERROR_TYPE for key \"%s\" in UnitDefs __index", __FUNCTION__, name);
			return 1;

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
int LuaUtils::Next(const ParamMap& paramMap, lua_State* L)
	luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TTABLE);
	lua_settop(L, 2); // create a 2nd argument if there isn't one

	// internal parameters first
	if (lua_isnil(L, 2)) {
		const string& nextKey = paramMap.begin()->first;
		lua_pushsstring(L, nextKey); // push the key
		lua_pushvalue(L, 3);         // copy the key
		lua_gettable(L, 1);          // get the value
		return 2;

	// all internal parameters use strings as keys
	if (lua_isstring(L, 2)) {
		const char* key = lua_tostring(L, 2);
		ParamMap::const_iterator it = paramMap.find(key);
		if ((it != paramMap.end()) && (it->second.type != READONLY_TYPE)) {
			// last key was an internal parameter
			while ((it != paramMap.end()) && (it->second.type == READONLY_TYPE)) {
				++it; // skip read-only parameters
			if ((it != paramMap.end()) && (it->second.type != READONLY_TYPE)) {
				// next key is an internal parameter
				const string& nextKey = it->first;
				lua_pushsstring(L, nextKey); // push the key
				lua_pushvalue(L, 3);         // copy the key
				lua_gettable(L, 1);          // get the value (proxied)
				return 2;
			// start the user parameters,
			// remove the internal key and push a nil
			lua_settop(L, 1);

	// user parameter
	if (lua_next(L, 1)) {
		return 2;

	// end of the line
	return 1;
static int WeaponDefNewIndex(lua_State* L)
	// not a default value, set it
	if (!lua_isstring(L, 2)) {
		lua_rawset(L, 1);
		return 0;

	const char* name = lua_tostring(L, 2);
	ParamMap::const_iterator it = paramMap.find(name);

	// not a default value, set it
	if (it == paramMap.end()) {
		lua_rawset(L, 1);
		return 0;

	const void* userData = lua_touserdata(L, lua_upvalueindex(1));
	const WeaponDef* wd = (const WeaponDef*)userData;

	// write-protected
	if (!gs->editDefsEnabled) {
	 	luaL_error(L, "Attempt to write WeaponDefs[%d].%s", wd->id, name);
	 	return 0;

	// Definition editing
	const DataElement& elem = it->second;
	const char* p = ((const char*)wd) + elem.offset;

	switch (elem.type) {
			luaL_error(L, "Can not write to %s", name);
			return 0;
		case INT_TYPE: {
			*((int*)p) = lua_toint(L, -1);
			return 0;
		case BOOL_TYPE: {
			*((bool*)p) = lua_toboolean(L, -1);
			return 0;
		case FLOAT_TYPE: {
			*((float*)p) = lua_tofloat(L, -1);
			return 0;
		case STRING_TYPE: {
			*((string*)p) = lua_tostring(L, -1);
			return 0;
		case ERROR_TYPE: {
			LOG_L(L_ERROR, "[%s] ERROR_TYPE for key \"%s\" in WeaponDefs __newindex", __FUNCTION__, name);
			return 1;

	return 0;