Exemplo n.º 1
TargetVisitor::Visit(BPartition *partition, int32 level)
	BPath path;
	if (partition->GetPath(&path) == B_OK)
		printf("TargetVisitor::Visit(BPartition *) : %s\n", path.Path());
	printf("TargetVisitor::Visit(BPartition *) : %s\n",

	if (partition->ContentSize() < 20 * 1024 * 1024) {
		// reject partitions which are too small anyway
		// TODO: Could depend on the source size
		printf("  too small\n");
		return false;

	if (partition->CountChildren() > 0) {
		// Looks like an extended partition, or the device itself.
		// Do not accept this as target...
		printf("  no leaf partition\n");
		return false;

	// TODO: After running DriveSetup and doing another scan, it would
	// be great to pick the partition which just appeared!

	bool isBootPartition = false;
	if (partition->IsMounted()) {
		BPath mountPoint;
		isBootPartition = strcmp(BOOT_PATH, mountPoint.Path()) == 0;

	// Only non-boot BFS partitions are valid targets, but we want to display the
	// other partitions as well, in order not to irritate the user.
	bool isValidTarget = isBootPartition == false
		&& partition->ContentType() != NULL
		&& strcmp(partition->ContentType(), kPartitionTypeBFS) == 0;

	char label[255];
	char menuLabel[255];
	make_partition_label(partition, label, menuLabel, !isValidTarget);
	PartitionMenuItem* item = new PartitionMenuItem(partition->ContentName(),
		label, menuLabel, new BMessage(TARGET_PARTITION), partition->ID());


	return false;