Exemplo n.º 1
static bool compare(const PathDiagnostic &X, const PathDiagnostic &Y) {
  FullSourceLoc XL = X.getLocation().asLocation();
  FullSourceLoc YL = Y.getLocation().asLocation();
  if (XL != YL)
    return XL.isBeforeInTranslationUnitThan(YL);
  if (X.getBugType() != Y.getBugType())
    return X.getBugType() < Y.getBugType();
  if (X.getCategory() != Y.getCategory())
    return X.getCategory() < Y.getCategory();
  if (X.getVerboseDescription() != Y.getVerboseDescription())
    return X.getVerboseDescription() < Y.getVerboseDescription();
  if (X.getShortDescription() != Y.getShortDescription())
    return X.getShortDescription() < Y.getShortDescription();
  if (X.getDeclWithIssue() != Y.getDeclWithIssue()) {
    const Decl *XD = X.getDeclWithIssue();
    if (!XD)
      return true;
    const Decl *YD = Y.getDeclWithIssue();
    if (!YD)
      return false;
    SourceLocation XDL = XD->getLocation();
    SourceLocation YDL = YD->getLocation();
    if (XDL != YDL) {
      const SourceManager &SM = XL.getManager();
      return SM.isBeforeInTranslationUnit(XDL, YDL);
  PathDiagnostic::meta_iterator XI = X.meta_begin(), XE = X.meta_end();
  PathDiagnostic::meta_iterator YI = Y.meta_begin(), YE = Y.meta_end();
  if (XE - XI != YE - YI)
    return (XE - XI) < (YE - YI);
  for ( ; XI != XE ; ++XI, ++YI) {
    if (*XI != *YI)
      return (*XI) < (*YI);
  Optional<bool> b = comparePath(X.path, Y.path);
  return b.getValue();
Exemplo n.º 2
static json::Object createResult(const PathDiagnostic &Diag, json::Array &Files,
                                 const StringMap<unsigned> &RuleMapping) {
  const PathPieces &Path = Diag.path.flatten(false);
  const SourceManager &SMgr = Path.front()->getLocation().getManager();

  auto Iter = RuleMapping.find(Diag.getCheckName());
  assert(Iter != RuleMapping.end() && "Rule ID is not in the array index map?");

  return json::Object{
      {"message", createMessage(Diag.getVerboseDescription())},
      {"codeFlows", json::Array{createCodeFlow(Path, Files)}},
           *Diag.getLocation().asLocation().getFileEntry(), SMgr, Files))}},
      {"ruleIndex", Iter->getValue()},
      {"ruleId", Diag.getCheckName()}};
Exemplo n.º 3
void HTMLDiagnostics::ReportDiag(const PathDiagnostic& D,
                                 FilesMade *filesMade) {
  // Create the HTML directory if it is missing.
  if (!createdDir) {
    createdDir = true;
    std::string ErrorMsg;
    Directory.createDirectoryOnDisk(true, &ErrorMsg);

    bool IsDirectory;
    if (llvm::sys::fs::is_directory(Directory.str(), IsDirectory) ||
        !IsDirectory) {
      llvm::errs() << "warning: could not create directory '"
                   << Directory.str() << "'\n"
                   << "reason: " << ErrorMsg << '\n';

      noDir = true;


  if (noDir)

  // First flatten out the entire path to make it easier to use.
  PathPieces path = D.path.flatten(/*ShouldFlattenMacros=*/false);

  // The path as already been prechecked that all parts of the path are
  // from the same file and that it is non-empty.
  const SourceManager &SMgr = (*path.begin())->getLocation().getManager();
  FileID FID =

  // Create a new rewriter to generate HTML.
  Rewriter R(const_cast<SourceManager&>(SMgr), PP.getLangOpts());

  // Process the path.
  unsigned n = path.size();
  unsigned max = n;

  for (PathPieces::const_reverse_iterator I = path.rbegin(), 
       E = path.rend();
        I != E; ++I, --n)
    HandlePiece(R, FID, **I, n, max);

  // Add line numbers, header, footer, etc.

  // unsigned FID = R.getSourceMgr().getMainFileID();
  html::EscapeText(R, FID);
  html::AddLineNumbers(R, FID);

  // If we have a preprocessor, relex the file and syntax highlight.
  // We might not have a preprocessor if we come from a deserialized AST file,
  // for example.

  html::SyntaxHighlight(R, FID, PP);
  html::HighlightMacros(R, FID, PP);

  // Get the full directory name of the analyzed file.

  const FileEntry* Entry = SMgr.getFileEntryForID(FID);

  // This is a cludge; basically we want to append either the full
  // working directory if we have no directory information.  This is
  // a work in progress.

  std::string DirName = "";

  if (llvm::sys::path::is_relative(Entry->getName())) {
    llvm::sys::Path P = llvm::sys::Path::GetCurrentDirectory();
    DirName = P.str() + "/";

  // Add the name of the file as an <h1> tag.

    std::string s;
    llvm::raw_string_ostream os(s);

    os << "<!-- REPORTHEADER -->\n"
      << "<h3>Bug Summary</h3>\n<table class=\"simpletable\">\n"
          "<tr><td class=\"rowname\">File:</td><td>"
      << html::EscapeText(DirName)
      << html::EscapeText(Entry->getName())
      << "</td></tr>\n<tr><td class=\"rowname\">Location:</td><td>"
         "<a href=\"#EndPath\">line "
      << (*path.rbegin())->getLocation().asLocation().getExpansionLineNumber()
      << ", column "
      << (*path.rbegin())->getLocation().asLocation().getExpansionColumnNumber()
      << "</a></td></tr>\n"
         "<tr><td class=\"rowname\">Description:</td><td>"
      << D.getVerboseDescription() << "</td></tr>\n";

    // Output any other meta data.

    for (PathDiagnostic::meta_iterator I=D.meta_begin(), E=D.meta_end();
         I!=E; ++I) {
      os << "<tr><td></td><td>" << html::EscapeText(*I) << "</td></tr>\n";

    os << "</table>\n<!-- REPORTSUMMARYEXTRA -->\n"
          "<h3>Annotated Source Code</h3>\n";

    R.InsertTextBefore(SMgr.getLocForStartOfFile(FID), os.str());

  // Embed meta-data tags.
    std::string s;
    llvm::raw_string_ostream os(s);

    StringRef BugDesc = D.getVerboseDescription();
    if (!BugDesc.empty())
      os << "\n<!-- BUGDESC " << BugDesc << " -->\n";

    StringRef BugType = D.getBugType();
    if (!BugType.empty())
      os << "\n<!-- BUGTYPE " << BugType << " -->\n";

    StringRef BugCategory = D.getCategory();
    if (!BugCategory.empty())
      os << "\n<!-- BUGCATEGORY " << BugCategory << " -->\n";

    os << "\n<!-- BUGFILE " << DirName << Entry->getName() << " -->\n";

    os << "\n<!-- BUGLINE "
       << path.back()->getLocation().asLocation().getExpansionLineNumber()
       << " -->\n";

    os << "\n<!-- BUGPATHLENGTH " << path.size() << " -->\n";

    // Mark the end of the tags.
    os << "\n<!-- BUGMETAEND -->\n";

    // Insert the text.
    R.InsertTextBefore(SMgr.getLocForStartOfFile(FID), os.str());

  // Add CSS, header, and footer.

  html::AddHeaderFooterInternalBuiltinCSS(R, FID, Entry->getName());

  // Get the rewrite buffer.
  const RewriteBuffer *Buf = R.getRewriteBufferFor(FID);

  if (!Buf) {
    llvm::errs() << "warning: no diagnostics generated for main file.\n";

  // Create a path for the target HTML file.
  llvm::sys::Path F(FilePrefix);
  F.makeUnique(false, NULL);

  // Rename the file with an HTML extension.
  llvm::sys::Path H(F);
  F.renamePathOnDisk(H, NULL);

  std::string ErrorMsg;
  llvm::raw_fd_ostream os(H.c_str(), ErrorMsg);

  if (!ErrorMsg.empty()) {
    llvm::errs() << "warning: could not create file '" << F.str()
                 << "'\n";

  if (filesMade) {
    filesMade->addDiagnostic(D, getName(), llvm::sys::path::filename(H.str()));

  // Emit the HTML to disk.
  for (RewriteBuffer::iterator I = Buf->begin(), E = Buf->end(); I!=E; ++I)
      os << *I;
Exemplo n.º 4
void HTMLDiagnostics::ReportDiag(const PathDiagnostic& D,
                                 FilesMade *filesMade) {

  // Create the HTML directory if it is missing.
  if (!createdDir) {
    createdDir = true;
    if (std::error_code ec = llvm::sys::fs::create_directories(Directory)) {
      llvm::errs() << "warning: could not create directory '"
                   << Directory << "': " << ec.message() << '\n';

      noDir = true;


  if (noDir)

  // First flatten out the entire path to make it easier to use.
  PathPieces path = D.path.flatten(/*ShouldFlattenMacros=*/false);

  // The path as already been prechecked that all parts of the path are
  // from the same file and that it is non-empty.
  const SourceManager &SMgr = (*path.begin())->getLocation().getManager();
  FileID FID =

  // Create a new rewriter to generate HTML.
  Rewriter R(const_cast<SourceManager&>(SMgr), PP.getLangOpts());

  // Get the function/method name
  SmallString<128> declName("unknown");
  int offsetDecl = 0;
  if (const Decl *DeclWithIssue = D.getDeclWithIssue()) {
      if (const NamedDecl *ND = dyn_cast<NamedDecl>(DeclWithIssue)) {
          declName = ND->getDeclName().getAsString();

      if (const Stmt *Body = DeclWithIssue->getBody()) {
          // Retrieve the relative position of the declaration which will be used
          // for the file name
          FullSourceLoc L(
          FullSourceLoc FunL(SMgr.getExpansionLoc(Body->getLocStart()), SMgr);
          offsetDecl = L.getExpansionLineNumber() - FunL.getExpansionLineNumber();

  // Process the path.
  unsigned n = path.size();
  unsigned max = n;

  for (PathPieces::const_reverse_iterator I = path.rbegin(),
       E = path.rend();
        I != E; ++I, --n)
    HandlePiece(R, FID, **I, n, max);

  // Add line numbers, header, footer, etc.

  // unsigned FID = R.getSourceMgr().getMainFileID();
  html::EscapeText(R, FID);
  html::AddLineNumbers(R, FID);

  // If we have a preprocessor, relex the file and syntax highlight.
  // We might not have a preprocessor if we come from a deserialized AST file,
  // for example.

  html::SyntaxHighlight(R, FID, PP);
  html::HighlightMacros(R, FID, PP);

  // Get the full directory name of the analyzed file.

  const FileEntry* Entry = SMgr.getFileEntryForID(FID);

  // This is a cludge; basically we want to append either the full
  // working directory if we have no directory information.  This is
  // a work in progress.

  llvm::SmallString<0> DirName;

  if (llvm::sys::path::is_relative(Entry->getName())) {
    DirName += '/';

  int LineNumber = (*path.rbegin())->getLocation().asLocation().getExpansionLineNumber();
  int ColumnNumber = (*path.rbegin())->getLocation().asLocation().getExpansionColumnNumber();

  // Add the name of the file as an <h1> tag.

    std::string s;
    llvm::raw_string_ostream os(s);

    os << "<!-- REPORTHEADER -->\n"
      << "<h3>Bug Summary</h3>\n<table class=\"simpletable\">\n"
          "<tr><td class=\"rowname\">File:</td><td>"
      << html::EscapeText(DirName)
      << html::EscapeText(Entry->getName())
      << "</td></tr>\n<tr><td class=\"rowname\">Location:</td><td>"
         "<a href=\"#EndPath\">line "
      << LineNumber
      << ", column "
      << ColumnNumber
      << "</a></td></tr>\n"
         "<tr><td class=\"rowname\">Description:</td><td>"
      << D.getVerboseDescription() << "</td></tr>\n";

    // Output any other meta data.

    for (PathDiagnostic::meta_iterator I=D.meta_begin(), E=D.meta_end();
         I!=E; ++I) {
      os << "<tr><td></td><td>" << html::EscapeText(*I) << "</td></tr>\n";

    os << "</table>\n<!-- REPORTSUMMARYEXTRA -->\n"
          "<h3>Annotated Source Code</h3>\n";

    R.InsertTextBefore(SMgr.getLocForStartOfFile(FID), os.str());

  // Embed meta-data tags.
    std::string s;
    llvm::raw_string_ostream os(s);

    StringRef BugDesc = D.getVerboseDescription();
    if (!BugDesc.empty())
      os << "\n<!-- BUGDESC " << BugDesc << " -->\n";

    StringRef BugType = D.getBugType();
    if (!BugType.empty())
      os << "\n<!-- BUGTYPE " << BugType << " -->\n";

    StringRef BugCategory = D.getCategory();
    if (!BugCategory.empty())
      os << "\n<!-- BUGCATEGORY " << BugCategory << " -->\n";

    os << "\n<!-- BUGFILE " << DirName << Entry->getName() << " -->\n";

    os << "\n<!-- FILENAME " << llvm::sys::path::filename(Entry->getName()) << " -->\n";

    os  << "\n<!-- FUNCTIONNAME " <<  declName << " -->\n";

    os << "\n<!-- BUGLINE "
       << LineNumber
       << " -->\n";

    os << "\n<!-- BUGCOLUMN "
      << ColumnNumber
      << " -->\n";

    os << "\n<!-- BUGPATHLENGTH " << path.size() << " -->\n";

    // Mark the end of the tags.
    os << "\n<!-- BUGMETAEND -->\n";

    // Insert the text.
    R.InsertTextBefore(SMgr.getLocForStartOfFile(FID), os.str());

  // Add CSS, header, and footer.

  html::AddHeaderFooterInternalBuiltinCSS(R, FID, Entry->getName());

  // Get the rewrite buffer.
  const RewriteBuffer *Buf = R.getRewriteBufferFor(FID);

  if (!Buf) {
    llvm::errs() << "warning: no diagnostics generated for main file.\n";

  // Create a path for the target HTML file.
  int FD;
  SmallString<128> Model, ResultPath;

  if (!AnalyzerOpts.shouldWriteStableReportFilename()) {
      llvm::sys::path::append(Model, Directory, "report-%%%%%%.html");

      if (std::error_code EC =
          llvm::sys::fs::createUniqueFile(Model, FD, ResultPath)) {
          llvm::errs() << "warning: could not create file in '" << Directory
                       << "': " << EC.message() << '\n';

  } else {
      int i = 1;
      std::error_code EC;
      do {
          // Find a filename which is not already used
          std::stringstream filename;
          Model = "";
          filename << "report-"
                   << llvm::sys::path::filename(Entry->getName()).str()
                   << "-" << declName.c_str()
                   << "-" << offsetDecl
                   << "-" << i << ".html";
          llvm::sys::path::append(Model, Directory,
          EC = llvm::sys::fs::openFileForWrite(Model,
                                               llvm::sys::fs::F_RW |
          if (EC && EC != std::errc::file_exists) {
              llvm::errs() << "warning: could not create file '" << Model
                           << "': " << EC.message() << '\n';
      } while (EC);

  llvm::raw_fd_ostream os(FD, true);

  if (filesMade)
    filesMade->addDiagnostic(D, getName(),

  // Emit the HTML to disk.
  for (RewriteBuffer::iterator I = Buf->begin(), E = Buf->end(); I!=E; ++I)
      os << *I;