PathMap TileGrid::calculatePossiblePaths(TilePos origin, int distance) { PathMap out = {}; DistanceMap dmap = {}; // Add the origin point to the path map out[origin] = { origin }; dmap[origin] = 0; // Start the recursive search recursivePathfind(origin, distance, out, dmap, false); // Remove the center tile from the map out.erase(out.find(origin)); return out; }
bool MvdDataModel::setData(const QModelIndex& index, const QVariant& value, int role) { if (!index.isValid() || role != Qt::EditRole) return false; DataController* dataController = DataController::GetInstance(); assert(dataController); // If the role is not PathMapRole then call the default behavior. int customRole =; if (customRole != PathMapRole) return QStandardItemModel::setData(index, value, role); QStandardItemModel::setData(index, value, role); // Get the PathMap. PathMap* pathMap =<PathMap*>(); assert(pathMap); // The attribute modified depends on the column of the item. if (index.column() == 0) { // Change its m_oscPathBit value. std::string newOscPathBit = value.toString().toStdString(); dataController->editPathMap(pathMap, newOscPathBit, pathMap->getIisuPath()); } else if (index.column() == 1) { // Change its m_iisuPath value. std::string newIisuPath = value.toString().toStdString(); dataController->editPathMap(pathMap, pathMap->getOscPathBit(), newIisuPath); } // Update the views. emit dataChanged(index, index); return true; }
void CodeAtlas::Modulizer::randomModularize() { // collect global symbols typedef QHash<SymbolPath, int> PathMap; PathMap pathMap; SmartDepthIterator it(m_tree->getRoot(), SmartDepthIterator::PREORDER, SymbolInfo::All, SymbolInfo::All&~SymbolInfo::Block); for (SymbolNode::Ptr pNode; pNode = *it; ++it) { SymbolInfo info = pNode->getSymInfo(); if (!info.isTopLevel()) continue; int pathCount = pathMap.size(); pathMap[pNode->getSymPath()] = pathCount; } RandomWalkClusterer randClusterer(1000,1000000); randClusterer.setVtxCount(pathMap.size()); DependRawDataAttr::Ptr depAttr = m_tree->getRoot()->getAttr<DependRawDataAttr>(); typedef DependRawDataAttr::DependPath DP; QList<DP>& dpList = depAttr->getDependPath(); for (int i = 0; i < dpList.size(); ++i) { DP& dp = dpList[i]; PathMap::Iterator pSrc = pathMap.find(dp.m_src.getTopLevelItemPath()); PathMap::Iterator pTar = pathMap.find(dp.m_tar.getTopLevelItemPath()); if (pSrc == pathMap.end() || pTar == pathMap.end()) { continue; } int srcID = pSrc.value(); int tarID = pTar.value(); if (srcID == tarID) { continue; } float w=0.5; // if (dp.m_type & Ref_Call) // { // w = 1; // } // else if (dp.m_type & Ref_Base) // { // w = 5; // } if (dp.m_type & (Ref_Use|Ref_Modify)) { w = 0.5; } else { continue; } randClusterer.addUndirectedEdge(srcID, tarID, w); } randClusterer.compute(); for (PathMap::Iterator pP = pathMap.begin(); pP != pathMap.end(); ++pP) { SymbolNode::Ptr node = m_tree->findItem(pP.key()); int clusterID = randClusterer.getClusterID(pP.value()); qDebug() << node->getSymInfo().name() << " \t cID:" << clusterID << endl; UIElementAttr::Ptr uiAttr = node->getOrAddAttr<UIElementAttr>(); uiAttr->clusterID() = clusterID; } }
void NetworkWindow::_ScanAddOns() { BStringList paths; BPathFinder::FindPaths(B_FIND_PATH_ADD_ONS_DIRECTORY, "Network Settings", paths); // Collect add-on paths by name, so that each name will only be // loaded once. typedef std::map<BString, BPath> PathMap; PathMap addOnMap; for (int32 i = 0; i < paths.CountStrings(); i++) { BDirectory directory(paths.StringAt(i)); BEntry entry; while (directory.GetNextEntry(&entry) == B_OK) { BPath path; if (entry.GetPath(&path) != B_OK) continue; if (addOnMap.find(path.Leaf()) == addOnMap.end()) addOnMap.insert(std::pair<BString, BPath>(path.Leaf(), path)); } } for (PathMap::const_iterator addOnIterator = addOnMap.begin(); addOnIterator != addOnMap.end(); addOnIterator++) { const BPath& path = addOnIterator->second; image_id image = load_add_on(path.Path()); if (image < 0) { printf("Failed to load %s addon: %s.\n", path.Path(), strerror(image)); continue; } BNetworkSettingsAddOn* (*instantiateAddOn)(image_id image, BNetworkSettings& settings); status_t status = get_image_symbol(image, "instantiate_network_settings_add_on", B_SYMBOL_TYPE_TEXT, (void**)&instantiateAddOn); if (status != B_OK) { // No "addon instantiate function" symbol found in this addon printf("No symbol \"instantiate_network_settings_add_on\" found " "in %s addon: not a network setup addon!\n", path.Path()); unload_add_on(image); continue; } BNetworkSettingsAddOn* addOn = instantiateAddOn(image, fSettings); if (addOn == NULL) { unload_add_on(image); continue; } fAddOns.AddItem(addOn); // Per interface items ItemMap::const_iterator iterator = fInterfaceItemMap.begin(); for (; iterator != fInterfaceItemMap.end(); iterator++) { const BString& interface = iterator->first; BListItem* interfaceItem = iterator->second; uint32 cookie = 0; while (true) { BNetworkSettingsItem* item = addOn->CreateNextInterfaceItem( cookie, interface.String()); if (item == NULL) break; fSettingsMap[item->ListItem()] = item; fListView->AddUnder(item->ListItem(), interfaceItem); } fListView->SortItemsUnder(interfaceItem, true, NetworkWindow::_CompareListItems); } // Generic items uint32 cookie = 0; while (true) { BNetworkSettingsItem* item = addOn->CreateNextItem(cookie); if (item == NULL) break; fSettingsMap[item->ListItem()] = item; fListView->AddUnder(item->ListItem(), _ListItemFor(item->Type())); } _SortItemsUnder(fServicesItem); _SortItemsUnder(fDialUpItem); _SortItemsUnder(fOtherItem); } fListView->SortItemsUnder(NULL, true, NetworkWindow::_CompareTopLevelListItems); }