Exemplo n.º 1
/* controls the car */
static void drive(int index, tCarElt* car, tSituation *situation)
	tdble angle;
	tdble brake;
	tdble b1;							/* brake value in case we are to fast HERE and NOW */
	tdble b2;							/* brake value for some brake point in front of us */
	tdble b3;							/* brake value for control (avoid loosing control) */
	tdble b4;							/* brake value for avoiding high angle of attack */
	tdble steer, targetAngle, shiftaccel;

	MyCar* myc = mycar[index-1];
	Pathfinder* mpf = myc->getPathfinderPtr();

	b1 = b2 = b3 = b4 = 0.0;
	shiftaccel = 0.0;

	/* update some values needed */
	myc->update(myTrackDesc, car, situation);

	/* decide how we want to drive */
	if ( car->_dammage < myc->undamaged/3 && myc->bmode != myc->NORMAL) {
	} else if (car->_dammage > myc->undamaged/3 && car->_dammage < (myc->undamaged*2)/3 && myc->bmode != myc->CAREFUL) {
	} else if (car->_dammage > (myc->undamaged*2)/3 && myc->bmode != myc->SLOW) {

	/* update the other cars just once */
	if (currenttime != situation->currentTime) {
		currenttime = situation->currentTime;
		for (int i = 0; i < situation->_ncars; i++) ocar[i].update();

	/* startmode */
	if (myc->trtime < 5.0 && myc->bmode != myc->START) {
		myc->startmode = true;
	if (myc->startmode && myc->trtime > 5.0) {
		myc->startmode = false;

	/* compute path according to the situation */
	mpf->plan(myc->getCurrentSegId(), car, situation, myc, ocar);

	/* clear ctrl structure with zeros and set the current gear */
	memset(&car->ctrl, 0, sizeof(tCarCtrl));
	car->_gearCmd = car->_gear;

	/* uncommenting the following line causes pitstop on every lap */
	//if (!mpf->getPitStop()) mpf->setPitStop(true, myc->getCurrentSegId());
	/* compute fuel consumption */
	if (myc->getCurrentSegId() >= 0 && myc->getCurrentSegId() < 5 && !myc->fuelchecked) {
		if (car->race.laps > 0) {
			myc->fuelperlap = MAX(myc->fuelperlap, (myc->lastfuel+myc->lastpitfuel-car->priv.fuel));
		myc->lastfuel = car->priv.fuel;
		myc->lastpitfuel = 0.0;
		myc->fuelchecked = true;
	} else if (myc->getCurrentSegId() > 5) {
		myc->fuelchecked = false;

	/* decide if we need a pit stop */
	if (!mpf->getPitStop() && (car->_remainingLaps-car->_lapsBehindLeader) > 0 && (car->_dammage > myc->MAXDAMMAGE ||
		(car->priv.fuel < 1.5*myc->fuelperlap &&
		 car->priv.fuel < (car->_remainingLaps-car->_lapsBehindLeader)*myc->fuelperlap)))
		mpf->setPitStop(true, myc->getCurrentSegId());

	if (mpf->getPitStop()) {
		car->_raceCmd = RM_CMD_PIT_ASKED;

	/* steer to next target point */
	targetAngle = atan2(myc->destpathseg->getLoc()->y - car->_pos_Y, myc->destpathseg->getLoc()->x - car->_pos_X);
	targetAngle -= car->_yaw;
    steer = targetAngle / car->_steerLock;

	/* brakes */
    tdble brakecoeff = 1.0/(2.0*g*myc->currentseg->getKfriction()*myc->CFRICTION);
    tdble brakespeed, brakedist;
	tdble lookahead = 0.0;
	int i = myc->getCurrentSegId();
	brake = 0.0;

	while (lookahead < brakecoeff * myc->getSpeedSqr()) {
		lookahead += mpf->getPathSeg(i)->getLength();
		brakespeed = myc->getSpeedSqr() - mpf->getPathSeg(i)->getSpeedsqr();
		if (brakespeed > 0.0) {
			tdble gm, qb, qs;
			gm = myTrackDesc->getSegmentPtr(myc->getCurrentSegId())->getKfriction()*myc->CFRICTION*myTrackDesc->getSegmentPtr(myc->getCurrentSegId())->getKalpha();
			qs = mpf->getPathSeg(i)->getSpeedsqr();
			brakedist = brakespeed*(myc->mass/(2.0*gm*g*myc->mass + qs*(gm*myc->ca + myc->cw)));

			if (brakedist > lookahead - myc->getWheelTrack()) {
				qb = brakespeed*brakecoeff/brakedist;
				if (qb > b2) {
					b2 = qb;
		i = (i + 1 + mpf->getnPathSeg()) % mpf->getnPathSeg();

	if (myc->getSpeedSqr() > myc->currentpathseg->getSpeedsqr()) {
		b1 = (myc->getSpeedSqr() - myc->currentpathseg->getSpeedsqr()) / (myc->getSpeedSqr());

	/* try to avoid flying */
	if (myc->getDeltaPitch() > myc->MAXALLOWEDPITCH && myc->getSpeed() > myc->FLYSPEED) {
		b4 = 1.0;

	if (!mpf->getPitStop()) {
		steer = steer + MIN(0.1, myc->derror*0.02)*myc->getErrorSgn();
		if (fabs(steer) > 1.0) steer/=fabs(steer);

	/* check if we are on the way */
	if (myc->getSpeed() > myc->TURNSPEED && myc->tr_mode == 0) {
		if (myc->derror > myc->PATHERR) {
			v3d r;
			myc->getDir()->crossProduct(myc->currentpathseg->getDir(), &r);
			if (r.z*myc->getErrorSgn() >= 0.0) {
				targetAngle = atan2(myc->currentpathseg->getDir()->y, myc->currentpathseg->getDir()->x);
				targetAngle -= car->_yaw;
				double toborder = MAX(1.0, myc->currentseg->getWidth()/2.0 - fabs(myTrackDesc->distToMiddle(myc->getCurrentSegId(), myc->getCurrentPos())));
				b3 = (myc->getSpeed()/myc->STABLESPEED)*(myc->derror-myc->PATHERR)/toborder;

	/* try to control angular velocity */
	double omega = myc->getSpeed()/myc->currentpathseg->getRadius();
	steer += 0.1*(omega - myc->getCarPtr()->_yaw_rate);

	/* anti blocking and brake code */
	if (b1 > b2) brake = b1; else brake = b2;
	if (brake < b3) brake = b3;
	if (brake < b4) {
		brake = MIN(1.0, b4);
		tdble abs_mean;
		abs_mean = (car->_wheelSpinVel(REAR_LFT) + car->_wheelSpinVel(REAR_RGT))*car->_wheelRadius(REAR_LFT)/myc->getSpeed();
		abs_mean /= 2.0;
    	brake = brake * abs_mean;
	} else {
		brake = MIN(1.0, brake);
		tdble abs_min = 1.0;
		for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
			tdble slip = car->_wheelSpinVel(i) * car->_wheelRadius(i) / myc->getSpeed();
			if (slip < abs_min) abs_min = slip;
    	brake = brake * abs_min;

	float weight = myc->mass*G;
	float maxForce = weight + myc->ca*myc->MAX_SPEED*myc->MAX_SPEED;
	float force = weight + myc->ca*myc->getSpeedSqr();
	brake = brake*MIN(1.0, force/maxForce);

	// Gear changing.
	if (myc->tr_mode == 0) {
		if (car->_gear <= 0) {
			car->_gearCmd =  1;
		} else {
			float gr_up = car->_gearRatio[car->_gear + car->_gearOffset];
			float omega = car->_enginerpmRedLine/gr_up;
			float wr = car->_wheelRadius(2);

			if (omega*wr*myc->SHIFT < car->_speed_x) {
			} else {
				float gr_down = car->_gearRatio[car->_gear + car->_gearOffset - 1];
				omega = car->_enginerpmRedLine/gr_down;
				if (car->_gear > 1 && omega*wr*myc->SHIFT > car->_speed_x + myc->SHIFT_MARGIN) {

	tdble cerror, cerrorh;
	cerrorh = sqrt(car->_speed_x*car->_speed_x + car->_speed_y*car->_speed_y);
	if (cerrorh > myc->TURNSPEED) cerror = fabs(car->_speed_x)/cerrorh; else cerror = 1.0;

	/* acceleration / brake execution */
	if (myc->tr_mode == 0) {
		if (brake > 0.0) {
			myc->accel = 0.0;
			car->_accelCmd = myc->accel;
			car->_brakeCmd = brake*cerror;
		} else {
			if (myc->getSpeedSqr() < mpf->getPathSeg(myc->getCurrentSegId())->getSpeedsqr()) {
				if (myc->accel < myc->ACCELLIMIT) {
					myc->accel += myc->ACCELINC;
				car->_accelCmd = myc->accel/cerror;
			} else {
				if (myc->accel > 0.0) {
					myc->accel -= myc->ACCELINC;
				car->_accelCmd = myc->accel = MIN(myc->accel/cerror, shiftaccel/cerror);
			tdble slipspeed = myc->querySlipSpeed(car);
			if (slipspeed > myc->TCL_SLIP) {
				car->_accelCmd = car->_accelCmd - MIN(car->_accelCmd, (slipspeed - myc->TCL_SLIP)/myc->TCL_RANGE);

	/* check if we are stuck, try to get unstuck */
	tdble bx = myc->getDir()->x, by = myc->getDir()->y;
	tdble cx = myc->currentseg->getMiddle()->x - car->_pos_X, cy = myc->currentseg->getMiddle()->y - car->_pos_Y;
	tdble parallel = (cx*bx + cy*by) / (sqrt(cx*cx + cy*cy)*sqrt(bx*bx + by*by));

	if ((myc->getSpeed() < myc->TURNSPEED) && (parallel < cos(90.0*PI/180.0))  && (mpf->dist2D(myc->getCurrentPos(), mpf->getPathSeg(myc->getCurrentSegId())->getLoc()) > myc->TURNTOL)) {
		myc->turnaround += situation->deltaTime;
	} else myc->turnaround = 0.0;
	if ((myc->turnaround >= waitToTurn) || (myc->tr_mode >= 1)) {
		if (myc->tr_mode == 0) {
			myc->tr_mode = 1;
        if ((car->_gearCmd > -1) && (myc->tr_mode < 2)) {
			car->_accelCmd = 0.0;
			if (myc->tr_mode == 1) {
			car->_brakeCmd = 1.0;
		} else {
			myc->tr_mode = 2;
			if (parallel < cos(90.0*PI/180.0) && (mpf->dist2D(myc->getCurrentPos(), mpf->getPathSeg(myc->getCurrentSegId())->getLoc()) > myc->TURNTOL)) {
				angle = queryAngleToTrack(car);
				car->_steerCmd = ( -angle > 0.0) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
				car->_brakeCmd = 0.0;

				if (myc->accel < 1.0) {
					myc->accel += myc->ACCELINC;
				car->_accelCmd = myc->accel;
				tdble slipspeed = myc->querySlipSpeed(car);
				if (slipspeed < -myc->TCL_SLIP) {
					car->_accelCmd = car->_accelCmd - MIN(car->_accelCmd, (myc->TCL_SLIP - slipspeed)/myc->TCL_RANGE);
			} else {
				if (myc->getSpeed() < 1.0) {
					myc->turnaround = 0;
					myc->tr_mode = 0;
					myc->startmode = true;
					myc->trtime = 0.0;
				car->_brakeCmd = 1.0;
				car->_steerCmd = 0.0;
				car->_accelCmd = 0.0;

	if (myc->tr_mode == 0) car->_steerCmd = steer;

	timeSinceLastUpdate[index - 1] += situation->deltaTime;
	//Only update once per second
	if(timeSinceLastUpdate[index - 1] >= 0.1)
		/* steer to next target point */
		float targetAngleOut = atan2(myc->destpathseg->getLoc()->y - car->_pos_Y, myc->destpathseg->getLoc()->x - car->_pos_X);
		targetAngleOut -= car->_yaw;

		timeSinceLastUpdate[index - 1] = 0.0;
		sensors[index - 1]->sensors_update();

		//Write training data
		outputFiles[index - 1]<<"DATA"<<std::endl;

		outputFiles[index - 1]<<"speed "<<myc->getSpeed()<<std::endl;
		outputFiles[index - 1]<<"angle "<<myc->getDeltaPitch()<<std::endl;
		outputFiles[index - 1]<<"targetAngle "<<targetAngleOut<<std::endl;

		//Distance sensors
		outputFiles[index - 1]<<"distR "<<sensors[index - 1]->getSensorOut(0)<<std::endl;
		outputFiles[index - 1]<<"distFR "<<sensors[index - 1]->getSensorOut(1)<<std::endl;
		outputFiles[index - 1]<<"distFFR "<<sensors[index - 1]->getSensorOut(2)<<std::endl;
		outputFiles[index - 1]<<"distF "<<sensors[index - 1]->getSensorOut(3)<<std::endl;
		outputFiles[index - 1]<<"distFFL "<<sensors[index - 1]->getSensorOut(4)<<std::endl;
		outputFiles[index - 1]<<"distFL "<<sensors[index - 1]->getSensorOut(5)<<std::endl;
		outputFiles[index - 1]<<"distL "<<sensors[index - 1]->getSensorOut(6)<<std::endl;

		outputFiles[index - 1]<<"steer "<<car->ctrl.steer<<std::endl;
		outputFiles[index - 1]<<"accel "<<car->ctrl.accelCmd<<std::endl;
		outputFiles[index - 1]<<"brake "<<car->ctrl.brakeCmd<<std::endl;
		outputFiles[index - 1]<<"gear "<<car->ctrl.gear<<std::endl;
		outputFiles[index - 1]<<"clutch "<<car->ctrl.clutchCmd<<std::endl;

		//Write training data to console
		printf_s("Speed: %f\n", myc->getSpeed());
		printf_s("Steering: %f\n", car->ctrl.steer);
		printf_s("Acceleration: %f\n", car->ctrl.accelCmd);
		printf_s("Brake: %f\n", car->ctrl.brakeCmd);
		printf_s("Gear: %f\n", car->ctrl.gear);
		printf_s("Clutch: %f\n", car->ctrl.clutchCmd);
		printf_s("Angle: %f\n", myc->getDeltaPitch());
		printf_s("Target Angle: %f\n\n", targetAngleOut);

		printf_s("distR %f\n", sensors[index - 1]->getSensorOut(0));
		printf_s("distFR %f\n", sensors[index - 1]->getSensorOut(1));
		printf_s("distFFR %f\n", sensors[index - 1]->getSensorOut(2));
		printf_s("distF %f\n", sensors[index - 1]->getSensorOut(3));
		printf_s("distFFL %f\n", sensors[index - 1]->getSensorOut(4));
		printf_s("distFL %f\n", sensors[index - 1]->getSensorOut(5));
		printf_s("distL %f\n", sensors[index - 1]->getSensorOut(6));