Exemplo n.º 1
bool VelocityModel::Init (Building* building)

        Log->Write("INFO:\t Init DirectionFloorfield starting ...");
        //fix using defaults; @fixme ar.graf (pass params from argument parser to ctor?)
            double _deltaH = 0.0625;
            double _wallAvoidDistance = 0.4;
            bool _useWallAvoidance = true;
        dynamic_cast<DirectionFloorfield*>(_direction)->Init(building, _deltaH, _wallAvoidDistance, _useWallAvoidance);
        Log->Write("INFO:\t Init DirectionFloorfield done");

          Log->Write("INFO:\t Init DirectionLOCALFloorfield starting ...");
          //fix using defaults; @fixme ar.graf (pass params from argument parser to ctor?)
          double _deltaH = 0.0625;
          double _wallAvoidDistance = 0.4;
          bool _useWallAvoidance = true;
          dynamic_cast<DirectionLocalFloorfield*>(_direction)->Init(building, _deltaH, _wallAvoidDistance, _useWallAvoidance);
          Log->Write("INFO:\t Init DirectionLOCALFloorfield done");

          Log->Write("INFO:\t Init DirectionSubLOCALFloorfield starting ...");
          //fix using defaults; @fixme ar.graf (pass params from argument parser to ctor?)
          double _deltaH = 0.0625;
          double _wallAvoidDistance = 0.4;
          bool _useWallAvoidance = true;
          dynamic_cast<DirectionSubLocalFloorfield*>(_direction)->Init(building, _deltaH, _wallAvoidDistance, _useWallAvoidance);
          Log->Write("INFO:\t Init DirectionSubLOCALFloorfield done");

    const vector< Pedestrian* >& allPeds = building->GetAllPedestrians();
     size_t peds_size = allPeds.size();
    for(unsigned int p=0;p < peds_size;p++)
         Pedestrian* ped = allPeds[p];
         double cosPhi, sinPhi;
         //a destination could not be found for that pedestrian
         if (ped->FindRoute() == -1) {
                   "ERROR:\tVelocityModel::Init() cannot initialise route. ped %d is deleted.\n",ped->GetID());
         Point target = ped->GetExitLine()->LotPoint(ped->GetPos());
         Point d = target - ped->GetPos();
         double dist = d.Norm();
         if (dist != 0.0) {
              cosPhi = d._x / dist;
              sinPhi = d._y / dist;
         } else {
                   "ERROR: \tallPeds::Init() cannot initialise phi! "
                   "dist to target is 0\n");
              return false;


         JEllipse E = ped->GetEllipse();
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
bool ComputeBestPositionVoronoiBoost(AgentsSource* src, std::vector<Pedestrian*>& peds,
                                     Building* building, std::vector<Pedestrian*>& peds_queue)
    bool return_value = true;
    auto dist = src->GetStartDistribution();
    int roomID = dist->GetRoomId();
    int subroomID = dist->GetSubroomID();
    // std::string caption = (building->GetRoom( roomID ))->GetCaption();

    std::vector<Pedestrian*> existing_peds;
    std::vector<Pedestrian*> peds_without_place;
    building->GetPedestrians(roomID, subroomID, existing_peds);
    existing_peds.insert(existing_peds.end(), peds_queue.begin(), peds_queue.end());

    double radius = 0.3; //radius of a person, 0.3 is just some number(needed for the fake_peds bellow), will be changed afterwards

    SubRoom* subroom = building->GetRoom( roomID )->GetSubRoom(subroomID);
    double factor = 100;  //factor for conversion to integer for the boost voronoi

    std::vector<Point> fake_peds;
    Point temp(0,0);
    //fake_peds will be the positions of "fake" pedestrians, multiplied by factor and converted to int
    for (auto vert: subroom->GetPolygon() ) //room vertices
          const Point& center_pos = subroom->GetCentroid();
          temp._x = ( center_pos._x-vert._x );
          temp._y = ( center_pos._y-vert._y );
          temp = temp/temp.Norm();
          temp = temp*(radius*1.4);  //now the norm of the vector is ~r*sqrt(2), pointing to the center
          temp = temp + vert;
          temp._x = (int)(temp._x*factor);
          temp._y = (int)(temp._y*factor);
          fake_peds.push_back( temp );

    std::vector<Pedestrian*>::iterator iter_ped;
    for (iter_ped = peds.begin(); iter_ped != peds.end(); )
         Pedestrian* ped = *iter_ped;
         radius = ped->GetEllipse().GetBmax(); //max radius of the current pedestrian
         if(existing_peds.size() == 0 )
              const Point& center_pos = subroom->GetCentroid();

              double x_coor = 3 * ( (double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX ) - 1.5;
              double y_coor = 3 * ( (double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX ) - 1.5;
              Point random_pos(x_coor, y_coor);
              Point new_pos = center_pos + random_pos;
              //this could be better, but needs to work with any polygon - random point inside a polygon?
              if ( subroom->IsInSubRoom( new_pos ) )
                   if( IsEnoughInSubroom(subroom, new_pos, radius ) )
                        ped->SetPos(center_pos + random_pos, true);
                    ped->SetPos(center_pos, true);

              Point v;
              if (ped->GetExitLine()) {
                    v = (ped->GetExitLine()->ShortestPoint(ped->GetPos())- ped->GetPos()).Normalized();
              } else {
                    v = Point(0., 0.);
              //double speed=ped->GetV0Norm();
              double speed = ped->GetEllipse().GetV0(); //@todo: some peds do not have a navline. This should not be accepted.


         else //more than one pedestrian
           //it would be better to maybe have a mapping between discrete_positions and pointers to the pedestrians
           //then there would be no need to remember the velocities_vector and goal_vector
              std::vector<Point> discrete_positions;
              std::vector<Point> velocities_vector;
              std::vector<int> goal_vector;
              Point tmp(0,0);
              Point v(0,0);
              double no = 0;

              //points from double to integer
              for (const auto& eped: existing_peds)
                   const Point& pos = eped->GetPos();
                   tmp._x = (int)( pos._x*factor );
                   tmp._y = (int)( pos._y*factor );
                   discrete_positions.push_back( tmp );
                   velocities_vector.push_back( eped->GetV() );
                   goal_vector.push_back( eped->GetFinalDestination() );

                   //calculating the mean, using it for the fake pedestrians
                   v += eped->GetV();
              // sum up the weighted velocity in the loop
              v = v/no; //this is the mean of all velocities

              //adding fake people to the vector for constructing voronoi diagram
              //for (unsigned int i=0; i<subroom->GetPolygon().size(); i++ )
              for(auto fake_ped: fake_peds)
                   discrete_positions.push_back( fake_ped );
                   velocities_vector.push_back( v );
                   goal_vector.push_back( -10 );

              //constructing the diagram
              voronoi_diagram<double> vd;
              construct_voronoi(discrete_positions.begin(), discrete_positions.end(), &vd);
              plotVoronoi(discrete_positions, vd, subroom, factor);
              voronoi_diagram<double>::const_vertex_iterator chosen_it = vd.vertices().begin();
              double dis = 0;
              //std::default_random_engine gen = dist->GetGenerator();
                    VoronoiBestVertexRandMax(discrete_positions, vd, subroom, factor, chosen_it, dis, radius);
                    VoronoiBestVertexGreedy(discrete_positions, vd, subroom, factor, chosen_it, dis, radius);

              if( dis > 4*radius*radius)
                   Point pos( chosen_it->x()/factor, chosen_it->y()/factor ); //check!
                   ped->SetPos(pos , true);
                   VoronoiAdjustVelocityNeighbour(chosen_it, ped, velocities_vector, goal_vector);
                   // proceed to the next pedestrian
                   //reject the pedestrian:
                   return_value = false;
                   peds_without_place.push_back(*iter_ped); //Put in a different queue, they will be put back in the source.
                   iter_ped=peds.erase(iter_ped); // remove from the initial vector since it should only contain the pedestrians that could find a place

         }// >0

    }//for loop

    //maybe not all pedestrians could find a place, requeue them in the source

    return return_value;