Exemplo n.º 1
 * Class:     org_appcelerator_kroll_runtime_v8_V8Runtime
 * Method:    nativeInit
 * Signature: (Lorg/appcelerator/kroll/runtime/v8/V8Runtime;)J
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_appcelerator_kroll_runtime_v8_V8Runtime_nativeInit(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jboolean useGlobalRefs, jint debuggerPort, jboolean DBG)
	HandleScope scope;
	titanium::JNIScope jniScope(env);

	// Log all uncaught V8 exceptions.

	JavaObject::useGlobalRefs = useGlobalRefs;
	V8Runtime::debuggerEnabled = debuggerPort >= 0;
	V8Runtime::DBG = DBG;

	V8Runtime::javaInstance = env->NewGlobalRef(self);

	Persistent<Context> context = Persistent<Context>::New(Context::New());

	V8Runtime::globalContext = context;

	if (V8Runtime::debuggerEnabled) {
		jclass v8RuntimeClass = env->FindClass("org/appcelerator/kroll/runtime/v8/V8Runtime");
		dispatchDebugMessage = env->GetMethodID(v8RuntimeClass, "dispatchDebugMessages", "()V");

		Debug::EnableAgent("titanium", debuggerPort, true);

Exemplo n.º 2
Handle<Value> WrappedScript::EvalMachine(const Arguments& args)
	HandleScope scope;

	if (input_flag == compileCode && args.Length() < 1) {
		return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("needs at least 'code' argument.")));

	const int sandbox_index = input_flag == compileCode ? 1 : 0;
	if (context_flag == userContext && args.Length() < (sandbox_index + 1)) {
		return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("needs a 'context' argument.")));

	Local<String> code;
	if (input_flag == compileCode) code = args[0]->ToString();

	Local<Object> sandbox;
	if (context_flag == newContext) {
		sandbox = args[sandbox_index]->IsObject() ? args[sandbox_index]->ToObject() : Object::New();
	} else if (context_flag == userContext) {
		sandbox = args[sandbox_index]->ToObject();

	const int filename_index = sandbox_index + (context_flag == newContext ? 1 : 0);
	Local<String> filename =
			args.Length() > filename_index ? args[filename_index]->ToString() : String::New("evalmachine.<anonymous>");

	const int display_error_index = args.Length() - 1;
	bool display_error = false;
	if (args.Length() > display_error_index && args[display_error_index]->IsBoolean()
		&& args[display_error_index]->BooleanValue() == true) {
		display_error = true;

	Persistent<Context> context;

	Local<Array> keys;
	unsigned int i;
	WrappedContext *nContext = NULL;
	Local<Object> contextArg;

	if (context_flag == newContext) {
		// Create the new context
		context = Context::New();

	} else if (context_flag == userContext) {
		// Use the passed in context
		contextArg = args[sandbox_index]->ToObject();
		nContext = NativeObject::Unwrap<WrappedContext>(contextArg);
		context = nContext->GetV8Context();

	// New and user context share code. DRY it up.
	if (context_flag == userContext || context_flag == newContext) {
		// Enter the context

		// Call the initCallback, if it exists
		if (nContext) {
			Persistent<Function> initCallback = nContext->GetInitCallback();

			if (!initCallback.IsEmpty()) {
				Handle<Value> callbackArgs[] = { contextArg, context->Global() };
				initCallback->Call(contextArg, 2, callbackArgs);

		// Copy everything from the passed in sandbox (either the persistent
		// context for runInContext(), or the sandbox arg to runInNewContext()).
		keys = sandbox->GetPropertyNames();

		for (i = 0; i < keys->Length(); i++) {
			Handle<String> key = keys->Get(Integer::New(i))->ToString();
			Handle<Value> value = sandbox->Get(key);
			if (value == sandbox) {
				value = context->Global();
			context->Global()->Set(key, value);

	Handle<Value> result;
	Handle<Script> script;

	if (input_flag == compileCode) {
		// well, here WrappedScript::New would suffice in all cases, but maybe
		// Compile has a little better performance where possible
		script = output_flag == returnResult ? Script::Compile(code, filename) : Script::New(code, filename);
		if (script.IsEmpty()) {
			// Hack because I can't get a proper stacktrace on SyntaxError
			return Undefined();
	} else {
		WrappedScript *n_script = NativeObject::Unwrap<WrappedScript>(args.Holder());
		if (!n_script) {
			return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New("Must be called as a method of Script.")));
		} else if (n_script->script_.IsEmpty()) {
			return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New("'this' must be a result of previous "
				"new Script(code) call.")));

		script = n_script->script_;

	if (output_flag == returnResult) {
		result = script->Run();
		if (result.IsEmpty()) {
			if (context_flag == newContext) {
			return Undefined();
	} else {
		WrappedScript *n_script = NativeObject::Unwrap<WrappedScript>(args.Holder());
		if (!n_script) {
			return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New("Must be called as a method of Script.")));
		n_script->script_ = Persistent<Script>::New(script);
		result = args.This();

	if (context_flag == userContext || context_flag == newContext) {
		// success! copy changes back onto the sandbox object.
		keys = context->Global()->GetPropertyNames();
		for (i = 0; i < keys->Length(); i++) {
			Handle<String> key = keys->Get(Integer::New(i))->ToString();
			Handle<Value> value = context->Global()->Get(key);
			if (value == context->Global()) {
				value = sandbox;
			sandbox->Set(key, value);

	if (context_flag == newContext) {
		// Clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere!
	} else if (context_flag == userContext) {
		// Exit the passed in context.

	if (result->IsObject()) {
		Local<Context> creation = result->ToObject()->CreationContext();

	return result == args.This() ? result : scope.Close(result);
Exemplo n.º 3
Handle<Value> WrappedScript::EvalMachine(const Arguments& args)
	HandleScope scope;

	if (input_flag == compileCode && args.Length() < 1) {
		return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("needs at least 'code' argument.")));

	const int sandbox_index = input_flag == compileCode ? 1 : 0;
	if (context_flag == userContext && args.Length() < (sandbox_index + 1)) {
		return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New("needs a 'context' argument.")));

	Local<String> code;
	if (input_flag == compileCode) code = args[0]->ToString();

	Local<Object> sandbox;
	if (context_flag == newContext) {
		sandbox = args[sandbox_index]->IsObject() ? args[sandbox_index]->ToObject() : Object::New();
	} else if (context_flag == userContext) {
		sandbox = args[sandbox_index]->ToObject();

	int filename_offset = 1;
	if (context_flag == thisContext) {
		filename_offset = 0;

	const int filename_index = sandbox_index + filename_offset;
	Local<String> filename =
		args.Length() > filename_index ? args[filename_index]->ToString() : String::New("evalmachine.<anonymous>");

	const int display_error_index = args.Length() - 1;
	bool display_error = false;
	if (args.Length() > display_error_index && args[display_error_index]->IsBoolean()
		&& args[display_error_index]->BooleanValue() == true) {
		display_error = true;

	Persistent<Context> context;

	Local<Array> keys;
	unsigned int i;
	WrappedContext *nContext = NULL;
	Local<Object> contextArg;

	if (context_flag == newContext) {
		// Create the new context
		context = Context::New();

	} else if (context_flag == userContext) {
		// Use the passed in context
		contextArg = args[sandbox_index]->ToObject();
		nContext = WrappedContext::Unwrap(contextArg);
		context = nContext->GetV8Context();

	// New and user context share code. DRY it up.
	if (context_flag == userContext || context_flag == newContext) {
		// Enter the context

	Handle<Value> result;
	Handle<Script> script;

	if (input_flag == compileCode) {
		// well, here WrappedScript::New would suffice in all cases, but maybe
		// Compile has a little better performance where possible
		script = output_flag == returnResult ? Script::Compile(code, filename) : Script::New(code, filename);
		if (script.IsEmpty()) {
			// Hack because I can't get a proper stacktrace on SyntaxError
			return Undefined();
	} else {
		WrappedScript *n_script = NativeObject::Unwrap<WrappedScript>(args.Holder());
		if (!n_script) {
			return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New("Must be called as a method of Script.")));
		} else if (n_script->script_.IsEmpty()) {
			return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New("'this' must be a result of previous "
				"new Script(code) call.")));

		script = n_script->script_;

	if (output_flag == returnResult) {
		result = script->Run();
		if (result.IsEmpty()) {
			if (context_flag == newContext) {
			return Undefined();
	} else {
		WrappedScript *n_script = NativeObject::Unwrap<WrappedScript>(args.Holder());
		if (!n_script) {
			return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New("Must be called as a method of Script.")));
		n_script->script_ = Persistent<Script>::New(script);
		result = args.This();

	if (context_flag == newContext) {
		// Clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere!
	} else if (context_flag == userContext) {
		// Exit the passed in context.

	if (result->IsObject()) {
		Local<Context> creation = result->ToObject()->CreationContext();

	return result == args.This() ? result : scope.Close(result);