void Task_Controller_UpdateTarget(Eigen::Vector3f targetVel) {

    // reset timeout
    commandTimedOut = false;
    if (commandTimeoutTimer)
 * initializes the motion controller thread
void Task_Controller(void const* args) {
    const osThreadId mainID = (const osThreadId)args;

    // Store the thread's ID
    osThreadId threadID = Thread::gettid();
    ASSERT(threadID != nullptr);

    // Store our priority so we know what to reset it to after running a command
    osPriority threadPriority = osThreadGetPriority(threadID);

    MPU6050 imu(RJ_I2C_SDA, RJ_I2C_SCL);


    char testResp;
    if ((testResp = imu.testConnection())) {
        float resultRatio[6];
            "IMU self test results:\r\n"
            "    Accel (X,Y,Z):\t(%2.2f%%, %2.2f%%, %2.2f%%)\r\n"
            "    Gyro  (X,Y,Z):\t(%2.2f%%, %2.2f%%, %2.2f%%)",
            resultRatio[0], resultRatio[1], resultRatio[2], resultRatio[3],
            resultRatio[4], resultRatio[5]);

        LOG(INIT, "Control loop ready!\r\n    Thread ID: %u, Priority: %d",
            ((P_TCB)threadID)->task_id, threadPriority);
    } else {
            "MPU6050 not found!\t(response: 0x%02X)\r\n    Falling back to "
            "sensorless control loop.",

    // signal back to main and wait until we're signaled to continue
    osSignalSet(mainID, MAIN_TASK_CONTINUE);
    Thread::signal_wait(SUB_TASK_CONTINUE, osWaitForever);

    array<int16_t, 5> duty_cycles{};

    // pidController.setPidValues(1.5, 0.05, 0);  // TODO: tune pid values
    pidController.setPidValues(0.8, 0.05, 0);

    // initialize timeout timer
    commandTimeoutTimer = make_unique<RtosTimerHelper>(
        [&]() { commandTimedOut = true; }, osTimerPeriodic);

    while (true) {
        // imu.getGyro(gyroVals);
        // imu.getAccelero(accelVals);

        // note: the 4th value is not an encoder value.  See the large comment
        // below for an explanation.
        array<int16_t, 5> enc_deltas{};

        // zero out command if we haven't gotten an updated target in a while
        if (commandTimedOut) duty_cycles = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};

        FPGA::Instance->set_duty_get_enc(duty_cycles.data(), duty_cycles.size(),
                                         enc_deltas.data(), enc_deltas.size());

         * The time since the last update is derived with the value of
         * WATCHDOG_TIMER_CLK_WIDTH in robocup.v
         * The last encoder reading (5th one) from the FPGA is the watchdog
         * timer's tick since the last SPI transfer.
         * Multiply the received tick count by:
         *     (1/18.432) * 2 * (2^WATCHDOG_TIMER_CLK_WIDTH)
         * This will give you the duration since the last SPI transfer in
         * microseconds (us).
         * For example, if WATCHDOG_TIMER_CLK_WIDTH = 6, here's how you would
         * convert into time assuming the fpga returned a reading of 1265 ticks:
         *     time_in_us = [ 1265 * (1/18.432) * 2 * (2^6) ] = 8784.7us
         * The precision would be in increments of the multiplier. For
         * this example, that is:
         *     time_precision = 6.94us
        const float dt = enc_deltas.back() * (1 / 18.432e6) * 2 * 64;

        // take first 4 encoder deltas
        array<int16_t, 4> driveMotorEnc;
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) driveMotorEnc[i] = enc_deltas[i];

        // run PID controller to determine what duty cycles to use to drive the
        // motors.
        array<int16_t, 4> driveMotorDutyCycles =
            pidController.run(driveMotorEnc, dt);
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) duty_cycles[i] = driveMotorDutyCycles[i];

        // limit duty cycle values, while keeping sign (+ or -)
        for (int16_t& dc : duty_cycles) {
            if (std::abs(dc) > FPGA::MAX_DUTY_CYCLE) {
                dc = copysign(FPGA::MAX_DUTY_CYCLE, dc);

        // dribbler duty cycle
        duty_cycles[4] = dribblerSpeed;

#if 0
        // log duty cycle values
        printf("duty cycles: ");
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            printf("%d, ", duty_cycles[i]);

void Task_Controller_UpdateOffsets(int16_t ax, int16_t ay, int16_t az,
                                   int16_t gx, int16_t gy, int16_t gz) {
    pidController.startGyro(ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz);
 * initializes the motion controller thread
void Task_Controller(const void* args) {
    const auto mainID = reinterpret_cast<osThreadId>(const_cast<void*>(args));

    // Store the thread's ID
    const auto threadID = Thread::gettid();
    ASSERT(threadID != nullptr);

    // Store our priority so we know what to reset it to after running a command
    const auto threadPriority = osThreadGetPriority(threadID);
    (void)threadPriority;  // disable warning if unused

    // signal back to main and wait until we're signaled to continue
    osSignalSet(mainID, MAIN_TASK_CONTINUE);
    Thread::signal_wait(SUB_TASK_CONTINUE, osWaitForever);

    std::array<int16_t, 5> duty_cycles{};

    pidController.setPidValues(3.0, 10, 2, 30, 0);

    // initialize timeout timer
    commandTimeoutTimer = make_unique<RtosTimerHelper>(
        [&]() { commandTimedOut = true; }, osTimerPeriodic);

    while (true) {
        // note: the 4th value is not an encoder value.  See the large comment
        // below for an explanation.
        std::array<int16_t, 5> enc_deltas{};

        // zero out command if we haven't gotten an updated target in a while
        if (commandTimedOut || Battery::globBatt->isBattCritical()) {
            duty_cycles = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};

        auto statusByte = FPGA::Instance->set_duty_get_enc(
            duty_cycles.data(), duty_cycles.size(), enc_deltas.data(),

         * The time since the last update is derived with the value of
         * WATCHDOG_TIMER_CLK_WIDTH in robocup.v
         * The last encoder reading (5th one) from the FPGA is the watchdog
         * timer's tick since the last SPI transfer.
         * Multiply the received tick count by:
         *     (1/18.432) * 2 * (2^WATCHDOG_TIMER_CLK_WIDTH)
         * This will give you the duration since the last SPI transfer in
         * microseconds (us).
         * For example, if WATCHDOG_TIMER_CLK_WIDTH = 6, here's how you would
         * convert into time assuming the fpga returned a reading of 1265 ticks:
         *     time_in_us = [ 1265 * (1/18.432) * 2 * (2^6) ] = 8784.7us
         * The precision would be in increments of the multiplier. For
         * this example, that is:
         *     time_precision = 6.94us
        const float dt = enc_deltas.back() * (1 / 18.432e6) * 2 * 128;
        // const float dt = 1.0f / (CONTROL_LOOP_WAIT_MS / 1000.0f);

        // take first 4 encoder deltas
        std::array<int16_t, 4> driveMotorEnc;
        for (auto i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            driveMotorEnc[i] = enc_deltas[i];
            enc_counts[i] += enc_deltas[i];

        Eigen::Vector4d errors{};
        Eigen::Vector4d wheelVelsOut{};
        Eigen::Vector4d targetWheelVelsOut{};
        // run PID controller to determine what duty cycles to use to drive the
        // motors.
        std::array<int16_t, 4> driveMotorDutyCycles = pidController.run(
            driveMotorEnc, dt, &errors, &wheelVelsOut, &targetWheelVelsOut);

        // assign the duty cycles, zero out motors that the fpga returns an
        // error for
        static_assert(wheelStallDetection.size() == driveMotorDutyCycles.size(),
                      "wheelStallDetection Size should be the same as "
        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < driveMotorDutyCycles.size(); i++) {
            const auto& vel = driveMotorDutyCycles[i];
            bool didStall = wheelStallDetection[i].stall_update(
                duty_cycles[i], wheelVelsOut[i]);

            const bool hasError = (statusByte & (1 << i)) || didStall;
            duty_cycles[i] = (hasError ? 0 : vel);

        // limit duty cycle values, while keeping sign (+ or -)
        for (auto dc : duty_cycles) {
            if (std::abs(dc) > FPGA::MAX_DUTY_CYCLE) {
                dc = copysign(FPGA::MAX_DUTY_CYCLE, dc);

        // dribbler duty cycle
        // duty_cycles[4] = dribblerSpeed;
        duty_cycles[4] = get_damped_drib_duty_cycle();
