Exemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	map<string, string> argumentMap;
	int actionIndex;

	if (!InterfaceManager::GetArguments(argc, argv, argumentMap, &actionIndex))
		return (0);


	if (actionIndex == InterfaceManager::kActionHelp)
		return (0);
	else if (actionIndex == InterfaceManager::kActionFlash)
		if (argumentMap.find(InterfaceManager::flashArgumentNames[InterfaceManager::kFlashArgRepartition]) != argumentMap.end()
			&& argumentMap.find(InterfaceManager::flashArgumentNames[InterfaceManager::kFlashArgPit]) == argumentMap.end())
			InterfaceManager::Print("If you wish to repartition then a PIT file must be specified.\n");
			return (0);

		if (argumentMap.find(InterfaceManager::flashArgumentNames[InterfaceManager::kFlashArgPit]) != argumentMap.end()
			&& argumentMap.find(InterfaceManager::flashArgumentNames[InterfaceManager::kFlashArgRepartition]) == argumentMap.end())
			InterfaceManager::Print("A PIT file should only be used when repartitioning.\n");
			return (0);
	else if (actionIndex == InterfaceManager::kActionDump)
		if (argumentMap.find(InterfaceManager::dumpArgumentNames[InterfaceManager::kDumpArgOutput]) == argumentMap.end())
			InterfaceManager::Print("Output file not specified.\n\n");
			return (0);

		if (argumentMap.find(InterfaceManager::dumpArgumentNames[InterfaceManager::kDumpArgChipType]) == argumentMap.end())
			InterfaceManager::Print("You must specify a chip type.\n\n");
			return (0);

		string chipType = argumentMap.find(InterfaceManager::dumpArgumentNames[InterfaceManager::kDumpArgChipType])->second;
		if (!(chipType == "RAM" || chipType == "ram" || chipType == "NAND" || chipType == "nand"))
			InterfaceManager::Print("Unknown chip type: %s.\n\n", chipType.c_str());
			return (0);

		if (argumentMap.find(InterfaceManager::dumpArgumentNames[InterfaceManager::kDumpArgChipId]) == argumentMap.end())
			InterfaceManager::Print("You must specify a Chip ID.\n\n");
			return (0);

		int chipId = atoi(argumentMap.find(InterfaceManager::dumpArgumentNames[InterfaceManager::kDumpArgChipId])->second.c_str());
		if (chipId < 0)
			InterfaceManager::Print("Chip ID must be a non-negative integer.\n");
			return (0);

	InterfaceManager::Print("\nHeimdall v1.2.0, Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Benjamin Dobell, Glass Echidna\n");
	InterfaceManager::Print("This software is provided free of charge. Copying and redistribution is\nencouraged.\n\n");
	InterfaceManager::Print("If you appreciate this software and you would like to support future\ndevelopment please consider donating:\n");

	bool verbose = argumentMap.find(InterfaceManager::commonArgumentNames[InterfaceManager::kCommonArgVerbose]) != argumentMap.end();
	bool noReboot = argumentMap.find(InterfaceManager::commonArgumentNames[InterfaceManager::kCommonArgNoReboot]) != argumentMap.end();

	int communicationDelay = BridgeManager::kCommunicationDelayDefault;
	if (argumentMap.find(InterfaceManager::commonArgumentNames[InterfaceManager::kCommonArgDelay]) != argumentMap.end())
		communicationDelay = atoi(argumentMap.find(InterfaceManager::commonArgumentNames[InterfaceManager::kCommonArgDelay])->second.c_str());

	BridgeManager *bridgeManager = new BridgeManager(verbose, communicationDelay);

	if (!bridgeManager->Initialise())
		delete bridgeManager;
		return (-2);

	bool success;

	switch (actionIndex)
		case InterfaceManager::kActionFlash:
			map<string, FILE *> argumentFileMap;

			// We open the files before doing anything else to ensure they exist.
			if (!openFiles(argumentMap, argumentFileMap))
				delete bridgeManager;

				return (0);

			if (!bridgeManager->BeginSession())
				delete bridgeManager;

				return (-1);

			bool repartition = argumentMap.find(InterfaceManager::flashArgumentNames[InterfaceManager::kFlashArgRepartition]) != argumentMap.end();
			success = attemptFlash(bridgeManager, argumentFileMap, repartition);

			if (noReboot)
				success = bridgeManager->EndSession() && success;
				success = bridgeManager->EndSession() && bridgeManager->RebootDevice() && success;



		case InterfaceManager::kActionClosePcScreen:
			if (!bridgeManager->BeginSession())
				delete bridgeManager;
				return (-1);

			InterfaceManager::Print("Attempting to close connect to pc screen...\n");

			if (noReboot)
				success = bridgeManager->EndSession();
				success = bridgeManager->EndSession() && bridgeManager->RebootDevice();

			if (success)
				InterfaceManager::Print("Attempt complete\n");


		case InterfaceManager::kActionDump:
			const char *outputFilename = argumentMap.find(InterfaceManager::dumpArgumentNames[InterfaceManager::kDumpArgOutput])->second.c_str();
			FILE *dumpFile = fopen(outputFilename, "wb");
			if (!dumpFile)
				InterfaceManager::PrintError("Failed to open file \"%s\"\n", outputFilename);

				delete bridgeManager;
				return (-1);

			int chipType = 0;
			string chipTypeName = argumentMap.find(InterfaceManager::dumpArgumentNames[InterfaceManager::kDumpArgChipType])->second;
			if (chipTypeName == "NAND" || chipTypeName == "nand")
				chipType = 1;

			int chipId = atoi(argumentMap.find(InterfaceManager::dumpArgumentNames[InterfaceManager::kDumpArgChipId])->second.c_str());

			if (!bridgeManager->BeginSession())

				delete bridgeManager;
				return (-1);

			success = bridgeManager->ReceiveDump(chipType, chipId, dumpFile);


			if (noReboot)
				success = bridgeManager->EndSession() && success;
				success = bridgeManager->EndSession() && bridgeManager->RebootDevice() && success;


		case InterfaceManager::kActionPrintPit:
			if (!bridgeManager->BeginSession())
				delete bridgeManager;
				return (-1);

			unsigned char *devicePit;

			if (downloadPitFile(bridgeManager, &devicePit) < -1)
				if (!bridgeManager->EndSession())
					return (-1);

				if (!noReboot)

				delete bridgeManager;
				return (-1);

			PitData *pitData = new PitData();

			if (pitData->Unpack(devicePit))
				success = true;
				InterfaceManager::PrintError("Failed to unpack device's PIT file!\n");
				success = false;

			delete pitData;

			if (noReboot)
				success = bridgeManager->EndSession() && success;
				success = bridgeManager->EndSession() && bridgeManager->RebootDevice() && success;


	delete bridgeManager;

	return ((success) ? 0 : -1);
Exemplo n.º 2
static PitData *getPitData(BridgeManager *bridgeManager, FILE *pitFile, bool repartition)
	PitData *pitData;
	PitData *localPitData = nullptr;

	// If a PIT file was passed as an argument then we must unpack it.

	if (pitFile)
		// Load the local pit file into memory.

		FileSeek(pitFile, 0, SEEK_END);
		unsigned int localPitFileSize = (unsigned int)FileTell(pitFile);

		unsigned char *pitFileBuffer = new unsigned char[localPitFileSize];
		memset(pitFileBuffer, 0, localPitFileSize);

		int dataRead = fread(pitFileBuffer, 1, localPitFileSize, pitFile);

		if (dataRead > 0)

			localPitData = new PitData();

			delete [] pitFileBuffer;
			Interface::PrintError("Failed to read PIT file.\n");

			delete [] pitFileBuffer;
			return (nullptr);

	if (repartition)
		// Use the local PIT file data.
		pitData = localPitData;
		// If we're not repartitioning then we need to retrieve the device's PIT file and unpack it.
		unsigned char *pitFileBuffer;

		if (bridgeManager->DownloadPitFile(&pitFileBuffer) == 0)
			return (nullptr);

		pitData = new PitData();

		delete [] pitFileBuffer;

		if (localPitData != nullptr)
			// The user has specified a PIT without repartitioning, we should verify the local and device PIT data match!
			bool pitsMatch = pitData->Matches(localPitData);
			delete localPitData;

			if (!pitsMatch)
				Interface::Print("Local and device PIT files don't match and repartition wasn't specified!\n");
				Interface::PrintError("Flash aborted!\n");
				return (nullptr);

	return (pitData);
Exemplo n.º 3
bool attemptFlash(BridgeManager *bridgeManager, map<string, FILE *> argumentFileMap, bool repartition)
	bool success;
	// ---------- GET DEVICE INFORMATION ----------

	DeviceInfoPacket *deviceInfoPacket = new DeviceInfoPacket(DeviceInfoPacket::kUnknown1);
	success = bridgeManager->SendPacket(deviceInfoPacket);
	delete deviceInfoPacket;

	if (!success)
		InterfaceManager::PrintError("Failed to send device info packet!\nFailed Request: kUnknown1\n");
		return (false);

	DeviceInfoResponse *deviceInfoResponse = new DeviceInfoResponse();
	success = bridgeManager->ReceivePacket(deviceInfoResponse);
	int unknown = deviceInfoResponse->GetUnknown();
	delete deviceInfoResponse;

	if (!success)
		InterfaceManager::PrintError("Failed to receive device info response!\n");
		return (false);

	// 131072 for Galaxy S II, 0 for other devices.
	if (unknown != 0 && unknown != 131072)
		InterfaceManager::PrintError("Unexpected device info response!\nExpected: 0\nReceived:%i\n", unknown);
		return (false);

	// -------------------- KIES DOESN'T DO THIS --------------------
	deviceInfoPacket = new DeviceInfoPacket(DeviceInfoPacket::kUnknown2);
	success = bridgeManager->SendPacket(deviceInfoPacket);
	delete deviceInfoPacket;

	if (!success)
		InterfaceManager::PrintError("Failed to send device info packet!\nFailed Request: kUnknown2\n");
		return (false);

	deviceInfoResponse = new DeviceInfoResponse();
	success = bridgeManager->ReceivePacket(deviceInfoResponse);
	unknown = deviceInfoResponse->GetUnknown();
	delete deviceInfoResponse;

	if (!success)
		InterfaceManager::PrintError("Failed to receive device info response!\n");
		return (false);

	// TODO: Work out what this value is... it has been either 180 or 0 for Galaxy S phones, 3 on the Galaxy Tab, 190 for SHW-M110S.
	if (unknown != 180 && unknown != 0 && unknown != 3 && unknown != 190)
		InterfaceManager::PrintError("Unexpected device info response!\nExpected: 180, 0 or 3\nReceived:%i\n", unknown);
		return (false);
	// --------------------------------------------------------------

	int totalBytes = 0;
	for (map<string, FILE *>::const_iterator it = argumentFileMap.begin(); it != argumentFileMap.end(); it++)
		fseek(it->second, 0, SEEK_END);
		totalBytes += ftell(it->second);
	deviceInfoPacket = new DeviceInfoPacket(DeviceInfoPacket::kTotalBytes, totalBytes);
	success = bridgeManager->SendPacket(deviceInfoPacket);
	delete deviceInfoPacket;

	if (!success)
		InterfaceManager::PrintError("Failed to send total bytes device info packet!\n");
		return (false);

	deviceInfoResponse = new DeviceInfoResponse();
	success = bridgeManager->ReceivePacket(deviceInfoResponse);
	unknown = deviceInfoResponse->GetUnknown();
	delete deviceInfoResponse;

	if (!success)
		InterfaceManager::PrintError("Failed to receive device info response!\n");
		return (false);

	if (unknown != 0)
		InterfaceManager::PrintError("Unexpected device info response!\nExpected: 0\nReceived:%i\n", unknown);
		return (false);

	// -----------------------------------------------------

	PitData *pitData;
	FILE *localPitFile = nullptr;

	if (repartition)
		// If we're repartitioning then we need to unpack the information from the specified PIT file.

		map<string, FILE *>::iterator it = argumentFileMap.find(InterfaceManager::flashArgumentNames[InterfaceManager::kFlashArgPit]);

		// This shouldn't ever happen due to early checks, but we'll check again just in case...
		if (it == argumentFileMap.end())
			InterfaceManager::PrintError("Attempt was made to repartition without specifying a PIT file!\n");
			return (false);

		localPitFile = it->second;

		// Load the local pit file into memory.
		unsigned char *pitFileBuffer = new unsigned char[4096];
		memset(pitFileBuffer, 0, 4096);

		fseek(localPitFile, 0, SEEK_END);
		long localPitFileSize = ftell(localPitFile);

		// dataRead is discarded, it's here to remove warnings.
		int dataRead = fread(pitFileBuffer, 1, localPitFileSize, localPitFile);

		pitData = new PitData();

		delete [] pitFileBuffer;
		// If we're not repartitioning then we need to retrieve the device's PIT file and unpack it.

		unsigned char *pitFileBuffer;
		downloadPitFile(bridgeManager, &pitFileBuffer);

		pitData = new PitData();

		delete [] pitFileBuffer;

	map<unsigned int, PartitionNameFilePair> partitionFileMap;

	// Map the files being flashed to partitions stored in PIT file.
	mapFilesToPartitions(argumentFileMap, pitData, partitionFileMap);
	delete pitData;

	// If we're repartitioning then we need to flash the PIT file first.
	if (repartition)
		for (map<unsigned int, PartitionNameFilePair>::iterator it = partitionFileMap.begin(); it != partitionFileMap.end(); it++)
			if (it->second.file == localPitFile)
				if (!flashFile(bridgeManager, it->first, it->second.partitionName.c_str(), it->second.file))
					return (false);

	// Flash all other files
	for (map<unsigned int, PartitionNameFilePair>::iterator it = partitionFileMap.begin(); it != partitionFileMap.end(); it++)
		if (it->second.file != localPitFile)
			if (!flashFile(bridgeManager, it->first, it->second.partitionName.c_str(), it->second.file))
				return (false);

	return (true);