Exemplo n.º 1
Ego::Math::Relation plane_intersects_aabb_max(const Plane3f& plane, const Vector3f& mins, const Vector3f& maxs)
    int   j;
    float dist, tmp;

	Ego::Math::Relation retval = Ego::Math::Relation::error;

    // find the point-plane distance for the most-positive points of the aabb
    dist = 0.0f;
    for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
        tmp = (plane.getNormal()[j] > 0.0f) ? maxs[j] : mins[j];
        dist += tmp * plane.getNormal()[j];
    dist += plane.getDistance();

    if (dist > 0.0f)
		retval = Ego::Math::Relation::inside;
    else if (dist < 0.0f)
		retval = Ego::Math::Relation::outside;
		retval = Ego::Math::Relation::intersect;

    return retval;
Exemplo n.º 2
bool three_plane_intersection(Vector3f& dst_pos, const Plane3f& p0, const Plane3f& p1, const Plane3f& p2)
	Vector3f n0 = p0.getNormal(),
             n1 = p1.getNormal(),
             n2 = p2.getNormal();
    float d0 = p0.getDistance(),
          d1 = p1.getDistance(),
          d2 = p2.getDistance();
    // the determinant of the matrix
    float det =
        n0[kX] * (n1[kY] * n2[kZ] - n1[kZ] * n2[kY]) -
        n0[kY] * (n1[kX] * n2[kZ] - n2[kX] * n1[kZ]) +
        n0[kZ] * (n1[kX] * n2[kY] - n2[kX] * n1[kY]);

    // check for system that is too close to being degenerate
    if (std::abs(det) < 1e-6) return false;

    float tmp;

    // the x component
    tmp =
        d0 * (n1[kZ] * n2[kY] - n1[kY] * n2[kZ]) +
        d1 * (n0[kY] * n2[kZ] - n0[kZ] * n2[kY]) +
        d2 * (n0[kZ] * n1[kY] - n0[kY] * n1[kZ]);
    dst_pos[kX] = tmp / det;

    // the y component
    tmp =
        d0 * (n1[kX] * n2[kZ] - n1[kZ] * n2[kX]) +
        d1 * (n0[kZ] * n2[kX] - n0[kX] * n2[kZ]) +
        d2 * (n0[kX] * n1[kZ] - n0[kZ] * n1[kX]);
    dst_pos[kY] = tmp / det;

    // the z component
    tmp =
        d0 * (n1[kY] * n2[kX] - n1[kX] * n2[kY]) +
        d1 * (n0[kX] * n2[kY] - n0[kY] * n2[kX]) +
        d2 * (n0[kY] * n1[kX] - n0[kX] * n1[kY]);
    dst_pos[kZ] = tmp / det;

    return true;