Exemplo n.º 1
template <typename PointInT, typename PointOutT> void
pcl::SIFTKeypoint<PointInT, PointOutT>::computeScaleSpace (
    const PointCloudIn &input, KdTree &tree, const std::vector<float> &scales, 
    Eigen::MatrixXf &diff_of_gauss)
  std::vector<int> nn_indices;
  std::vector<float> nn_dist;
  diff_of_gauss.resize (input.size (), scales.size () - 1);

  // For efficiency, we will only filter over points within 3 standard deviations 
  const float max_radius = 3.0 * scales.back ();

  for (size_t i_point = 0; i_point < input.size (); ++i_point)
    tree.radiusSearch (i_point, max_radius, nn_indices, nn_dist); // *
    // * note: at this stage of the algorithm, we must find all points within a radius defined by the maximum scale, 
    //   regardless of the configurable search method specified by the user, so we directly employ tree.radiusSearch 
    //   here instead of using searchForNeighbors.

    // For each scale, compute the Gaussian "filter response" at the current point
    float filter_response = 0;
    float previous_filter_response;
    for (size_t i_scale = 0; i_scale < scales.size (); ++i_scale)
      float sigma_sqr = pow (scales[i_scale], 2);

      float numerator = 0.0;
      float denominator = 0.0;
      for (size_t i_neighbor = 0; i_neighbor < nn_indices.size (); ++i_neighbor)
        const float &intensity = input.points[nn_indices[i_neighbor]].intensity;
        const float &dist_sqr = nn_dist[i_neighbor];
        if (dist_sqr <= 9*sigma_sqr)
          float w = exp (-0.5 * dist_sqr / sigma_sqr);
          numerator += intensity * w;
          denominator += w;
        else break; // i.e. if dist > 3 standard deviations, then terminate early
      previous_filter_response = filter_response;
      filter_response = numerator / denominator;

      // Compute the difference between adjacent scales
      if (i_scale > 0)
        diff_of_gauss (i_point, i_scale - 1) = filter_response - previous_filter_response;

Exemplo n.º 2
template <typename PointInT, typename PointOutT> void 
pcl::SIFTKeypoint<PointInT, PointOutT>::findScaleSpaceExtrema (
    const PointCloudIn &input, KdTree &tree, const Eigen::MatrixXf &diff_of_gauss, 
    std::vector<int> &extrema_indices, std::vector<int> &extrema_scales)
  const int k = 25;
  std::vector<int> nn_indices (k);
  std::vector<float> nn_dist (k);

  const int nr_scales = static_cast<int> (diff_of_gauss.cols ());
  std::vector<float> min_val (nr_scales), max_val (nr_scales);

  for (int i_point = 0; i_point < static_cast<int> (input.size ()); ++i_point)
    // Define the local neighborhood around the current point
    const size_t nr_nn = tree.nearestKSearch (i_point, k, nn_indices, nn_dist); //*
    // * note: the neighborhood for finding local extrema is best defined as a small fixed-k neighborhood, regardless of
    //   the configurable search method specified by the user, so we directly employ tree.nearestKSearch here instead 
    //   of using searchForNeighbors

    // At each scale, find the extreme values of the DoG within the current neighborhood
    for (int i_scale = 0; i_scale < nr_scales; ++i_scale)
      min_val[i_scale] = std::numeric_limits<float>::max ();
      max_val[i_scale] = -std::numeric_limits<float>::max ();

      for (size_t i_neighbor = 0; i_neighbor < nr_nn; ++i_neighbor)
        const float &d = diff_of_gauss (nn_indices[i_neighbor], i_scale);

        min_val[i_scale] = (std::min) (min_val[i_scale], d);
        max_val[i_scale] = (std::max) (max_val[i_scale], d);

    // If the current point is an extreme value with high enough contrast, add it as a keypoint 
    for (int i_scale = 1; i_scale < nr_scales - 1; ++i_scale)
      const float &val = diff_of_gauss (i_point, i_scale);

      // Does the point have sufficient contrast?
      if (fabs (val) >= min_contrast_)
        // Is it a local minimum?
        if ((val == min_val[i_scale]) && 
            (val <  min_val[i_scale - 1]) && 
            (val <  min_val[i_scale + 1]))
          extrema_indices.push_back (i_point);
          extrema_scales.push_back (i_scale);
        // Is it a local maximum?
        else if ((val == max_val[i_scale]) && 
                 (val >  max_val[i_scale - 1]) && 
                 (val >  max_val[i_scale + 1]))
          extrema_indices.push_back (i_point);
          extrema_scales.push_back (i_scale);
Exemplo n.º 3
pcl::recognition::ORROctree::build (const PointCloudIn& points, float voxel_size, const PointCloudN* normals, float enlarge_bounds)
  if ( voxel_size <= 0.0f )

  // Get the bounds of the input point set
  PointXYZ min, max;
  getMinMax3D(points, min, max);

  // Enlarge the bounds a bit to avoid points lying exact on the octree boundaries
  float eps = enlarge_bounds*std::max (std::max (max.x-min.x, max.y-min.y), max.z-min.z);
  float b[6] = {min.x-eps, max.x+eps, min.y-eps, max.y+eps, min.z-eps, max.z+eps};

  // Build an empty octree with the right boundaries and the right number of levels
  this->build (b, voxel_size);

  printf("ORROctree::%s(): start\n", __func__);
  printf("point set bounds =\n"
         "[%f, %f]\n"
         "[%f, %f]\n"
         "[%f, %f]\n", min.x, max.x, min.y, max.y, min.z, max.z);

  size_t num_points = points.size ();

  // Fill the leaves with the points
  for (size_t i = 0 ; i < num_points ; ++i )
    // Create a leaf which contains the i-th point.
    ORROctree::Node* node = this->createLeaf (points[i].x, points[i].y, points[i].z);

    // Make sure that the point is within some leaf
    if ( !node )
      fprintf (stderr, "WARNING in 'ORROctree::%s()': the point (%f, %f, %f) should be within the octree bounds!\n",
        __func__, points[i].x, points[i].y, points[i].z);

    // Now, that we have the right leaf -> fill it
    node->getData ()->addToPoint (points[i].x, points[i].y, points[i].z);
    if ( normals )
      node->getData ()->addToNormal (normals->at(i).normal_x, normals->at(i).normal_y, normals->at(i).normal_z);

  // Compute the normals and average points for each full octree node
  if ( normals )
    for ( auto it = full_leaves_.begin() ; it != full_leaves_.end() ; )
      // Compute the average point in the current octree leaf
      (*it)->getData ()->computeAveragePoint ();

      // Compute the length of the average normal
      float normal_length = aux::length3 ((*it)->getData ()->getNormal ());

      // We are suppose to use normals. However, it could be that all normals in this leaf are "illegal", because,
      // e.g., they were not available in the data set. In this case, remove the leaf from the octree.
      if ( normal_length <= numeric_limits<float>::epsilon () )
        this->deleteBranch (*it);
        it = full_leaves_.erase (it);
        aux::mult3 ((*it)->getData ()->getNormal (), 1.0f/normal_length);
    // Iterate over all full leaves and average points
    for (const auto &full_leaf : full_leaves_)
      full_leaf->getData ()->computeAveragePoint ();

  printf("ORROctree::%s(): end\n", __func__);