Exemplo n.º 1
template <typename PointInT, typename PointOutT, typename NormalT> void
pcl::TrajkovicKeypoint3D<PointInT, PointOutT, NormalT>::detectKeypoints (PointCloudOut &output)
  response_.reset (new pcl::PointCloud<float> (input_->width, input_->height));
  const Normals &normals = *normals_;
  const PointCloudIn &input = *input_;
  pcl::PointCloud<float>& response = *response_;
  const int w = static_cast<int> (input_->width) - half_window_size_;
  const int h = static_cast<int> (input_->height) - half_window_size_;

  if (method_ == FOUR_CORNERS)
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads (threads_)
    for(int j = half_window_size_; j < h; ++j)
      for(int i = half_window_size_; i < w; ++i)
        if (!isFinite (input (i,j))) continue;
        const NormalT &center = normals (i,j);
        if (!isFinite (center)) continue;

        int count = 0;
        const NormalT &up = getNormalOrNull (i, j-half_window_size_, count);
        const NormalT &down = getNormalOrNull (i, j+half_window_size_, count);
        const NormalT &left = getNormalOrNull (i-half_window_size_, j, count);
        const NormalT &right = getNormalOrNull (i+half_window_size_, j, count);
        // Get rid of isolated points
        if (!count) continue;

        float sn1 = squaredNormalsDiff (up, center);
        float sn2 = squaredNormalsDiff (down, center);
        float r1 = sn1 + sn2;
        float r2 = squaredNormalsDiff (right, center) + squaredNormalsDiff (left, center);

        float d = std::min (r1, r2);
        if (d < first_threshold_) continue;

        sn1 = sqrt (sn1);
        sn2 = sqrt (sn2);
        float b1 = normalsDiff (right, up) * sn1;
        b1+= normalsDiff (left, down) * sn2;
        float b2 = normalsDiff (right, down) * sn2;
        b2+= normalsDiff (left, up) * sn1;
        float B = std::min (b1, b2);
        float A = r2 - r1 - 2*B;

        response (i,j) = ((B < 0) && ((B + A) > 0)) ? r1 - ((B*B)/A) : d;
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads (threads_)
    for(int j = half_window_size_; j < h; ++j)
      for(int i = half_window_size_; i < w; ++i)
        if (!isFinite (input (i,j))) continue;
        const NormalT &center = normals (i,j);
        if (!isFinite (center)) continue;

        int count = 0;
        const NormalT &up = getNormalOrNull (i, j-half_window_size_, count);
        const NormalT &down = getNormalOrNull (i, j+half_window_size_, count);
        const NormalT &left = getNormalOrNull (i-half_window_size_, j, count);
        const NormalT &right = getNormalOrNull (i+half_window_size_, j, count);
        const NormalT &upleft = getNormalOrNull (i-half_window_size_, j-half_window_size_, count);
        const NormalT &upright = getNormalOrNull (i+half_window_size_, j-half_window_size_, count);
        const NormalT &downleft = getNormalOrNull (i-half_window_size_, j+half_window_size_, count);
        const NormalT &downright = getNormalOrNull (i+half_window_size_, j+half_window_size_, count);
        // Get rid of isolated points
        if (!count) continue;

        std::vector<float> r (4,0);

        r[0] = squaredNormalsDiff (up, center);
        r[0]+= squaredNormalsDiff (down, center);

        r[1] = squaredNormalsDiff (upright, center);
        r[1]+= squaredNormalsDiff (downleft, center);

        r[2] = squaredNormalsDiff (right, center);
        r[2]+= squaredNormalsDiff (left, center);

        r[3] = squaredNormalsDiff (downright, center);
        r[3]+= squaredNormalsDiff (upleft, center);

        float d = *(std::min_element (r.begin (), r.end ()));

        if (d < first_threshold_) continue;

        std::vector<float> B (4,0);
        std::vector<float> A (4,0);
        std::vector<float> sumAB (4,0);
        B[0] = normalsDiff (upright, up) * normalsDiff (up, center);
        B[0]+= normalsDiff (downleft, down) * normalsDiff (down, center);
        B[1] = normalsDiff (right, upright) * normalsDiff (upright, center);
        B[1]+= normalsDiff (left, downleft) * normalsDiff (downleft, center);
        B[2] = normalsDiff (downright, right) * normalsDiff (downright, center);
        B[2]+= normalsDiff (upleft, left) * normalsDiff (upleft, center);
        B[3] = normalsDiff (down, downright) * normalsDiff (downright, center);
        B[3]+= normalsDiff (up, upleft) * normalsDiff (upleft, center);
        A[0] = r[1] - r[0] - B[0] - B[0];
        A[1] = r[2] - r[1] - B[1] - B[1];
        A[2] = r[3] - r[2] - B[2] - B[2];
        A[3] = r[0] - r[3] - B[3] - B[3];
        sumAB[0] = A[0] + B[0];
        sumAB[1] = A[1] + B[1];
        sumAB[2] = A[2] + B[2];
        sumAB[3] = A[3] + B[3];
        if ((*std::max_element (B.begin (), B.end ()) < 0) &&
            (*std::min_element (sumAB.begin (), sumAB.end ()) > 0))
          std::vector<float> D (4,0);
          D[0] = B[0] * B[0] / A[0];
          D[1] = B[1] * B[1] / A[1];
          D[2] = B[2] * B[2] / A[2];
          D[3] = B[3] * B[3] / A[3];
          response (i,j) = *(std::min (D.begin (), D.end ()));
          response (i,j) = d;
  // Non maximas suppression
  std::vector<int> indices = *indices_;
  std::sort (indices.begin (), indices.end (),
             boost::bind (&TrajkovicKeypoint3D::greaterCornernessAtIndices, this, _1, _2));

  output.clear ();
  output.reserve (input_->size ());

  std::vector<bool> occupency_map (indices.size (), false);
  const int width (input_->width);
  const int height (input_->height);
  const int occupency_map_size (indices.size ());

#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for shared (output) num_threads (threads_)
  for (int i = 0; i < indices.size (); ++i)
    int idx = indices[i];
    if ((response_->points[idx] < second_threshold_) || occupency_map[idx])

    PointOutT p;
    p.getVector3fMap () = input_->points[idx].getVector3fMap ();
    p.intensity = response_->points [idx];

#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp critical
      output.push_back (p);
      keypoints_indices_->indices.push_back (idx);

    const int x = idx % width;
    const int y = idx / width;
    const int u_end = std::min (width, x + half_window_size_);
    const int v_end = std::min (height, y + half_window_size_);
    for(int v = std::max (0, y - half_window_size_); v < v_end; ++v)
      for(int u = std::max (0, x - half_window_size_); u < u_end; ++u)
        occupency_map[v*width + u] = true;

  output.height = 1;
  output.width = static_cast<uint32_t> (output.size());
  // we don not change the denseness
  output.is_dense = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
template <typename PointInT, typename PointOutT> void
pcl::IntegralImageNormalEstimation<PointInT, PointOutT>::computePointNormalMirror (
    const int pos_x, const int pos_y, const unsigned point_index, PointOutT &normal)
  float bad_point = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN ();

  const int width = input_->width;
  const int height = input_->height;

  // ==============================================================
  if (normal_estimation_method_ == COVARIANCE_MATRIX) 
    if (!init_covariance_matrix_)
      initCovarianceMatrixMethod ();

    const int start_x = pos_x - rect_width_2_;
    const int start_y = pos_y - rect_height_2_;
    const int end_x = start_x + rect_width_;
    const int end_y = start_y + rect_height_;

    unsigned count = 0;
    sumArea<unsigned>(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, width, height, boost::bind(&IntegralImage2D<float, 3>::getFiniteElementsCountSE, &integral_image_XYZ_, _1, _2, _3, _4), count);
    // no valid points within the rectangular reagion?
    if (count == 0)
      normal.normal_x = normal.normal_y = normal.normal_z = normal.curvature = bad_point;

    EIGEN_ALIGN16 Eigen::Matrix3f covariance_matrix;
    Eigen::Vector3f center;
    typename IntegralImage2D<float, 3>::SecondOrderType so_elements;
    typename IntegralImage2D<float, 3>::ElementType tmp_center;
    typename IntegralImage2D<float, 3>::SecondOrderType tmp_so_elements;

    center[0] = 0;
    center[1] = 0;
    center[2] = 0;
    tmp_center[0] = 0;
    tmp_center[1] = 0;
    tmp_center[2] = 0;
    so_elements[0] = 0;
    so_elements[1] = 0;
    so_elements[2] = 0;
    so_elements[3] = 0;
    so_elements[4] = 0;
    so_elements[5] = 0;

    sumArea<typename IntegralImage2D<float, 3>::ElementType>(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, width, height, boost::bind(&IntegralImage2D<float, 3>::getFirstOrderSumSE, &integral_image_XYZ_, _1, _2, _3, _4), tmp_center);
    sumArea<typename IntegralImage2D<float, 3>::SecondOrderType>(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, width, height, boost::bind(&IntegralImage2D<float, 3>::getSecondOrderSumSE, &integral_image_XYZ_, _1, _2, _3, _4), so_elements);

    center[0] = float (tmp_center[0]);
    center[1] = float (tmp_center[1]);
    center[2] = float (tmp_center[2]);

    covariance_matrix.coeffRef (0) = static_cast<float> (so_elements [0]);
    covariance_matrix.coeffRef (1) = covariance_matrix.coeffRef (3) = static_cast<float> (so_elements [1]);
    covariance_matrix.coeffRef (2) = covariance_matrix.coeffRef (6) = static_cast<float> (so_elements [2]);
    covariance_matrix.coeffRef (4) = static_cast<float> (so_elements [3]);
    covariance_matrix.coeffRef (5) = covariance_matrix.coeffRef (7) = static_cast<float> (so_elements [4]);
    covariance_matrix.coeffRef (8) = static_cast<float> (so_elements [5]);
    covariance_matrix -= (center * center.transpose ()) / static_cast<float> (count);
    float eigen_value;
    Eigen::Vector3f eigen_vector;
    pcl::eigen33 (covariance_matrix, eigen_value, eigen_vector);
    flipNormalTowardsViewpoint (input_->points[point_index], vpx_, vpy_, vpz_, eigen_vector[0], eigen_vector[1], eigen_vector[2]);
    normal.getNormalVector3fMap () = eigen_vector;

    // Compute the curvature surface change
    if (eigen_value > 0.0)
      normal.curvature = fabsf (eigen_value / (covariance_matrix.coeff (0) + covariance_matrix.coeff (4) + covariance_matrix.coeff (8)));
      normal.curvature = 0;

  // =======================================================
  else if (normal_estimation_method_ == AVERAGE_3D_GRADIENT) 
    if (!init_average_3d_gradient_)
      initAverage3DGradientMethod ();

    const int start_x = pos_x - rect_width_2_;
    const int start_y = pos_y - rect_height_2_;
    const int end_x = start_x + rect_width_;
    const int end_y = start_y + rect_height_;

    unsigned count_x = 0;
    unsigned count_y = 0;

    sumArea<unsigned>(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, width, height, boost::bind(&IntegralImage2D<float, 3>::getFiniteElementsCountSE, &integral_image_DX_, _1, _2, _3, _4), count_x);
    sumArea<unsigned>(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, width, height, boost::bind(&IntegralImage2D<float, 3>::getFiniteElementsCountSE, &integral_image_DY_, _1, _2, _3, _4), count_y);

    if (count_x == 0 || count_y == 0)
      normal.normal_x = normal.normal_y = normal.normal_z = normal.curvature = bad_point;
    Eigen::Vector3d gradient_x (0, 0, 0);
    Eigen::Vector3d gradient_y (0, 0, 0);

    sumArea<typename IntegralImage2D<float, 3>::ElementType>(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, width, height, boost::bind(&IntegralImage2D<float, 3>::getFirstOrderSumSE, &integral_image_DX_, _1, _2, _3, _4), gradient_x);
    sumArea<typename IntegralImage2D<float, 3>::ElementType>(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, width, height, boost::bind(&IntegralImage2D<float, 3>::getFirstOrderSumSE, &integral_image_DY_, _1, _2, _3, _4), gradient_y);

    Eigen::Vector3d normal_vector = gradient_y.cross (gradient_x);
    double normal_length = normal_vector.squaredNorm ();
    if (normal_length == 0.0f)
      normal.getNormalVector3fMap ().setConstant (bad_point);
      normal.curvature = bad_point;

    normal_vector /= sqrt (normal_length);

    float nx = static_cast<float> (normal_vector [0]);
    float ny = static_cast<float> (normal_vector [1]);
    float nz = static_cast<float> (normal_vector [2]);

    flipNormalTowardsViewpoint (input_->points[point_index], vpx_, vpy_, vpz_, nx, ny, nz);

    normal.normal_x = nx;
    normal.normal_y = ny;
    normal.normal_z = nz;
    normal.curvature = bad_point;
  // ======================================================
  else if (normal_estimation_method_ == AVERAGE_DEPTH_CHANGE) 
    if (!init_depth_change_)
      initAverageDepthChangeMethod ();

    int point_index_L_x = pos_x - rect_width_4_ - 1;
    int point_index_L_y = pos_y;
    int point_index_R_x = pos_x + rect_width_4_ + 1;
    int point_index_R_y = pos_y;
    int point_index_U_x = pos_x - 1;
    int point_index_U_y = pos_y - rect_height_4_;
    int point_index_D_x = pos_x + 1;
    int point_index_D_y = pos_y + rect_height_4_;

    if (point_index_L_x < 0)
      point_index_L_x = -point_index_L_x;
    if (point_index_U_x < 0)
      point_index_U_x = -point_index_U_x;
    if (point_index_U_y < 0)
      point_index_U_y = -point_index_U_y;

    if (point_index_R_x >= width)
      point_index_R_x = width-(point_index_R_x-(width-1));
    if (point_index_D_x >= width)
      point_index_D_x = width-(point_index_D_x-(width-1));
    if (point_index_D_y >= height)
      point_index_D_y = height-(point_index_D_y-(height-1));

    const int start_x_L = pos_x - rect_width_2_;
    const int start_y_L = pos_y - rect_height_4_;
    const int end_x_L = start_x_L + rect_width_2_;
    const int end_y_L = start_y_L + rect_height_2_;

    const int start_x_R = pos_x + 1;
    const int start_y_R = pos_y - rect_height_4_;
    const int end_x_R = start_x_R + rect_width_2_;
    const int end_y_R = start_y_R + rect_height_2_;

    const int start_x_U = pos_x - rect_width_4_;
    const int start_y_U = pos_y - rect_height_2_;
    const int end_x_U = start_x_U + rect_width_2_;
    const int end_y_U = start_y_U + rect_height_2_;

    const int start_x_D = pos_x - rect_width_4_;
    const int start_y_D = pos_y + 1;
    const int end_x_D = start_x_D + rect_width_2_;
    const int end_y_D = start_y_D + rect_height_2_;

    unsigned count_L_z = 0;
    unsigned count_R_z = 0;
    unsigned count_U_z = 0;
    unsigned count_D_z = 0;

    sumArea<unsigned>(start_x_L, start_y_L, end_x_L, end_y_L, width, height, boost::bind(&IntegralImage2D<float, 1>::getFiniteElementsCountSE, &integral_image_depth_, _1, _2, _3, _4), count_L_z);
    sumArea<unsigned>(start_x_R, start_y_R, end_x_R, end_y_R, width, height, boost::bind(&IntegralImage2D<float, 1>::getFiniteElementsCountSE, &integral_image_depth_, _1, _2, _3, _4), count_R_z);
    sumArea<unsigned>(start_x_U, start_y_U, end_x_U, end_y_U, width, height, boost::bind(&IntegralImage2D<float, 1>::getFiniteElementsCountSE, &integral_image_depth_, _1, _2, _3, _4), count_U_z);
    sumArea<unsigned>(start_x_D, start_y_D, end_x_D, end_y_D, width, height, boost::bind(&IntegralImage2D<float, 1>::getFiniteElementsCountSE, &integral_image_depth_, _1, _2, _3, _4), count_D_z);

    if (count_L_z == 0 || count_R_z == 0 || count_U_z == 0 || count_D_z == 0)
      normal.normal_x = normal.normal_y = normal.normal_z = normal.curvature = bad_point;

    float mean_L_z = 0;
    float mean_R_z = 0;
    float mean_U_z = 0;
    float mean_D_z = 0;

    sumArea<float>(start_x_L, start_y_L, end_x_L, end_y_L, width, height, boost::bind(&IntegralImage2D<float, 1>::getFirstOrderSumSE, &integral_image_depth_, _1, _2, _3, _4), mean_L_z);
    sumArea<float>(start_x_R, start_y_R, end_x_R, end_y_R, width, height, boost::bind(&IntegralImage2D<float, 1>::getFirstOrderSumSE, &integral_image_depth_, _1, _2, _3, _4), mean_R_z);
    sumArea<float>(start_x_U, start_y_U, end_x_U, end_y_U, width, height, boost::bind(&IntegralImage2D<float, 1>::getFirstOrderSumSE, &integral_image_depth_, _1, _2, _3, _4), mean_U_z);
    sumArea<float>(start_x_D, start_y_D, end_x_D, end_y_D, width, height, boost::bind(&IntegralImage2D<float, 1>::getFirstOrderSumSE, &integral_image_depth_, _1, _2, _3, _4), mean_D_z);

    mean_L_z /= float (count_L_z);
    mean_R_z /= float (count_R_z);
    mean_U_z /= float (count_U_z);
    mean_D_z /= float (count_D_z);

    PointInT pointL = input_->points[point_index_L_y*width + point_index_L_x];
    PointInT pointR = input_->points[point_index_R_y*width + point_index_R_x];
    PointInT pointU = input_->points[point_index_U_y*width + point_index_U_x];
    PointInT pointD = input_->points[point_index_D_y*width + point_index_D_x];

    const float mean_x_z = mean_R_z - mean_L_z;
    const float mean_y_z = mean_D_z - mean_U_z;

    const float mean_x_x = pointR.x - pointL.x;
    const float mean_x_y = pointR.y - pointL.y;
    const float mean_y_x = pointD.x - pointU.x;
    const float mean_y_y = pointD.y - pointU.y;

    float normal_x = mean_x_y * mean_y_z - mean_x_z * mean_y_y;
    float normal_y = mean_x_z * mean_y_x - mean_x_x * mean_y_z;
    float normal_z = mean_x_x * mean_y_y - mean_x_y * mean_y_x;

    const float normal_length = (normal_x * normal_x + normal_y * normal_y + normal_z * normal_z);

    if (normal_length == 0.0f)
      normal.getNormalVector3fMap ().setConstant (bad_point);
      normal.curvature = bad_point;

    flipNormalTowardsViewpoint (input_->points[point_index], vpx_, vpy_, vpz_, normal_x, normal_y, normal_z);
    const float scale = 1.0f / sqrtf (normal_length);

    normal.normal_x = normal_x * scale;
    normal.normal_y = normal_y * scale;
    normal.normal_z = normal_z * scale;
    normal.curvature = bad_point;

  // ========================================================
  else if (normal_estimation_method_ == SIMPLE_3D_GRADIENT) 
    PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (PCLException, "BORDER_POLICY_MIRROR not supported for normal estimation method SIMPLE_3D_GRADIENT");

  normal.getNormalVector3fMap ().setConstant (bad_point);
  normal.curvature = bad_point;
Exemplo n.º 3
template <typename PointInT, typename PointOutT> void
pcl::IntegralImageNormalEstimation<PointInT, PointOutT>::computePointNormal (
    const int pos_x, const int pos_y, const unsigned point_index, PointOutT &normal)
  float bad_point = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN ();

  if (normal_estimation_method_ == COVARIANCE_MATRIX)
    if (!init_covariance_matrix_)
      initCovarianceMatrixMethod ();

    unsigned count = integral_image_XYZ_.getFiniteElementsCount (pos_x - (rect_width_2_), pos_y - (rect_height_2_), rect_width_, rect_height_);

    // no valid points within the rectangular reagion?
    if (count == 0)
      normal.normal_x = normal.normal_y = normal.normal_z = normal.curvature = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN ();

    EIGEN_ALIGN16 Eigen::Matrix3f covariance_matrix;
    Eigen::Vector3f center;
    typename IntegralImage2D<float, 3>::SecondOrderType so_elements;
    center = integral_image_XYZ_.getFirstOrderSum(pos_x - rect_width_2_, pos_y - rect_height_2_, rect_width_, rect_height_).cast<float> ();
    so_elements = integral_image_XYZ_.getSecondOrderSum(pos_x - rect_width_2_, pos_y - rect_height_2_, rect_width_, rect_height_);

    covariance_matrix.coeffRef (0) = static_cast<float> (so_elements [0]);
    covariance_matrix.coeffRef (1) = covariance_matrix.coeffRef (3) = static_cast<float> (so_elements [1]);
    covariance_matrix.coeffRef (2) = covariance_matrix.coeffRef (6) = static_cast<float> (so_elements [2]);
    covariance_matrix.coeffRef (4) = static_cast<float> (so_elements [3]);
    covariance_matrix.coeffRef (5) = covariance_matrix.coeffRef (7) = static_cast<float> (so_elements [4]);
    covariance_matrix.coeffRef (8) = static_cast<float> (so_elements [5]);
    covariance_matrix -= (center * center.transpose ()) / static_cast<float> (count);
    float eigen_value;
    Eigen::Vector3f eigen_vector;
    pcl::eigen33 (covariance_matrix, eigen_value, eigen_vector);
    //pcl::flipNormalTowardsViewpoint (input_->points[point_index], vpx_, vpy_, vpz_, eigen_vector);
    pcl::flipNormalTowardsViewpoint (input_->points[point_index], vpx_, vpy_, vpz_, eigen_vector[0], eigen_vector[1], eigen_vector[2]);
    normal.getNormalVector3fMap () = eigen_vector;

    // Compute the curvature surface change
    if (eigen_value > 0.0)
      normal.curvature = fabsf (eigen_value / (covariance_matrix.coeff (0) + covariance_matrix.coeff (4) + covariance_matrix.coeff (8)));
      normal.curvature = 0;

  else if (normal_estimation_method_ == AVERAGE_3D_GRADIENT)
    if (!init_average_3d_gradient_)
      initAverage3DGradientMethod ();

    unsigned count_x = integral_image_DX_.getFiniteElementsCount (pos_x - rect_width_2_, pos_y - rect_height_2_, rect_width_, rect_height_);
    unsigned count_y = integral_image_DY_.getFiniteElementsCount (pos_x - rect_width_2_, pos_y - rect_height_2_, rect_width_, rect_height_);
    if (count_x == 0 || count_y == 0)
      normal.normal_x = normal.normal_y = normal.normal_z = normal.curvature = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN ();
    Eigen::Vector3d gradient_x = integral_image_DX_.getFirstOrderSum (pos_x - rect_width_2_, pos_y - rect_height_2_, rect_width_, rect_height_);
    Eigen::Vector3d gradient_y = integral_image_DY_.getFirstOrderSum (pos_x - rect_width_2_, pos_y - rect_height_2_, rect_width_, rect_height_);

    Eigen::Vector3d normal_vector = gradient_y.cross (gradient_x);
    double normal_length = normal_vector.squaredNorm ();
    if (normal_length == 0.0f)
      normal.getNormalVector4fMap ().setConstant (bad_point);
      normal.curvature = bad_point;

    normal_vector /= sqrt (normal_length);

    float nx = static_cast<float> (normal_vector [0]);
    float ny = static_cast<float> (normal_vector [1]);
    float nz = static_cast<float> (normal_vector [2]);

    //pcl::flipNormalTowardsViewpoint (input_->points[point_index], vpx_, vpy_, vpz_, normal_vector);
    pcl::flipNormalTowardsViewpoint (input_->points[point_index], vpx_, vpy_, vpz_, nx, ny, nz);

    normal.normal_x = nx;
    normal.normal_y = ny;
    normal.normal_z = nz;
    normal.curvature = bad_point;
  else if (normal_estimation_method_ == AVERAGE_DEPTH_CHANGE)
    if (!init_depth_change_)
      initAverageDepthChangeMethod ();

//    unsigned count = integral_image_depth_.getFiniteElementsCount (pos_x - rect_width_2_, pos_y - rect_height_2_, rect_width_, rect_height_);
//    if (count == 0)
//    {
//      normal.normal_x = normal.normal_y = normal.normal_z = normal.curvature = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN ();
//      return;
//    }
//    const float mean_L_z = integral_image_depth_.getFirstOrderSum (pos_x - rect_width_2_ - 1, pos_y - rect_height_2_    , rect_width_ - 1, rect_height_ - 1) / ((rect_width_-1)*(rect_height_-1));
//    const float mean_R_z = integral_image_depth_.getFirstOrderSum (pos_x - rect_width_2_ + 1, pos_y - rect_height_2_    , rect_width_ - 1, rect_height_ - 1) / ((rect_width_-1)*(rect_height_-1));
//    const float mean_U_z = integral_image_depth_.getFirstOrderSum (pos_x - rect_width_2_    , pos_y - rect_height_2_ - 1, rect_width_ - 1, rect_height_ - 1) / ((rect_width_-1)*(rect_height_-1));
//    const float mean_D_z = integral_image_depth_.getFirstOrderSum (pos_x - rect_width_2_    , pos_y - rect_height_2_ + 1, rect_width_ - 1, rect_height_ - 1) / ((rect_width_-1)*(rect_height_-1));

    // width and height are at least 3 x 3
    unsigned count_L_z = integral_image_depth_.getFiniteElementsCount (pos_x - rect_width_2_, pos_y - rect_height_4_, rect_width_2_, rect_height_2_);
    unsigned count_R_z = integral_image_depth_.getFiniteElementsCount (pos_x + 1            , pos_y - rect_height_4_, rect_width_2_, rect_height_2_);
    unsigned count_U_z = integral_image_depth_.getFiniteElementsCount (pos_x - rect_width_4_, pos_y - rect_height_2_, rect_width_2_, rect_height_2_);
    unsigned count_D_z = integral_image_depth_.getFiniteElementsCount (pos_x - rect_width_4_, pos_y + 1             , rect_width_2_, rect_height_2_);

    if (count_L_z == 0 || count_R_z == 0 || count_U_z == 0 || count_D_z == 0)
      normal.normal_x = normal.normal_y = normal.normal_z = normal.curvature = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN ();

    float mean_L_z = static_cast<float> (integral_image_depth_.getFirstOrderSum (pos_x - rect_width_2_, pos_y - rect_height_4_, rect_width_2_, rect_height_2_) / count_L_z);
    float mean_R_z = static_cast<float> (integral_image_depth_.getFirstOrderSum (pos_x + 1            , pos_y - rect_height_4_, rect_width_2_, rect_height_2_) / count_R_z);
    float mean_U_z = static_cast<float> (integral_image_depth_.getFirstOrderSum (pos_x - rect_width_4_, pos_y - rect_height_2_, rect_width_2_, rect_height_2_) / count_U_z);
    float mean_D_z = static_cast<float> (integral_image_depth_.getFirstOrderSum (pos_x - rect_width_4_, pos_y + 1             , rect_width_2_, rect_height_2_) / count_D_z);

    PointInT pointL = input_->points[point_index - rect_width_4_ - 1];
    PointInT pointR = input_->points[point_index + rect_width_4_ + 1];
    PointInT pointU = input_->points[point_index - rect_height_4_ * input_->width - 1];
    PointInT pointD = input_->points[point_index + rect_height_4_ * input_->width + 1];

    const float mean_x_z = mean_R_z - mean_L_z;
    const float mean_y_z = mean_D_z - mean_U_z;

    const float mean_x_x = pointR.x - pointL.x;
    const float mean_x_y = pointR.y - pointL.y;
    const float mean_y_x = pointD.x - pointU.x;
    const float mean_y_y = pointD.y - pointU.y;

    float normal_x = mean_x_y * mean_y_z - mean_x_z * mean_y_y;
    float normal_y = mean_x_z * mean_y_x - mean_x_x * mean_y_z;
    float normal_z = mean_x_x * mean_y_y - mean_x_y * mean_y_x;

    const float normal_length = (normal_x * normal_x + normal_y * normal_y + normal_z * normal_z);

    if (normal_length == 0.0f)
      normal.getNormalVector4fMap ().setConstant (bad_point);
      normal.curvature = bad_point;

    pcl::flipNormalTowardsViewpoint (input_->points[point_index], vpx_, vpy_, vpz_, normal_x, normal_y, normal_z);
    const float scale = 1.0f / sqrt (normal_length);

    normal.normal_x = normal_x * scale;
    normal.normal_y = normal_y * scale;
    normal.normal_z = normal_z * scale;
    normal.curvature = bad_point;

  else if (normal_estimation_method_ == SIMPLE_3D_GRADIENT)
    if (!init_simple_3d_gradient_)
      initSimple3DGradientMethod ();

    // this method does not work if lots of NaNs are in the neighborhood of the point
    Eigen::Vector3d gradient_x = integral_image_XYZ_.getFirstOrderSum (pos_x + rect_width_2_, pos_y - rect_height_2_, 1, rect_height_) -
                                 integral_image_XYZ_.getFirstOrderSum (pos_x - rect_width_2_, pos_y - rect_height_2_, 1, rect_height_);

    Eigen::Vector3d gradient_y = integral_image_XYZ_.getFirstOrderSum (pos_x - rect_width_2_, pos_y + rect_height_2_, rect_width_, 1) -
                                 integral_image_XYZ_.getFirstOrderSum (pos_x - rect_width_2_, pos_y - rect_height_2_, rect_width_, 1);
    Eigen::Vector3d normal_vector = gradient_y.cross (gradient_x);
    double normal_length = normal_vector.squaredNorm ();
    if (normal_length == 0.0f)
      normal.getNormalVector4fMap ().setConstant (bad_point);
      normal.curvature = bad_point;

    normal_vector /= sqrt (normal_length);

    float nx = static_cast<float> (normal_vector [0]);
    float ny = static_cast<float> (normal_vector [1]);
    float nz = static_cast<float> (normal_vector [2]);

    //pcl::flipNormalTowardsViewpoint (input_->points[point_index], vpx_, vpy_, vpz_, normal_vector);
    pcl::flipNormalTowardsViewpoint (input_->points[point_index], vpx_, vpy_, vpz_, nx, ny, nz);
    normal.normal_x = nx;
    normal.normal_y = ny;
    normal.normal_z = nz;
    normal.curvature = bad_point;

  normal.getNormalVector4fMap ().setConstant (bad_point);
  normal.curvature = bad_point;
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: iss_3d.hpp Projeto: 2php/pcl
template<typename PointInT, typename PointOutT, typename NormalT> void
pcl::ISSKeypoint3D<PointInT, PointOutT, NormalT>::detectKeypoints (PointCloudOut &output)
  // Make sure the output cloud is empty
  output.points.clear ();

  if (border_radius_ > 0.0)
    edge_points_ = getBoundaryPoints (*(input_->makeShared ()), border_radius_, angle_threshold_);

  bool* borders = new bool [input_->size()];

  int index;
#ifdef _OPENMP
  #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(threads_)
  for (index = 0; index < int (input_->size ()); index++)
    borders[index] = false;
    PointInT current_point = input_->points[index];

    if ((border_radius_ > 0.0) && (pcl::isFinite(current_point)))
      std::vector<int> nn_indices;
      std::vector<float> nn_distances;

      this->searchForNeighbors (static_cast<int> (index), border_radius_, nn_indices, nn_distances);

      for (size_t j = 0 ; j < nn_indices.size (); j++)
        if (edge_points_[nn_indices[j]])
          borders[index] = true;

#ifdef _OPENMP
  Eigen::Vector3d *omp_mem = new Eigen::Vector3d[threads_];

  for (size_t i = 0; i < threads_; i++)
    omp_mem[i].setZero (3);
  Eigen::Vector3d *omp_mem = new Eigen::Vector3d[1];

  omp_mem[0].setZero (3);

  double *prg_local_mem = new double[input_->size () * 3];
  double **prg_mem = new double * [input_->size ()];

  for (size_t i = 0; i < input_->size (); i++)
    prg_mem[i] = prg_local_mem + 3 * i;

#ifdef _OPENMP
  #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(threads_)
  for (index = 0; index < static_cast<int> (input_->size ()); index++)
#ifdef _OPENMP
    int tid = omp_get_thread_num ();
    int tid = 0;
    PointInT current_point = input_->points[index];

    if ((!borders[index]) && pcl::isFinite(current_point))
      //if the considered point is not a border point and the point is "finite", then compute the scatter matrix
      Eigen::Matrix3d cov_m = Eigen::Matrix3d::Zero ();
      getScatterMatrix (static_cast<int> (index), cov_m);

      Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Eigen::Matrix3d> solver (cov_m);

      const double& e1c = solver.eigenvalues ()[2];
      const double& e2c = solver.eigenvalues ()[1];
      const double& e3c = solver.eigenvalues ()[0];

      if (!pcl_isfinite (e1c) || !pcl_isfinite (e2c) || !pcl_isfinite (e3c))

      if (e3c < 0)
	PCL_WARN ("[pcl::%s::detectKeypoints] : The third eigenvalue is negative! Skipping the point with index %i.\n",
	          name_.c_str (), index);

      omp_mem[tid][0] = e2c / e1c;
      omp_mem[tid][1] = e3c / e2c;;
      omp_mem[tid][2] = e3c;

    for (int d = 0; d < omp_mem[tid].size (); d++)
        prg_mem[index][d] = omp_mem[tid][d];

  for (index = 0; index < int (input_->size ()); index++)
   if (!borders[index])
      if ((prg_mem[index][0] < gamma_21_) && (prg_mem[index][1] < gamma_32_))
        third_eigen_value_[index] = prg_mem[index][2];

  bool* feat_max = new bool [input_->size()];
  bool is_max;

#ifdef _OPENMP
  #pragma omp parallel for private(is_max) num_threads(threads_)
  for (index = 0; index < int (input_->size ()); index++)
    feat_max [index] = false;
    PointInT current_point = input_->points[index];

    if ((third_eigen_value_[index] > 0.0) && (pcl::isFinite(current_point)))
      std::vector<int> nn_indices;
      std::vector<float> nn_distances;
      int n_neighbors;

      this->searchForNeighbors (static_cast<int> (index), non_max_radius_, nn_indices, nn_distances);

      n_neighbors = static_cast<int> (nn_indices.size ());

      if (n_neighbors >= min_neighbors_)
        is_max = true;

        for (int j = 0 ; j < n_neighbors; j++)
          if (third_eigen_value_[index] < third_eigen_value_[nn_indices[j]])
            is_max = false;
        if (is_max)
          feat_max[index] = true;

#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for shared (output) num_threads(threads_)
  for (index = 0; index < int (input_->size ()); index++)
    if (feat_max[index])
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp critical
      PointOutT p;
      p.getVector3fMap () = input_->points[index].getVector3fMap ();
      keypoints_indices_->indices.push_back (index);

  output.header = input_->header;
  output.width = static_cast<uint32_t> (output.points.size ());
  output.height = 1;

  // Clear the contents of variables and arrays before the beginning of the next computation.
  if (border_radius_ > 0.0)
    normals_.reset (new pcl::PointCloud<NormalT>);

  delete[] borders;
  delete[] prg_mem;
  delete[] prg_local_mem;
  delete[] feat_max;