Exemplo n.º 1
void PointSet::splitPolygons( QLinkedList<PointSet *> &shapes_toProcess,
                              QLinkedList<PointSet *> &shapes_final,
                              double xrm, double yrm )
  int i, j;

  int nbp;
  double *x = nullptr;
  double *y = nullptr;

  int *pts = nullptr;

  int *cHull = nullptr;
  int cHullSize;

  double cp;
  double bestcp = 0;

  double bestArea = 0;
  double area;

  double base;
  double b, c;
  double s;

  int ihs;
  int ihn;

  int ips;
  int ipn;

  int holeS = -1;  // hole start and end points
  int holeE = -1;

  int retainedPt = -1;
  int pt = 0;

  double labelArea = xrm * yrm;

  PointSet *shape = nullptr;

  while ( !shapes_toProcess.isEmpty() )
    shape = shapes_toProcess.takeFirst();

    x = shape->x;
    y = shape->y;
    nbp = shape->nbPoints;
    pts = new int[nbp];

    for ( i = 0; i < nbp; i++ )
      pts[i] = i;

    // conpute convex hull
    shape->cHullSize = GeomFunction::convexHullId( pts, x, y, nbp, shape->cHull );

    cHull = shape->cHull;
    cHullSize = shape->cHullSize;

    bestArea = 0;
    retainedPt = -1;

    // lookup for a hole
    for ( ihs = 0; ihs < cHullSize; ihs++ )
      // ihs->ihn => cHull'seg
      ihn = ( ihs + 1 ) % cHullSize;

      ips = cHull[ihs];
      ipn = ( ips + 1 ) % nbp;
      if ( ipn != cHull[ihn] ) // next point on shape is not the next point on cHull => there is a hole here !
        bestcp = 0;
        pt = -1;
        // lookup for the deepest point in the hole
        for ( i = ips; i != cHull[ihn]; i = ( i + 1 ) % nbp )
          cp = std::fabs( GeomFunction::cross_product( x[cHull[ihs]], y[cHull[ihs]],
                          x[cHull[ihn]], y[cHull[ihn]],
                          x[i], y[i] ) );
          if ( cp - bestcp > EPSILON )
            bestcp = cp;
            pt = i;

        if ( pt  != -1 )
          // compute the ihs->ihn->pt triangle's area
          base = GeomFunction::dist_euc2d( x[cHull[ihs]], y[cHull[ihs]],
                                           x[cHull[ihn]], y[cHull[ihn]] );

          b = GeomFunction::dist_euc2d( x[cHull[ihs]], y[cHull[ihs]],
                                        x[pt], y[pt] );

          c = GeomFunction::dist_euc2d( x[cHull[ihn]], y[cHull[ihn]],
                                        x[pt], y[pt] );

          s = ( base + b + c ) / 2; // s = half perimeter
          area = s * ( s - base ) * ( s - b ) * ( s - c );
          if ( area < 0 )
            area = -area;

          // retain the biggest area
          if ( area - bestArea > EPSILON )
            bestArea = area;
            retainedPt = pt;
            holeS = ihs;
            holeE = ihn;

    // we have a hole, its area, and the deppest point in hole
    // we're going to find the second point to cup the shape
    // holeS = hole starting point
    // holeE = hole ending point
    // retainedPt = deppest point in hole
    // bestArea = area of triangle HoleS->holeE->retainedPoint
    bestArea = std::sqrt( bestArea );
    double cx, cy, dx, dy, ex, ey, fx, fy, seg_length, ptx = 0, pty = 0, fptx = 0, fpty = 0;
    int ps = -1, pe = -1, fps = -1, fpe = -1;
    if ( retainedPt >= 0 && bestArea > labelArea ) // there is a hole so we'll cut the shape in two new shape (only if hole area is bigger than twice labelArea)
      c = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();

      // iterate on all shape points except points which are in the hole
      bool isValid;
      int k, l;
      for ( i = ( cHull[holeE] + 1 ) % nbp; i != ( cHull[holeS] - 1 + nbp ) % nbp; i = j )
        j = ( i + 1 ) % nbp; // i->j is shape segment not in hole

        // compute distance between retainedPoint and segment
        // whether perpendicular distance (if retaindPoint is fronting segment i->j)
        // or distance between retainedPt and i or j (choose the nearest)
        seg_length = GeomFunction::dist_euc2d( x[i], y[i], x[j], y[j] );
        cx = ( x[i] + x[j] ) / 2.0;
        cy = ( y[i] + y[j] ) / 2.0;
        dx = cy - y[i];
        dy = cx - x[i];

        ex = cx - dx;
        ey = cy + dy;
        fx = cx + dx;
        fy = cy - dy;

        if ( seg_length < EPSILON || std::fabs( ( b = GeomFunction::cross_product( ex, ey, fx, fy, x[retainedPt], y[retainedPt] ) / ( seg_length ) ) ) > ( seg_length / 2 ) )   // retainedPt is not fronting i->j
          if ( ( ex = GeomFunction::dist_euc2d_sq( x[i], y[i], x[retainedPt], y[retainedPt] ) ) < ( ey = GeomFunction::dist_euc2d_sq( x[j], y[j], x[retainedPt], y[retainedPt] ) ) )
            b = ex;
            ps = i;
            pe = i;
            b = ey;
            ps = j;
            pe = j;
        else   // point fronting i->j => compute pependicular distance  => create a new point
          b = GeomFunction::cross_product( x[i], y[i], x[j], y[j], x[retainedPt], y[retainedPt] ) / seg_length;
          b *= b;
          ps = i;
          pe = j;

          if ( !GeomFunction::computeLineIntersection( x[i], y[i], x[j], y[j], x[retainedPt], y[retainedPt], x[retainedPt] - dx, y[retainedPt] + dy, &ptx, &pty ) )
            //error - it should intersect the line

        isValid = true;
        double pointX, pointY;
        if ( ps == pe )
          pointX = x[pe];
          pointY = y[pe];
          pointX = ptx;
          pointY = pty;

        for ( k = cHull[holeS]; k != cHull[holeE]; k = ( k + 1 ) % nbp )
          l = ( k + 1 ) % nbp;
          if ( GeomFunction::isSegIntersects( x[retainedPt], y[retainedPt], pointX, pointY, x[k], y[k], x[l], y[l] ) )
            isValid = false;

        if ( isValid && b < c )
          c = b;
          fps = ps;
          fpe = pe;
          fptx = ptx;
          fpty = pty;
      }  // for point which are not in hole

      // we will cut the shapeu in two new shapes, one from [retainedPoint] to [newPoint] and one form [newPoint] to [retainedPoint]
      int imin = retainedPt;
      int imax = ( ( ( fps < retainedPt && fpe < retainedPt ) || ( fps > retainedPt && fpe > retainedPt ) ) ? std::min( fps, fpe ) : std::max( fps, fpe ) );

      int nbPtSh1, nbPtSh2; // how many points in new shapes ?
      if ( imax > imin )
        nbPtSh1 = imax - imin + 1 + ( fpe != fps );
        nbPtSh1 = imax + nbp - imin + 1 + ( fpe != fps );

      if ( ( imax == fps ? fpe : fps ) < imin )
        nbPtSh2 = imin - ( imax == fps ? fpe : fps ) + 1 + ( fpe != fps );
        nbPtSh2 = imin + nbp - ( imax == fps ? fpe : fps ) + 1 + ( fpe != fps );

      if ( retainedPt == -1 || fps == -1 || fpe == -1 )
        if ( shape->parent )
          delete shape;
      // check for useless spliting
      else if ( imax == imin || nbPtSh1 <= 2 || nbPtSh2 <= 2 || nbPtSh1 == nbp  || nbPtSh2 == nbp )
        shapes_final.append( shape );

        PointSet *newShape = shape->extractShape( nbPtSh1, imin, imax, fps, fpe, fptx, fpty );

        if ( shape->parent )
          newShape->parent = shape->parent;
          newShape->parent = shape;

        shapes_toProcess.append( newShape );

        if ( imax == fps )
          imax = fpe;
          imax = fps;

        newShape = shape->extractShape( nbPtSh2, imax, imin, fps, fpe, fptx, fpty );

        if ( shape->parent )
          newShape->parent = shape->parent;
          newShape->parent = shape;

        shapes_toProcess.append( newShape );

        if ( shape->parent )
          delete shape;
      shapes_final.append( shape );
    delete[] pts;