Exemplo n.º 1
	static Poly Rectangle(const float X1, const float Y1, const float X2, const float Y2)
		Poly poly;
		poly.AddVertex(X1, Y1, 0);
		poly.AddVertex(X2, Y1, 0);
		poly.AddVertex(X2, Y2, 0);
		poly.AddVertex(X1, Y2, 0);
		return poly;
Exemplo n.º 2
void Poly::SplitPoly ( Poly *pPoly_, Poly **ppFront_, Poly **ppBack_ )
	Plane::eCP	*pCP = new Plane::eCP[ pPoly_->GetNumberOfVertices ( ) ];

	// Classify all points
	for ( int i = 0; i < pPoly_->GetNumberOfVertices ( ); i++ )
		pCP[ i ] = plane.ClassifyPoint ( pPoly_->verts[ i ].p );

	// Build fragments
	Poly		*pFront = new Poly;
	Poly		*pBack	= new Poly;

	pFront->TextureID	= pPoly_->TextureID;
	pBack->TextureID	= pPoly_->TextureID;
	pFront->plane		= pPoly_->plane;
	pBack->plane		= pPoly_->plane;

	for ( i = 0; i < pPoly_->GetNumberOfVertices ( ); i++ )
		// Add point to appropriate list
		switch ( pCP[ i ] )
		case Plane::eCP::FRONT:
				pFront->AddVertex ( pPoly_->verts[ i ] );
			} break;

		case Plane::eCP::BACK:
				pBack->AddVertex ( pPoly_->verts[ i ] );
			} break;

		case Plane::eCP::ONPLANE:
				pFront->AddVertex ( pPoly_->verts[ i ] );
				pBack->AddVertex ( pPoly_->verts[ i ] );
			} break;

		// Check if edges should be split
		int		iNext	= i + 1;
		bool	bIgnore	= false;

		if ( i == ( pPoly_->GetNumberOfVertices ( ) - 1 ) )
			iNext = 0;

		if ( ( pCP[ i ] == Plane::eCP::ONPLANE ) && ( pCP[ iNext ] != Plane::eCP::ONPLANE ) )
			bIgnore = true;
		else if ( ( pCP[ iNext ] == Plane::eCP::ONPLANE ) && ( pCP[ i ] != Plane::eCP::ONPLANE ) )
			bIgnore = true;

		if ( ( !bIgnore ) && ( pCP[ i ] != pCP[ iNext ] ) )
			Vertex	v;	// New vertex created by splitting
			double	p;	// Percentage between the two points

			plane.GetIntersection ( pPoly_->verts[ i ].p, pPoly_->verts[ iNext ].p, v.p, p );

			v.tex[ 0 ] = pPoly_->verts[ iNext ].tex[ 0 ] - pPoly_->verts[ i ].tex[ 0 ];
			v.tex[ 1 ] = pPoly_->verts[ iNext ].tex[ 1 ] - pPoly_->verts[ i ].tex[ 1 ];

			v.tex[ 0 ] = pPoly_->verts[ i ].tex[ 0 ] + ( p * v.tex[ 0 ] );
			v.tex[ 1 ] = pPoly_->verts[ i ].tex[ 1 ] + ( p * v.tex[ 1 ] );

			pFront->AddVertex ( v );
			pBack->AddVertex ( v );

	delete [] pCP;

	pFront->CalculatePlane ( );
	pBack->CalculatePlane ( );

	*ppFront_ = pFront;
	*ppBack_ = pBack;