void mitk::ExtrudePlanarFigureFilter::GenerateData()
  typedef PlanarFigure::PolyLineType PolyLine;
  typedef PolyLine::const_iterator PolyLineConstIter;

  if (m_Length <= 0)
    mitkThrow() << "Length is not positive!";

  if (m_NumberOfSegments == 0)
    mitkThrow() << "Number of segments is zero!";

  if (m_BendAngle != 0 && m_BendDirection[0] == 0 && m_BendDirection[1] == 0)
    mitkThrow() << "Bend direction is zero-length vector!";

  PlanarFigure* input = dynamic_cast<PlanarFigure*>(this->GetPrimaryInput());

  if (input == NULL)
    mitkThrow() << "Primary input is not a planar figure!";

  size_t numPolyLines = input->GetPolyLinesSize();

  if (numPolyLines == 0)
    mitkThrow() << "Primary input does not contain any poly lines!";

  const PlaneGeometry* planeGeometry = dynamic_cast<const PlaneGeometry*>(input->GetPlaneGeometry());

  if (planeGeometry == NULL)
    mitkThrow() << "Could not get plane geometry from primary input!";

  Vector3D planeNormal = planeGeometry->GetNormal();

  Point2D centerPoint2d = GetCenterPoint(input);

  Point3D centerPoint3d;
  planeGeometry->Map(centerPoint2d, centerPoint3d);

  Vector3D bendDirection3d = m_BendAngle != 0
    ? ::GetBendDirection(planeGeometry, centerPoint2d, m_BendDirection)
    : Vector3D();

  ScalarType radius = m_Length * (360 / m_BendAngle) / (2 * vnl_math::pi);
  Vector3D scaledBendDirection3d = bendDirection3d * radius;

  Vector3D bendAxis = itk::CrossProduct(planeNormal, bendDirection3d);

  vtkSmartPointer<vtkPoints> points = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPoints>::New();
  vtkSmartPointer<vtkCellArray> cells = vtkSmartPointer<vtkCellArray>::New();
  vtkIdType baseIndex = 0;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < numPolyLines; ++i)
    PolyLine polyLine = input->GetPolyLine(i);
    size_t numPoints = polyLine.size();

    if (numPoints < 2)
      mitkThrow() << "Poly line " << i << " of primary input consists of less than two points!";

    std::vector<mitk::Point3D> crossSection;

    PolyLineConstIter polyLineEnd = polyLine.end();

    for (PolyLineConstIter polyLineIter = polyLine.begin(); polyLineIter != polyLineEnd; ++polyLineIter)
      Point3D point;
      planeGeometry->Map(*polyLineIter, point);

    ScalarType segmentLength = m_Length / m_NumberOfSegments;
    Vector3D translation = planeNormal * segmentLength;

    bool bend = std::abs(m_BendAngle) > mitk::eps;
    bool twist = std::abs(m_TwistAngle) > mitk::eps;

    ScalarType twistAngle = twist
      ? m_TwistAngle / m_NumberOfSegments * vnl_math::pi / 180
      : 0;

    ScalarType bendAngle = bend
      ? m_BendAngle / m_NumberOfSegments * vnl_math::pi / 180
      : 0;

    if (m_FlipDirection)
      translation *= -1;
      bendAngle *= -1;

    for (size_t k = 0; k < numPoints; ++k)

    for (size_t j = 1; j <= m_NumberOfSegments; ++j)
      mitk::AffineTransform3D::Pointer transform = mitk::AffineTransform3D::New();

      if (bend || twist)
        transform->Translate(centerPoint3d.GetVectorFromOrigin(), true);

      if (bend)
        transform->Translate(scaledBendDirection3d, true);
        transform->Rotate3D(bendAxis, bendAngle * j, true);
        transform->Translate(-scaledBendDirection3d, true);
        transform->Translate(translation * j, true);

      if (twist)
        transform->Rotate3D(planeNormal, twistAngle * j, true);

      if (bend || twist)
        transform->Translate(-centerPoint3d.GetVectorFromOrigin(), true);

      for (size_t k = 0; k < numPoints; ++k)
        mitk::Point3D transformedPoint = transform->TransformPoint(crossSection[k]);

    for (size_t j = 0; j < m_NumberOfSegments; ++j)
      for (size_t k = 1; k < numPoints; ++k)
        vtkIdType cell[3];
        cell[0] = baseIndex + j * numPoints + (k - 1);
        cell[1] = baseIndex + (j + 1) * numPoints + (k - 1);
        cell[2] = baseIndex + j * numPoints + k;

        cells->InsertNextCell(3, cell);

        cell[0] = cell[1];
        cell[1] = baseIndex + (j + 1) * numPoints + k;

        cells->InsertNextCell(3, cell);

      if (input->IsClosed() && numPoints > 2)
        vtkIdType cell[3];
        cell[0] = baseIndex + j * numPoints + (numPoints - 1);
        cell[1] = baseIndex + (j + 1) * numPoints + (numPoints - 1);
        cell[2] = baseIndex + j * numPoints;

        cells->InsertNextCell(3, cell);

        cell[0] = cell[1];
        cell[1] = baseIndex + (j + 1) * numPoints;

        cells->InsertNextCell(3, cell);

    baseIndex += points->GetNumberOfPoints();

  vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> polyData = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData>::New();

  vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyDataNormals> polyDataNormals = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyDataNormals>::New();


  Surface* output = static_cast<Surface*>(this->GetPrimaryOutput());
void mitk::PlanarFigureVtkMapper3D::GenerateDataForRenderer(BaseRenderer* renderer)
  typedef PlanarFigure::PolyLineType PolyLine;

  DataNode* node = this->GetDataNode();

  if (node == NULL)

  PlanarFigure* planarFigure = dynamic_cast<PlanarFigure*>(node->GetData());

  if (planarFigure == NULL || !planarFigure->IsPlaced())

  LocalStorage* localStorage = m_LocalStorageHandler.GetLocalStorage(renderer);
  unsigned long mTime = planarFigure->GetMTime();

  if (mTime > localStorage->m_LastMTime)
    localStorage->m_LastMTime = mTime;

    const PlaneGeometry* planeGeometry = dynamic_cast<const PlaneGeometry*>(planarFigure->GetPlaneGeometry());
    const AbstractTransformGeometry* abstractTransformGeometry = dynamic_cast<const AbstractTransformGeometry*>(planarFigure->GetPlaneGeometry());

    if (planeGeometry == NULL && abstractTransformGeometry == NULL)

    size_t numPolyLines = planarFigure->GetPolyLinesSize();

    if (numPolyLines == 0)

    vtkSmartPointer<vtkPoints> points = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPoints>::New();
    vtkSmartPointer<vtkCellArray> cells = vtkSmartPointer<vtkCellArray>::New();
    vtkIdType baseIndex = 0;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < numPolyLines; ++i)
      PolyLine polyLine = planarFigure->GetPolyLine(i);
      vtkIdType numPoints = polyLine.size();

      if (numPoints < 2)

      PolyLine::const_iterator polyLineEnd = polyLine.end();

      for (PolyLine::const_iterator polyLineIt = polyLine.begin(); polyLineIt != polyLineEnd; ++polyLineIt)
        Point3D point;
        planeGeometry->Map(*polyLineIt, point);

      vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyLine> line = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyLine>::New();

      vtkIdList* pointIds = line->GetPointIds();

      if (planarFigure->IsClosed() && numPoints > 2)
        pointIds->SetNumberOfIds(numPoints + 1);
        pointIds->SetId(numPoints, baseIndex);

      for (vtkIdType j = 0; j < numPoints; ++j)
        pointIds->SetId(j, baseIndex + j);


      baseIndex += points->GetNumberOfPoints();

    vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> polyData = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData>::New();

    vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyDataMapper> mapper = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyDataMapper>::New();


  this->ApplyColorAndOpacityProperties(renderer, localStorage->m_Actor);
  this->ApplyPlanarFigureProperties(renderer, localStorage->m_Actor);
// Render
void KinectApp::draw()

	// Clear window
	gl::setViewport( getWindowBounds() );
	gl::clear( Colorf( 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f ) );

	// We're capturing
	if ( mKinect->isCapturing() ) {

		// Set up camera for 3D
		gl::setMatrices( mCamera );

		// Move skeletons down below the rest of the interface
		gl::translate( 0.0f, -0.62f, 0.0f );

		// Iterate through skeletons
		uint32_t i = 0;
		for ( vector<Skeleton>::const_iterator skeletonIt = mSkeletons.cbegin(); skeletonIt != mSkeletons.cend(); ++skeletonIt, i++ ) {

			// Skeleton is valid when all joints are present
			if ( skeletonIt->size() == JointName::NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_COUNT ) {

				// Set color
				gl::color( mKinect->getUserColor( i ) );

				// Draw joints
				for ( Skeleton::const_iterator jointIt = skeletonIt->cbegin(); jointIt != skeletonIt->cend(); ++jointIt ) {
					gl::drawSphere( jointIt->second * Vec3f( -1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ), 0.025f, 16 );

				// Draw body
				for ( vector<vector<JointName> >::const_iterator segmentIt = mSegments.cbegin(); segmentIt != mSegments.cend(); ++segmentIt ) {
					drawSegment( * skeletonIt, * segmentIt );



		// Switch to 2D
		gl::setMatricesWindow( getWindowSize(), true );

		// Draw depth and video textures
		gl::color( Colorf::white() );
		if ( mDepthSurface ) {
			Area srcArea( 0, 0, mDepthSurface.getWidth(), mDepthSurface.getHeight() );
			Rectf destRect( 265.0f, 15.0f, 505.0f, 195.0f );
			gl::draw( gl::Texture( mDepthSurface ), srcArea, destRect );
		if ( mVideoSurface ) {
			Area srcArea( 0, 0, mVideoSurface.getWidth(), mVideoSurface.getHeight() );
			Rectf destRect( 508.0f, 15.0f, 748.0f, 195.0f );
			gl::draw( gl::Texture( mVideoSurface ), srcArea, destRect);


	// Check audio data
	if ( mData != 0 ) {

		// Get dimensions
		int32_t dataSize = mInput->getDataSize();
		float scale = 240.0f / (float)dataSize;
		float height = 180.0f;
		Vec2f position( 751.0f, 15.0f );

		// Draw background
		gl::color( ColorAf::black() );
		Rectf background( position.x, position.y, position.x + 240.0f, position.y + 180.0f );
		gl::drawSolidRect( background );

		// Draw audio input
		gl::color( ColorAf::white() );
		PolyLine<Vec2f> mLine;
		for ( int32_t i = 0; i < dataSize; i++ ) {
			mLine.push_back( position + Vec2f( i * scale, math<float>::clamp( mData[ i ], -1.0f, 1.0f ) * height * 0.5f + height * 0.5f ) );
		if ( mLine.size() > 0 ) {
			gl::draw( mLine );


	// Draw the interface
