Exemplo n.º 1
        LinuxProc( ProcessId pid ) {
            char name[128];
            sprintf( name , "/proc/%d/stat"  , pid.asUInt32() );

            FILE * f = fopen( name , "r");
            if ( ! f ) {
                stringstream ss;
                ss << "couldn't open [" << name << "] " << errnoWithDescription();
                string s = ss.str();
                // help the assert# control uasserted( 13538 , s.c_str() );
                msgassertedNoTrace( 13538 , s.c_str() );
            int found = fscanf(f,
                               "%d %127s %c "
                               "%d %d %d %d %d "
                               "%lu %lu %lu %lu %lu "
                               "%lu %lu %ld %ld "  /* utime stime cutime cstime */
                               "%ld %ld "
                               "%ld "
                               "%ld "
                               "%lu "  /* start_time */
                               "%lu "
                               "%ld " // rss
                               "%lu %" KLF "u %" KLF "u %" KLF "u %" KLF "u %" KLF "u "
                                 "%*s %*s %*s %*s "
                                 "%"KLF"u %*lu %*lu "
                                 "%d %d "
                                 "%lu %lu"


                               &_ppid, &_pgrp, &_session, &_tty, &_tpgid,
                               &_flags, &_min_flt, &_cmin_flt, &_maj_flt, &_cmaj_flt,
                               &_utime, &_stime, &_cutime, &_cstime,
                               &_priority, &_nice,
                               &_rss_rlim, &_start_code, &_end_code, &_start_stack, &_kstk_esp, &_kstk_eip

                                 &_exit_signal, &_processor,
                                 &_rtprio, &_sched
            if ( found == 0 ) {
                cout << "system error: reading proc info" << endl;
            fclose( f );
Exemplo n.º 2
      inline void kill_wrapper( ProcessId pid, int sig, int port, const BSONObj& opt ) {
#ifdef _WIN32
            if (sig == SIGKILL || port == 0) {
                verify( registry._handles.count(pid) );
                TerminateProcess(registry._handles[pid], 1); // returns failure for "zombie" processes.

            std::string eventName = getShutdownSignalName(pid.asUInt32());

            HANDLE event = OpenEventA(EVENT_MODIFY_STATE, FALSE, eventName.c_str());
            if (event == NULL) {
                int gle = GetLastError();
                if (gle != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) {
                    warning() << "kill_wrapper OpenEvent failed: " << errnoWithDescription();
                else {
                    log() << "kill_wrapper OpenEvent failed to open event to the process "
                        << pid.asUInt32() << ". It has likely died already";

            ON_BLOCK_EXIT(CloseHandle, event);

            bool result = SetEvent(event);
            if (!result) {
                error() << "kill_wrapper SetEvent failed: " << errnoWithDescription();
            int x = kill( pid.toNative(), sig );
            if ( x ) {
                if ( errno == ESRCH ) {
                else {
                    log() << "killFailed: " << errnoWithDescription() << endl;
                    verify( x == 0 );

Exemplo n.º 3
      inline void kill_wrapper( ProcessId pid, int sig, int port, const BSONObj& opt ) {
#ifdef _WIN32
            if (sig == SIGKILL || port == 0) {
                verify( registry._handles.count(pid) );
                TerminateProcess(registry._handles[pid], 1); // returns failure for "zombie" processes.

            std::string eventName = getShutdownSignalName(pid.asUInt32());

            HANDLE event = OpenEventA(EVENT_MODIFY_STATE, FALSE, eventName.c_str());
            if (event == NULL) {
                int gle = GetLastError();
                if (gle != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) {
                    warning() << "kill_wrapper OpenEvent failed: " << errnoWithDescription();
                else {
                    log() << "kill_wrapper OpenEvent failed to open event to the process "
                        << pid.asUInt32()
                        << ". It has likely died already or server is running an older version."
                        << " Attempting to shutdown through admin command.";

                    // Back-off to the old way of shutting down the server on Windows, in case we
                    // are managing a pre-2.6.0rc0 service, which did not have the event.
                    try {
                        DBClientConnection conn;
                        conn.connect("" + BSONObjBuilder::numStr(port));

                        BSONElement authObj = opt["auth"];

                        if (!authObj.eoo()){
                            string errMsg;
                            conn.auth("admin", authObj["user"].String(),
                                authObj["pwd"].String(), errMsg);

                            if (!errMsg.empty()) {
                                cout << "Failed to authenticate before shutdown: "
                                    << errMsg << endl;

                        BSONObj info;
                        BSONObjBuilder b;
                        b.append("shutdown", 1);
                        b.append("force", 1);
                        conn.runCommand("admin", b.done(), info);
                    catch (...) {
                        // Do nothing. This command never returns data to the client and the driver
                        // doesn't like that.

            ON_BLOCK_EXIT(CloseHandle, event);

            bool result = SetEvent(event);
            if (!result) {
                error() << "kill_wrapper SetEvent failed: " << errnoWithDescription();
            int x = kill( pid.toNative(), sig );
            if ( x ) {
                if ( errno == ESRCH ) {
                else {
                    log() << "killFailed: " << errnoWithDescription() << endl;
                    verify( x == 0 );
