Exemplo n.º 1
static void
ConvertProcessStateToJSON(const ProcessState& aProcessState, Json::Value& aRoot)
  // We use this map to get the index of a module when listed by address
  OrderedModulesMap orderedModules;

  // Crash info
  Json::Value crashInfo;
  int requestingThread = aProcessState.requesting_thread();

  if (aProcessState.crashed()) {
    crashInfo["type"] = aProcessState.crash_reason();
    crashInfo["address"] = ToHex(aProcessState.crash_address());

    if (requestingThread != -1) {
      crashInfo["crashing_thread"] = requestingThread;
  } else {
    crashInfo["type"] = Json::Value(Json::nullValue);
    // Add assertion info, if available
    string assertion = aProcessState.assertion();

    if (!assertion.empty()) {
      crashInfo["assertion"] = assertion;

  aRoot["crash_info"] = crashInfo;

  // Modules
  Json::Value modules(Json::arrayValue);
  int mainModule = ConvertModulesToJSON(aProcessState, orderedModules, modules);

  if (mainModule != -1) {
    aRoot["main_module"] = mainModule;

  aRoot["modules"] = modules;

  // Threads
  Json::Value threads(Json::arrayValue);
  int threadCount = aProcessState.threads()->size();

  for (int threadIndex = 0; threadIndex < threadCount; ++threadIndex) {
    Json::Value thread;
    Json::Value stack(Json::arrayValue);
    const CallStack* rawStack = aProcessState.threads()->at(threadIndex);

    ConvertStackToJSON(aProcessState, orderedModules, rawStack, stack);
    thread["frames"] = stack;

  aRoot["threads"] = threads;
Exemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    BPLOG_INIT(&argc, &argv);

    if (argc <= 1) {
        std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <config file path>" << std::endl;
        return 1;

    std::ifstream configFile;
    if (!configFile.is_open()) {
        std::cerr << "Failed to open config file for reading: " << argv[1] << std::endl;
        return 1;

    json config;
    configFile >> config;


    const auto &beanstalkHost = config["beanstalk"]["host"];
    const auto &beanstalkPort = config["beanstalk"]["port"];
    const auto &beanstalkQueue = config["beanstalk"]["queue"];

    Client queue(beanstalkHost, beanstalkPort);

    BPLOG(INFO) << "Connected to beanstalkd @ " << beanstalkHost << ":" << beanstalkPort << " (queue: " << beanstalkQueue << ")";

    const auto &mysqlHost = config["mysql"]["host"];
    const auto &mysqlPort = config["mysql"]["port"];
    const auto &mysqlUser = config["mysql"]["user"];
    const auto &mysqlPassword = config["mysql"]["password"];
    const auto &mysqlDatabase = config["mysql"]["database"];

    Connection mysql(
        mysqlHost.is_null() ? nullptr :mysqlHost.get<string>().c_str(),
        mysqlUser.is_null() ? nullptr :mysqlUser.get<string>().c_str(),
        mysqlPassword.is_null() ? nullptr :mysqlPassword.get<string>().c_str(),

    BPLOG(INFO) << "Connected to MySQL @ " << mysql.ipc_info() << " (database: " << mysqlDatabase << ")";

    const std::vector<string> &symbolPaths = config["breakpad"]["symbols"];
    CompressedSymbolSupplier symbolSupplier(symbolPaths);

    const string &minidumpDirectory = config["breakpad"]["minidumps"];

    Job job;
    while (true) {
        if (!queue.reserve(job) || !job) {
            BPLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to reserve job.";

        const json body = json::parse(job.body());
        const string &id = body["id"];
        BPLOG(INFO) << id << " " << body["ip"] << " " << body["owner"];

        auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();

        // Create this inside the loop to avoid keeping a global symbol cache.
        RepoSourceLineResolver resolver;
        MinidumpProcessor minidumpProcessor(&symbolSupplier, &resolver);

        std::string minidumpFile = minidumpDirectory + "/" + id.substr(0, 2) + "/" + id + ".dmp";

        ProcessState processState;
        ProcessResult processResult = minidumpProcessor.Process(minidumpFile, &processState);

        if (processResult == google_breakpad::PROCESS_ERROR_MINIDUMP_NOT_FOUND) {

        if (processResult != google_breakpad::PROCESS_OK) {
            BPLOG(ERROR) << "MinidumpProcessor::Process failed";


#if 0
        // If there is no requesting thread, print the main thread.
        int requestingThread = processState.requesting_thread();
        if (requestingThread == -1) {
            requestingThread = 0;

        const CallStack *stack = processState.threads()->at(requestingThread);
        if (!stack) {
            BPLOG(ERROR) << "Missing stack for thread " << requestingThread;

        int frameCount = stack->frames()->size();
        for (int frameIndex = 0; frameIndex < frameCount; ++frameIndex) {
            const StackFrame *frame = stack->frames()->at(frameIndex);

            std::cout << frameIndex << ": ";

            std::cout << std::hex;
            if (frame->module) {
                std::cout << PathnameStripper::File(frame->module->code_file());
                if (!frame->function_name.empty()) {
                    std::cout << "!" << frame->function_name;
                    if (!frame->source_file_name.empty()) {
                        std::cout << " [" << PathnameStripper::File(frame->source_file_name) << ":" << std::dec << frame->source_line << std::hex << " + 0x" << frame->ReturnAddress() - frame->source_line_base << "]";
                    } else {
                        std::cout << " + 0x" << frame->ReturnAddress() - frame->function_base;
                } else {
                    std::cout << " + 0x" << frame->ReturnAddress() - frame->module->base_address();
            } else {
                std::cout << "0x" << frame->ReturnAddress();
            std::cout << std::dec;

            std::string repoUrl = resolver.LookupRepoUrl(frame);
            if (!repoUrl.empty()) {
                std::cout << " <" << repoUrl << ">";

            std::cout << std::endl;



        auto end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();

        double elapsedSeconds = ((end - start).count()) * std::chrono::steady_clock::period::num / static_cast<double>(std::chrono::steady_clock::period::den);
        //std::cout << "Processing Time: " << elapsedSeconds << "s" << std::endl;

        json serialized = SerializeProcessState(&processState, &resolver);
        serialized["id"] = id;
        if (!body["ip"].is_null())
            serialized["ip"] = body["ip"];
        if (!body["owner"].is_null())
            serialized["owner"] = body["owner"];
        serialized["processing_time"] = elapsedSeconds;
        std::cout << serialized << std::endl;


        bool processSingleJob = config["processSingleJob"];
        if (processSingleJob) {

    return 0;