Exemplo n.º 1
bool FinishSave(String tmpfile, String outfile)
	if(IsDeactivationSave()) {
		FileMove(tmpfile, outfile);
		return true;
	Progress progress;
	int time = GetTickCount();
	for(;;) {
		progress.SetText("Saving '" + GetFileName(outfile) + "'");
			return false;
		if(FileMove(tmpfile, outfile))
			return true;
		if(progress.SetPosCanceled((GetTickCount() - time) % progress.GetTotal())) {
			int art = Prompt(Ctrl::GetAppName(), CtrlImg::exclamation(),
				"Unable to save current file.&"
				"Retry save, ignore it or save file to another location?",
				"Save as...", "Retry", "Ignore");
			if(art < 0)
				return false;
			if(art && AnySourceFs().ExecuteSaveAs())
				outfile = AnySourceFs();
Exemplo n.º 2
void bigmailer::onSend()
	const String enter = "\r\n" ;
	if (messagePage.editor.IsModified())
		messagePage.Save() ;
	// mapa de los campos
	VectorMap<String, int> fldMap ;
	for (int i = 0; i < theDefList.fields.GetCount(); i++)
		fldMap.Add(theDefList.fields[i], i) ;

	String outHTML ;

	Index<String> css ;
	VectorMap<String, String> links ;
	String path = "./" ;
 	String html = EncodeHtml(messagePage.editor.Get(), css, links, path ) ;

	outHTML <<
		"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\r\n"
		"<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">\r\n"
		<< AsCss( css ) << "\r\n"
		<< "</style>\r\n"
		<< html << "\r\n"
		<< "</body>\r\n"
		   "</html>\r\n" ;

	Progress prog ;
	prog.Set(0, theDefList.data.GetCount()) ;
	prog.Show() ;

	theDefList.errors.Clear() ;

	String theHtml ;
	for (int row = 0; row < theDefList.data.GetCount(); row++)
		String addrTo = theDefList.data[row][1] ;
		if (addrTo.IsEmpty())
			theDefList.errors.Add(t_("dirección incorrecta")) ;
			continue ;

		if (prog.Canceled())
			break ;

		theHtml = outHTML ;

		String s = AsString(row+1) + " / " + AsString( theDefList.data.GetCount() ) ;
		prog.SetText(s) ;

		for (int i = 0; i < theDefList.fields.GetCount(); i++)
			String toFind = "[%" + theDefList.fields[i] + "%]" ;
			int from = 0 ;
			while( (from = theHtml.Find(toFind, from )) != -1)
				theHtml.Remove( from, toFind.GetCount() ) ;
				theHtml.Insert( from, theDefList.data[row][ fldMap.Get(theDefList.fields[i])] ) ;

		prog.SetPos(row+1) ;

		SmtpMailEx mail ;

		mail.Host( theCfg.smtpServer )
				.User( theCfg.user )
				.Password( theCfg.pass )
				.From( theMsg.from )
				.ReplyTo( theMsg.from )
				.To( addrTo )
				.Subject( theMsg.subject )
				.Text( "" )
		    .Attach("MENSAJE", theHtml, "text/html; charset=utf-8") ;

		if ( ! mail.Send() )
			theDefList.errors.Add(mail.GetError()) ;
			theDefList.errors.Add("OK") ;


	theDefList.Save() ;