Exemplo n.º 1
void Player::AttackAnimationTimerFinished()
	if (IsBow())
	else if (IsBoomerang())
		vec3 boomerangSpawnPosition = GetCenter() + (m_forward*0.75f) + (GetRightVector()*-0.4f) + (GetUpVector()*0.5f);

		float cameraModification = (m_cameraForward.y*17.5f);
		if (m_cameraForward.y < 0.0f)
			cameraModification = (m_cameraForward.y*5.0f);

		vec3 boomerangTarget = boomerangSpawnPosition + m_forward*15.0f + (vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f) * cameraModification);
		if (m_pTargetEnemy != NULL)
			boomerangTarget = m_pTargetEnemy->GetProjectileHitboxCenter();
			if (m_pTargetEnemy->IsMoving())
				boomerangTarget += m_pTargetEnemy->GetForwardVector() * (m_pTargetEnemy->GetMovementSpeed() / 3.0f);

		float curveTime = length(boomerangTarget - boomerangSpawnPosition) / 15.0f;
		if (curveTime <= 0.4f)
			curveTime = 0.4f;

		Projectile* pProjectile = m_pProjectileManager->CreateProjectile(boomerangSpawnPosition, vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 0.0f, "media/gamedata/weapons/Boomerang/BoomerangThrown.weapon", 0.05f);
		pProjectile->SetProjectileType(true, false, false);
		pProjectile->SetOwner(this, NULL, NULL);
		pProjectile->SetProjectileCurveParams(m_forward, boomerangTarget, curveTime);

	else if (IsStaff())
		float powerAmount = 25.0f;
		float cameraMultiplier = 25.0f;

		vec3 spellSpawnPosition = GetCenter() + (m_forward*1.25f) + (GetUpVector()*0.25f);

		if (VoxGame::GetInstance()->GetCameraMode() == CameraMode_FirstPerson)
			cameraMultiplier = 30.0f;
			spellSpawnPosition.y += 0.75f;

		vec3 spellSpawnVelocity = m_forward * powerAmount + vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f) * (m_cameraForward.y*cameraMultiplier);

		if (m_pTargetEnemy != NULL)
			vec3 toTarget = m_pTargetEnemy->GetProjectileHitboxCenter() - GetCenter();
			spellSpawnVelocity = (normalize(toTarget) * powerAmount);

		Projectile* pProjectile = m_pProjectileManager->CreateProjectile(spellSpawnPosition, spellSpawnVelocity, 0.0f, "media/gamedata/items/Fireball/Fireball.item", 0.05f);
		pProjectile->SetProjectileType(true, false, false);
		pProjectile->SetOwner(this, NULL, NULL);
	else if (IsWand())
	else if (IsBomb())
		vec3 bombSpawnPosition = GetCenter() + (m_forward*0.75f) + (GetUpVector()*0.5f);

		float liftAmount = 8.0f;
		float powerAmount = 30.0f;
		float cameraMultiplier = 25.0f;

		if (VoxGame::GetInstance()->GetCameraMode() == CameraMode_FirstPerson)
			cameraMultiplier = 30.0f;

		vec3 bombSpawnVelocity;
		if (m_pTargetEnemy)
			// Enemy target
			vec3 toTarget = m_pTargetEnemy->GetCenter() - GetCenter();
			float toTargetDistance = length(toTarget);
			liftAmount += toTargetDistance * 0.04f;
			bombSpawnVelocity = (normalize(toTarget) * powerAmount) + vec3(0.0f, liftAmount, 0.0f);
			bombSpawnVelocity = (m_forward * powerAmount) + (GetUpVector() * liftAmount) + vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f) * (m_cameraForward.y*cameraMultiplier);

		Projectile* pProjectile = m_pProjectileManager->CreateProjectile(bombSpawnPosition, bombSpawnVelocity, 0.0f, "media/gamedata/items/Bomb/BombThrown.item", 0.05f);
		pProjectile->SetProjectileType(true, false, false);
		pProjectile->SetOwner(this, NULL, NULL);
		float explodeRadius = 3.5f - (GetRandomNumber(-150, 0, 2) * 0.01f);
		pProjectile->SetExplodingProjectile(true, explodeRadius);


		InventoryItem* pItem = m_pInventoryManager->GetInventoryItemForEquipSlot(EquipSlot_RightHand);
		if (pItem != NULL)
			if (pItem->m_quantity != -1)
				pItem->m_quantity -= 1;
			if (pItem->m_quantity == 0)
				// Remove this item from the manager, and remove it from the inventory and GUI
				UnequipItem(EquipSlot_RightHand, false, false);
	else if (IsConsumable())
	else if (IsDagger())
	else if (IsHammer())
	else if (IsMace())
	else if (IsSickle())
	else if (IsPickaxe())
		Item* pInteractItem = VoxGame::GetInstance()->GetInteractItem();
		if (pInteractItem != NULL)
	else if (IsAxe())
	else if (Is2HandedSword())
	else if (IsSword())
	else if (IsBlockPlacing())
	else if (IsItemPlacing())
	else if (IsSceneryPlacing())
	else if (IsSpellHands())
		float powerAmount = 25.0f;
		float cameraMultiplier = 25.0f;

		vec3 spellSpawnPosition = GetCenter() + (m_forward*0.5f) + (GetUpVector()*0.0f);

		// For right hand
		spellSpawnPosition += -(GetRightVector()*0.4f);

		if (VoxGame::GetInstance()->GetCameraMode() == CameraMode_FirstPerson)
			cameraMultiplier = 30.0f;
			spellSpawnPosition.y += 0.75f;

		vec3 spellSpawnVelocity = m_forward * powerAmount + vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f) * (m_cameraForward.y*cameraMultiplier);

		if (m_pTargetEnemy != NULL)
			vec3 toTarget = m_pTargetEnemy->GetProjectileHitboxCenter() - GetCenter();
			spellSpawnVelocity = (normalize(toTarget) * powerAmount);

		Projectile* pProjectile = m_pProjectileManager->CreateProjectile(spellSpawnPosition, spellSpawnVelocity, 0.0f, "media/gamedata/items/Fireball/FireballBlue.item", 0.05f);
		pProjectile->SetProjectileType(true, false, false);
		pProjectile->SetOwner(this, NULL, NULL);
	else if (IsShield())
	else if (IsTorch())
Exemplo n.º 2
void Player::AttackAnimationTimerFinished_Alternative()
	if (IsBow())
	else if (IsBoomerang())
	else if (IsStaff())
	else if (IsWand())
	else if (IsBomb())
	else if (IsConsumable())
	else if (IsDagger())
	else if (IsHammer())
	else if (IsMace())
	else if (IsSickle())
	else if (IsPickaxe())
	else if (IsAxe())
	else if (Is2HandedSword())
	else if (IsSword())
	else if (IsBlockPlacing())
	else if (IsItemPlacing())
	else if (IsSceneryPlacing())
	else if (IsSpellHands())
		float powerAmount = 25.0f;
		float cameraMultiplier = 25.0f;

		vec3 spellSpawnPosition = GetCenter() + (m_forward*0.5f) + (GetUpVector()*0.0f);

		// For left hand
		spellSpawnPosition += (GetRightVector()*0.4f);

		if (VoxGame::GetInstance()->GetCameraMode() == CameraMode_FirstPerson)
			cameraMultiplier = 30.0f;
			spellSpawnPosition.y += 0.75f;

		vec3 spellSpawnVelocity = m_forward * powerAmount + vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f) * (m_cameraForward.y*cameraMultiplier);

		if (m_pTargetEnemy != NULL)
			vec3 toTarget = m_pTargetEnemy->GetProjectileHitboxCenter() - GetCenter();
			spellSpawnVelocity = (normalize(toTarget) * powerAmount);

		Projectile* pProjectile = m_pProjectileManager->CreateProjectile(spellSpawnPosition, spellSpawnVelocity, 0.0f, "media/gamedata/items/Fireball/FireballBlue.item", 0.05f);
		pProjectile->SetProjectileType(true, false, false);
		pProjectile->SetOwner(this, NULL, NULL);
	else if (IsShield())
	else if (IsTorch())