Exemplo n.º 1
void VMFImport()

	Application app;

	CStatus	st;

	Property prop;
	prop = app.GetActiveSceneRoot().GetProperties().GetItem( L"VMFImportProperty" );
	if (!prop.IsValid())
		prop = app.GetActiveSceneRoot().AddProperty( L"VMFImportProperty" ) ;

	CValueArray args(5);
	args[0] = prop;
	args[1] = L"";
	args[2] = L"VMFImportProperty";
	args[3] = (long)4;
	args[4] = true;
	CValue ret;
	st = app.ExecuteCommand(L"InspectObj",args,ret);
	if ( CStatus::OK == st ) {
		// FileName
		char l_szFilename[MAX_PATH];
		memset ( l_szFilename,0,MAX_PATH );

		Parameter parm = prop.GetParameters().GetItem(L"Filename" );
		CString	str = parm.GetValue();
		const wchar_t	* p = str.GetWideString();
		wcstombs( l_szFilename, p, wcslen (p));

		parm = prop.GetParameters().GetItem(L"TexturePath" );
		str = parm.GetValue();
		p = str.GetWideString();
		wcstombs( ___gTexturePathOverride, p, wcslen (p));


		// Bools
		parm = prop.GetParameters().GetItem(L"UseMaterials");
		g_iImportMaterials = (bool) parm.GetValue();

		if (l_szFilename && strlen( l_szFilename ) > 0)
			CMapParser	p;
			p.Read ( l_szFilename );

			XSILogMessage ( L"Error - Invalid file specified", XSI::siErrorMsg );


Exemplo n.º 2
	XMLElement* Mesh::GenerateMeshSegment(XMLDocument* doc, X3DObject& mesh, bool shouldExport, CString exportPath)
		XMLElement* root = nullptr;

		if (MeshIsMassPrimitive(mesh))
			Primitives* primitive = new Primitives();
			root = primitive->WritePrimitive(doc, mesh);
			delete primitive;
			root = doc->NewElement("shape");
			root->SetAttribute(Constants::attrType, "ply");

			root->InsertEndChild(WriteElement(doc, Constants::attrString, Constants::attrFilename, (mesh.GetFullName() + L".ply").GetAsciiString()));

			XMLElement* trElement = doc->NewElement("transform");
			trElement->SetAttribute(Constants::attrName, "toWorld");

			MATH::CTransformation transform = mesh.GetKinematics().GetGlobal().GetTransform();
			trElement->InsertEndChild(WriteElementScale(doc, mesh));

			trElement->InsertEndChild(WriteSubElementRotation(doc, "x", transform.GetRotX()));
			trElement->InsertEndChild(WriteSubElementRotation(doc, "y", transform.GetRotY()));
			trElement->InsertEndChild(WriteSubElementRotation(doc, "z", transform.GetRotZ()));

			trElement->InsertEndChild(WriteElementTranslate(doc, mesh));

			Mitsuba::Material* material = new Mitsuba::Material();
			material->WriteMeshMaterial(doc, root, mesh);
			delete material;

			if (shouldExport)
				bool isSolid = false;
				bool isSubdivide = false;
				LONG subLevel = 0;

				Property prop;
				mesh.GetPropertyFromName(L"MaSsObjectProperty", prop);
				if (prop.IsValid())
					isSolid = prop.GetParameterValue(L"isSolid");
					isSubdivide = prop.GetParameterValue(L"isSubdivide");
					subLevel = prop.GetParameterValue(L"subLevel");

				if (!isSubdivide)
					Mitsuba::ExportPLY* exportPly = new Mitsuba::ExportPLY();
					exportPly->ExportPlyMeshBinary(mesh, exportPath, mesh.GetFullName() + L".ply", isSolid);
					delete exportPly;
					/*#we should subdivide this mesh and then export
					#lm("We should subdivide the mesh")
					subOps = ap.ApplyOp("MeshSubdivideWithCenter", mesh)
					subMesh = ap.Selection(0)
					subOp = subOps(0)
					ap.SetValue(subOp.SubdivisionDepth, subLevel)
					ap.FreezeObj(subMesh, "", "")

					tM = mesh.Kinematics.Global.Transform.Matrix4
					oTrans = subMesh.Kinematics.Global.Transform
					subMesh.Kinematics.Global.Transform = oTrans
					ap.ResetTransform(subMesh, "siCtr", "siSRT", "siXYZ")

					ExportPlyMesh02(subMesh, exportPath, mesh.FullName + ".ply")

		return root;
Exemplo n.º 3
/** Callback event when clicking the export menu option. Adds an instance of the
    options dialog as a property, then uses the InspectObj XSI command to pop it up
    in a modal dialog. If it wasn't cancelled, performs an export.
XSI::CStatus OnOgreMeshExportMenu( XSI::CRef& in_ref )
	Ogre::LogManager logMgr;
	logMgr.createLog("OgreXSIExporter.log", true);
	CString msg(L"OGRE Exporter Version ");

	Application app;
	CStatus st(CStatus::OK);
	Property prop = app.GetActiveSceneRoot().GetProperties().GetItem(exportPropertyDialogName);
	if (prop.IsValid())
		// Check version number
		CString currVersion(prop.GetParameterValue(L"version"));
		if (!currVersion.IsEqualNoCase(OGRE_XSI_EXPORTER_VERSION))
	if (!prop.IsValid())
		prop = app.GetActiveSceneRoot().AddProperty(exportPropertyDialogName);
		prop.PutParameterValue(L"version", CString(OGRE_XSI_EXPORTER_VERSION));
		// Popup Returns true if the command was cancelled otherwise it returns false. 
		CStatus ret = Popup(exportPropertyDialogName,CValue(),L"OGRE Mesh / Skeleton Export",((LONG)siModal),true);
		if (ret == CStatus::OK)
			Ogre::XsiMeshExporter meshExporter;
			Ogre::XsiSkeletonExporter skelExporter;

			// retrieve the parameters
			Parameter param = prop.GetParameters().GetItem(L"objectName");
			CString objectName = param.GetValue();
			param = prop.GetParameters().GetItem( L"targetMeshFileName" );
			Ogre::String meshFileName = XSItoOgre(XSI::CString(param.GetValue()));
			if (meshFileName.empty())
					"You must supply a mesh file name", 
					"OGRE Exporter");
			// fix any omission of '.mesh'
			if (!Ogre::StringUtil::endsWith(meshFileName, ".mesh"))
				meshFileName += ".mesh";
			param = prop.GetParameters().GetItem( L"mergeSubmeshes" );
			bool mergeSubmeshes = param.GetValue();
			param = prop.GetParameters().GetItem( L"exportChildren" );
			bool exportChildren = param.GetValue();
			param = prop.GetParameters().GetItem( L"calculateEdgeLists" );
			bool edgeLists = param.GetValue();
			param = prop.GetParameters().GetItem( L"calculateTangents" );
			bool tangents = param.GetValue();
			param = prop.GetParameters().GetItem( L"tangentSemantic" );
			CString tangentSemStr = param.GetValue();
			Ogre::VertexElementSemantic tangentSemantic = (tangentSemStr == L"t")?
			param = prop.GetParameters().GetItem( L"tangentsSplitMirrored" );
			bool tangentsSplitMirrored = param.GetValue();
			param = prop.GetParameters().GetItem( L"tangentsSplitRotated" );
			bool tangentsSplitRotated = param.GetValue();
			param = prop.GetParameters().GetItem( L"tangentsUseParity" );
			bool tangentsUseParity = param.GetValue();
			param = prop.GetParameters().GetItem( L"numLodLevels" );
			long numlods = (LONG)param.GetValue();
			Ogre::XsiMeshExporter::LodData* lodData = 0;
			if (numlods > 0)
				param = prop.GetParameters().GetItem( L"lodDistanceIncrement" );
				float distanceInc = param.GetValue();

				param = prop.GetParameters().GetItem(L"lodQuota");
				CString quota = param.GetValue();

				param = prop.GetParameters().GetItem(L"lodReduction");
				float reduction = param.GetValue();

				lodData = new Ogre::XsiMeshExporter::LodData;
				float currentInc = distanceInc;
				for (int l = 0; l < numlods; ++l)
					currentInc += distanceInc;
				lodData->quota = (quota == L"p") ?
					Ogre::ProgressiveMesh::VRQ_PROPORTIONAL : Ogre::ProgressiveMesh::VRQ_CONSTANT;
				if (lodData->quota == Ogre::ProgressiveMesh::VRQ_PROPORTIONAL)
					lodData->reductionValue = reduction * 0.01;
					lodData->reductionValue = reduction;


			param = prop.GetParameters().GetItem( L"exportSkeleton" );
			bool exportSkeleton = param.GetValue();
			param = prop.GetParameters().GetItem( L"exportVertexAnimation" );
			bool exportVertexAnimation = param.GetValue();
			param = prop.GetParameters().GetItem( L"exportMaterials" );
			bool exportMaterials = param.GetValue();
			param = prop.GetParameters().GetItem( L"copyTextures" );
			bool copyTextures = param.GetValue();

			// create singletons
			Ogre::ResourceGroupManager rgm;
			Ogre::MeshManager meshMgr;
			Ogre::SkeletonManager skelMgr;
			Ogre::MaterialManager matMgr;
			Ogre::DefaultHardwareBufferManager hardwareBufMgr;

			// determine number of exportsteps
			size_t numSteps = 3 + OGRE_XSI_NUM_MESH_STEPS;
			if (numlods > 0)
			if (edgeLists)
			if (tangents)
			if (exportSkeleton)
				numSteps += 3;

			Ogre::ProgressManager progressMgr(numSteps);
			// Any material prefix? We need that for mesh linking too
			param = prop.GetParameters().GetItem( L"materialPrefix" );
			Ogre::String materialPrefix = XSItoOgre(XSI::CString(param.GetValue()));

			param = prop.GetParameters().GetItem( L"fps" );
			float fps = param.GetValue();
			if (fps == 0.0f)
					"You must supply a valid value for 'FPS'", 
					"OGRE Export");

			Ogre::AnimationList selAnimList;
			if (exportSkeleton || exportVertexAnimation)

				param = prop.GetParameters().GetItem( L"animationList" );
				GridData gd(param.GetValue());
				for (int a = 0; a < gd.GetRowCount(); ++a)
					if (gd.GetCell(ANIMATION_LIST_EXPORT_COL, a) == true)
						Ogre::AnimationEntry ae;
						ae.animationName = XSItoOgre(XSI::CString(gd.GetCell(ANIMATION_LIST_NAME_COL, a)));
						ae.ikSampleInterval = gd.GetCell(ANIMATION_LIST_IKFREQ_COL, a);
						ae.startFrame = (LONG)gd.GetCell(ANIMATION_LIST_START_COL, a);
						ae.endFrame = (LONG)gd.GetCell(ANIMATION_LIST_END_COL, a);

			if (exportSkeleton)
				param = prop.GetParameters().GetItem( L"targetSkeletonFileName" );
				Ogre::String skeletonFileName = XSItoOgre(XSI::CString(param.GetValue()));
				if (skeletonFileName.empty())
						"You must supply a skeleton file name", 
						"OGRE Exporter");

				// fix any omission of '.skeleton'
				if (!Ogre::StringUtil::endsWith(skeletonFileName, ".skeleton"))
					skeletonFileName += ".skeleton";

				// Truncate the skeleton filename to just the name (no path)
				Ogre::String skelName = skeletonFileName;
				int pos = skeletonFileName.find_last_of("\\");
				if (pos == Ogre::String::npos)
					pos = skeletonFileName.find_last_of("/");
				if (pos != Ogre::String::npos)
					skelName = skelName.substr(pos+1, skelName.size() - pos - 1);

				// Do the mesh
				Ogre::DeformerMap& deformers = 
						exportChildren, edgeLists, tangents, tangentSemantic, 
						tangentsSplitMirrored, tangentsSplitRotated, tangentsUseParity,
						exportVertexAnimation, selAnimList, fps, materialPrefix,
						lodData, skelName);
				// do the skeleton
				const Ogre::AxisAlignedBox& skelAABB = 
					skelExporter.exportSkeleton(skeletonFileName, deformers, fps, selAnimList);

				// Do final mesh export
				meshExporter.exportMesh(meshFileName, skelAABB);
				Ogre::AxisAlignedBox nullbb;
				// No skeleton
					exportChildren, edgeLists, tangents, tangentSemantic, 
					tangentsSplitMirrored, tangentsSplitRotated, tangentsUseParity,
					exportVertexAnimation, selAnimList, fps, materialPrefix, lodData);
				meshExporter.exportMesh(meshFileName, nullbb);

			delete lodData;

			// Do we want to export materials too?
			if (exportMaterials)
				param = prop.GetParameters().GetItem( L"targetMaterialFileName" );
				Ogre::String materialFileName = XSItoOgre(XSI::CString(param.GetValue()));
				// fix any omission of '.material'
				if (!Ogre::StringUtil::endsWith(materialFileName, ".material"))
					materialFileName += ".material";
				Ogre::XsiMaterialExporter matExporter;
						materialFileName, copyTextures);
				catch (Ogre::Exception& e)
					// ignore, non-fatal and will be in log


	catch (Ogre::Exception& e)
		// Will already have been logged to the Ogre log manager
		// Tell XSI
		app.LogMessage(OgretoXSI(e.getDescription()), XSI::siFatalMsg);
		app.LogMessage(OgretoXSI(e.getFullDescription()), XSI::siInfoMsg);

	//DeleteObj( L"OgreMeshExportOptions" );
	return st;	