Exemplo n.º 1
// return pixmap for zoom 100%
QPixmap * get_pixmap(const char * path)
  QPixmap * px = DiagramPixmap.find(path);
  if (px == 0) {
    QString abspath;
    if (!QDir::isRelativePath(path))
      abspath = path;
    else if ((UmlWindow::images_root_dir().isEmpty() ||
	      !QFile::exists(abspath = QDir::cleanDirPath(UmlWindow::images_root_dir() + '/' + path))) &&
	     !QFile::exists(abspath = path))
      abspath = BrowserView::get_dir().absFilePath(path);
    px = new QPixmap(abspath);
    DiagramPixmap.insert(path, px);
    if (px->isNull()) {
		   QString(path) + TR("\ndoesn't exist or is not a know image format"));
      return 0;
    DiagramScaledPixmap.insert(path, new Q3PtrDict<QPixmap>());

  return (px->isNull()) ? 0 : px;
Exemplo n.º 2
// this is useful, memorize it and its diagrams and classes body file
void BrowserNode::memo(Q3Dict<void> & useful)
    useful.insert(filename, (void *) 1);

    QStringList::Iterator its;

    for (its = diagrams.begin(); its != diagrams.end(); ++its)
        useful.insert(*its, (void *) 1);

    for (its = classes.begin(); its != classes.end(); ++its)
        useful.insert(*its, (void *) 1);
Exemplo n.º 3
bool UmlClass::isAppliedStereotype(Token & tk, WrapperStr & prof_st, Q3ValueList<WrapperStr> & base_v)
    static Q3Dict<WrapperStr> stereotypes;
    static Q3Dict<Q3ValueList<WrapperStr> > bases;

    WrapperStr s = tk.what();
    WrapperStr * st = stereotypes[s];

    if (st != 0) {
        prof_st = *st;
        base_v = *bases[s];
        return TRUE;


    if (tk.xmiType().isEmpty() && (getFct(tk) == 0))  {
        int index = s.find(':');

        if ((index != -1) &&
            ((index != 3) || ((s.left(3) != "uml") && (s.left(3) != "xmi")))) {
            UmlClass * cl = findStereotype(s, FALSE);

            if (cl != 0) {
                const Q3PtrVector<UmlItem> ch = cl->children();
                unsigned n = ch.size();

                for (unsigned i = 0; i != n; i += 1) {
                    UmlItem * x = ch[i];

                    if ((x->kind() == aRelation) &&
                        (((UmlRelation *) x)->relationKind() == aDirectionalAssociation) &&
                        (((UmlRelation *) x)->roleType()->stereotype() == "metaclass"))
                        base_v.append("base_" + ((UmlRelation *) x)->roleType()->name().lower());

                if (base_v.isEmpty())

                prof_st = cl->parent()->parent()->name() + ":" + cl->name();
                stereotypes.insert(s, new WrapperStr(prof_st));
                bases.insert(s, new Q3ValueList<WrapperStr>(base_v));
                return TRUE;

    return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 4
void Package::own(UmlArtifact * art)
    QDir hd(h_path);
    QDir sd(src_path);

    Roundtriped.insert(hd.absFilePath(art->name() + "." + CppSettings::headerExtension()), art);
    Roundtriped.insert(sd.absFilePath(art->name() + "." + CppSettings::sourceExtension()), art);
Exemplo n.º 5
bool CppRefType::add(const WrapperStr & t, Q3PtrList<CppRefType> & l, bool incl)
    if (t.isEmpty())
        return FALSE;

    static Q3Dict<char> cpp_builtin_types;

    if (cpp_builtin_types.count() == 0) {
        cpp_builtin_types.insert("unsigned", " ");
        cpp_builtin_types.insert("signed", " ");
        cpp_builtin_types.insert("char", " ");
        cpp_builtin_types.insert("short", " ");
        cpp_builtin_types.insert("int", " ");
        cpp_builtin_types.insert("long", " ");
        cpp_builtin_types.insert("float", " ");
        cpp_builtin_types.insert("double", " ");
        cpp_builtin_types.insert("bool", " ");
        cpp_builtin_types.insert("void", " ");

    if (cpp_builtin_types[t] != 0)
        return TRUE;

    CppRefType * ref;
    Weight w = (incl) ? Medium : Low;

    for (ref = l.first(); ref; ref = l.next()) {
        if (ref->type.toString() == t) {
            if (w > ref->weight)
                ref->included = incl;

            return TRUE;

    l.append(new CppRefType(t, incl, w));
    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 6
 * CustomLoginFlagEditor::fillTable()
 * Fills the table with the flags and values for the user.
void CustomLoginFlagEditor::fillTable()
    ADB     db;
    long    loginType;
    Q3Dict<QString> flagDict;

    // Get the login type.
    db.query("select LoginType from Logins where LoginID = '%s'", myLoginID);
    if (!db.rowCount) return;
    loginType = atoi(db.curRow["LoginType"]);

    // Get the available login flags for this login type
    db.query("select Tag, Value from LoginTypeFlags where LoginTypeID = %ld", loginType);
    if (!db.rowCount) return;

    // Load the dictionary
    while(db.getrow()) {
        flagDict.insert(db.curRow["Tag"], new QString(db.curRow["Value"]));

    // Get whatever data is in the LoginFlagValues that is custom for this user.
    db.query("select * from LoginFlagValues where LoginID = '%s'", myLoginID);
    if (db.rowCount) while (db.getrow()) {
        flagDict.replace(db.curRow["LoginFlag"], new QString(db.curRow["FlagValue"]));

    // Now put the stuff from our flagDict into the grid
    Q3DictIterator<QString> it(flagDict);
    for( ; it.current(); ++it ) {
        flagTable->insertRows(flagTable->numRows(), 1);
        flagTable->setText(flagTable->numRows()-1, 0, it.currentKey());
        flagTable->setText(flagTable->numRows()-1, 1, it.current()->ascii());

    // Set column 0(1) to be read only
    flagTable->setColumnReadOnly(0, true);

Exemplo n.º 7
// synchronize all in todir, current packages are 'nodes'
void BrowserNode::synchronize(QDir & todir, Q3Dict<BrowserNode> & nodes)
    static Q3Dict<void> useful(9973);	// all useful files
    static bool made_useful = TRUE;	// set at the first call

    // compare nodes with young packages

    Q3DictIterator<BrowserNode> ity(Youngs);

    for (; ity.current(); ++ity) {
        BrowserNode * from = ity.current();
        BrowserNode * curr_bn = nodes.find(ity.currentKey());

        if ((curr_bn == 0) || (curr_bn->state == Old)) {
            // don't exist or must be updated
            if (made_useful)
                useful.insert(ity.currentKey(), (void *) 1);

            QDir & fromdir = from->view->get_dir();

            // copy package file
            copy(fromdir, todir, from->filename);

            // copy diagrams files
            QStringList::Iterator its;
            QStringList & diags = from->diagrams;

            if (made_useful) {
                for (its = diags.begin(); its != diags.end(); ++its) {
                    copy_if_needed(fromdir, todir, *its);
                    useful.insert(*its, (void *) 1);
                for (its = diags.begin(); its != diags.end(); ++its)
                    copy_if_needed(fromdir, todir, *its);

            // copy class body files
            QStringList & cls = from->classes;

            if (made_useful) {
                for (its = cls.begin(); its != cls.end(); ++its) {
                    copy_if_needed(fromdir, todir, *its);
                    useful.insert(*its, (void *) 1);
                for (its = cls.begin(); its != cls.end(); ++its)
                    copy_if_needed(fromdir, todir, *its);

            if (from->parent() == 0) {
                // project, special files
                copy_if_needed(fromdir, todir, "cpp_includes");
                copy_if_needed(fromdir, todir, "idl_includes");
                copy_if_needed(fromdir, todir, "java_imports");
                copy_if_needed(fromdir, todir, "generation_settings");
                copy_if_needed(fromdir, todir, "import");
                copy_if_needed(fromdir, todir, "include");
                copy_if_needed(fromdir, todir, "stereotypes");
                copy_if_needed(fromdir, todir, "tools");
        else if (made_useful)
            // young, memorize packages, diagrams and classes body file

    if (made_useful) {
        // memorize up to date packages, diagrams and classes body file
        Q3DictIterator<BrowserNode> itn(nodes);

        for (; itn.current(); ++itn)
            if (itn.current()->state == UpToDate)

        made_useful = FALSE;

    // remove files associated to deleted elements
    purge(todir, useful);
Exemplo n.º 8
PlotLine * SYMBOL::getSYMBOL ()
  QString s;
  Config config;
  config.getData(Config::IndexPath, s);
  DBIndex index;

  PlotLine *line = new PlotLine();

  DbPlugin db;
  if (db.open(symbol, &index))
    return line;

  QDateTime date;
  data->getDate(0, date);

  QString ts;
  config.getData(Config::BarLength, ts);
  db.setBarLength((BarData::BarLength) ts.toInt());
  config.getData(Config::Bars, ts);
  BarData *recordList = new BarData(symbol);
  QDateTime dt = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
  db.getHistory(recordList, dt);

  Q3Dict<Setting> dict;

  int loop;
  ts = "Close";
  QString ts2;
  for (loop = 0; loop < (int) recordList->count(); loop++)
    Setting *r = new Setting;
    ts2 = QString::number(recordList->getClose(loop));
    r->setData(ts, ts2);
    recordList->getDate(loop, dt);
    QString s = dt.toString("yyyyMMddhhmmss");
    dict.insert(s, r);

  double val = 0;

  for (loop = 0; loop < (int) data->count(); loop++)
    data->getDate(loop, dt);
    QString s = dt.toString("yyyyMMddhhmmss");
    Setting *r2 = dict[s];
    if (r2)
      val = r2->getDouble(ts);

  delete recordList;

  return line;