Exemplo n.º 1
void QCursor::setBitmap( const QBitmap &bitmap, const QBitmap &mask,
			 int hotX, int hotY )
    if ( !initialized )
    if ( bitmap.depth() != 1 || mask.depth() != 1 ||
	 bitmap.size() != mask.size() ) {
#if defined(QT_CHECK_NULL)
	qWarning( "QCursor: Cannot create bitmap cursor; invalid bitmap(s)" );
	QCursor *c = &cursorTable[arrowCursorIdx];
	data = c->data;
    data = new QCursorData;
    Q_CHECK_PTR( data );
    data->bm  = new QBitmap( bitmap );
    data->bmm = new QBitmap( mask );
    data->hcurs = 0;
    data->cshape = BitmapCursor;
    data->hx = hotX >= 0 ? hotX : bitmap.width()/2;
    data->hy = hotY >= 0 ? hotY : bitmap.height()/2;
    data->fg.red   = 0 << 8;
    data->fg.green = 0 << 8;
    data->fg.blue  = 0 << 8;
    data->bg.red   = 255 << 8;
    data->bg.green = 255 << 8;
    data->bg.blue  = 255 << 8;
    update(); // Xcursor's backward compatibility hack needs the cursor to be created
              // right after the bitmaps are created and filled with data
Exemplo n.º 2
void QCursor::setBitmap( const QBitmap &bitmap, const QBitmap &mask,
			 int hotX, int hotY )
    if ( !initialized )
    if ( bitmap.depth() != 1 || mask.depth() != 1 ||
	 bitmap.size() != mask.size() ) {
#if defined(QT_CHECK_NULL)
	qWarning( "QCursor: Cannot create bitmap cursor; invalid bitmap(s)" );
	QCursor *c = &cursorTable[arrowCursorIdx];
	data = c->data;
    data = new QCursorData;
    Q_CHECK_PTR( data );
    data->bm  = new QBitmap( bitmap );
    data->bmm = new QBitmap( mask );
    data->cshape = BitmapCursor;
    data->id = nextCursorId++;
    data->hx = hotX >= 0 ? hotX : bitmap.width()/2;
    data->hy = hotY >= 0 ? hotY : bitmap.height()/2;

    QPaintDevice::qwsDisplay()->defineCursor(data->id, *data->bm,
					    *data->bmm, data->hx, data->hy);
Exemplo n.º 3
void tst_QPixmap::mask()
    QFETCH(QSize, size);

    QPixmap src = rasterPixmap(size);
        QPainter p(&src);
        p.drawLine(QPoint(0, 0), QPoint(src.width(), src.height()));

        QBitmap bitmap = src.mask();
        QVERIFY(bitmap.size() == src.size());
Exemplo n.º 4
SoundSlider::SoundSlider( QWidget *_parent, float _i_step,
                          char *psz_colors, int max )
                        : QAbstractSlider( _parent )
    qreal scalingFactorX = static_cast<qreal>(logicalDpiX()) / DPI_REF_VALUE;
    qreal scalingFactorY = static_cast<qreal>(logicalDpiY()) / DPI_REF_VALUE;

    wlength = WLENGTH_BASE * scalingFactorX;
    wheight = WHEIGHT_BASE * scalingFactorY;

    f_step = (float)(_i_step * 10000)
           / (float)((max - SOUNDMIN) * AOUT_VOLUME_DEFAULT);
    setRange( SOUNDMIN, max);
    setMouseTracking( true );
    isSliding = false;
    b_mouseOutside = true;
    b_isMuted = false;

    const QPixmap pixOutsideRaw(Helper::getIconPath("volume-slider-outside.png"));
    const QSize pixOutsideSize(
                static_cast<qreal>(pixOutsideRaw.width()) * scalingFactorX,
                static_cast<qreal>(pixOutsideRaw.height()) * scalingFactorY
    pixOutside = pixOutsideRaw.scaled(pixOutsideSize);

    const QPixmap tempRaw(Helper::getIconPath("volume-slider-inside.png"));
    const QSize tempSize(
                    static_cast<qreal>(tempRaw.width()) * scalingFactorX,
                    static_cast<qreal>(tempRaw.height()) * scalingFactorY
    const QPixmap temp = tempRaw.scaled(tempSize);

    const QBitmap mask( temp.createHeuristicMask() );

    setFixedSize( pixOutside.size() );

    pixGradient = QPixmap( mask.size() );
    pixGradient2 = QPixmap( mask.size() );

    /* Gradient building from the preferences */
    QLinearGradient gradient( paddingL, 2, wlength + paddingL , 2 );
    QLinearGradient gradient2( paddingL, 2, wlength + paddingL , 2 );

    QStringList colorList = qfu( psz_colors ).split( ";" );
    free( psz_colors );

    /* Fill with 255 if the list is too short */
    if( colorList.count() < 12 )
        for( int i = colorList.count(); i < 12; i++)
            colorList.append( "255" );

    background = palette().color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Window );
    foreground = palette().color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::WindowText );
    foreground.setHsv( foreground.hue(),
                    ( background.saturation() + foreground.saturation() ) / 2,
                    ( background.value() + foreground.value() ) / 2 );

    textfont.setPointSize( 9 );
    textrect.setRect( 0, 0, 34.0*scalingFactorX, 15.0*scalingFactorY );

    /* Regular colors */
#define c(i) colorList.at(i).toInt()
#define add_color(gradient, range, c1, c2, c3) \
    gradient.setColorAt( range, QColor( c(c1), c(c2), c(c3) ) );

    /* Desaturated colors */
#define desaturate(c) c->setHsvF( c->hueF(), 0.2 , 0.5, 1.0 )
#define add_desaturated_color(gradient, range, c1, c2, c3) \
    foo = new QColor( c(c1), c(c2), c(c3) );\
    desaturate( foo ); gradient.setColorAt( range, *foo );\
    delete foo;

    /* combine the two helpers */
#define add_colors( gradient1, gradient2, range, c1, c2, c3 )\
    add_color( gradient1, range, c1, c2, c3 ); \
    add_desaturated_color( gradient2, range, c1, c2, c3 );

    float f_mid_point = ( 100.0 / maximum() );
    QColor * foo;
    add_colors( gradient, gradient2, 0.0, 0, 1, 2 );
    if (f_mid_point + 0.05 <= 1.0) {
        add_colors( gradient, gradient2, f_mid_point - 0.05, 3, 4, 5 );
        add_colors( gradient, gradient2, f_mid_point + 0.05, 6, 7, 8 );
    add_colors( gradient, gradient2, 1.0, 9, 10, 11 );

    painter.begin( &pixGradient );
    painter.setPen( Qt::NoPen );
    painter.setBrush( gradient );
    painter.drawRect( pixGradient.rect() );

    painter.begin( &pixGradient2 );
    painter.setPen( Qt::NoPen );
    painter.setBrush( gradient2 );
    painter.drawRect( pixGradient2.rect() );

    pixGradient.setMask( mask );
    pixGradient2.setMask( mask );
Exemplo n.º 5
 static bool equal(const QBitmap &v1, const QBitmap &v2)
 { return v1.size() == v2.size(); }
Exemplo n.º 6
SoundSlider::SoundSlider( QWidget *_parent, int _i_step, bool b_hard,
                          char *psz_colors )
                        : QAbstractSlider( _parent )
    f_step = ( _i_step * 100 ) / AOUT_VOLUME_MAX ;
    setRange( SOUNDMIN, b_hard ? (2 * SOUNDMAX) : SOUNDMAX  );
    setMouseTracking( true );
    isSliding = false;
    b_mouseOutside = true;
    b_isMuted = false;

    pixOutside = QPixmap( ":/toolbar/volslide-outside" );

    const QPixmap temp( ":/toolbar/volslide-inside" );
    const QBitmap mask( temp.createHeuristicMask() );

    setFixedSize( pixOutside.size() );

    pixGradient = QPixmap( mask.size() );
    pixGradient2 = QPixmap( mask.size() );

    /* Gradient building from the preferences */
    QLinearGradient gradient( paddingL, 2, WLENGTH + paddingL , 2 );
    QLinearGradient gradient2( paddingL, 2, WLENGTH + paddingL , 2 );

    QStringList colorList = qfu( psz_colors ).split( ";" );
    free( psz_colors );

    /* Fill with 255 if the list is too short */
    if( colorList.count() < 12 )
        for( int i = colorList.count(); i < 12; i++)
            colorList.append( "255" );

    background = palette().color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Background );
    foreground = palette().color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::WindowText );
    foreground.setHsv( foreground.hue(),
                    ( background.saturation() + foreground.saturation() ) / 2,
                    ( background.value() + foreground.value() ) / 2 );

    textfont.setPixelSize( 9 );
    textrect.setRect( 0, 0, 34, 15 );

    /* Regular colors */
#define c(i) colorList.at(i).toInt()
#define add_color(gradient, range, c1, c2, c3) \
    gradient.setColorAt( range, QColor( c(c1), c(c2), c(c3) ) );

    /* Desaturated colors */
#define desaturate(c) c->setHsvF( c->hueF(), 0.2 , 0.5, 1.0 )
#define add_desaturated_color(gradient, range, c1, c2, c3) \
    foo = new QColor( c(c1), c(c2), c(c3) );\
    desaturate( foo ); gradient.setColorAt( range, *foo );\
    delete foo;

    /* combine the two helpers */
#define add_colors( gradient1, gradient2, range, c1, c2, c3 )\
    add_color( gradient1, range, c1, c2, c3 ); \
    add_desaturated_color( gradient2, range, c1, c2, c3 );

    float f_mid_point = ( 100.0 / maximum() );
    QColor * foo;
    add_colors( gradient, gradient2, 0.0, 0, 1, 2 );
    add_colors( gradient, gradient2, f_mid_point - 0.05, 3, 4, 5 );
    add_colors( gradient, gradient2, f_mid_point + 0.05, 6, 7, 8 );
    add_colors( gradient, gradient2, 1.0, 9, 10, 11 );

    painter.begin( &pixGradient );
    painter.setPen( Qt::NoPen );
    painter.setBrush( gradient );
    painter.drawRect( pixGradient.rect() );

    painter.begin( &pixGradient2 );
    painter.setPen( Qt::NoPen );
    painter.setBrush( gradient2 );
    painter.drawRect( pixGradient2.rect() );

    pixGradient.setMask( mask );
    pixGradient2.setMask( mask );